a8n-sli chipset heatsink fan

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Junior Member
Jan 21, 2005
Asus is screwing the Netherlands it seems. Helpdesk is only available through a webform that gets answered in Taiwan and when you have a comment about the support you can sent a mail to some adress in China which doesn't reply at all. I also tried the german webform but no reply as well. I'm sure there are a lot of others with the same problem but they just seem to either accept it or replace it with other solutions.
I got an email from my dealer that says they expect a new version (of what? the fan, the board?) to arive within a month. I realy have no reason to believe them though. (0 trust in them)
Just the fact that the US has an Asus hotline and we don't proves the US is getting special treatment. Or the other way around I suppose since it's only reasonable they'd replace the fans. So back to point 1: Asus is screwing the Netherlands.


Golden Member
Sep 3, 2003
has anybody tried getting a replacement fan for the asus a8n-e motherboard ? or is this replacement fan only for the a8n-sli series motherboards?


Golden Member
Nov 12, 1999
Originally posted by: stickybytes
has anybody tried getting a replacement fan for the asus a8n-e motherboard ? or is this replacement fan only for the a8n-sli series motherboards?


Since ALL of the A8N series mobos were originally outfitted with those small, cheap, noisey, 8000 RPM hsf I BELIEVE that the replacement fan covers the entire A8N series.



Golden Member
Nov 12, 1999
Originally posted by: Solema
...I got tired of Asus' 250DDR 1T issue and switched to DFI. I'm just going to install it on the Asus and eBay it.


What is the "ASUS 250DDR ISSUR" ???



Golden Member
Nov 12, 1999
Originally posted by: quik
Here is a few pics i took of the new fan and replacement of the old one...
PIC 10
PIC 11

Great pics, just one question.

What is that greyish/black pad (with the square center cut-out) seen in pic #3 ???
Is that some sort of insulating material for the original nf4 setup ???
Did you replace it before installing the replacement hsf ???




Golden Member
Nov 12, 1999
Originally posted by: mauri
... I've also thought of installing Papst 412 -type of fan on top of the original heatsink, or attaching the papst to the zalman ZM-NB47J. Has anyone tried that kind of solution; zalman+papst (or any 40*40 mm fan)?

See "toaster"s post earlier in this thread for just one example of the many people who posted in this thread using a Pabst 412 40mm FAN in COMBINATION with the Zalman NB47J.



Golden Member
Nov 12, 1999
Originally posted by: Kanchi
...Just the fact that the US has an Asus hotline and we don't proves the US is getting special treatment. Or the other way around I suppose since it's only reasonable they'd replace the fans. So back to point 1: Asus is screwing the Netherlands.

Well, I hate to say it but U.S.A. ROCKS !!! We are the BEST, the GREATEST, we RULE !!! So I guess we DESERVE "special treatment" !!!



Golden Member
Nov 12, 1999
Originally posted by: Nanobaud
OK, I Bjork'd something ('Bjork' - to cause a major problem in an attempt to fix a minor one). After replacing the original HSF with the new Asus one (Carefully, but not exceedingly carefully), the box hangs during memory test in POST (including asus voice report 'system fail memory test). Tried each stick individually as well as an old PC1600 stick (will that work?), but always the same. So, I assume I messed-up the MB when I was cleaning the old thermal pads off the NF4. I get a MSI Neo4 MB and move the CPU and memory to that. I notice in the MSI manual that they warn NF4 chipset can be ESD damaged rather easily and system won't boot. Sounds familiar, I'm hopeful... Same thing, hangs during POST at memory test, any memory configuration. Next logical suspect I assume is the memory controller, hence the CPU, but I am not so anxious to go buy a new A64 (yet) to test my theory. Is the CPU the most likely cause? Is there anything I might need to 'reset'? Any way I can narrow things down more without needing to swap in known-good components?

Thanks for any feedback.


Nanobaud: Did you try using a DIFFERENT stick of RAM in the MSI NEO4 system (not the RAM used in your nf4 set-up) to rule out problems with the RAM ???


Dec 9, 2004
Originally posted by: Fisher999
Originally posted by: Nanobaud
OK, I Bjork'd something ('Bjork' - to cause a major problem in an attempt to fix a minor one). After replacing the original HSF with the new Asus one (Carefully, but not exceedingly carefully), the box hangs during memory test in POST (including asus voice report 'system fail memory test). Tried each stick individually as well as an old PC1600 stick (will that work?), but always the same. So, I assume I messed-up the MB when I was cleaning the old thermal pads off the NF4. I get a MSI Neo4 MB and move the CPU and memory to that. I notice in the MSI manual that they warn NF4 chipset can be ESD damaged rather easily and system won't boot. Sounds familiar, I'm hopeful... Same thing, hangs during POST at memory test, any memory configuration. Next logical suspect I assume is the memory controller, hence the CPU, but I am not so anxious to go buy a new A64 (yet) to test my theory. Is the CPU the most likely cause? Is there anything I might need to 'reset'? Any way I can narrow things down more without needing to swap in known-good components?

Thanks for any feedback.


Nanobaud: Did you try using a DIFFERENT stick of RAM in the MSI NEO4 system (not the RAM used in your nf4 set-up) to rule out problems with the RAM ???

Yep, new stick of RAM, new MB, checked PS voltages under load, no cards: Still hangs in the same place (should hang at video, but that comes later in POST). Tried same thing with video card in just to be thorough, same hang. Guess it's gotta be the CPU.

Is there any practical way that a damaged MB can damage the CPU? If I get a new CPU and get it working in the new MB, is there any risk in trying it in the old MB again?



Jun 4, 2005
Originally posted by: Fisher999
Originally posted by: mauri
... I've also thought of installing Papst 412 -type of fan on top of the original heatsink, or attaching the papst to the zalman ZM-NB47J. Has anyone tried that kind of solution; zalman+papst (or any 40*40 mm fan)?

See "toaster"s post earlier in this thread for just one example of the many people who posted in this thread using a Pabst 412 40mm FAN in COMBINATION with the Zalman NB47J.

Thanks. I went through the whole thread today and saw that article (it took a while to go through 20 pages though ). I've decided to go with Zalman NB47J, and add 40mm papst if needed. Can you glue the fan in to the heatsink (like with really strong superglue) if the screws won't fit?


Golden Member
Oct 14, 2000
mauri, i was thinking the same thing. Either superglue, or a couple of drops of some super duper adhesive stuff. I know there's a bunch at home depot.

I have the A8N-E coming next Friday when I go to the AMD Tech Tour. I decided to take a chance and call Asus and amazingly, the RMA rep is sending me out the replacement setup without even having the board yet. That's pretty cool. So I can install that right away from the get-go.

I'm hoping that does the trick. If not, I guess it'll be back to the drawing board deciding between the Zalman heatsink with fan or maybe that Swiftech cooler.


Jun 4, 2005
I was just checking the room above my chipset and I realized that it looks like there is not enough room for the Zalman NB47J, since i installed VF700-CU to my X800XL few weeks ago. The fins of the VF700-CU are right above the chipset hsf, approximately 2cm above the heatsinks cover.

Has anyone got any experience on fitting the Zalman NB47J to this mobo with X800XL and VF700-CU fitted into the grapic card? Or is there any alternatives? Most of the mods in this thread (what i noticed) were about AC Silencer and NB47J, but how about with Zalmans own GPU-cooler?

I would appreciate the help, since my stock heatsink is starting to lose its RPMs (altough i just cleaned it) and wont work while booting the computer.


Junior Member
Mar 20, 2005
I got the swiftech chipset cooler here so i had to flip the VF700 to make enough space. Work well but i dont know if its a good idea if you use just the zalman chipset cooler. You gonna need good case air flow. I got 6800GTs in SLI and it work great.


Jan 31, 2005
Just so everyone knows...the Zalman is not the only passive heatsink that works on this board. I put a CoolerMaster Northbridge Chipset Cooler PAC-P01 on mine. Then I took the new fan ASUS sent me, removed the cover and heatsink, then glued the fan to the top of the CM heatsink. So far, it idles at 37C and games at 40-41C.

The fan is very quiet and if it ever fails I can run without it or stick another one in its place without removing the MB. Probably it is only stirring air in the top part of the heatsink anyway.


Diamond Member
Feb 24, 2005
Originally posted by: Nanobaud
OK, I Bjork'd something ('Bjork' - to cause a major problem in an attempt to fix a minor one). After replacing the original HSF with the new Asus one (Carefully, but not exceedingly carefully), the box hangs during memory test in POST (including asus voice report 'system fail memory test). Tried each stick individually as well as an old PC1600 stick (will that work?), but always the same. So, I assume I messed-up the MB when I was cleaning the old thermal pads off the NF4. I get a MSI Neo4 MB and move the CPU and memory to that. I notice in the MSI manual that they warn NF4 chipset can be ESD damaged rather easily and system won't boot. Sounds familiar, I'm hopeful... Same thing, hangs during POST at memory test, any memory configuration. Next logical suspect I assume is the memory controller, hence the CPU, but I am not so anxious to go buy a new A64 (yet) to test my theory. Is the CPU the most likely cause? Is there anything I might need to 'reset'? Any way I can narrow things down more without needing to swap in known-good components?

Thanks for any feedback.


Wow, this is almost exactly like my experience. I replaced the stock chipset HSF with the Asus provided replacement and now my computer refuses to POST. I thought it was the video card (everything seems to spin up but no picture) so I RMA'd the video card. The new one still doesn't work.

So I have purchased a new A8N-SLI Deluxe and am going to RMA the current one. I *HOPE* this solves the problem. Although your experience doesn't sound promising. I hope I/we didn't fry all our components.

ARGH! This is frustrating.



Diamond Member
Feb 24, 2005
Originally posted by: ricky326123
Originally posted by: binister
I called the Asus tech support line and all I had to say was "My chipset fan..." and the guy interrupted me and said "Oh you have the Asus A8N-SLI Deluxe?" I replied "Yes" and he said they were "recalling" the original fans because they were defective. I asked if it was a genuine recall and he said no that it was just something they were told to be aware of. He forwarded me the e-mail that was sent to the CSRs... Here it is...

"There is a slight difference between the original chipset fan and new fan for the A8N SLI Dlx. Please see following attachment. Please make sure to notify customer of this if you will be sending them a replacement to avoid customer calling us about this simple issue.

Note that this is the improvised fan, that shouldn't be unstable like the original fan."

The e-mail included a pic of the old chipset fan and the new one. It looks like the new one attached at a 45 degree angle compared to the original. I will post the pic later tonight.

I asked if the new one was quieter and he replied, "Yes, very much so." I asked if I needed to RMA my board and he said "No, not unless your current board overheated due to the old chipset fan."

My replacement fan should be here next week.

EDIT: Pic of old/new fan.

do you have to pay anythink for send them the old fan back>?? and is it hard to put the new one in since i dont know much about takeing fans off

my chipset temp is 37C
cpu is amd 64 fx55 temp 40-60C

No, it does not cost anything and you do not have to send the original chipset HSF back.

Replacing the HSF isn't difficult but you must be extremely careful. It seems the NF4 chipset is very fragile. There isn't a heat spreader on the chipset either, so too much force will likely damage the chip, which is exactly what I think happened to me.


Junior Member
May 21, 2005

Just wanted danish people to know, that I was required to ship the old chipset fan to ASUS before they would send me a replacement fan. ASUS confirmed that they are indeed shipping the 45 degrees chipset fan that has been discussed in this thread.

This probably applies to all european people.

I had a hard time getting through to the tech. support on the phone, so I am posting the address information here to keep other danes:

Asus Nordic
Finlandsgatan 16
16475 Kista

Send old chipset fan along with the serial number of your motherboard. Don't forget to include a 100% valid return address (I just collected as many details from my motherboard as possible and wrote them on an A4 to be sure).

My serial number was located on a sticker on the parallel port.

I am currently using the Zalman NB47J passive heatsink on the northbridge, but as I'm using an ASUS 6800 GT and am about to install an NV5 rev. 2. silencer (actually got the box here already), I decided to stick with the replacement fan as people started to report on vastly improved sound levels.

I don't plan to cut in the NV5 rev. 2. silencer as suggested by other members and frankly like the idea of an actively cooled northbridge.

Hopefully I'll get around to install the replacement fan within a few days - I'll post some pictures also from the NV5 rev. 2. silencer setup.


Jun 4, 2005
Has anyone tried Akasa chipset cooler (AK-210) to this motherboard? Any experiences by anyone? This might be the only HSF that would fit under my graphic card (X800Xl with Zalman VF700-Cu).


Golden Member
Nov 12, 1999
Originally posted by: Kanchi
Holy crap fisher999, way to bump up your postcount

I often post at times when there are not many people on the forum so that's why I sometimes have multiple posts. At least my posts are usually LONG and ask questions of importance rather than people who get their postcount up by posting short meaningless messages like:

Holy crap fisher999, way to bump up your postcount


Golden Member
Nov 12, 1999
Originally posted by: mauri
Originally posted by: Fisher999
Originally posted by: mauri
... I've also thought of installing Papst 412 -type of fan on top of the original heatsink, or attaching the papst to the zalman ZM-NB47J. Has anyone tried that kind of solution; zalman+papst (or any 40*40 mm fan)?

See "toaster"s post earlier in this thread for just one example of the many people who posted in this thread using a Pabst 412 40mm FAN in COMBINATION with the Zalman NB47J.

You're Welcome


Golden Member
Nov 12, 1999
Originally posted by: Nanobaud

Yep, new stick of RAM, new MB, checked PS voltages under load, no cards: Still hangs in the same place (should hang at video, but that comes later in POST). Tried same thing with video card in just to be thorough, same hang. Guess it's gotta be the CPU.

Is there any practical way that a damaged MB can damage the CPU? If I get a new CPU and get it working in the new MB, is there any risk in trying it in the old MB again?

These are really excellent questions and I hope someone can give you reasonable/verifiable answers.


Diamond Member
Jan 28, 2002
Originally posted by: Fisher999
Originally posted by: Nanobaud

Yep, new stick of RAM, new MB, checked PS voltages under load, no cards: Still hangs in the same place (should hang at video, but that comes later in POST). Tried same thing with video card in just to be thorough, same hang. Guess it's gotta be the CPU.

Is there any practical way that a damaged MB can damage the CPU? If I get a new CPU and get it working in the new MB, is there any risk in trying it in the old MB again?

These are really excellent questions and I hope someone can give you reasonable/verifiable answers.

I've tried putting a working K6-2 in dead socket 7 motherboard before and then putting it back in a functional motherboard and the chip is still running today (and going on 8 years old). It's doubtful that a dead motherboard could damage the CPU.

Originally posted by: binister
No, it does not cost anything and you do not have to send the original chipset HSF back.

Replacing the HSF isn't difficult but you must be extremely careful. It seems the NF4 chipset is very fragile. There isn't a heat spreader on the chipset either, so too much force will likely damage the chip, which is exactly what I think happened to me.

I successfully swapped a northbridge heatsink on an nForce board yesterday. An exposed core is fragile, as we should all have learned from the socket A CPUs. Mounting a replacement northbridge heatsink or hsf on the nF4 chip is more challenging than it is on a socket A CPU because there are no pads (at least not on the board I had), and it uses push pins. Therefore, it's very easy to accidentally tilt the heatsink while attempting to secure it. That could crack or chip the core.

Have you all who have killed your motherboards cleaned and examined the nF4 chip? It's probably chipped. That, or you scratched a trace on the motherboard somehow.


Junior Member
Jan 21, 2005
Originally posted by: Fisher999
Originally posted by: Kanchi
Holy crap fisher999, way to bump up your postcount

I often post at times when there are not many people on the forum so that's why I sometimes have multiple posts. At least my posts are usually LONG and ask questions of importance rather than people who get their postcount up by posting short meaningless messages like:

Holy crap fisher999, way to bump up your postcount

I'm sorry, I was only kidding but yes, your reply:
Well, I hate to say it but U.S.A. ROCKS !!! We are the BEST, the GREATEST, we RULE !!! So I guess we DESERVE "special treatment" !!!
was very helpfull


Golden Member
Jan 14, 2004
When I replaced my chipset fan before I booted my system I cut the push pins with a small set of cutters cleaned the thermal paste off and applied some AS Ceramique and put the Zalman on and I have had no Issues with my board since I first booted it.
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