A Racial Slur, a Viral Video, and a Reckoning

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Mar 17, 2008
It seems that you're incapable of viewing this issue with any sense of real curiosity. I'll try express genuine "racism" in a way that you can understand.

I'm not offended by your CRT approach to something you have zero direct knowledge of.

Sure, racism still exists, but it's no where near the problem it once was. I've said as much, but you've managed to IGNORE it. I go where I want, when I want, with my beautiful white wife or alone. I hedge my bets by being armed much of the time. My life wouldn't have been near this easy 70+ years ago. This is what I meant when I said that things WILL get better still, but only if American blacks get busy holding up our part of the deal. I know you despise anecdotes, but since you don't have the power to enforce your speech codes on me...

My mother (born in 1922 Chicago) HATED whites with a fiery passion (for reason), however she was able to restrain those thought's, becaue she was smart enough to know that feeling that way could be counter-productive for her and my siblings. One of her best friends was white.

My dad (born in 1929 Mississippi) couldn't care less about whites. Strange huh? When I was old enough to ask him about his experiences and understand the responses, he mentioned that his family didn't interact with whites much because they had everything they needed to survive. This included a family show farm. He also told me that his time in Korea, during the war, was even easier in racial terms.

Being raised by two such powerful opinions prepared me to exist in this country in ways you don't seem to think possible, cy.

Your x-y spiel doesn't wash. Simplify and re-state please.

My position is this, we (by that I mean all of us) need to get passed tribalism and hidden agendas' for the sake of PEACE. You know, that societal\personal construct that allows you and I to live with as little fear as possible while we negotiate our lives. Is that clear enough? I sure hope so. What's next?

I don't care about the ambient skin color of congress. As long as they behave according to Constitutionally approved norms they're golden. If you're knowledgeable about current events in the US you have a front-row seat to what happens when two essentially currupt and powerful political parties go at each other, pulling their respective enablers/constituents along for the ride.

Republicans: A sad case without Trump. They're going to live what they say or be swept aside. They're relatively quiet in their grifting and talk a big game delivering nothing to their constituents. These folks suck too, just nowhere near as bad as Washington democrats.

Democrats: Out in the open now. In spite of their claims of being for this or that micro-culture, they do nothing right for our country. They're devoid of common sense. They've even, openly mind you, started using barbaric ANTIFA/BLM shock troops to scare the population into silence and constant doubt. Also and this needs to be said STRONGLY, democrats couldn't care less about "diversity", except when they can use it as a sword/shield against their enemies. In spite of what any of you might think of me, believe what I say here or prove me wrong with your own experience's or facts. BTW, I was born a democrat, lived under and among them for the first part of life.

Find a trusted source of your own or a site like Parler to expand your political/social horizons. Doing so is very important. Research the history of the democrat party and be amazed at the depravity of their current\former leadership. Democrat voters, put your "feelings" aside and THINK.

Stacey Abrams? She's a megalomaniac covered with fat and a road-company version of George Soros, without the billions. Racism? Sure, if that translates into power, worship and money for >her<. I could go on when it comes to this disgusting woman, but I'll leave it here. May I ask, what you expected me to say on this topic, cy?

Thanks for the thought out reply, ill just filter the insults and try and stay the course.

"I'm not offended by your CRT approach to something you have zero direct knowledge of."
- This is true, why I need to have someone explain it. That being said, the voter suppression taking place in ie. Georgia may not be text book racism but rather power positions traditionally held by white people and thus white people trying to defend these positions. Power is a addictive drug. Whatever you want to call it, its a stab at free and fair elections right?

"Sure, racism still exists, but it's no where near the problem it once was. I've said as much, but you've managed to IGNORE it. I go where I want, when I want, with my beautiful white wife or alone. I hedge my bets by being armed much of the time."
- Thankfully it is not! But hey man, things today is not as bad as they were 50 years ago, WW2 ago, WW1 ago, 50.000BC later stoneage ago. A couple of points though 1. Just cause its better doesnt mean it cant or should continue to improve and 2. shit CAN go in reverse. You know when shit goes in reverse? When someone(plural) stands to profit from the conflict. I'd argue that this has been the case under Trump. Its the case many places, Europe too. These are the real hotspots and motivations we need to understand and have free fair media put a light on.
I am uncertain how you factor in "being armed most of the time" in your experience to go and do as you please as a black guy. I assume you'd be armed no matter what color of skin, right?

"Your x-y spiel doesn't wash. Simplify and re-state please."
- Im trying.

"My position is this, we (by that I mean all of us) need to get passed tribalism and hidden agendas' for the sake of PEACE. You know, that societal\personal construct that allows you and I to live with as little fear as possible while we negotiate our lives. Is that clear enough? I sure hope so. What's next?"
- Agreed 100pct, but this is where you start to lose me. When you have leaders screaming the opposite into their followers skulls what do you get? Did you catch the "Proud Boys 6MWE"? Coupled with what you write next

"...They've even, openly mind you, started using barbaric ANTIFA/BLM shock troops to scare the population into silence and constant doubt. Also and this needs to be said STRONGLY, democrats couldn't care less about "diversity", except when they can use it as a sword/shield against their enemies."

(demoracts started using shock troops?) and

"Find a trusted source of your own or a site like Parler to expand your political/social horizons. Doing so is very important. Research the history of the democrat party and be amazed at the depravity of their current\former leadership. Democrat voters, put your "feelings" aside and THINK."


"Stacey Abrams? She's a megalomaniac covered with fat and a road-company version of George Soros, without the billions. Racism? Sure, if that translates into power, worship and money for >her< "

This is where our realities begin to diverge. Democrats dont give two fucks about diversity? How can they not if democrats defined IS diversity? That looks like actual representation to me. Obama was representation. You throw in Soros and then I go "this dude of the belief that there is a hidden power structure under Democrats pulling the strings, Soros, Clintons, and according to Alex Jones, Space Demons? You throw in Parler too and to me that is in the same realm as flat-earth anti-wax pedo-pizza-ring Qanon conspiracy non-fact territory.

"May I ask, what you expected me to say on this topic, cy?"
I expected definition. Think we got some. If I glossed over some of it from earlier posts thats on me.
We have another guy that pops in from time to time that sort of reflects your position @SP33Demon, why it poked my curiosity.
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Diamond Member
Jan 26, 2004
Thanks for the thought out reply, ill just filter the insults and try and stay the course.

"I'm not offended by your CRT approach to something you have zero direct knowledge of."
- This is true, why I need to have someone explain it. That being said, the voter suppression taking place in ie. Georgia may not be text book racism but rather power positions traditionally held by white people and thus white people trying to defend these positions. Power is a addictive drug. Whatever you want to call it, its a stab at free and fair elections right?

>You're wrong. Rebublicans have long since given up on the black vote. There's no reason to suppress our vote when we can't even vote our own self-interest in any real numbers. We've proven that we're easy to manipulate, using our addiction to rampant emotion. There's a reason that so many of us are inclined to treat others, including ourselves, like toys or prey animals. Free and fair elections are about to die in the US, and republicans had nothing to do with it. If after 4-years of democrat leadership behaving like greedy, mal-adjusted MONSTERS. IF they can win any elections, at any level, the American experiment is lost without a war. And unthinking, ignorant black voters are partially responsible, voting as they do (+/- 94%) for the party that was directly responsible for slavery.

"Sure, racism still exists, but it's no where near the problem it once was. I've said as much, but you've managed to IGNORE it. I go where I want, when I want, with my beautiful white wife or alone. I hedge my bets by being armed much of the time."
- Thankfully it is not! But hey man, things today is not as bad as they were 50 years ago, WW2 ago, WW1 ago, 50.000BC later stoneage ago.

>No insults, right? This is a weird argument from a person who isn't black or even in our country. Please re-state in a timeframe that's relevent. This time without the obvious propagandistic programming. This discussion should just be you and I, right?

A couple of points though 1. Just cause its better doesnt mean it cant or should continue to improve and 2. shit CAN go in reverse.

>I already addressed this. Please reread what I said about American blacks taking some responsibility for how things go for us in the future. And by this I don't mean periodically going bat-shit crazy, at the slightest provocation. As you might guess, I was around in 1968. I saw firsthand what happens when we destroy our own neighborhoods in a fit of stupidity. Blacks paid in many ways for '68 yet learned NOTHING. Tell me, are you at least starting to get a real-world picture of how truly damaging the current political fads are in the US?

I'd argue that this has been the case under Trump.

>You'd be wrong. Trump was/is nothing but a convenient stalking horse. Yeah, the guy can be annoying, like many New Yorkers. However, the un-censored truth (why I suggested Parler as a jumping-off point for getting a picture of the "other" and its politics) indicates that Trump has been far better for the country during his current term than Obama was in his two. Don't just believe me in this case, do the research!

Its the case many places, Europe too. These are the real hotspots and motivations we need to understand and have free fair media put a light on.

>Agreed, but that's not what we're getting, is it? If you can, please watch a movie called The 13th. It can be a tear-jerker but it's realistic. A book called The Madness of Crowds should be must reading, for both the unwoke and woke factions. We should have some knowlefge of who, and why we're being prodded into a war. right? Questions for you: where are you in Europe? What's censorship like there, in both broadcast news and over the tubes?

I am uncertain how you factor in "being armed most of the time" in your experience to go and do as you please as a black guy. I assume you'd be armed no matter what color of skin, right?

>Again, consider reality in your musings. Where in this world can you proceed about in total safety? You're right, given my current situation, married to a white woman who I MUST keep safe at all costs, I should be armed when we're together. I don't and mostly haven't packed when by myself. My size, demeanor and willingness to engage have always gotten the job done. Fat ego? Yes, but based on my history. Beyond that remember the 2a is there for a reason. An armed society really IS a polite society, in the US at least.

"Your x-y spiel doesn't wash. Simplify and re-state please."
- Im trying.

- Agreed 100pct, but this is where you start to lose me. When you have leaders screaming the opposite into their followers skulls what do you get? Did you catch the "Proud Boys 6MWE"? Coupled with what you write next.

I'm showing my age. I have no idea what "6WWE" means. Enlighten me. Republicans/conservatives are very different in how they respond to stimuli. It's easy to see what happens when democrat voters are set loose. Remember that $2 BILLION insurance bill and 36 murders (last I heard) for democrat excesses? Conservative voters have been constantly abused, battered, treated with that horrible "racist" methodology and called all manner of vile names and "canceled." We haven't broken violent, yet. Where you aware tha leader/Co-founder of the Proud Boys is black? Is he somehow still a nazi knowing this? Question: Who would you prefer having an apart next to? Me or a BLM/ANTIFA activist?

"Stacey Abrams? She's a megalomaniac covered with fat and a road-company version of George Soros, without the billions. Racism? Sure, if that translates into power, worship and money for >her< "

This is where our realities begin to diverge. Democrats dont give two fucks...

(blah-blah-blah) Jesus, ENOUGH of you kissing your own ass at my expense!

>You're trending back towards abusive, programmed dogma I see. You're pathetic, especially when you try to lump Alex Jones in with that walking ball-sack Soros, during your smooth-brained attack on a brother no less. I'd love to go at you properly, but I try avoid real talk in places like this. Rules and all. You're horribly mis-informed and unaware. Mental conditions like wilful stupidity and connivance jump to mind as well. I'll have no more of your BS. I wish you were in the US so we could meet in person, son.

And Stacey Greedy-Gut should eat lots more butter.

This boy's a soft target, guys. Have his silly ass.


Nov 4, 2004
^^ lol, insults and threats? How high brow of you. Also, practice using the quote tool, it will.make sussing out your threats and insults much easier.


Diamond Member
Oct 1, 2003
Again, nobody has given a valid reason why one non black person can say the n word and make millions, while another non black person says it and gets kicked out of college. The argument of that Cardi B is a latina is ridiculous. She is not black. Says the n word over and over, wears braids, nothing negative. Gina Rodriguez said the n word while singing a song, and got slammed for it. No pass given. Same for many others. Allowing someone to say it who isnt black based on who they are, what they wear, their job, etc is just stupid. The boy who turned in the girl is very light skinned. There will be a time, if not happened already, where he is told he is too light to say the n word, or to do something else. This is a fact.

Colorism is a real thing, Blackish actually did a very good episode on it. Highlighting where black people discriminate against others based on how dark they are, where they live, how they dress, how they talk, etc. In my experience that is far more hurtful to some random person saying the n word showing their ignorance. The fact that that a black person can lose their black card proves this.

As I said, Dems love to play race card, even when not there. Constantly driving a narrative that there is so much hate, working headlines in a certain way. Giving passes to obvious racism and not treating it all the same way. Because to dems, some racism is ok, even encourage. Is there actual racism? Of course. There are some disgusting people in the word. Trying to make it worse just to get clicks and a story is a terrible thing to do. Headline after headline, by major publications, claim that cops shot an "unarmed black man in the back" and wont be charged. That is a million percent false. For one there are witnesses claiming he had a knife, two Blake himself admits he had a knife. That is being armed. Yet they claim unarmed to get a headline. That is terrible and should never be ok.

Black nba player called a white nba player a "bitch ass white boy" last year. Absolutely nothing happened. That 100% would not be the case if reversed. Black nfl player thinks he is quoting Hitler in a anti semitic quote, "Jews will blackmail America. Jews will extort America, their plan for world domination won’t work if the Negroes know who they were. ", and praises Farrahkan. His punishment? Nothing. Not a single snap missed.

Calling out racism is justified, its the right thing to do. Every time. Not just when its one race towards another. Contrary to popular belief, there is no such thing as "reverse racism". Its just racism. Picking and choosing when to be offended by it does nothing but help create more divide and stir up more hatred. But they people who do it in the media know this, so do the people who do it here. Instead of acknowledging it, they attack and call names. As happened in this very thread. "No personal attacks" is subjective too, depending on who you are. Something else that shouldn't be.
Nov 8, 2012
MLK has long been forgotten and is being pissed on in his grave from what the current acceptable practices are.

The entire basis was instead of segregating people into groups by born characteristics to instead focus on how similar we all are.

As mentioned here - examples such as combat vets, no one gave a flying shit what color the person next to them was in combat, because they were all on the same tribal team as Americans. Same goes for things like sporting teams, they are all after the same goal of winning. The goal isn't segregating and propping up one race, it's winning as a team.

But when you make and segregate people into groups by race... well, you just made everyone tribal based on race. Good job. Perfect way to shoot yourself in the foot.


Mar 17, 2008
Thanks for the thought out reply, ill just filter the insults and try and stay the course.

"I'm not offended by your CRT approach to something you have zero direct knowledge of."
- This is true, why I need to have someone explain it. That being said, the voter suppression taking place in ie. Georgia may not be text book racism but rather power positions traditionally held by white people and thus white people trying to defend these positions. Power is a addictive drug. Whatever you want to call it, its a stab at free and fair elections right?

>You're wrong. Rebublicans have long since given up on the black vote. There's no reason to suppress our vote when we can't even vote our own self-interest in any real numbers. We've proven that we're easy to manipulate, using our addiction to rampant emotion. There's a reason that so many of us are inclined to treat others, including ourselves, like toys or prey animals. Free and fair elections are about to die in the US, and republicans had nothing to do with it. If after 4-years of democrat leadership behaving like greedy, mal-adjusted MONSTERS. IF they can win any elections, at any level, the American experiment is lost without a war. And unthinking, ignorant black voters are partially responsible, voting as they do (+/- 94%) for the party that was directly responsible for slavery.

"Sure, racism still exists, but it's no where near the problem it once was. I've said as much, but you've managed to IGNORE it. I go where I want, when I want, with my beautiful white wife or alone. I hedge my bets by being armed much of the time."
- Thankfully it is not! But hey man, things today is not as bad as they were 50 years ago, WW2 ago, WW1 ago, 50.000BC later stoneage ago.

>No insults, right? This is a weird argument from a person who isn't black or even in our country. Please re-state in a timeframe that's relevent. This time without the obvious propagandistic programming. This discussion should just be you and I, right?

ps "6MWE" is those Proud Boy shirts ... 6 Million Wasnt Enough. You know, the stand back and stand by crackpots that went ballistic yesterday. Six million jews ... wasnt enough. Good people on both sides. I guess.

A couple of points though 1. Just cause its better doesnt mean it cant or should continue to improve and 2. shit CAN go in reverse.

>I already addressed this. Please reread what I said about American blacks taking some responsibility for how things go for us in the future. And by this I don't mean periodically going bat-shit crazy, at the slightest provocation. As you might guess, I was around in 1968. I saw firsthand what happens when we destroy our own neighborhoods in a fit of stupidity. Blacks paid in many ways for '68 yet learned NOTHING. Tell me, are you at least starting to get a real-world picture of how truly damaging the current political fads are in the US?

I'd argue that this has been the case under Trump.

>You'd be wrong. Trump was/is nothing but a convenient stalking horse. Yeah, the guy can be annoying, like many New Yorkers. However, the un-censored truth (why I suggested Parler as a jumping-off point for getting a picture of the "other" and its politics) indicates that Trump has been far better for the country during his current term than Obama was in his two. Don't just believe me in this case, do the research!

Its the case many places, Europe too. These are the real hotspots and motivations we need to understand and have free fair media put a light on.

>Agreed, but that's not what we're getting, is it? If you can, please watch a movie called The 13th. It can be a tear-jerker but it's realistic. A book called The Madness of Crowds should be must reading, for both the unwoke and woke factions. We should have some knowlefge of who, and why we're being prodded into a war. right? Questions for you: where are you in Europe? What's censorship like there, in both broadcast news and over the tubes?

I am uncertain how you factor in "being armed most of the time" in your experience to go and do as you please as a black guy. I assume you'd be armed no matter what color of skin, right?

>Again, consider reality in your musings. Where in this world can you proceed about in total safety? You're right, given my current situation, married to a white woman who I MUST keep safe at all costs, I should be armed when we're together. I don't and mostly haven't packed when by myself. My size, demeanor and willingness to engage have always gotten the job done. Fat ego? Yes, but based on my history. Beyond that remember the 2a is there for a reason. An armed society really IS a polite society, in the US at least.

"Your x-y spiel doesn't wash. Simplify and re-state please."
- Im trying.

- Agreed 100pct, but this is where you start to lose me. When you have leaders screaming the opposite into their followers skulls what do you get? Did you catch the "Proud Boys 6MWE"? Coupled with what you write next.

I'm showing my age. I have no idea what "6WWE" means. Enlighten me. Republicans/conservatives are very different in how they respond to stimuli. It's easy to see what happens when democrat voters are set loose. Remember that $2 BILLION insurance bill and 36 murders (last I heard) for democrat excesses? Conservative voters have been constantly abused, battered, treated with that horrible "racist" methodology and called all manner of vile names and "canceled." We haven't broken violent, yet. Where you aware tha leader/Co-founder of the Proud Boys is black? Is he somehow still a nazi knowing this? Question: Who would you prefer having an apart next to? Me or a BLM/ANTIFA activist?

"Stacey Abrams? She's a megalomaniac covered with fat and a road-company version of George Soros, without the billions. Racism? Sure, if that translates into power, worship and money for >her< "

This is where our realities begin to diverge. Democrats dont give two fucks...

(blah-blah-blah) Jesus, ENOUGH of you kissing your own ass at my expense!

>You're trending back towards abusive, programmed dogma I see. You're pathetic, especially when you try to lump Alex Jones in with that walking ball-sack Soros, during your smooth-brained attack on a brother no less. I'd love to go at you properly, but I try avoid real talk in places like this. Rules and all. You're horribly mis-informed and unaware. Mental conditions like wilful stupidity and connivance jump to mind as well. I'll have no more of your BS. I wish you were in the US so we could meet in person, son.

And Stacey Greedy-Gut should eat lots more butter.

This boy's a soft target, guys. Have his silly ass.
Nice . And what would you have us do, dad, should we meet in person? Hold hands?
Kisses and give my best to your missus.
Hahahaha... Internet tough guys. I love them.


Free and fair elections about to die.
Blacks did it to themselves.
Blacks are ignorant(94%)
Need a war
- I have no comeback for any of that but: Damn.

I am disqualified for not being black or even in your country then eh, whats the point right? Anyway its not like we dont have racism here, its just another set of minorities, lived in a 'ghetto' for many years, experienced racism both ways. I dont know what to say other than we are a progressive race, over time, we progress, with the occasional hiccup.

"I already addressed this. Please reread what I said about American blacks taking some responsibility for how things go for us in the future. And by this I don't mean periodically going bat-shit crazy, at the slightest provocation. As you might guess, I was around in 1968. I saw firsthand what happens when we destroy our own neighborhoods in a fit of stupidity. Blacks paid in many ways for '68 yet learned NOTHING. Tell me, are you at least starting to get a real-world picture of how truly damaging the current political fads are in the US?"
- No sorry, I dont get it. Blacks taking responsibility for how things go in the future.. I mean sure, one person is smart, a bunch of people are dumb as shit. We can talk about personal responsibility all day, how I need to make better choices for my self, but the second your put your broad brush to the canvas with that idea it dies. If you want people, plural, to make better choices you need to educate them to make better choices... You as in *you*, people arent doing shit without a leader.

... abuse programmed dogma, I am pathetic... I am also done.

cliffhanger ... I havent gotten my Soros check this month, you know whats up with that?
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Nov 8, 2012
Nice . And what would you have us do, dad, should we meet in person? Hold hands?
Kisses and give my best to your missus.
Hahahaha... Internet tough guys. I love them.

Christ dude, are you 12? He's posted all kinds of serious notes, advice, and points - and this is how you reply?

What a 2 year old. You call him an internet tough guy and you're the one just posting blatant flames. What a douche.


Mar 17, 2008
Christ dude, are you 12? He's posted all kinds of serious notes, advice, and points - and this is how you reply?

What a 2 year old. You call him an internet tough guy and you're the one just posting blatant flames. What a douche.

Ah our resident village idiot. You will have to excuse him. He is 100% harmless.
Reactions: hal2kilo


Feb 15, 2002
>You'd be wrong. Trump was/is nothing but a convenient stalking horse. Yeah, the guy can be annoying, like many New Yorkers. However, the un-censored truth (why I suggested Parler as a jumping-off point for getting a picture of the "other" and its politics) indicates that Trump has been far better for the country during his current term than Obama was in his two. Don't just believe me in this case, do the research!

Here's where you drank the kool-aid bigly, I suppose you believe the economy under Trump was growing faster than under Obama...right?
Nov 8, 2012
Here's where you drank the kool-aid bigly, I suppose you believe the economy under Trump was growing faster than under Obama...right?

Depends on your measurement. Based on the stock market, looks like the answer is an absolute yes.

Also, I believe what he was trying to emphasize was to learn to see different points of view in life. That doesn't mean accept them. That doesn't mean agree with them. It means learn to step outside your bubble in life instead of living in self-ignorance.


Feb 15, 2002
Depends on your measurement. Based on the stock market, looks like the answer is an absolute yes.

Also, I believe what he was trying to emphasize was to learn to see different points of view in life. That doesn't mean accept them. That doesn't mean agree with them. It means learn to step outside your bubble in life instead of living in self-ignorance.
I know all to well their point of view. I watch Fox about three hours a week to see their new outrages and talking points and then I see them here again.


Mar 17, 2008
I know all to well their point of view. I watch Fox about three hours a week to see their new outrages and talking points and then I see them here again.
Indeed, oppo research. Fox, the donald.win and, a little breitbart, a little oan and a little rt. A seamless transition.
Reactions: soundforbjt


Feb 24, 2009
I know all to well their point of view. I watch Fox about three hours a week to see their new outrages and talking points and then I see them here again.
Know thine enemy. It a very informative experience and at least explains many of the nutty ideas coming from that side. They pick an outrage of the day, the week, and the month depending on how much that underpinning of reality needs to be massaged.


Diamond Member
Jan 26, 2004
Nice . And what would you have us do, dad, should we meet in person? Hold hands?
Kisses and give my best to your missus.
Hahahaha... Internet tough guys. I love them.

>What should you, robot? Think about it.


Nov 21, 2001
Know thine enemy. It a very informative experience and at least explains many of the nutty ideas coming from that side. They pick an outrage of the day, the week, and the month depending on how much that underpinning of reality needs to be massaged.
I will admit that I allow people here and elsewhere "take one for the team" with collecting that oppo research, and reading their summaries.
I share the TV at home and I don't think I can get away with direct exposure.
Like looking into the sun and goatse at the same time.
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