A Nerd who lost a lot of weight, you can do it too!

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Jun 13, 2000
Originally posted by: JohnStoneFl
So how's everybody doing? Quite a few of you seemed pretty motivated and were going to start getting cut up for the summer. I hope everything is going well...

Fatloss-wise I'm pretty much where I want to be at this point. I still have a tiny bit more fat to lose, but nothing major. Here's a before/after picture that I took yesterday. Unlike my daily pictures, I'm smiling, oiled and posed in this one. http://www.twowiresthin.com/john_wl_4_f.html

I also added an FAQ page to my website that addresses some of the more common questions I get asked: http://www.twowiresthin.com/wl2003/faq.html

Anyone who's been hitting the gym wanna give us a progress report?

Wow, nice work... can definitely see that you're more cut now... could be the tan too though.

I'm stuck at a plateu of about 11% bf. Weather is finally starting to get decent up here, so i'll be biking a lot more often soon, so hopefully i'll get in the 9% range this summer.


Jun 13, 2000
Originally posted by: JohnStoneFl
So how's everybody doing? Quite a few of you seemed pretty motivated and were going to start getting cut up for the summer. I hope everything is going well...

Fatloss-wise I'm pretty much where I want to be at this point. I still have a tiny bit more fat to lose, but nothing major. Here's a before/after picture that I took yesterday. Unlike my daily pictures, I'm smiling, oiled and posed in this one. http://www.twowiresthin.com/john_wl_4_f.html

I also added an FAQ page to my website that addresses some of the more common questions I get asked: http://www.twowiresthin.com/wl2003/faq.html

Anyone who's been hitting the gym wanna give us a progress report?

Wow, nice work... can definitely see that you're more cut now... could be the tan too though.

I'm stuck at a plateu of about 11% bf. Weather is finally starting to get decent up here, so i'll be biking a lot more often soon, so hopefully i'll get in the 9% range this summer.


No Lifer
Sep 29, 2000
I'm still trucking along. I weighed in this morning at a new record (recent years anyway). I'm really looking small with clothes on though. My strength is reasonably consistent but another 5-10 pounds of fat I'll be where I want to be and I'm looking forward to being able to raise my daily calories if for no reason other than to put some much needed muscle on. My clothes are starting to be too big on me. I've pulled out some old ones that I can now where again but other than some cheesy t-shirts much of my stuff is too big and I'm not going to buy anymore, so I guess until it wears out I will look too thin. People are noticing but damnit I need some muscle size on me! Fat makes a person look a bit bigger with clothes on


Golden Member
Dec 14, 1999
What do you guys think about alternating days lifting and jogging? I've been told that it's bad to do both but I have NO muscle in my upper body and I need to get down from 15% body fat to a lower level. I've been told if you have little muscle its ok to do cardio and lift. (I prefer not to do HIIT though)

On a side, the middle of my right foot has been killing me recently. I guess it's my arch. SOMEONE please help me figure out what i need to do. I will go to the Doc if it gets worse, but I don't want to have to...


Senior member
Jul 23, 2001
Originally posted by: trikster2
Anyone ODing on the tuna worry about mercury? Read somewhere that salmon has less so I've been leaning towards salmon even though it is more fatty.....

I worried about the same thing, but it seems that even the health officials are not sure about what to think either.
I have found many different articles stating its not a problem....to.....never eat tuna.

Pregnant women and mothers who breastfeed have been advised to limit their consumption of tuna fish.
The UK Food Standards Agency is concerned that mercury found in the fish could pose a health hazard.
It says women who intend to get pregnant should also be careful about eating too much of the fish.
When planning to have a baby and while pregnant or breastfeeding, women do need to take particular care of their health and that of their baby

Dr Andrew Wadge
The FSA says all these women should not eat more than two medium size cans of tuna a week.
They have already been advised to avoid any shark, swordfish and marlin.
The new advice about tuna does not apply to children or any other adults.
A survey conducted last year found levels of mercury in a wide range of commonly eaten fish.
The latest advice follows a review of the results by the independent Committee on Toxicity, which advises the government.
It found the amount of mercury in tuna was near the limit it sets for pregnant and breastfeeding women and those considering having a baby.
The FSA said there was a "small risk" to unborn children and new babies because mercury can harm their nervous system.


Mercury is released naturally into the environment through the earth's crust into the ocean but is also absorbed by the sea as pollution from burning household and industrial waste.
Dr Andrew Wadge, acting director of food safety at the FSA said: "It is unlikely that many pregnant or breastfeeding women eat more than the recommended amounts of these fish every week.
"But for any that currently do, it would be a sensible precaution to change their diets slightly.
"This will help protect the unborn child and the developing breastfed baby.

Independent laboratory tests commissioned by the Citizen show that swordfish, shark and fresh or frozen tuna are consistently more than double the Health Canada limit. Five other species and canned tuna almost always meet the standard.

A coalition of environmental and health care groups has issued a warning about mercury levels in tuna fish.

The group, called Health Care Without Harm, says pre-school children should eat no more than one tuna fish sandwich a week. It also says pregnant women should avoid it altogether to protect against dangerous levels of mercury.

The coalition analyzed 27 samples of major brands of tuna, fish sticks and shrimp from grocery stores. Tuna contained the most mercury with an average of .167 parts per million
Mercury can cause permanent brain and nervous system damage to the developing bodies of pre-schoolers and unborn babies.
Coal-powered utility plants are the biggest producers of mercury emissions that contaminate streams, lakes and rivers.

Health Canada exempts swordfish, shark and fresh or frozen tuna from regular testing for mercury content, even though it knows all three almost never meet the 0.5 parts-per-million maximum the department has set for all other fish.

Canned tuna is not affected because younger fish are used in the product and have not accumulated higher levels of mercury in their bodies.
The advisory says Canadians:
should limit consumption of fresh and frozen fish to once a week
pregnant women, women of child-bearing age and young children should eat the fish no more than once a month
Mercury is a toxin that can attack the nervous system. It accumulates in the body and can affect fetal development, cause blindness and other birth defects.

As for my summer exercise program. I started about 2 weeks ago, but put it on hold while i had final exams.
I finished on friday so im back at it, and i have been using that excel sheet that JohnStone made.

Im also following the 5-6 meals a day idea. I find it hard to eat so often, im really not used to that but it seem all good so far.
I make sure that i get AT LEAST 1500 calories a day balanced out over carbs fat and protein (usually 5-10% more protein and fat)



Elite Member
Nov 29, 2000
Originally posted by: JohnStoneFl
Originally posted by: coldcut
That is amazing. The only way I'll recognize him is through his lazy eyes.

WTF are you talking about? I don't have a lazy eye.
Ignore the trolls.....they tend to crop up now and again.



Diamond Member
Jul 2, 2001
I'm stuck at 5'8" and ~140 (or a bit less) lbs.

i don't work out and eat lots of junk food.

<3 teenage years <3


Jul 3, 2001
Originally posted by: JohnStoneFl
So how's everybody doing? Quite a few of you seemed pretty motivated and were going to start getting cut up for the summer. I hope everything is going well...

Fatloss-wise I'm pretty much where I want to be at this point. I still have a tiny bit more fat to lose, but nothing major. Here's a before/after picture that I took yesterday. Unlike my daily pictures, I'm smiling, oiled and posed in this one. http://www.twowiresthin.com/john_wl_4_f.html

I also added an FAQ page to my website that addresses some of the more common questions I get asked: http://www.twowiresthin.com/wl2003/faq.html

Anyone who's been hitting the gym wanna give us a progress report?
I worked out a lot last year, but because of a car accident in early Feburary ... I was unable to work out. I am finally three weeks back in to my old routine and I am feeling much better about myself. I have a rotation of chest/back/shoulders, running/abs, arms/legs and a couple days off a week. I pretty much am doing the same weight/reps I was doing right before the accident, so I am hoping for some big gains soon (wishful thinking, I know). I can tell I have gained muscle and lost body fat, so I have to be happy about that.

I am already kind of light at 5'10" 150lbs, but my weight has been steady is holding steady the whole time I have been working out, but I wonder how much I will weigh in a few months if I continue at this pace:Q Since my goal is to be more trim (as you can tell by the emphasis of running)... will I most likey see a drop in weight followed by an increase? Or will I stay the same weight?


May 11, 2003
Originally posted by: Spac3d
:Q Since my goal is to be more trim (as you can tell by the emphasis of running)... will I most likey see a drop in weight followed by an increase? Or will I stay the same weight?

If you place an emphasis on cardio, then continuing to lift weights will help to preserve your existing lean mass, but you won't continue to make muscle gains if you are doing lots of cardio and restricting your calories (cutting). So, expect to lose some weight. Of course a huge determining factor with regards to fat loss is your diet,--what you eat, when you eat and how much you eat.


Apr 25, 2000
Originally posted by: JohnStoneFl
So how's everybody doing? Quite a few of you seemed pretty motivated and were going to start getting cut up for the summer. I hope everything is going well...

Fatloss-wise I'm pretty much where I want to be at this point. I still have a tiny bit more fat to lose, but nothing major. Here's a before/after picture that I took yesterday. Unlike my daily pictures, I'm smiling, oiled and posed in this one. http://www.twowiresthin.com/john_wl_4_f.html

I also added an FAQ page to my website that addresses some of the more common questions I get asked: http://www.twowiresthin.com/wl2003/faq.html

Anyone who's been hitting the gym wanna give us a progress report?

I haven't been hitting the gym, but I have been doing some light lifting and cardio (run 5 miles before breakfast) and have significantly cut back on carbs.

Have gone from 175 lbs on 4/19 to 157 lbs on 5/27 (I'm about 5'8"). Would like to get to 150 lbs and see how I look/feel.


Senior member
Jan 11, 2002
Originally posted by: Schadenfroh
i am 6 feet even tall and i went from 210lbs to 159lbs in less than 2months. (truthfully) after trying my dads wierd diet. its staying off.

So what is the "weird" diet?



Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2001
John, I check out your page every few days! I think it's kickass to see how hard you've been working!! Good luck to you in meeting your goals!

Here is my progress: I'm down to 217. I started my lifestyle change (aka: diet, worout plan) when I hit 282 four months ago. Not sure what my body fat is at. I'm still going to the gym 6 days a week, and started lifting more often. For awhile, I thought that I should focus 90% of my time on cardio and 10% weights since my goal is/was to lose weight. After doing some reading, I've decided to still focus on cardio, but put some more weight lifting sessions into my routine. I need to work on getting a better lifting routine. I'm going to spend more time developing that, but if anybody wants to suggest a good split routine, that would be helpful!

I still want to get down to about 185 or so (at least). I'm 6'0" and have what most people would call a bigger frame. I've already had to buy an entire new closet full of clothes. I haven't worn a size large since high school. Now my biggest problem is what to do with all of my old clothes. I think I'm going to sell them on eBay. Heh. I would just give them away, but I paid too damn much for them to just give away.

Anyways, good work on your weight loss/workouts!!


May 11, 2003

badluck Thanks, great work man. Impressive results so far! Keep it up.

Originally posted by: Riprorin
Anyone have any advice on how to get rid of the last bit of fat around the waist?
The only way is to keep losing fat through a sound diet and cardio exercise. That area is the most common "trouble" area for most men (myself included) and is usually the very last thing to go. I'm at 9% body fat and still have some fat around my lower abs. I'm just going to keep cutting (slowly, so I don't lose muscle) until it's gone.


Diamond Member
May 19, 2003
John, what is your opinion on Atkins low carb advantage/indulge bars?

Are they ok to have during diet?


Jun 13, 2000
Originally posted by: JohnStoneFl
badluck Thanks, great work man. Impressive results so far! Keep it up.

Originally posted by: Riprorin
Anyone have any advice on how to get rid of the last bit of fat around the waist?
The only way is to keep losing fat through a sound diet and cardio exercise. That area is the most common "trouble" area for most men (myself included) and is usually the very last thing to go. I'm at 9% body fat and still have some fat around my lower abs. I'm just going to keep cutting (slowly, so I don't lose muscle) until it's gone.

It's probably more skin than fat... you look great. Just work those wheels!


May 11, 2003
Originally posted by: coldcut
John, what is your opinion on Atkins low carb advantage/indulge bars?

Are they ok to have during diet?

I've never had them (I'm not a big fan of Atkins/keto diets). I did post above about energy bars/protein bars in general, but I'm not sure if any of that applies to the specific bar you are asking about. Maybe someone else can chime in. Sorry.


May 11, 2003
Originally posted by: Moralpanic
Originally posted by: JohnStoneFl
badluck Thanks, great work man. Impressive results so far! Keep it up.

Originally posted by: Riprorin
Anyone have any advice on how to get rid of the last bit of fat around the waist?
The only way is to keep losing fat through a sound diet and cardio exercise. That area is the most common "trouble" area for most men (myself included) and is usually the very last thing to go. I'm at 9% body fat and still have some fat around my lower abs. I'm just going to keep cutting (slowly, so I don't lose muscle) until it's gone.

It's probably more skin than fat... you look great. Just work those wheels!

Hehe, thanks man. Are you calling me chicken legs? I do work my legs hard... I think they are coming along pretty well so far. Did you see my calf picture?

I think you may be right about my lower abs and the skin. I hope it tightens up over time, it's bugging the hell out of me.


Jun 13, 2000
Nice calves! I have chicken legs too, so i know the feeling. I use to hate working legs, always felt like vomiting after a workout. But now that i can do heavier weights, i look forward to leg days and seeing what i can push.

And the skin around your lower abs aren't very noticeable either... so i wouldn't stress over them. 99% of people wish they had abs like yours. And when you start bulking a bit, that part won't stand out as much either (not that it does right now... i didn't notice it until you mentioned it).


Senior member
Apr 19, 2001
Wow I read every single post in this thread. Kudos to you John. I've been working out doing only weight lifting since last July. I made slow but definite progress and was too lazy to do cardio, just did weight training, resulting in me looking very big (not fat) with clothes on, but truly ashamed when I took the shirt off (I had boobies, especially since I had a massive chest from benchpressing). So 2 weeks ago, I decided to lay off the weights and focus on cardio more..doing cardio 6 days a week and weight lifting 3 days.

John, one question: Do you try to burn a specific amount of calories per day? I try and get about 600 or more done, per day. It takes me about half an hour, but I'm not sure if that is healthy. I do come out of it dripping with sweat, heart pumping and feeling great. Plus it gives me 30 minutes to reprocess my whole day.

I'm wondering how long it will take, I do indulge in a snickers ice cream bar though every now and then. Guess I have to lay off that... plus I eat a lot of rice, so end up having a lot of carbs. I read a mens health magazine where a cover model stated his diet and he never eats carbs after 6pm. Trying to follow that as much as possible.



Jun 13, 2000
Originally posted by: TubStain
Wow I read every single post in this thread. Kudos to you John. I've been working out doing only weight lifting since last July. I made slow but definite progress and was too lazy to do cardio, just did weight training, resulting in me looking very big (not fat) with clothes on, but truly ashamed when I took the shirt off (I had boobies, especially since I had a massive chest from benchpressing). So 2 weeks ago, I decided to lay off the weights and focus on cardio more..doing cardio 6 days a week and weight lifting 3 days.

John, one question: Do you try to burn a specific amount of calories per day? I try and get about 600 or more done, per day. It takes me about half an hour, but I'm not sure if that is healthy. I do come out of it dripping with sweat, heart pumping and feeling great. Plus it gives me 30 minutes to reprocess my whole day.

I'm wondering how long it will take, I do indulge in a snickers ice cream bar though every now and then. Guess I have to lay off that... plus I eat a lot of rice, so end up having a lot of carbs. I read a mens health magazine where a cover model stated his diet and he never eats carbs after 6pm. Trying to follow that as much as possible.

I believe he uses High Intensity Interval Training HIIT.
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