6GB of VRAM Finally Used!

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Golden Member
Aug 22, 2012
BS its not....and why do you bother to post if its not your thing, all you are doing is showing yourself off as a c*nt!...we all know you dont like NV...so STFU & PO

Haha. You have to turn it into a fanboy war.

i have owned both NV and ATI cards over the years.

You only have to look at the review on 3 and 4 way SLI to see that it just doesnt work.


Senior member
Dec 12, 2011
So far as longevity is concerned I am glad that the Titan has 6gb of ram. When the next gen console games get ported across I bet they will use up more than 3gb of ram. So in the long term, as an investment having 6gb on a Titan is good and will make it last a lot longer.


Golden Member
Jan 4, 2010
If this actually scaled and worked properly then you could justify spending 4k on GPU's

But since it doesnt scale and is totally broken then its just a waste of money.

There is something about wasting money while others starve which just makes it morally wrong. No different than wiping your ass on money.

Not only are you utterly ignorant, your vapid argument is almost as idiotic as you are.

Scaling is NOT uniform across all display setups. If you didn't know that, you don't know the basics at all. With ultra-high resolution setups like mine, scaling with 4x GPUs is brilliant. There are several threads on various forums showing this to be the case. Of course, one cannot expect 99% across all 4 GPUs in ALL games all the time. Yet, in this game, Crysis 3, I get 90+% usage across all 4 GPUs during gameplay.

You say "4 Titans have [sic] no use". Yes, with your budget system @ 1080P, 4 Titans are pointless. Trying playing any game maxed out on 3 30" monitors with 2 Titans. GPU horsepower is needed at very high resolutions. Scaling, as mentioned above, varies from game to game. Certain games have incredible scaling with 90+% across all 4 GPUs. Some games are around 50% GPU usage.

This post was made to show how the 6GB of VRAM available on the Titan is finally put to use - something no other game currently does. Even those with 3x 27" monitors have not seen 6GB VRAM usage in any game.

This is for enthusiasts. Sore losers like you are not welcome. It's funny how you make a moral judgment based on the type of computer I have.

Go ahead with your moral lecturing. In the mean time, I will enjoy my Uber Rig and the games I play on it.
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Platinum Member
Apr 19, 2007
I've reached nearly 3gb of usage in Crysis 3 maxed 1440p using 4xMSAA, so I can definitely believe the 6gb figure the OP gave. Not that it's very playable, but I was just curious.


Golden Member
Jan 4, 2010


Golden Member
Jan 4, 2010
Wasn't it long ago you couldn't even get a reading for memory usage with AMD?

Afaik that bug is strictly in CF reporting.

Edit: Does anyone seriously have a hard time believing crysis 3 running 13.2 million pixels with 8xAA is using this much vram?

Finally, someone actually gets it. The only reason I have "Mem 4" showing is the VRAM usage is mirrored across all 4 GPUs - It will show 6109MB used 4 times which is silly. The most important features are GPU clock, temp, power, usage, and voltage (for me). I turn on Mem Usage on the 4th GPU and Framerate as well.


Golden Member
May 22, 2011
I'm just sad I have to live vicariously through other Titan owners. I have a strict 500 dollar policy on One single piece for a pc build. Damn hot rod habits and now landscaping chew through the money quick.


Dec 12, 2001
No other game comes anywhere near the VRAM usage that Crysis 3 does!

Bioshock Infinite uses more memory than Crysis 3 does. Whether it actually needs to or not I dunno. What I do know is that maxed out Crysis 3 doesn't pass the 2GB barrier at 2560x1440 for me (I'm not maxing MSAA obviously but bear with me for a second). In Bioshock Infinite I cross 2GB even at 1080p.
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Diamond Member
Jun 2, 2012
I only played 5 minutes each so far of both these games.

Bioshock Infinite first impressions looks like a console game but they extended the draw distance and the textures on the PC version everything else looks exactly the same. The character models are laughable, same thing I noticed in Far Cry 3. Straight up Half-Life 2 looking character models (HL2 character models were good in 2004)

Crysis 3 first impressions looks like a console game but they greatly enhanced the texture resolution and extended the lighting effects. Other than that its a boring corridor shooter for the 5 minutes I played it. The first one is still the most impressive all things considered.

Cant wait for next gen consoles, im kind of sick of linear gameplay. Drop me in a virtual sandbox and let me feck sh1t up, that's what I want. Not saying next gen consoles will put an end to linear gameplay but im hoping things get more sandboxy in general, with the added memory and so forth.

Hey Baasha, post your Unigine Heaven 4.0 score.
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Dec 12, 2001
I only played 5 minutes each so far of both these games.

Bioshock Infinite first impressions looks like a console game but they extended the draw distance and the textures on the PC version everything else looks exactly the same. The character models are laughable, same thing I noticed in Far Cry 3. Straight up Half-Life 2 looking character models (HL2 character models were good in 2004)

Crysis 3 first impressions looks like a console game but they greatly enhanced the texture resolution and extended the lighting effects. Other than that its a boring corridor shooter for the 5 minutes I played it. The first one is still the most impressive all things considered.

Cant wait for next gen consoles, im kind of sick of linear gameplay. Drop me in a virtual sandbox and let me feck sh1t up, that's what I want.

Hey Baasha, post your Unigine Heaven 4.0 score.

Uh...what was this drivel? You play 5 minutes of a game and you know everything about it?

Bioshock Infinite isn't linear really, you can go wherever you want on the map via rails and such, Crysis 3 isn't that linear either. You don't have to run through a tunnel. Much of the game is outdoors with a lot of side missions to discover by using your visor but you wouldn't know that, you played 5 minutes.

Also Bioshock Infinite looks absolutely nothing like Far Cry 3 and nothing like Half Life 2.


Golden Member
Jan 4, 2010
Bioshock Infinite uses more memory than Crysis 3 does. Whether it actually needs to or not I dunno. What I do know is that maxed out Crysis 3 doesn't pass the 2GB barrier at 2560x1440 for me (I'm not maxing MSAA obviously but bear with me for a second). In Bioshock Infinite I cross 2GB even at 1080p.

In Crysis 3, using SMAA (which I do), I get around 3300MB VRAM usage at my resolution with everything maxed out.

I tried MSAA the other day for the first time and it went to 6109MB VRAM usage. There is no doubt that MSAA uses a LOT more VRAM than other forms of AA. For actually playing the game, especially at such a high resolution, I think that SMAA looks great and uses a fraction of the VRAM (about half) that MSAA needs.

Try turning on 8x MSAA @ 1440P. What is the VRAM usage then?

Even Max Payne 3, which is a very graphically intensive game, where I have 4x MSAA (won't allow more even with 4x Titan SCs), the VRAM usage is around 3700MB. I'm sure if it allowed me to do 8x MSAA, it would be close to the 6GB VRAM limit.

BF3 with everything maxed out and 4x MSAA uses around 3500MB. Crysis 3 is the most graphically intensive game out there today. Period.


Dec 12, 2001
In Crysis 3, using SMAA (which I do), I get around 3300MB VRAM usage at my resolution with everything maxed out.

I tried MSAA the other day for the first time and it went to 6109MB VRAM usage. There is no doubt that MSAA uses a LOT more VRAM than other forms of AA. For actually playing the game, especially at such a high resolution, I think that SMAA looks great and uses a fraction of the VRAM (about half) that MSAA needs.

Try turning on 8x MSAA @ 1440P. What is the VRAM usage then?

Even Max Payne 3, which is a very graphically intensive game, where I have 4x MSAA (won't allow more even with 4x Titan SCs), the VRAM usage is around 3700MB. I'm sure if it allowed me to do 8x MSAA, it would be close to the 6GB VRAM limit.

BF3 with everything maxed out and 4x MSAA uses around 3500MB. Crysis 3 is the most graphically intensive game out there today. Period.

I know MSAA uses a lot, but I know for a fact that at the same resolution and no AA crysis 3 uses less vram than bioshock infinite. I think Bioshock is hogging it for reasons different to Crysis 3 though (large levels caching textures). As for Max Payne 3, it claims to use 1.7GB with whatever settings I used yet precisionx and process explorer reported much lower. So it's inflating the numbers for some reason (won't allow me to select certain amounts of MSAA even when I know it isn't using what it says it will).


Diamond Member
Jun 2, 2012
Also Bioshock Infinite looks absolutely nothing like Far Cry 3 and nothing like Half Life 2.

I didn't say they look alike.

Where did I say they look alike?

I said Bioshock Infinite and Far Cry 3 have "half-life 2 level" character models.

What that means is I believe the character models in those games look like they came out of 2004.

It's just my opinion. Please don't get mad.


Platinum Member
Jul 28, 2009
Vsync 59 FPS and your issues are fixed.

Im sure AMD will update drivers ready for the 7990.

I can't return the Titan, I always play with V-sync and I don't think I need to cap framerates at 59 on a single Titan. I need a second Titan if I want my rig to perform decently but that's way too expensive One Titan may be fine for 1080p but for 2560x1440 it's still too weak Well, I have to get used to lowering details in games. What's frustrating those games don't look good at all. Even World of Tanks, tanks to 30fps during explosions and it looks graphically dated.
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Golden Member
Jun 10, 2007
I can't return the Titan, I always play with V-sync and I don't think I need to cap framerates at 59 on a single Titan. I need a second Titan if I want my rig to perform decently but that's way too expensive One Titan may be fine for 1080p but for 2560x1440 it's still too weak Well, I have to get used to lowering details in games. What's frustrating those games don't look good at all. Even World of Tanks, tanks to 30fps during explosions and it looks graphically dated.

World of Tanks is CPU limited.

Look at the GPU utilization when you are playing.


Golden Member
Aug 22, 2012
Not only are you utterly ignorant, your vapid argument is almost as idiotic as you are.

Scaling is NOT uniform across all display setups. If you didn't know that, you don't know the basics at all. With ultra-high resolution setups like mine, scaling with 4x GPUs is brilliant. There are several threads on various forums showing this to be the case. Of course, one cannot expect 99% across all 4 GPUs in ALL games all the time. Yet, in this game, Crysis 3, I get 90+% usage across all 4 GPUs during gameplay.

You say "4 Titans have [sic] no use". Yes, with your budget system @ 1080P, 4 Titans are pointless. Trying playing any game maxed out on 3 30" monitors with 2 Titans. GPU horsepower is needed at very high resolutions. Scaling, as mentioned above, varies from game to game. Certain games have incredible scaling with 90+% across all 4 GPUs. Some games are around 50% GPU usage.

This post was made to show how the 6GB of VRAM available on the Titan is finally put to use - something no other game currently does. Even those with 3x 27" monitors have not seen 6GB VRAM usage in any game.

This is for enthusiasts. Sore losers like you are not welcome. It's funny how you make a moral judgment based on the type of computer I have.

Go ahead with your moral lecturing. In the mean time, I will enjoy my Uber Rig and the games I play on it.

HAHA. Well done. Resorting to insults to add weight to your post. :thumbsup:

i have never used 1080p or a budget system either.

4 Way SLI doesnt work AS PROVED by the review i posts. You claim it does but it doesnt. You only have to look at dual 690 GTX cards in that review also.

Your emotionally and financially invested in claiming it works but the evidence from real reviews sites says it doesnt.

Also your scaling comment is totally rubbish. Games cant even hit 60 FPS on eyefinity on high settings at 1080p x3 So why would your higher resolution make any difference? If you cant get 60fps on those then you have no chance. There is Negative! scaling with the 4th card!
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Elite Member
Jan 16, 2003
HAHA. Well done. Resorting to insults to add weight to your post. :thumbsup:

i have never used 1080p or a budget system either.

4 Way SLI doesnt work AS PROVED by the review i posts. You claim it does but it doesnt. You only have to look at dual 690 GTX cards in that review also.

Your emotionally and financially invested in claiming it works but the evidence from real reviews sites says it doesnt.

Also your scaling comment is totally rubbish. Games cant even hit 60 FPS on eyefinity on high settings at 1080p x3 So why would your higher resolution make any difference? If you cant get 60fps on those then you have no chance.

I know this must be your second account and all, but could you possibly tone it down to a dull troll roar once in a while? LMAO.
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