Abortion in Black America


Apr 25, 2000
More African American babies have been killed by abortion than twice the total number of deaths from these other causes combined.

AIDS 136,557
Violence 201,491
Accidents 250,087
Brain Vessel 364,586
Cancer 1,118,609
Heart Disease 1,532,362
Abortion 9,683,928

Abortion is a silent killer in our community. From 1981-2000, 9.6 million black children have lost their lives to abortion. This number is more than twice the amount of the other six leading causes of death combined. Since the legalization of abortion in 1973 by Roe vs. Wade, it is estimated that 14,000,000 black children have been aborted.

Did you know?

Over 1,200 black babies die in the United States every day. One out of every three pregnancies in the black community ends in abortion. The birth rate of African Americans is smaller than the death rate.
Black women have 36% of all abortions in the U.S. but represent only 13% of the population. One would expect the abortion percentage to equal the population percentage.
The abortion rate for black women is 3 times that of white women. African American women abort at a rate of 529 per 1,000 live births, while white women abort at a rate of 177 per 1,000 live births. The rate is even greater for married women. Married black women are almost 5 times more likely to abort than married white women.
It has been estimated that African Americans have spent over 4,000,000,000 (4 billion) dollars on abortions since its legalization.
The abortion trend for the last 18 years has steadily declined in the white community and increased in the black community. The CDC has documented a 19% decrease in white abortions, while documenting a 25% increase in black abortions during the same period. If this current trend continues, black abortions will equal white abortions in 2014 and surpass in 2015.


The plain and tragic fact is that Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry are effectively carrying out the eugenic policies that Margaret Sanger initiated with the Negro Project nearly 65 years ago.

Consider these alarming facts:

94% of all abortion clinics in this country are located in metropolitan areas;

Although Black America accounts for only 13% of our current population, nearly 36% of all abortions are performed on African Americans;

Each day in America, over 1200 African American preborn babies are lost to abortion;

In numerous cities across America, there are a greater number of abortions than live births among African American women;

Abortion is the number one cause of death among African Americans surpassing all other causes combined.


Thread locked due to racist comments from other posters in this thread.


Diamond Member
Jul 17, 2002
Poverty rates related to race

Now i'm a little unimpressed that you are singling out blacks as a means to progress your abortion arguement, which you have done many times here.

I'm not going to get into the matter of when life starts.

I don't think of it as a lost as it is an unwanted kid. If there was protection used or was no malfunction, there would have been no child born. Therefore they were never meant to exist in the first place.

If you want to use that reasoning, you could say that all women can be pregnant in 9month cycles. What about all those potential kids unborn. They are lost too.

Fact of the matter is, the fetus' aborted were never to be born in the first place. They are not lost.

But to get back to the link, Poverty rates of different races: White (8.2%), Blacks (24.4%), Hispanics (22.5%).

I would assume to these numbers that the reason for more abortions is the fact that a quarter of all blacks are living in poverty and would have a tough time raising a child in their conditions. I'd rather an unwanted fetus be aborted than suffer a life of malnurishment, life of misery, unfit parenting.

Raising a child like this is destined to create more children tossed to the streets as seen in third world countries where parents cannot support their kids. These regions have insane crime rates and are quite dangerous to live in on a day to day basis.

All i am saying here is that these increased numbers are not surprising it's just the poverty aspect. Bringing an unwanted kid into the world can't be good in principle and does make our lives better as less people are tossed aside as seen in other countries.

Also, Canada has similar abortion rates as the US, and the US has a much larger ethnic community. Our poverty rates are relatively similar as well. So there is no real race correlation in the real world. It is just a matter of poverty.


Diamond Member
Mar 21, 2003
People of color are over represented in many areas. I operate a detention center that is often disproportionately over represented by people of color.

It's not be designe, or is it?

There are measures in my field that can reduce that overrepresentation.

If you read about the founder of Planned Parent hood, she actually met with NAZI party leaders with her abortion idea as a way of reducing minority populations. When the NAZI's attrocities became publicized, she distanced herself from them.

Margaret Sanger was her name.

"To give certain dysgenic groups in our population their choice of segregation [concentration camps] or sterilization", advocated the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger in April 1932 ("A Plan For Peace", Birth Control Review; see 'appendix' for this full unabridged seminal article). Which country pioneered forced sterilization in the 20th century, Germany or the United States of America? The German program began in January 1934, but the U.S. state of Indiana passed a forced sterilization law (for mental defectives) in 1907 (when Adolf Hitler was 18 years old). Before the German program began, at least seventeen U.S. states (including California) had 'forced sterilization' laws. Before 1930 there were 200-600 forced sterilizations per year (in the U.S.A.) but in the 1930s the rate jumped to 2,000-4,000 per year.

Historical linky.



Feb 27, 2003
Originally posted by: LordMagnusKain
it's about being poor, not black.

let's get past the racism

except for the last line, I agree. The next question is then: Why are more black people poor?


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
In a competitive society there are winners and losers. We can't have a reward for hard work and ability where the top 5% justly control most of the resources for their tremendous contribution to society in the form of jobs, without lots and lots of people feeling defeated in that race and not giving a damn. The rotting poor are like the fertilizer that impels the rest of us to keep our nosed to the grind stone so we don't wind up there. Somebody has to lose if somebody else is going to win. What winner who naturally buys and owns the game would ever change the rules? Come on get real. Don't waste your time with the poor. They will only sap your strength. To win you focus only on winning.


Diamond Member
Jul 17, 2002
Why are more black people poor?

I'm going to get flamed for this one...but...

I assume the way the education system is setup in the United States.
There is no question to the idea that blacks do tend to live together in communities. If one in 4 blacks is below the poverty line relative to 8% in whites, you can make the assumption that these communities are poorer than most white majority communities.

The way the funding structure in the US; the education funding is collected locally and distributed accoringly. This is why urban slums get the worst teachers, facilities, equipment etc. The rich communities have country club like ammenities, best teachers, etc. Also, local fund-raising drives are allowed as well. This makes a massive gap in the education delivered to the children.

This is the two america's idea john edwards is pushing. The US's social infrastrcture, especially education wise has a lot of issues and could be the reason for the demographics shown here.

That's one part of the equation biostud. But there are many things contributing.


No Lifer
Sep 29, 2000
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
In a competitive society there are winners and losers. We can't have a reward for hard work and ability where the top 5% justly control most of the resources for their tremendous contribution to society in the form of jobs, without lots and lots of people feeling defeated in that race and not giving a damn. The rotting poor are like the fertilizer that impels the rest of us to keep our nosed to the grind stone so we don't wind up there. Somebody has to lose if somebody else is going to win. What winner who naturally buys and owns the game would ever change the rules? Come on get real. Don't waste your time with the poor. They will only sap your strength. To win you focus only on winning.


Diamond Member
Aug 5, 2004
look at the crime numbers, blacks commit a disproportionate amount of crimes as well...


Diamond Member
Jul 17, 2002
To add to Moonbeam...

If blacks had equal number of poor relative to whites, you have similar abortion and crime rates. This shouldnt be turned into a racial discussion but a poverty dicussion.

Maybe Riprorin can bring up some abortion rates of poor Whites.
This data would be reevant for the discussion at hand.


Diamond Member
Jul 12, 2001
Who cares its a medical procedure, and any woman is entitled to it.

I'm bet your all for the death penalty though.....
May 10, 2001
Originally posted by: bthorny
Who cares its a medical procedure, and any woman is entitled to it.

I'm bet your all for the death penalty though.....

against it.

but wtf? you are pro-abortion,

...what a wack job.

no one is PRO abortion!


Diamond Member
Jul 17, 2002
Agreed. Nobody is pro-abortion. It is a difficult decision to be made by all women. I have a friend who had one. She is still feeling bad about her decision. She in no way could have supported the kid without hindering her education and becoming a lower class citizen, when in actual fact she is quite bright and has a great future ahead of her. Condom broke btw, not a lack of birth control.

Anyways, having less births is a good thing in my opinion. There are many people on this planet and i'd rather see the living standards raised for the less fortunate than creating more by banning abortion, or creating more high consuming first world residents consuming our sparse resources, which we are unsure can sustain the humans we have now. Population control is needed...Now forced abortion is wrong. But the side effect of abortions that do occur, can be a form of this measure.


Platinum Member
Apr 4, 2003
I'm with Stunt.

I don't agree with drunk driving either but I think that the forty odd thousand deaths a year, half of which are alcohol related are kind of a blessing in disguise. It keeps social security balanced because many of the people who die are older.


Golden Member
Jul 14, 2003
Originally posted by: Stunt
Why are more black people poor?

I'm going to get flamed for this one...but...

I assume the way the education system is setup in the United States.
There is no question to the idea that blacks do tend to live together in communities. If one in 4 blacks is below the poverty line relative to 8% in whites, you can make the assumption that these communities are poorer than most white majority communities.

The way the funding structure in the US; the education funding is collected locally and distributed accoringly. This is why urban slums get the worst teachers, facilities, equipment etc. The rich communities have country club like ammenities, best teachers, etc. Also, local fund-raising drives are allowed as well. This makes a massive gap in the education delivered to the children.

This is the two america's idea john edwards is pushing. The US's social infrastrcture, especially education wise has a lot of issues and could be the reason for the demographics shown here.

That's one part of the equation biostud. But there are many things contributing.

word up thats straight up facts right there



Aug 23, 2004
Why are more black people poor?
I think it's due to parental upbringing and lack of focus on education. Asians show that minorities can succeed, but how many blacks show that level of focus in schooling?

On another note, yesterday in a museum, I saw a black woman with 3 young kids. One of them started crying, and the woman proceeded to repeatedly call him a fvcking bastard. I'm not saying that all blacks are like this, but it wouldn't surprise me if a higher percentage of them tend to be abusive parents in some way.

I don't think of it as a lost as it is an unwanted kid. If there was protection used or was no malfunction, there would have been no child born. Therefore they were never meant to exist in the first place.
So if I have a kid I don't want, and the babies mother refuses an abortion, I should be allowed to snap its neck and throw it in the trash can? By your reasoning, he/she was never meant to exist in the first place either.

For the record, I am pro-choice, but I've never heard this "never meant to exist" argument before.


Feb 18, 2004
unless all of those cells were viable outside the womb, who cares about abortion rates?

social issue? sure. but silent killer? it's not "killing" nearly as many babies as masturbation is.


Diamond Member
Jul 17, 2002
Originally posted by: lordtyranus
I don't think of it as a lost as it is an unwanted kid. If there was protection used or was no malfunction, there would have been no child born. Therefore they were never meant to exist in the first place.
So if I have a kid I don't want, and the babies mother refuses an abortion, I should be allowed to snap its neck and throw it in the trash can? By your reasoning, he/she was never meant to exist in the first place either.

For the record, I am pro-choice, but I've never heard this "never meant to exist" argument before.

That story is truly sad, i had parents who are abusive parents. Bad for the person, bad for the kid, bad for society. Not taking race into it, as this poor parenting is a common theme these days in the lower class. Again in Canada we have mostly white people and similar poverty rates and we have the same problems as americans. It's a fact of the society's demographic. Making racial generalizations takes away from the true focus. It seems like it is more of an excuse than a solution.

I am not saying parents should kill their kids. But getting back to your example, if this woman is an unfit mother, she shouldnt have kids. Forcing parents out of people who are unfit parents is counter productive in our society and inherently causes suffering. My never meant to exist arguement wasn't something i read in a book. It was stated as my opinion as most things are on this forum.

My reasoning:

No child is wanted by the person.
Cannot sustain a good nuturing environment.
Cannot supply basic needs.
= Something not meant to exist

An analogy for anti-abortion advocates:
A homeless cat turns up at your house (unwanted but will not leave). Your family members including yourself are allergic to it (Cannot give attention). You have trouble making ends meet as is and cannot pay for food (Cannot afford). You live in the city and spend all your time at work (Poor environment). You own a dog which will surely attack it (violence). Now...do you take the cat to the pound where it will surely be exterminated, or do you take the cat in anyways as a moral high road. I know animals are thought by religious views as inferior. But the same compassion applies.


Platinum Member
Apr 4, 2003
Originally posted by: Stunt
Originally posted by: lordtyranus
I don't think of it as a lost as it is an unwanted kid. If there was protection used or was no malfunction, there would have been no child born. Therefore they were never meant to exist in the first place.
So if I have a kid I don't want, and the babies mother refuses an abortion, I should be allowed to snap its neck and throw it in the trash can? By your reasoning, he/she was never meant to exist in the first place either.

For the record, I am pro-choice, but I've never heard this "never meant to exist" argument before.

That story is truly sad, i had parents who are abusive parents. Bad for the person, bad for the kid, bad for society. Not taking race into it, as this poor parenting is a common theme these days in the lower class. Again in Canada we have mostly white people and similar poverty rates and we have the same problems as americans. It's a fact of the society's demographic. Making racial generalizations takes away from the true focus. It seems like it is more of an excuse than a solution.

I am not saying parents should kill their kids. But getting back to your example, if this woman is an unfit mother, she shouldnt have kids. Forcing parents out of people who are unfit parents is counter productive in our society and inherently causes suffering. My never meant to exist arguement wasn't something i read in a book. It was stated as my opinion as most things are on this forum.

My reasoning:

No child is wanted by the person.
Cannot sustain a good nuturing environment.
Cannot supply basic needs.
= Something not meant to exist

An analogy for anti-abortion advocates:
A homeless cat turns up at your house (unwanted but will not leave). Your family members including yourself are allergic to it (Cannot give attention). You have trouble making ends meet as is and cannot pay for food (Cannot afford). You live in the city and spend all your time at work (Poor environment). You own a dog which will surely attack it (violence). Now...do you take the cat to the pound where it will surely be exterminated, or do you take the cat in anyways as a moral high road. I know animals are thought by religious views as inferior. But the same compassion applies.

You take it to a third party cat lovers group who will find it a home. Think like adoption for humans whereas giving it to the pound is like foster care (high chance it won't make it) and killing it yourself is like abortion.


Diamond Member
Jul 17, 2002
Oh, i've always wondered....how do anti-abortion ppl feel about morning after pills. I assume you support condoms if sex is going to happen, but what about this anomoly....kinda abortion, kinda not.


Diamond Member
Jul 12, 2001
Originally posted by: LordMagnusKain
Originally posted by: bthorny
Who cares its a medical procedure, and any woman is entitled to it.

I'm bet your all for the death penalty though.....

against it.

but wtf? you are pro-abortion,

...what a wack job.

no one is PRO abortion!

I'm pro-choice.....if a woman wants to get it she is entitled to..

I don't know where you got from that....I'm PRO-abortion.....
Just another way the wackjob conservatives try to label people wrongly....

Funny you didn't reply to the death penalty comment.

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