7900GTX vs. X1900XTX - Consolidated Results


Diamond Member
May 30, 2004
Just thought I'd make it easier for people who are wondering how the two high-end video cards compare against one another. I included a wide variety of games but I didn't include them all, so if you want flight sim or racing game results, than you'll have to go dig them up yourselves.

Consolidated Results.

See the notes at the bottom of the sheet.

These are the concluding thoughts specifically about the 7900GTX vs. the X1900XTX from each of the review sites (except the French site of course).


Even though we didn't test as many games as we usually do, there is quite a bit of data to digest. On the high end, the 7900 GTX generally performs around the X1900 XT and X1900 XTX. This isn't a blow out victory for either NVIDIA or ATI as far as performance goes, and it looks like we have some very good competition here.

The bottom line here is that it all comes down to price. With the close competition at the high end, we still really don't recommend the X1900 XTX which generally comes in between $580 and $650. In order for the 7900 GTX to really look good compared to the X1900 XT, we will have to push below the $500 mark. NVIDIA has positioned the 7900 GTX as a $500 part, but we can already find X1900 XT cards for about $475; with the tight competition, we would really like to see NVIDIA take advantage of their cost saving die sizes and bring prices down.

The NVIDIA solutions use less power, generate less heat, and are cheaper to produce. But what matters in the end is the performance the end user gets for the price he or she pays. Yes, the 7900 GTX performs on par with the X1900 XT and XTX. But with ATI's additional features, will NVIDIA's street prices be low enough to entice gamers? We'll have to wait and see.

Tech Report:

The performance race between NVIDIA and ATI is very tight overall, especially at the very high end, when the GeForce 7900 GTX squares off against the Radeon X1900 XTX?close enough that I couldn't declare a clear overall winner. Both cards are incredible performers, and neither of them has shown any great weaknesses in our tests.

NVIDIA has made much of the fact that they have a more efficient GPU architecture than ATI right now, and it's true that NVIDIA's GeForce 7-series desktop GPUs generally achieve higher performance per watt and more performance per die area than ATI's current desktop graphics processors. That's undeniable. Whether and how much this fact matters to you is something you'll have to decide.

Obviously, someone working to build a super-quiet gaming rig or the like will want to take these things into account. GeForce 7600 GT and 7900 series cards will consume less power and throw off less heat inside your PC than their Radeon counterparts. ATI has addressed this problem to some degree by using a dual-slot cooler on its high-end cards that funnels most out air directly out of the back of the case, but at the end of the day, there are few true substitutes for a cooler-running chip.


NVIDIA's trouble is image quality, and IQ performance. ATI's latest Radeon parts - X1800 and X1900 - have better overall image quality available, and with better looking pixels always desirable when performance is the same, you'd have to really like 7900 GTX for other reasons to want to select it.

So, to sum up (finally), 7900 GTX replaces 7800 GTX 512 in terms of better price and availability for the same performance, but ATI offer better products in that space


It's again the fastest flagship graphics card available (marginally here and there with the X1900 XTX from ATI) yet it's price... yeah that's what I like the most. You want to know why? For the past two years I have been complaining that high-end graphics card were getting more and more expensive and that only the rich are able to buy these cards. The (and I stated this in my articles) graphics industry would be killing off its own business as people don't have the money left to buy the actual games. Where's the fun if you need to chip in 650 USD to be able to play games? Now performance wise this product is lined up against the Radeon X1900 XTX and at the moment of writing this article (Monday the 6th of March) I started receiving emails from ATI. As stated they are and have been counter-reacting and the X1900 XTX for example just dropped around thar 500 USD pricetag also. That's how fierce this business is, both are extremely excellent and impressive products.

Firing Squad:

In the case of the GeForce 7900 GTX, NVIDIA cranks up the clock speeds significantly to deliver a part that outruns the so-called ?GeForce 7800 Ultra? of yesteryear, the GeForce 7800 GTX 512MB. This is a pretty nice achievement, especially considering the GeForce 7900 GTX?s $500 price tag, but it doesn?t have the clear cut victory that the GeForce 7900 GT currently enjoys. ATI?s Radeon X1900 XT boards are currently selling for as low as $509 online, and based on our benchmarks, deliver very competitive performance in games like F.E.A.R., Call of Duty 2, Battlefield 2, and Far Cry with HDR. (NVIDIA continues to dominate for those of you who are into flight sims though.) Thanks to its quad-heat pipe cooling solution, the GeForce 7900 GTX runs cooler and quieter than the X1900 XT/XTX boards while NVIDIA?s SLI is clearly more robust than CrossFire but ATI?s got a very competitive part in this segment of the market. Right now there really is no decisive winner here, your final decision will most likely boil down to what types of games you play on your PC.


Senior member
Jan 31, 2006
Looks good, also looks like the X1900 takes the lead 22-15 to ATI.
However if you took away that 5% rule, it might look different. Because truth is, even 5% counts in reality.

Great post btw.


Senior member
Jan 20, 2006
i dont see the point of the thread u have completed the research
in my opinion about ur article its too long


Diamond Member
May 30, 2004
Originally posted by: nib95
Looks good, also looks like the X1900 takes the lead 22-15 to ATI.
However if you took away that 5% rule, it might look different. Because truth is, even 5% counts in reality.

Great post btw.

Thanks. The reason I put the 5% rule in is that you really can't tell the difference. The differerence between 40fps and 42fps is just negligble just like the difference between 100fps and 105fps.


Diamond Member
May 30, 2004
Originally posted by: jayanath
i dont see the point of the thread u have completed the research
in my opinion about ur article its too long

Ya sorry about the length. I figured people would want to know what the review sites thought about the cards to. I tried to cut and paste just the thoughts relevant to the two cards being discussed.


Jan 13, 2006
Originally posted by: Elfear
Originally posted by: jayanath
i dont see the point of the thread u have completed the research
in my opinion about ur article its too long

Ya sorry about the length. I figured people would want to know what the review sites thought about the cards to. I tried to cut and paste just the thoughts relevant to the two cards being discussed.

No need to apologise, I was trying to do the same thing earlier and found your post very useful. So what if its lengthy, helps make people make the most informed decision eh!


Diamond Member
May 30, 2004
Originally posted by: jayanath
btw whats ur opinion of 7900gtx and 7900gt

I'd like to see some more results of how well the 7900GT's oc. If they can consistently oc to ~550MHz on the core than I'd say they are a killer deal.

The 7900GTX I'm a little less enthusiastic about. It seems to compete well with the X1900XT(X) but it lacks some of the features that I find nice (HDR+AA, HQ AF, software voltmods). For the same price I'd definetely go for the X1900XT. Really it comes down to the games you play most but for the games that really pummel today's high-end cards the X1900 seems to do better. This is just my opinion of course.

Originally posted by: pibrahim

No need to apologise, I was trying to do the same thing earlier and found your post very useful. So what if its lengthy, helps make people make the most informed decision eh!

That's what i was really going for. Seems like there are always questions about which high-end video card to buy so I figured I'd make it easier for people to get that info.


Senior member
Oct 6, 2000
I think I would go with the 7900gtx for the lower noise and lower power requirements. But on the high end, either ones a win.

I think Nvidia has the edge below the high end tho.


Senior member
Feb 12, 2006
Theres a lot of intangibles in favor of the 7900s as well.
But say we call the performance a wash.. just to avoid nitpicking over 5% again and again.

  • The Geforce 7900 has these qualities over the competing solution:
    Lower power consumption, run cooler, run quieter, have SLI capability (scales better than Crossfire which requires special master cards and special motherboards), as well as cheaper pricing.

  • The X1900 has this advantage:

The rest.. Purevideo vs AVIVO.. while nice, I dont think too many truley care about. Ive had PVP since my Geforce6.. and with my soon-to-be 7900GT I still wont be using it. But that might be a concern for some here.

Best SFF PC pick (by far)- 7900GT
Best High End pick (close one)- 7900GTX
High End Alternative (if you just cant stand using Nvidia)- X1900XTX


Senior member
Jan 31, 2006
I think what we need to see is 7900 GTX OC'd vs X1900 XTX OC'd results.
because the average review site X1900 XTX OC is 680/1600 and for the 7900 GTX 700/1750.
These kinds of OC's are pretty much garuanteed with both cards.

So the real test would be how these compare.


Diamond Member
May 30, 2004
Originally posted by: Crusader
Theres a lot of intangibles in favor of the 7900s as well.
But say we call the performance a wash.. just to avoid nitpicking over 5% again and again.

  • The Geforce 7900 has these qualities over the competing solution:
    Lower power consumption, run cooler, run quieter, have SLI capability (scales better than Crossfire which requires special master cards and special motherboards), as well as cheaper pricing.

  • The X1900 has this advantage:

The rest.. Purevideo vs AVIVO.. while nice, I dont think too many truley care about. Ive had PVP since my Geforce6.. and with my soon-to-be 7900GT I still wont be using it. But that might be a concern for some here.

Best SFF PC pick (by far)- 7900GT
Best High End pick (close one)- 7900GTX
High End Alternative (if you just cant stand using Nvidia)- X1900XTX

Here's my take:

7900GTX advantages:
1) low noise
2) low heat (although it is dissipated inside the case)
3) lower power consumption (for those users who would like to save $2.00 each month on their electric bill)
4) ability to do 8xSSAA on old games or at low resolutions

X1900XT advantages:
2) HQ AF
3) Less shimmering
4) software voltmods (for overclockers this is a huge plus, hardware voltmods are expensive and tricky)
5) Less expensive (right now that is, will probably change in the near future)


Elite Member
Sep 5, 2003
Good stuff. My only problem is that I dont see a point adding up wins losses in each respective resolution. Simply conclude that a game provides better playability or not. So for example, in HL2: Lost Coast, 7900 is faster. It doesnt make much sense to add up all 6 wins if you test at different resolutions and testing. You can just conclude that HL2: Lost Cost - NV wins. If you actually do it that way it gives you a better indication of what a card delivers for games. Or you can choose 2 resolutions like 1600x1200 4AA/16AF and 1920x1200. It seems the performance difference is very close this time time.

Those who prefer a cooler card with a quieter fan should opt for 7900GTX. Those who intend to use HDR and AA and are more sensitive to better AF quality should choose ATI. Prices are very comparable too. It's good to know that there will be no losers in this round of refreshes since either card is a winner in its own way. Future price fluctuations could change this as well as games with more shaders (benefit 48 pixel shaders) or with more stencil and soft shadows (benefit NV). At the end, ppl should buy a card that plays the games they like the fastest.



Jan 30, 2006
Thanks, great post just what I needed to make a decision. I was pretty undecided after yesterday.


Diamond Member
May 30, 2004
Originally posted by: RussianSensation
Good stuff. My only problem is that I dont see a point adding up wins losses in each respective resolution. Simply conclude that a game provides better playability or not. So for example, in HL2: Lost Coast, 7900 is faster. It doesnt make much sense to add up all 6 wins if you test at different resolutions and testing. You can just conclude that HL2: Lost Cost - NV wins. If you actually do it that way it gives you a better indication of what a card delivers for games. Or you can choose 2 resolutions like 1600x1200 4AA/16AF and 1920x1200. It seems the performance difference is very close this time time.

Those who prefer a cooler card with a quieter fan should opt for 7900GTX. Those who intend to use HDR and AA and are more sensitive to better AF quality should choose ATI. Prices are very comparable too. It's good to know that there will be no losers in this round of refreshes since either card is a winner in its own way. Future price fluctuations could change this as well as games with more shaders (benefit 48 pixel shaders) or with more stencil and soft shadows (benefit NV). At the end, ppl should buy a card that plays the games they like the fastest.

I would agree if games clearly favored one card or another. In some of the results the winner depended on the features/settings used in the game. Look at Serious Sam 2 and AOE: II from the french review, for example.
Jun 14, 2003
good post man, nice to have everything in one place. super easy to read and compare cheers!

hard ocp played BF2 though they didnt use a time demo as such, would be nice to get a few more BF2 scores up for comparison


Diamond Member
Jun 24, 2004
If you can live with the SLI issues, two 7900GTs, especially the factory overclocked ones, look like a far better option than either of these cards for about the same price.


Diamond Member
May 30, 2004
Originally posted by: CP5670
If you can live with the SLI issues, two 7900GTs, especially the factory overclocked ones, look like a far better option than either of these cards for about the same price.

They do look like a nice option. You can pick up the XFX 7900GTs for $300 apiece and the 7900GTX is going for $550. The X1900XT is significantly cheaper though at $450 and the X1900XTX is only $475 right now.

Capt Caveman

Jan 30, 2005
Thanks OP. I'm trying to make a decision between the two and consolidating this info helps. Not sure why some folks don't see the point of the thread.


Diamond Member
Feb 6, 2002
Originally posted by: otispunkmeyer
good post man, nice to have everything in one place. super easy to read and compare cheers!

hard ocp played BF2 though they didnt use a time demo as such, would be nice to get a few more BF2 scores up for comparison

HardOCP is a biased trash website.


Mar 3, 2006
Originally posted by: Elfear
Originally posted by: jayanath
btw whats ur opinion of 7900gtx and 7900gt

X1900XT(X) but it lacks some of the features that I find nice (HDR+AA......

So have you been using the reduced precision HDR+AA on Far Cry and Serious Sam2 much?



Mar 3, 2006
Originally posted by: 5150Joker
Originally posted by: otispunkmeyer
good post man, nice to have everything in one place. super easy to read and compare cheers!

hard ocp played BF2 though they didnt use a time demo as such, would be nice to get a few more BF2 scores up for comparison

HardOCP is a biased trash website.

I like HardOCP- they save me the work of trial and error finding playable settings.
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