6 Good Reasons a Black Person Might Resist Arrest

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Mar 5, 2001
Yes I do.

Do you understand that you are implying that the actions of criminals that number in the thousands reflect the culture of a group that numbers in the millions when black but does not when white.

If that's your argument, just come out and state it.

You so realize that the incidents, as a percentage of the individual population, is far larger. You do realize that a black person is 14x more likely to commit a homicide as a white person? You do understand that a bulk of those are gang related.

You do understand that 80% of homicides in Chicago are caused by a black person yet black people only make up a~32% of the city.

I love how you try to skew the statistics though, it's very politician worthy.


Mar 5, 2001
It seems the hole in this boat is the fact that the FBI statistics lumps in Hispanics, who have much higher murder rates than Caucasians, as white. Also the hilariously slanted website your quote seems to have originated from cherry picked data from a table that accounted for less than half the murders committed in the US. Their conclusions were pulled out of thin air.


This was the data they referenced:

On the other hand:

How can there be more white on white murders when blacks comprise both the majority of murder victims and offenders?

I didn't see that they mixed it. Very interesting, nice refutation to the FUD.


Diamond Member
Jun 7, 2004
So how many more wrongs will it take to make things right? I'm not blind, I see exactly what's going on and there's nothing right about any of it, but hey if you want to keep score, be my guest.

The whole world blind is your answer. So be it.

About 400 years worth.

Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
Yeah, it's not surprising that you don't understand context and the 100+ years of struggle, or maybe you do understand but you choose to ignore it. You are all about that false equivalency.

Hell, a large part of my ancestry is gone. Wiped out. We don't have enough remaining to take revenge, but if we were to take the blood we are entitled to the streets would run red, so don't tell me about understanding.

It's too bad, and I mean that seriously, that people had to endure what they did but if someone charged me with intent to do bodily harm I'm supposed to be sympathetic? How many reverse lynchings would quell your thirst? You seek to justify? How many until you are satisfied that justice is served?

High minded bloodlust. Keep it, thanks.

Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
idiotic list. there is never a good time to resist arrest.

I'm not a scared of a black man. but then i'm white. i statisitclly safer then another black male around a black guy.

the black community should be more uspet with itself. take a look at a the paper every morning in Chicago. how many black men are killing other black men?

its a huge story when NO black man dies from another.

I'm not black but I got beat by the cops. When they came after us we ran because there was a good chance it was going to happen again, but we knew the risks of doing so. I wish it were otherwise but there are always going to be those in authority who abuse it, but the answer isn't to go after those who aren't to blame. Like I said in my previous post much of my ancestry (native american) would be entitled to a great deal, the entire nation if it comes to it. Shall I sleep better if the descendants of those who did such evil pay with their lives and their homes? No!
Nov 25, 2013
Hell, a large part of my ancestry is gone. Wiped out. We don't have enough remaining to take revenge, but if we were to take the blood we are entitled to the streets would run red, so don't tell me about understanding.

It's too bad, and I mean that seriously, that people had to endure what they did but if someone charged me with intent to do bodily harm I'm supposed to be sympathetic? How many reverse lynchings would quell your thirst? You seek to justify? How many until you are satisfied that justice is served?

High minded bloodlust. Keep it, thanks.

How many white Americans have been lynched by black Americans in the history of the United States?


Jun 4, 2004
You so realize that the incidents, as a percentage of the individual population, is far larger. You do realize that a black person is 14x more likely to commit a homicide as a white person? You do understand that a bulk of those are gang related.

You do understand that 80% of homicides in Chicago are caused by a black person yet black people only make up a~32% of the city.

I love how you try to skew the statistics though, it's very politician worthy.
I'm not trying to be a dick here but I disagree with your idea that's this is a blacks only problem.

So I decided to do some math myself, to see if I was out in left field.

So using some census data from here: http://quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/states/00000.html

And wiki for incarceration rates:


When I did the math of the number of folks incarcerate by race over the total number of folks in that race in the US, I got the following.
Racial Incarceration %

Black 2.3%
Whites 0.42%

So ~6 times more likely to be incarcerated if you are black. Seems to lends credence to your hypotheses.

However I also took a look at economic impact and found the following

70% of state and 58% of federal prisoners had an income of less than $2000 in the month prior to arrest. That means they had an annual income of less than $24000. Median personal income in 2004 was about $34,000. So about 2/3 of prisoners had incomes that were at least 1/3 below the median. By any reasonable measure (though not by unreasonable official measures) that is real poverty for households, and just scraping by for an individual.

So roughly, because the years are different, I came up with

Poor 3.34%

So being poor makes you more than 50% more likely than being black to be incarcerated. It's already been proven that poverty negatively effects one cognition.


Maybe economics is where we should be focusing our efforts instead of blanket statements about race?
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Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
How many white Americans have been lynched by black Americans in the history of the United States?

Fewer than there would be if cooler heads than some here didn't prevail. The obvious point you miss is that there are people not involved in the incident who are inciting other injustices and harming others because they have not got their pound of flesh. A lot of people are angry and using the past to justify their pronouncement of guilt on the policeman. Since they can't get summary mob justice they'll continue to cause others harm. Punishment without trial. Mob rule, thoughtless destruction and harm. You wanted it you got it. That there aren't those lynchings doesn't mean some wouldn't be judge, jury and executioner if they could.

The modern mob isn't any different, it's people like myself that won't let it get away with outright hanging, but unfortunately we can't stop the mayhem with people such as yourself encouraging it. The bloodlust of cowards is still there.


Diamond Member
Jul 27, 2006

At least four black men were killed by police in the past month, via chokehold, tasing, and shootings, after being confronted for reasons ranging from selling untaxed cigarettes to picking up a BB gun off a shelf in Wal-Mart.

In at least two of these cases—Dante Parker and Eric Garner—the victims allegedly resisted arrest. Some political leaders, witnesses at the scene, and Internet commenters have placed blame on the victims for this reason, saying their refusal to go quietly with the cops is what ended their lives.

"For FUCKS SAKE stop struggling and resisting like this and deal with it at the precinct!! Resisting arrest, even if the police have the wrong guy, is a TERRIBLE idea!! God why don't people get this?" writes one commenter at Gawker. At a press conference on gun control in Harlem yesterday, New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio said that "once an officer has decided that arrest is necessary, every New Yorker should agree to do what they need to do as a citizen and respect the police officer and follow their guidance. And then there is a thorough due-process system thereafter."

And how about in the tasing death of Dante Parker? A San Bernadino county newspaper employee and married father of five with no criminal record, Parker was out riding his bike for exercise on Tuesday when he was approached by sheriff's deputies as a robbery suspect. A witness relayed what he saw:

He was super strong…it took about two or three guys to get his hands behind him. They went to try to get him to stand up, but he wouldn't do it…He kept kicking and kicking and kicking. He was very uncooperative."

So why would someone like Dante Parker or Eric Garner resist arrest? Here are six good reasons:

1) The idea that "if you didn't do anything wrong, you don't have anything to fear" does not hold true for black people. Most people who end up being exonerated for crimes they served time for, but didn't commit, are people of color.

2) Blacks routinely serve higher sentences than whites—for the same crimes.

3) Once in custody, black men are rough-handled by police more often than whites.

4) Racial profiling and bias in police departments across the country is well-documented.

5) There are many well-known cases of police torture directed at blacks in prison, such as the dozens of black Chicago inmates who were systematically tortured over a span of 20 years.

6) Scientific studies shed light on how racial bias can influence witness testimony, like this finding that race can make people "see" guns, or a reach for a gun, where no weapon was present.

Asking why a black man with even the slightest bit of awareness of these facts wouldn't fully cooperate with the cops is a bit like asking why William Wallace didn't simply extend a warm welcome to the invading English forces. Here's a better question: What are law enforcement agencies doing to heal their relationships with the black communities they're supposed to protect and serve?

Source Link


I agree with a lot of what was stated in this article, and think people should consider what is being said here.

I watched Let's Go To Prison last night and the white inmates were treated just as poorly by the prison staff as any other race.


Diamond Member
Aug 22, 2011
This forum and its resident racists are showing their true colors here. Thanks for that, but for all of us that have half a brain and halfway decent vision, we already knew who you were. But still, thanks for all those who aren't so familiar.

Making excuses for, or dare I say, giving an entire community excuses for breaking the law simply because of the color of their skin is not only racist, but completely irresponsible. Fact remains, roughly 4% (adult black males) of the population is responsible for 50% of violent crimes. Even if you think that somehow the police are wrongfully arresting hundreds, that still doesn't put a dent in how bad that statistic is. So I guess some need to remove their head from their ass when they bring up incarceration rates.


Nov 10, 2003
Fewer than there would be if cooler heads than some here didn't prevail. The obvious point you miss is that there are people not involved in the incident who are inciting other injustices and harming others because they have not got their pound of flesh. A lot of people are angry and using the past to justify their pronouncement of guilt on the policeman. Since they can't get summary mob justice they'll continue to cause others harm. Punishment without trial. Mob rule, thoughtless destruction and harm. You wanted it you got it. That there aren't those lynchings doesn't mean some wouldn't be judge, jury and executioner if they could.

The modern mob isn't any different, it's people like myself that won't let it get away with outright hanging, but unfortunately we can't stop the mayhem with people such as yourself encouraging it. The bloodlust of cowards is still there.


As I asked multiple times in the long "cop in MO shot black teen" thread if the stores owners (note the plural) did anything to the death of MB and since they did not (no one - in this forum or anywhere could say they did) then why their stores were loot, burned, and destroyed by the blood thirsty and lawless mob?

If we are still a nation of law, rule, and order, then we must NOT allow this kind of behavior to continue, regardless the color or creed of the perpetrators.
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Feb 10, 2000
I'm sure I am not the first person to post this - I have not read the whole thread, but those all sound to me like good reasons why a black person should not resist arrest.

Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
I'm sure I am not the first person to post this - I have not read the whole thread, but those all sound to me like good reasons why a black person should not resist arrest.

They are very good reasons when rationally analyzed. The problem is the last two words of the preceding sentence. It's difficult for people to weigh risk vs benefit when under pressure. You were in the service and I have no doubt that some of the people you represented made poor choices in spite of being given superior training. It's not hard to imagine those with none doing the unwise thing.


Golden Member
Jan 22, 2005
Too me what's disturbing is the blatant difference what people are treated versus black people when confronting a calm individual or a heated one. Too many times I have seen a cop remain calm when a white individual is getting heated and confrontational and when it's a black person, no patience is given. Of course that's my perception and it in no way means that what I see is the norm.

So basically worthless ancedote.

To me it just looks like white people are scared of black people and act accordingly.

To me, it seems like you're projecting, honkey.

The question is why? African Americans make up a small percentage of our population and truely violent crime seems to be perpetrated by whites more than any other minority.

BZZZZZ WRONG Here's some actual real data slick, since you seem to have trouble finding and/or reading statistics:

* From 2002 to 2011, the average homicide rate for males
was 3.6 times higher than the rate for females. The
average homicide rate for blacks was 6.3 times higher than
the rate for whites.

If I think back to all the heinous crimes that have happened in my life time, all but two were done by white people.

Makes sense if you never leave your gentrified and/or gated community.


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
I'm sure I am not the first person to post this - I have not read the whole thread, but those all sound to me like good reasons why a black person should not resist arrest.
And yet they are being used as excuses for resisting. Go figure.

This is a bullshit thread anyway. How one reacts to cops largely determines how one is treated by cops. And as to its new subtext, groups don't commit crimes, individuals do.


Nov 10, 2003
I'm sure I am not the first person to post this - I have not read the whole thread, but those all sound to me like good reasons why a black person should not resist arrest.

or white, brown, yellow, pink, <fill in the blank color/creed>. Period.

Escalate with police is not a good idea.


Feb 6, 2002
About %68 of Ferguson is Black. However it is an extremely small neighborhood. St Louis, MO has about 106 different cities surrounding St Louis, MO. There are also other cities just across the river like East St Louis, IL. The Rail system goes into the East St Louis, MO and in the past some areas in St Louis, MO have been inundated with thugs from East St Louis, IL and crime sprees have ensued. So there has been some travel back and forth between some of these cities. So there is a lot of fluid black crime in the greater St Louis area. I understand how a police officer can get stressed out or form preconceptions about Blacks and Crime.

I don't think it would be easy to prove murder in a case like this because the officer stopped his car and just asked 2 people to walk on the sidewalk and then things went crazy all of a sudden. It was his job to enforce the law in Ferguson. The big question is do you call what happened murder, premeditated, self defense, or what? I think it would be too hard to prove it was murder.


Mar 5, 2001
I'm not trying to be a dick here but I disagree with your idea that's this is a blacks only problem.

So I decided to do some math myself, to see if I was out in left field.

So using some census data from here: http://quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/states/00000.html

And wiki for incarceration rates:


When I did the math of the number of folks incarcerate by race over the total number of folks in that race in the US, I got the following.
Racial Incarceration %

Black 2.3%
Whites 0.42%

So ~6 times more likely to be incarcerated if you are black. Seems to lends credence to your hypotheses.

However I also took a look at economic impact and found the following

So roughly, because the years are different, I came up with

Poor 3.34%

So being poor makes you more than 50% more likely than being black to be incarcerated. It's already been proven that poverty negatively effects one cognition.


Maybe economics is where we should be focusing our efforts instead of blanket statements about race?

Look, the basic fact is that ~70% of black kids are born out of wedlock. How many of those fathers don't even know their kids? You have guys like Adrian Peterson running around fucking everything that moves, he has kids he doesn't even know about, how bad you do think the rest of the situation is?

And what does that do to the motivation to actually finish school? What about getting good grades? Going to college? From first-hand experience I saw what can happen if a black kid goes to college and gets a white-collar job (he's too white).

Then there's how much illegals have fucked the job market, along with how welfare has twisted motivation, you get a situation where unemployment is higher.

Don't give me "blanket statements" about race - these are basic statistical facts people want to ignore, merely because it is convenient. These conversations are uncomfortable but much needed. Enough of the PC nanny-state bullshit, rip the band-aid off and get it over with.


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
Look, the basic fact is that ~70% of black kids are born out of wedlock. How many of those fathers don't even know their kids? You have guys like Adrian Peterson running around fucking everything that moves, he has kids he doesn't even know about, how bad you do think the rest of the situation is?

And what does that do to the motivation to actually finish school? What about getting good grades? Going to college? From first-hand experience I saw what can happen if a black kid goes to college and gets a white-collar job (he's too white).

Then there's how much illegals have fucked the job market, along with how welfare has twisted motivation, you get a situation where unemployment is higher.

Don't give me "blanket statements" about race - these are basic statistical facts people want to ignore, merely because it is convenient. These conversations are uncomfortable but much needed. Enough of the PC nanny-state bullshit, rip the band-aid off and get it over with.
I don't disagree with any of that, but their point is that a black man can do everything right, get a practical college education, good job, mortgage, Christian marriage and 2.3 kidlets, but cops still see only the black skin. I don't fully buy into that - the black people I know who have claimed discrimination repeatedly find discrimination whereas those who don't habitually claim discrimination almost never find any - but it's a concept based on a certain amount of truth. It's especially true if black men are not dressed like successful professionals; blacks just don't get as much presumption of innocence as do the rest of us.


Diamond Member
Dec 17, 1999
Is the title of this thread an oxymoron or what?

Chance of getting away by resisting arrest .000001%

Chance of getting shot by a taser, roughed up, or worse 99.99%

This applies if you are white, black, brown, etc.....


Apr 29, 2003
So why would someone like Dante Parker or Eric Garner resist arrest? Here are six good reasons:

1) The idea that "if you didn't do anything wrong, you don't have anything to fear" does not hold true for black people. Most people who end up being exonerated for crimes they served time for, but didn't commit, are people of color.

Resisting arrest won't change this.

2) Blacks routinely serve higher sentences than whites&#8212;for the same crimes.

Resisting arrest won't change this.

3) Once in custody, black men are rough-handled by police more often than whites.

Resisting arrest will cause this.

4) Racial profiling and bias in police departments across the country is well-documented.

Resisting arrest won't change this.

5) There are many well-known cases of police torture directed at blacks in prison, such as the dozens of black Chicago inmates who were systematically tortured over a span of 20 years.

Resisting arrest won't change this.

6) Scientific studies shed light on how racial bias can influence witness testimony, like this finding that race can make people "see" guns, or a reach for a gun, where no weapon was present.

Resisting arrest won't change this. But if you do flee and spend any time at all out of sight, ignorant racists will say you used the time to hide your imaginary weapon and called someone to come retrieve it. See: Jordan Davis. He and his friends never even left the parking lot, but his murderer convinced a jury that he was threatened with a shotgun.

Resisting arrest doesn't have any positive outcomes. You get the same negative outcomes with the addition of some bruises. It can also get you killed.
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