Abbott is an idiot. Free market approach to failing electrical grid.

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Feb 24, 2009
Yes. They required the industry to winterize or file a $150 extension waiver so I'm sure we are good.

Wow, let's see what would I rather do, $150 extension to get past winter or $1.5 million dollar upgrade?


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
That's what Dem's have been doing. How's that working out?
I tried to point out something I applies as it appeared in this thread on Texas electricity policies. I saw the people of Texas basically being called immoral worthless idiots because they vote for Republican politicians. I believe that is not a productive road to go down. It is a road full of contempt for other people because they are evil. My criticism of the left was generated by what I saw exemplified here. I see the same attitude expressed also in Democrat politics, a growing contempt for the evil of the other, just as that contempt has reached dangerous levels on the right.

I believe the attraction that people have for conservative politics has a moral foundation larger than the concerns that exist on the left and that the left's inability to appreciate those concerns is why they lose elections. I gave scientific evidence that points to this as factual regardless of your claim that Democrats are already doing this. I believe that for Democrats to attract more voters they need to have a deeper understanding of what makes conservatives tick but when I try to point out what I consider to be flawed in Democratic thinking, based on scientific studies of the interplay between left and right, I just redirect the contempt the left feels for the right over on to me. Kill the messenger.

I have to show the same contempt for the right that other liberals do. I have to acknowledge the righteousness of that hate. I must not disrupt the orthodoxy of sacred beliefs the left holds as the sum total of moral values that are important and that despite the scientific evidence that the left is blind to that.

I have tired to suggest that is a dead end, that the left requires a more encompassing kind of awakening than the shrill pointing to the evil of the other. That people are driven by moral concerns does not mean that what they believe those ethical values to be are actually ethical. That is why I think liberals should focus on delivering a different vision of the full range of moral concerns that animate conservatives. As one example, we can take de-fund the police. Authority is important to regulate societies that contain members who don't respect the rights of others and to tell people that authority is going away will generate fear. The proper attitude is not to fear authority as a tool of fascism, but one that is necessary and needs to be properly constituted in a way that generates respect rather than contempt. I am sure that rational Democrats agree but the more the flow of behaviors trends toward contempt for authority, the more ammo you hand to Republicans who are ready and the drop of a hat to exploit societal fears.

But what I post here is directed to those who read what I post and what I post is related to what I see others posting. I see rage against the machine. Rage away but what rage does is divide. It is the reflection of rage against the self projected on others. Self love ends the existence of monsters. The extinction of monsters leads to compassion for those who still see them. I am aware that what I call wisdom others call insane. You want to blame others as monsters but the monster is yourself. The monsters I see are me. I can't change the fact that I see them in the other, but I don't have to feel that delusion by being blind to the the actual situation.

Key to what I believe to be enlightened understanding is the realization that is the belief in monsters that make they real. And what we believe is what we actually feel, the last thing we ever want to allow into conscious awareness.

Perhaps we are about to see a bunch of monster believing fools fuck themselves in Texas. I think it is sad and I pity them.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
I think the far better answer to why the left loses elections is it’s a two party system but instead of 51% of the vote they need like 53-54% to win and their opponents need like 47%.

Doesn’t that pretty much explain it all?


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
I think the far better answer to why the left loses elections is it’s a two party system but instead of 51% of the vote they need like 53-54% to win and their opponents need like 47%.

Doesn’t that pretty much explain it all?
Not to me it doesn’t. Comparing liberal vs conservative policies you would think it would be 100% to 0. I think the reason it isn’t is that conservatives know who to harp on conservative moral concerns that Democrats failing to hold makes them blind in how to effectively counter. This has made for a country that has grown up with excessive levels of fear and fear creates conservatives. Conservatives, in turn, give themselves any advantage they can in order to keep liberals out of power. Liberals look to conservatives like people absent moral values.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Not to me it doesn’t. Comparing liberal vs conservative policies you would think it would be 100% to 0. I think the reason it isn’t is that conservatives know who to harp on conservative moral concerns that Democrats failing to hold makes them blind in how to effectively counter. This has made for a country that has grown up with excessive levels of fear and fear creates conservatives. Conservatives, in turn, give themselves any advantage they can in order to keep liberals out of power. Liberals look to conservatives like people absent moral values.
I think this comes from a lack of understanding of people. You have difficulty understanding why people think differently than you.


Diamond Member
Feb 14, 2005
I tried to point out something I applies as it appeared in this thread on Texas electricity policies. I saw the people of Texas basically being called immoral worthless idiots because they vote for Republican politicians. I believe that is not a productive road to go down. It is a road full of contempt for other people because they are evil. My criticism of the left was generated by what I saw exemplified here. I see the same attitude expressed also in Democrat politics, a growing contempt for the evil of the other, just as that contempt has reached dangerous levels on the right.

No. People are saying they are immoral worthless idiots because they vote in GOP politicians who are immoral. The republicans that are being voted in are doing thins like gerrymandering districts to suppress minorities. These republicans fight against laws and programs that would benefit the everyday man.

This is not to say that democratic politicians are all good, but in general, they have a lot more compassion and most democrats actually fight for the common person, which is a hell of a lot more preferable to the majority of republican politicians. Like Jim Jordan, who protected pedophiles like Matt Gaetz. Or Ron Johnson who recently said he does not feel providing more services like childcare is the responsibility of government or society.

I believe the attraction that people have for conservative politics has a moral foundation larger than the concerns that exist on the left and that the left's inability to appreciate those concerns is why they lose elections. I gave scientific evidence that points to this as factual regardless of your claim that Democrats are already doing this. I believe that for Democrats to attract more voters they need to have a deeper understanding of what makes conservatives tick but when I try to point out what I consider to be flawed in Democratic thinking, based on scientific studies of the interplay between left and right, I just redirect the contempt the left feels for the right over on to me. Kill the messenger.

Gerrymandering is why democrats lose. I'm not saying it's the only reason, but it is a major reason that democrats lose. The federal government needs to force redistricting like what was done in Michigan. Four republicans, four democrats, and five independents chosen at random to be on a council that worked on redistricting. I feel this is a fair and impartial method. And if there really were more voters that lean one way or another in a given district, it is what it is. As long as the process was done in a fair and impartial manner.

I have to show the same contempt for the right that other liberals do. I have to acknowledge the righteousness of that hate. I must not disrupt the orthodoxy of sacred beliefs the left holds as the sum total of moral values that are important and that despite the scientific evidence that the left is blind to that.

I have tired to suggest that is a dead end, that the left requires a more encompassing kind of awakening than the shrill pointing to the evil of the other. That people are driven by moral concerns does not mean that what they believe those ethical values to be are actually ethical. That is why I think liberals should focus on delivering a different vision of the full range of moral concerns that animate conservatives. As one example, we can take de-fund the police. Authority is important to regulate societies that contain members who don't respect the rights of others and to tell people that authority is going away will generate fear. The proper attitude is not to fear authority as a tool of fascism, but one that is necessary and needs to be properly constituted in a way that generates respect rather than contempt. I am sure that rational Democrats agree but the more the flow of behaviors trends toward contempt for authority, the more ammo you hand to Republicans who are ready and the drop of a hat to exploit societal fears.

This comment has no basis in fact. Conservatives are shooting themselves in the literal foot, just to own the liberals. You keep repeating how conservatives are moral in an effort to paint conservatives as more moral, and that is a load of bullshit.

But what I post here is directed to those who read what I post and what I post is related to what I see others posting. I see rage against the machine. Rage away but what rage does is divide. It is the reflection of rage against the self projected on others. Self love ends the existence of monsters. The extinction of monsters leads to compassion for those who still see them. I am aware that what I call wisdom others call insane. You want to blame others as monsters but the monster is yourself. The monsters I see are me. I can't change the fact that I see them in the other, but I don't have to feel that delusion by being blind to the the actual situation.

Key to what I believe to be enlightened understanding is the realization that is the belief in monsters that make they real. And what we believe is what we actually feel, the last thing we ever want to allow into conscious awareness.

Perhaps we are about to see a bunch of monster believing fools fuck themselves in Texas. I think it is sad and I pity them.

No. It's rage against selfish assholes who are inhumane. For all the morality that conservatives claim to possess, they are unwilling to help the everyday man. They are there to enrich the rich, and enslave the poor. This is the current republican party. This is what your supposed conservative morals are causing.

How about some examples?

Any programs that directly benefit society are cut.

Childcare? It's your fault you're poor.

Universal healthcare? Again, stop asking for handouts you peon. It's your own fault you're poor.

Tax breaks are given to the rich, and only the rich.

Suppressing the voice of minorities, and those who are poor.

Voting against helping areas like NYC and Katrina that are hit with natural disasters, but turning around and begging the federal government for aid when your own state is hit.

You think conservatives want freedom of thought? No. They want you brainwashed. They are banning books. They are white-washing history.

This is the current republican party.

For anyone who actually is capable of independent thought, this does not mean I think only republicans are evil, and only democrats are good. But to try to paint conservatives, and only conservatives as moral, while painting liberals as raging monsters, is a load of bullshit. And this is what you, Moonbeam, are trying to do.


Feb 6, 2002
136 more made up CRT. That's the important thing, right? Who needs a working grid during winter?


Feb 6, 2002
I'm amazed the amount of people who continue to vote against their own interests. They would rather freeze to death in their homes as long as Abbott pays them lip services about non-existent CRT
Reactions: hal2kilo and dank69


Oct 18, 2005
Doesn't sound pro-life to me. I recall conservatives working hard to make assisted suicide illegal. While done for completely different reasons their indifference to Covid deaths is completely hypocritical.
That's the big lie, conservatives aren't pro-life.
Reactions: hal2kilo


Dec 7, 2004
I believe the attraction that people have for conservative politics has a moral foundation larger than the concerns that exist on the left and that the left's inability to appreciate those concerns is why they lose elections.

If conservatives were genuinely winning the battle of ideas with liberals, they wouldn't spend all of their time engaging in voter suppression and gerrymandering. It wouldn't matter to them because they'd win either way.


Jun 17, 2005
That's the big lie, conservatives aren't pro-life.
As far as I can tell Conservatives aren't pro anything. At least not anything they are willing to say out loud.
I have yet to see a Conservative in the current batch say what they are actually for, all they every do is be against things.
It is all fear all the time. Furries in the classroom, probably being taught CRT, which might make some white kids slightly uncomfortable, so should be banned, along with any book written by a PoC or Teh Gays. Also Illegal immigrants killing our husbands and disappearing into thin air.


Feb 6, 2002
Not to me it doesn’t. Comparing liberal vs conservative policies you would think it would be 100% to 0. I think the reason it isn’t is that conservatives know who to harp on conservative moral concerns that Democrats failing to hold makes them blind in how to effectively counter. This has made for a country that has grown up with excessive levels of fear and fear creates conservatives. Conservatives, in turn, give themselves any advantage they can in order to keep liberals out of power. Liberals look to conservatives like people absent moral values.
Conservatives are much better liars. How else could someone convince parents in Virginia that schools which ranked #4 in the country are failing their kids using something completely made up?


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
The more the Democrats move to the left the less votes they will get. The more conservative they become the more votes they will get and the less things will change. The less things change the sooner they will be replaced by public frustration and rage. So all it takes for them to lose is if they have won a majority of elections but not a progressive super-majority.

If Americans fail to see who they are I see a sad future. But let’s not focus on directing attention to what the real problem is, that Americans vote for what they feel they deserve, victim-hood.

But but but we are the most popular by a tiny margin whereas in a sane world the Republican Party would not exist.

I remember warning Liberals here what was coming with Donald Trump, the guy who everybody knew was a titanic clown, a criminal to boot, and had zero chance to win. And that because I was a open sieve and naively easily taken in, susceptible to his bull shit. Let’s hope 2022 doesn’t turn out to be a similar disaster. I keep looking for signs of people waking up.


No Lifer
Jul 20, 2001
The more the Democrats move to the left the less votes they will get. The more conservative they become the more votes they will get and the less things will change.
This is simply not true. The Dems win when they propose liberal economic policies. They lose when they fail to enact those policies or move farther to the right. Dems can overcome the Republican sleaze machine when they propose policies that benefit voters. The Republicans promise circuses. If the Dems can deliver bread, they win. Otherwise, the circus is coming to town.


Senior member
Jun 2, 2016
The more the Democrats move to the left the less votes they will get. The more conservative they become the more votes they will get and the less things will change. The less things change the sooner they will be replaced by public frustration and rage. So all it takes for them to lose is if they have won a majority of elections but not a progressive super-majority.

If Americans fail to see who they are I see a sad future. But let’s not focus on directing attention to what the real problem is, that Americans vote for what they feel they deserve, victim-hood.

But but but we are the most popular by a tiny margin whereas in a sane world the Republican Party would not exist.

I remember warning Liberals here what was coming with Donald Trump, the guy who everybody knew was a titanic clown, a criminal to boot, and had zero chance to win. And that because I was a open sieve and naively easily taken in, susceptible to his bull shit. Let’s hope 2022 doesn’t turn out to be a similar disaster. I keep looking for signs of people waking up.

The last two elections, the Dems chose the most moderate candidate they could find.


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2012

This is his ideal for the regulatory state – having to beg individuals and businesses to take actions that prevent widescale catastrophe because the government is toothless to actually require their compliance. Their electricity system is deregulated and comparatively cheap, it is attractive to miners. Abbott would never attack or alienate anyone with the potential to give him a campaign contribution. That’s why the story here is how he’s asking nicely for their help.
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