7800GTX prices.

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Diamond Member
Mar 31, 2000
Originally posted by: Waylay00
I'm just sick of seeing people who already have very good rigs (that anybody else would be grateful to have) go out and buy the latest greatest technology just to say, "Oh, I have the best." For example, one guy on HardOCP already had two 6800 Ultra 512MB's in SLI, and now he's getting two 7800GTX for SLI. It's justs sickening. Can't that money be spent better elsewhere in life?

It's all perspective.

If someone in Africa who is starving to death sees you spending all that money on a new computer just to play games and surf the web (i.e. pleasure) they will that is just sickening. Couldn't you have spent that money better elsewhere in life as well?

Let people spend their money, however they see fit.


Diamond Member
Jul 20, 2004
Originally posted by: Dacalo
Originally posted by: Waylay00
I'm just sick of seeing people who already have very good rigs (that anybody else would be grateful to have) go out and buy the latest greatest technology just to say, "Oh, I have the best." For example, one guy on HardOCP already had two 6800 Ultra 512MB's in SLI, and now he's getting two 7800GTX for SLI. It's justs sickening. Can't that money be spent better elsewhere in life?

It's all perspective.

If someone in Africa who is starving to death sees you spending all that money on a new computer just to play games and surf the web (i.e. pleasure) they will that is just sickening. Couldn't you have spent that money better elsewhere in life as well?

Let people spend their money, however they see fit.

Yea really. :disgust:

Waylay - Why do you care what people spend their money on? Who are you to say how ones money can be better spent in life? $600 to you may be a months wages, but to another it's pocket change. Why does it affect you what people choose to spend their money on? Oh yea that's right, it doesn't.

Are you upset at Oprah for buying $5000 purses? Or a businessman splurging on a $1000 bottle of wine? As far as the guy at HardOCP posting about his setup, who cares? Computing and gaming is a hobby for millions of people, what's wrong with the guy being happy about his system and sharing it with people in an appropriate community?

It's all relative. Hypothetically speaking, if the G70 cost $1000 there would still be thousands of people buying it. To some enthusiasts with disposable income, whatever the hobby, they want the best regardless of cost. Why? Because they can. It's that simple.

Again, why does this bother you?


Golden Member
Jul 30, 2004
Originally posted by: Waylay00
I'm just sick of seeing people who already have very good rigs (that anybody else would be grateful to have) go out and buy the latest greatest technology just to say, "Oh, I have the best." For example, one guy on HardOCP already had two 6800 Ultra 512MB's in SLI, and now he's getting two 7800GTX for SLI. It's justs sickening. Can't that money be spent better elsewhere in life?
The question of whether the poster's money "be spent better elsewhere in life?" depends upon his or her priorities. Sure, he or she could spend the money on something else, but regardless of how you feel, it it his or her's to spend as he or she sees fit.

n yusef

Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2005
I think that Waylay00 is trying to say that when someone says it's a great value to get these cards, which it isn't. If you do have the money, and you don't have anything that you need instead, it's fine, just don't try to convince someone that it has a better price: performance ratio than a 6800GT/X800XL.
Edit: fixed smiley.


Golden Member
Jul 30, 2004
Originally posted by: linkgoron
Well, I've seen people say the the 600$ 7800gtx is a good buy because it's equal to a 800$/1000$ SLI setup. So, when the next gen comes out and will be just like a SLI 7800GTX it will have a 700$ price, and then 800$, and then 900$ and on and on. Really, people miss the point that older gen (6800U) were over priced also. a 500$ price tag? So, people forget that it's over priced and instead say that if I don't want to buy a 600$ graphics card it's because I don't have enough money. BS, a 600$ graphics card isn't worth it. People are just buying the new cards thanks to last-gen's over priced prices, and thanks to the cards evolution they make it seem that the 7800GTX is an ok price... Meh, I see more people are moving from PCs to consoles... Oh, read 3.

If you cant understand my English-summary:
1) last-gen's prices were too high
2) this-gen's prices are based on last gen's prices. This makes the new prices seem like a bargain, when they are actually too high
3)This will go on until cards will cost 1000$? 2000$? People will always buy these cards no matter the price. I've seen how people here were "What 600$ OMG! I won't buy that" to OMG it's already in my rig woo.

There have been high-end consumer-level $600.00 videocards' around for many years so its' not like $600.00 is a benchmark. While I agree $600.00 is a lot of money to spend on a videocard we are talking about the current ultra high-end. The best, highest performing out-of-the-box products always cost more than products which are aimed at the market's mainstream. This is true whether it is a videocard, CPU, or car. You want the best it costs money. Period.

As far as being overpriced that is your opinion. I am not saying that you can't afford a high-end videocard. No one is holding a gun to the head of someone who does. But when people whine and cry about how expensive and overpriced components are (in this case videocards) so loudly it does make them (and you) sound a little defensive. As if the reason they or you won't buy it needs to be justified to everyone else on the internet. Just because the price of an item "isn't worth it" to you doesn't you doesn't mean its' not "worth it" to someone else. Remember, everyone has their own priorities. What those priorities are are an individuals business and no one else's.

Now, if are still reading this post I have a not-so-farfetched example to illustrate "perceived value" in the mind of "Joe Public". (Well the price is far-fetched but I have to use it because of the current mainstream pricepoint of videocards. Please bear with me a little longer.

The "sweet spot" in mainstream stand-alone graphics cards is about $300.00. Market research and sales of mid-range vidocards bear this figure out. Moving along, now...

Suppose that Joe Public's budget for a new gaming videocard is $150.00 (Joe doesn't feel a videocard is "worth" more than $150.00. However, lets' say that Joe can get a brand new, 7800GTX for $300.00. I think that Joe would save up the money somehow and get that card if he really wants it. Why? Even though his budget was $150.00, and he would be more than doubling his budget (plus tax if bought locally) he will do it because it is the best. Remember, Joe's original budget was $150.00. Did the card suddenly become worth twice his $150.00 budget? Did the 7800GTX's performance magically double to that of two 7800GTXs'? Of course not. Its just that the "perceived value" in Joe's mind adjusted to the $300.00 price.

Everyone has a different perceived value in their head about any given product.
Mar 19, 2003
Originally posted by: Aries64
Originally posted by: linkgoron
Well, I've seen people say the the 600$ 7800gtx is a good buy because it's equal to a 800$/1000$ SLI setup. So, when the next gen comes out and will be just like a SLI 7800GTX it will have a 700$ price, and then 800$, and then 900$ and on and on. Really, people miss the point that older gen (6800U) were over priced also. a 500$ price tag? So, people forget that it's over priced and instead say that if I don't want to buy a 600$ graphics card it's because I don't have enough money. BS, a 600$ graphics card isn't worth it. People are just buying the new cards thanks to last-gen's over priced prices, and thanks to the cards evolution they make it seem that the 7800GTX is an ok price... Meh, I see more people are moving from PCs to consoles... Oh, read 3.

If you cant understand my English-summary:
1) last-gen's prices were too high
2) this-gen's prices are based on last gen's prices. This makes the new prices seem like a bargain, when they are actually too high
3)This will go on until cards will cost 1000$? 2000$? People will always buy these cards no matter the price. I've seen how people here were "What 600$ OMG! I won't buy that" to OMG it's already in my rig woo.

There have been high-end consumer-level $600.00 videocards' around for many years so its' not like $600.00 is a benchmark. While I agree $600.00 is a lot of money to spend on a videocard we are talking about the current ultra high-end. The best, highest performing out-of-the-box products always cost more than products which are aimed at the market's mainstream. This is true whether it is a videocard, CPU, or car. You want the best it costs money. Period.

As far as being overpriced that is your opinion. I am not saying that you can't afford a high-end videocard. No one is holding a gun to the head of someone who does. But when people whine and cry about how expensive and overpriced components are (in this case videocards) so loudly it does make them (and you) sound a little defensive. As if the reason they or you won't buy it needs to be justified to everyone else on the internet. Just because the price of an item "isn't worth it" to you doesn't you doesn't mean its' not "worth it" to someone else. Remember, everyone has their own priorities. What those priorities are are an individuals business and no one else's.

Now, if are still reading this post I have a not-so-farfetched example to illustrate "perceived value" in the mind of "Joe Public". (Well the price is far-fetched but I have to use it because of the current mainstream pricepoint of videocards. Please bear with me a little longer.

The "sweet spot" in mainstream stand-alone graphics cards is about $300.00. Market research and sales of mid-range vidocards bear this figure out. Moving along, now...

Suppose that Joe Public's budget for a new gaming videocard is $150.00 (Joe doesn't feel a videocard is "worth" more than $150.00. However, lets' say that Joe can get a brand new, 7800GTX for $300.00. I think that Joe would save up the money somehow and get that card if he really wants it. Why? Even though his budget was $150.00, and he would be more than doubling his budget (plus tax if bought locally) he will do it because it is the best. Remember, Joe's original budget was $150.00. Did the card suddenly become worth twice his $150.00 budget? Did the 7800GTX's performance magically double to that of two 7800GTXs'? Of course not. Its just that the "perceived value" in Joe's mind adjusted to the $300.00 price.

Everyone has a different perceived value in their head about any given product.

Very well said. :thumbsup:

Are you going to flame or degrade someone who gets a $40k car over a $25k one? Or even a $20k new car over a $4k used one? (I would certainly hope not, as long as they could afford it.) Then why would you complain about prices being too high and people buying $600 video cards when you're perfectly happy with your $200 card? If you can't (or are unwilling to) pay for the highest-end product, then it's not for you, simple as that. (Not to mention that computer gaming/hardware costs are a drop in the bucket compared to what some people spend on other hobbies.) No need to complain about the purchases others make with their own money.


Oct 15, 1999
Your looking at the wrong way. The people who are paying $1200 for a pair of 7800's are funding all the R&D required to build better hardware. As long as nVidia can make there profits on high end hardware, the middle and low end stuff will be cheaper. I think they should price the 7800's closer to $1000 each, and drop the 6800U's to around $150. Then the guys who have to have the latest and greatest can still get what they want and tell us how great it is, and we can say, "yup, sure wish I had that rig" and everyone will be happy.
As for me, it would be nice to have a top of the line rig, I can afford a top of the line rig, but it's a toy, and I can't justify to myself spending that kind of money on a computer when everyone thing else in my life isn't diled in the way I want it.


Elite Member
Oct 15, 2004
Let people buy what they want to buy and get out of their business. Do you see me whining and crying that Rollo has a 7800 SLI and I don't? No. Sweet Jesus...besides that, usually enthusiasts that stay on top take the time to benchmark it or watercool it and relay the results to the forum. You should thank them for that. It's not their fault you're either too poor or don't want to spend money on said video card configuration. So let them have what they earned. It's not like their money comes out of grass either. The whiners are more annoying, by far.


Senior member
Jun 30, 2003
i am going to rest my tired 40 year old feet up and relax to xbox 360/playstation 3/revolution while the pc game industry catches up, probably when there are at least 20+ games that 'i' want to play before i upgrade again, til then consoles sound great' i will rent the games and enjoy my home remodeling project for now.

maybe in 2008 when these prices drop


Jun 6, 2005
Originally posted by: Beiruty
Look at what ATI is saying today the mix of the PC card buisiness shifted to low-margin mid-range cards, It is not an issue of lack of supplies of hi-end cards at this time. A lot of people after E3 said... heck why upgrade, I will grab an XBOX 360... soon for less moeny. Also in the IC industry with each move say from 110 to 90nm process, the cost of a bigger chip will remain the same...yields should get better peformance will increase and less heat is generated too. it is a win-win.... It does not cost more to fab such card, it is only an incremental R&D cost. And, since ATI or nvidia has both the competenccy to re-design their chips quickly, the R&D cost is not that too big.

I would say ATI has a new novel Unfied Shadder design with the XBOX chip.. That is a big R&D project. next Windoz (Longhorm) will use such Architecture... nVidia will follow suite soon. ATI will lead for a while.

While the fact many people are deciding to just buy a new computer console, it still hinders the PC department. A lot of games are bridging between PCs and Consoles as they have in recent years and because of that a lot of developers are holding back on game quality because of it. I know for a fact the graphics in Vanguard, which is being developed by Sigil, were dumbed down considerably due to its declared release on the X-box 360. While for many people this may be cool as they don?t have to spend 2500+ plus for an amazing SLI rig or whatever, it a low blow to people who build up computer to handle the latest games. I know for a fact I was a bit perturbed when I heard this as the new system I built had been made to accommodate for the specs Vanguard was calling for only to find out later, after they dulled down the graphic's demands, that I had wasted money.


Elite Member
Sep 5, 2003
Waylay00 I know what you are saying. There are people that buy the best just to show off or say they have the best. They might not even be hardcore gamers or have any idea what framerates are. They might have 7800GTX SLI setup and play doom 3 at 640x480 and not bother to increase settings - so they just have the best. In other words 6800Ultra SLI setup is imaginable to be unsatisfactory to you since it practically gives 60 frames in every game at any setting.

It's like marc anthony has $25,000 golf clubs but Tiger woods will beat him with $50 ones. As long as money is poured into the economy, the world goes around even if you think the way people spend it is often stupid in your (or my, or whoever's) eyes for that matter.

What really should be done is every person in 1st world countries should give $10. Then we will end hunger in Africa and help people where they need it the most. What I dont understand is why we all dont sit down think this through and give at once. Who here makes less than $10 a day? But last time I heard there was no "World Donation Day."
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