I am pretty sure the nvidia drivers deal with the extra .5G differently, you don't need to manually disable it. I have yet to see a review of games where anything can be proved about it slowing down the card - it's just a lot of fanboy hype fanned by lovers of the red camp so far.
the GTX 970 memory issue was first brought up by GTX 970 owners on Nvidia's forums
the reason why GTX 970 users noticed it is because they actually play games and push edge cases (ie significant Skyrim modding) where the 3.5GB RAM limitation gets exposed
the reason why reviewers didn't notice it is because they use benchmarks that aren't VRAM intensive until AA + resolution gets ramped up
during all the GTX 970 memory hoopla on the Nvidia forums, someone released a tool that showed 3.5GB of the VRAM ran 7 times as fast as the last 512MB
most GTX 970 users may not experience or notice the memory issue, but it is an issue Nvidia has acknowledged