Frankly, I am well past the point of considering Islam a religion. It is much more what we consider to be a cult in the West with the added frisson of being a "whole life" totalitarian system of societal governance, judicial code and economic regulation.
Maybe that is a bit redundant as in most, if not all, cults you have the dominant person or class of "enlightened" that use the claimed aspect of divinity to enslave and then you have the rest as enforcers, serfs and cannon fodder. The rules vary but not the intended enslavement.
Over the years I have come to see that believers in a rote Koran are really only imbuing the old "divine right of kings" into a different, yet familiar, form.
The West, and thus Christianity, was pulled kicking and screaming into an Enlightenment. Much of the East, particularly where Buddhism came to flourish, and other places where thinking such as Taoism and Confucianism also went through their respective equivalents, also gained a high level of civilizing moderation.
One key to modern enlightenment, as opposed to divine revelation to the benefit of a privileged person or class, is that matters of faith and the element of divinity are, to a great degree, separated from government and law. In the totalitarian "faiths" such as Communism and in the totalitarian cults such as strict Islam, meaning mainstream Islam, they are not.
It is hard to imagine any level of tolerance of diversity coming from either Wahhabism or Shia with their strict adherence to the infallibility of Muhammad. Muhammad's word is law and his commands are contained in the Koran and must be followed verbatim, though some, like the Shia of Iran, also like to claim Muhammad's cousin and son-in-law Ali and other members of Muhammad's family and descendants are also infallible. Are you seeing the cultish aspects here yet?
I personally do not trust claims of divinity coming from murderous, misogynist, pedophile warlords just because they have visions and know how to win friends and influence people. How about you?
I am highly amused by the various homosexuals, women, libertines, liberals, alcohol drinkers, druggies and other infidels/unbelievers, etc. that support Islamic "rights" to propagate and enforce their cult through sharia, which just happens to target them for oppression and eventual elimination once they have no further use as slaves. It is by far the largest cult of intolerance in the world, and you want to sing kumbaya while they plan your elimination? Well, they will give you a chance to convert before they cut off your head. Will you take them up on their offer?
Of course, this is a broad generalization. There are more or less tolerant versions of Islam like the Bahá’í, but they are held to be apostates by those who claim to be pure(r) in their adherence to the Koran and thus to Mohammad and are regularly killed to get that point across.
I found this little video gives an introduction to what Islam is about...
Three Things About Islam
There is much more, but do remember, one of the rules of Islam is that lying to unbelievers is completely acceptable and encouraged so long as it furthers the cause of Islam (taquiyya.)