absinthe now legal in Europe, available in the US


Oct 26, 2000
Google is your friend.

Absinthe is a strong herbal liqueur distilled with a great number of flavorful herbs like anise, licorice, hyssop, veronica, fennel, lemon balm, angelica and wormwood (the flavor of anise and/or licorice, at least in contemporary forms of the liquor, tends to predominate). Wormwood, the one that's gained the most notoriety, is Artemisia absinthum, an herb that grows wild in Europe and has been cultivated in the United States as well. Much of the liquor's legendary effect is due to its extremely high alcohol content, ranging from 50% to 75% (usually around 60%), plus the contribution of the various herbs. It has been assumed by many that the so-called "active ingredient" in absinthe is wormwood, although that is apparently not really the case.

It was traditionally served with ice water and a cube of sugar; the sugar cube was placed on a slotted "absinthe spoon", and the water was drizzled over the sugar into the glass of absinthe (typically in a 3:1 or 4:1 ratio). The sugar helped take the bitter edge from the absinthe, and when the water is drizzled into the the liquor it all turns milky greenish-white (the effect is called "louche").

The drink was referred to in France as "La Fée Verte", or The Green Fairy, which is a reference to its often dazzling green color (depending on the brand). The color usually came from the chlorophyll content of the herbs used in the distillation process; however, some disreputable manufacturers added toxic chemicals to produce both the green color and the louche (or clouding) effect that in reputable brands was caused by the precipitation of the essential oils of the herbs. It is quite probable that the bad reputation absinthe developed was due to these low-grade and perhaps quite poisonous version of the real thing.

Wormwood had been used medicinally since the Middle Ages, primarily to exterminate tapeworm infestations while leaving the human host uninjured and even rejuvenated by the experience. At the end of the 18th century -- the age of revolution and skeptical humanism -- the herb developed a recreational vogue. People discovered they could get high off it. The problem was the means of delivery, as it was unacceptably bitter in taste.

A French expatriate living in Switzerland by the name of Dr. Ordinaire found the answer by inventing absinthe, which delivered both the herb and alcohol in a stunningly tart beverage, with a flavor resembling licorice. The most well-known maker of absinthe was French distiller Henri-Louis Pernod, who was impressed with Dr. Ordinaire's beverages and purchased the secrets of its distillation and manufacture. Absinthe would eventually enjoy its greatest popularity in fin-de-siècle Paris, with Vincent Van Gogh, Paul Verlaine, Alfred Jarry and Oscar Wilde among its most ardent imbibers.

Given the French character of the Crescent City, absinthe achieved quite a bit of popularity in New Orleans as well, where it was widely consumed by people from artists to musicians to Storyville madams. Visitors to New Orleans can still check out the beautiful, ornate spigot at the Old Absinthe House bar on Bourbon Street; it was used to drip cold water over the sugar into the beverage. (Note: I haven't been to that bar in a while, but I understand it was recently sold and gutted; I'm not sure the original spigot is still there.)

Around the turn of the century, after observing a subset of alcoholism referred to as "absinthism", and noting that heavy absinthe users had a propensity toward madness and suicide, by the second decade of this century it became banned in the Western world, unfairly lumped in with opiates, cocaine, and marijuana when it is, in fact, just another alcoholic beverage (although one with unique properties). Although the effects of thujone can be toxic when consumed in very large quantities, this substance is found in properly made and distilled absinthe in only the smallest trace amounts. The most popular misconception about absinthe is that it is a drug. "Not so!" says the Fée Verte FAQ. As for the so-called "secondary effect", we refer you again to the FAQ:

uality absinthe, properly distilled, does have a different effect over and above the results of alcohol, though at up to 70%, the effects of the alcohol alone can be considerable. Absinthe's effects, despite popular conception, are not due to the wormwood (Artemisia Absinthia) alone. Absinthe's constituents consist of a very delicate balance of various herbs, most of which contribute in one way or another to its intoxicating effects. [Chemist and absinthe expert] Ted Breaux once explained it that it is a push-me, pull-you effect of the various herbs, as some are of an heightening effect, and others are lowering. The effect on the individual is subjective, and can best be described as a kind of heightened clarity of mind and vision, mildly ponderous and sparkling, and warmed by the effect of the alcohol. This seems to wear off after 20 or 30 minutes, leaving one with an alcohol buzz. 2-3 glasses seems to do the trick. More than that, depending on the proof of the alcohol, will just make you very drunk.
But saying all that, 'secondary effects' seem to be quite subjective. Some have never felt them at all. Some say one brand works for them, others another. Many absintheurs ... have placed absinthe's 'effects' low on their priority list when it comes to judging modern commercial absinthes, preferring to focus on actual herbal constituents, manufacture and historical detail.

When considering why the temperance groups were so keen to ban absinthe in the last century, one must also consider the contribution of the high alcohol content to "absinthism", as well as the flood of cheap and adulterated products in the market at its heyday (many unscrupulous absinthe manufacturers added toxic chemicals to the brew to achieve the green color and the "clouding" effect when the water is added, both of which came from wholly natural and herbal sources in proper absinthe). When someone consumes 20 or more glasses a day of a 120-150 proof alcoholic beverage (which were possibly contaminated with toxic metals as well), it can tend to have a deleterious effect on them.
Whether it was a bad rap or not, absinthe, in New Orleans, as well as in the rest of the United States, was banned in 1912. Interestingly, however, the current U.S. Customs restrictions on the importation of absinthe only date to 1958. The USDA and FDA regulations also ban the sale or importation of any beverage containing wormwood.

Unlike other proscribed drugs, however, absinthe failed to attract alternative entrepreneurs. As a liquid, the risk and cost of smuggling it made it far less attractive a product than a powder or dried leaves. It's also relatively mild in comparison to truly dangerous drugs, so for the most part nobody bothers with any active efforts to go after the few absintheurs there may be.

After its banning, imitations, using anise and other legal herbs in place of wormwood, appeared. The most well-known is contemporary Pernod, which was originally the best and most famous brand of absinthe; it's still made today but the similarity is only in color and brand-name. Pernod now has very little of the very floral, herbal content of the Pernod Fils Absinthe of old, is now a pastis with a strong anise flavor, and by all accounts is an entirely different beverage today. In New Orleans, the preferred absinthe substitute is Herbsaint, a locally-made anise liquor which is used in cocktails as well as in cooking. It's an absolutely lovely-tasting pastis drink, at 90 proof, and has a flavor that I believe to be superior to Pernod. It's also used in making the superb local cocktail called The Sazerac.

It's been asserted that the trouble the governments thought to see in absinthe wasn't due to the thujone at all, but simply to the alcohol -- I'd have to dispute that assertion. If it was just the alcohol, why have they still been making 120 proof Polish vodka all these years, and Bacardi 151, and Everclear? Clearly current regulations (which either ban or limit the amount of thujone content) seem to have a problem with thujone/wormwood derivatives. The bottom line is ... thujone is present in absinthe, but in such trace amounts that by the time you consumed a toxic dose you'd be dead of alcohol poisoning, many times over. Apparently the distillation process removes most if not all of the toxicity of the wormwood in well-made absinthe; that, plus its trace amounts in the elixir, make absinthe -- consumed responsibly, as any strong spirit -- perfectly safe. Additionally, wormwood is also one of the herbs used (in trace amounts) to make that flavored wine and essential Martini ingredient that we all know as vermouth. The name of the drink comes from the German wermuth, which means wormwood.

Also, the truth is ... you can kill a rat by giving him the same amount of essential oil of coriander as essential oil of wormwood.

Learned experts on the subject of absinthe also assert, after careful chemical study of the original recipes and processes, that the storied effects of thujone in absinthe are highly overrated. Any elusive "secondary effect" above and beyond the alcohol in absinthe is due to the multiple effects of the myriad herbs found in real absinthe -- some do this, some do that, some bring up, some bring down. It's a combination of the herbs that does it (whatever "it" is, if anything).

However, there are a lot of really stupid and misinformed people out there who think that wormwood is The Key to Everything, and seek pure essential oils of wormwood in an extremely misguided attempt to "get high". It has been shown that consuming pure essential oil of wormwood, a poisonous concentrate containing high amounts of thujone and with neurotoxins intact, can cause renal failure and death if consumed. Pure essential oil of wormwood is not absinthe. IT IS POISON.

The New England Journal of Medicine, in reporting a case of renal failure in a man who drank as little as 10ml of wormwood oil, notes that French research in the 1860s in which small doses of pure wormwood oil were administered to dogs and rabbits led to "convulsions, involuntary evacuations, abnormal respiration and foaming at the mouth." Gee, sounds pleasant, doesn't it? You don't want to be drinking this stuff in some lame attempt to get high. Most essential oils are highly concentrated and not meant for internal consumption in this manner.

It was reported in the early 20th Century that patients hospitalized in Paris for absinthe intoxication were noted to suffer "epileptiform activity (seizures), chest effusion, reddish urine and kidney congestion", and while patients did experience alterations in consciousness, auditory and visual hallucinations, they also suffered terrible seizures and kidney problems. This seems to have been another big reason for its being banned, although these effects are much more likely to have been due to the contaminants and metals in the cheap absinthes consumed by the poorer classes, and not from any of the well-made products. Absinthe seems to be more of a victim of a zealous prohobitionist and temperance movement than being a victim of its ingredients.

It seems to me that if one obtains true, well-made absinthe it is perfectly safe if consumed in reasonable moderation, as with any other alcoholic beverage with a similar content of alcohol. Getting drunk on it all the time is at least as bad as getting drunk on anything all the time, so there's no need for all this fuss. Also, it goes without saying that anyone who voluntarily drinks pure essential oil of wormwood is as stupid and suicidal as anyone who drinks from a container of poison.

Absinthe is still available in many parts of Europe, including Spain, Portugal, the Czech Republic and the U.K., where it is now quite the trendy thing amongst patrons of bars and coffeehouses. During my Spring 1996 trip to Eastern Europe, I sampled what I thought to be a modern iteration of The Green Fairy for the first time in the form of locally-made Hill's "Absinth" at the Globe Coffeehouse and Bookstore in Prague. I was quite curious, and in the interests of taking a dip into New Orleans history, I ordered some. It was emerald-green, and was served neat -- not in the old traditional manner, with an absinthe spoon and sugar cube. I don't think tradition would have helped. It was ... rather vile, actually.

It had a powerful kick, due to its high alcohol content, and my travelling companion opined that it smelled to him rather like turpentine. Unfortunately, its flavor resembled turpentine as well, and was nothing like the Herbsaint pastis that I had come to enjoy so much.

I didn't notice any particular effect from the thujone content, and if I had to drink copious amounts of this swill to get any effect, I declined to find out if the effect was forthcoming. I've since learned that this Czech brand, Hill's, is considered to be akin to window cleaner by absinthe connoisseurs, which is not surprising. I did not order another. After all, I did want to find my way back to my hostel that night. Actually, I didn't, but that's another story ...

If you plan to sample absinthe in reasonable, moderate quantities, I can recommend the Spanish brands Deva and Mari Mayans, which are quite good. Deva has more of a bitter edge to it and benefits from the addition of a sugar cube, while Mari Mayans has a wonderful sweetish flavor not unlike my own beloved Herbsaint, making the additional sugar optional. I understand the best absinthe in the world is the elusive Swiss elixir usually called "La Bleue"; unfortunately it's still banned in Switzerland and therefore extremely difficult to get, and extremely expensive as well. Don't bother with the Czech Hills brand, although I understand Czech brand Sebor is quite good.


Elite Member
Jan 2, 2001
The important part of all that:

"Whether it was a bad rap or not, absinthe, in New Orleans, as well as in the rest of the United States, was banned in 1912. Interestingly, however, the current U.S. Customs restrictions on the importation of absinthe only date to 1958. The USDA and FDA regulations also ban the sale or importation of any beverage containing wormwood."


Diamond Member
Jul 12, 2001
abcinthe is awesome, anybody got a link or know what issue of maxim the article was in?????


Senior member
Dec 31, 2001
The last time I was in London (UK) my friend and I had a charge of absinthe. He had paid 40 quid for the bottle but I failed to feel anything other than normal drunk. More BS than anything, I reckon.

The same guy is now making his own absinthe by steeping Wormwood leaves in alcohol. I expect to hear in the near future that he has died of poisoning.


Senior member
May 15, 2001
I tried some a couple weeks ago up in Vancouver, BC. It was strong, but not even near worth the US$60+ we paid for the bottle.

It was painful to drink and never got any of us more drunk than from any other hard alcohol.

Definitely not worth the money or the stomach ache...


Junior Member
Aug 5, 2002
i've read that the absinthe produced nowadays is much different than the one produced a long time ago. namely, the hallucinogenic component is either non-existent or too low to be of any effect, and hence, the reason it is now legal.


Golden Member
Dec 29, 1999
funny, my sister used to work at the old absinthe bar in naw'leans..cool little place


Junior Member
Dec 17, 2002
And here I thought the "Green Fairy" bit was just a creative idea of Baz Luhrman for that scene in his movie, "Moulin Rouge", where the characters, after drinking absinthe, see Kylie Minogue flying around like a sparkly green Tinkerbell (read more here: http://www.animallogic.com/film/moulinrouge/greenfairy.html ). I didn't realize absinthe was actually called that. Also, it was nice getting the rest of the info on the recipe--nice to get some culture while being a bargain vulture--thanks, iwearnosox.

For anyone who cares, btw, the moment in the Moulin Rouge script is this, just after Ewan MacGregor's character gets roped into writing the show (from this version of the script: http://www.geocities.com/talentedprotegee/scriptframes.htm )

TOULOUSE (John Leguizamo): Let?s drink to the new writer of the world?s first bohemian revolutionary show!

CHRISTIAN (Ewan MacGregor voice over): It was the perfect plan. I was to audition for Satine, and I would taste my first glass of Absinthe.

[CHRISTIAN and the BOHEMIANS crowd around as TOULOUSE prepares the absinthe. CHRISTIAN downs his glass.]

[CUT TO CHRISTIAN writing the story. HE pulls the sheet of paper out of his typewriter.]

[Back to TOULOUSE?s studio.]

(There was a boy?)

[On the Absinthe bottle, the GREEN FAIRY on the label comes to life.]

GREEN FAIRY: I?m the Green Fairy!

[The GREEN FAIRY flies off the Absinthe bottle and into the sky. CHRISTIAN and the BOHEMIANS raise their glasses.]


The hills are alive with the sound of music!

[As the GREEN FAIRY cavorts in the sky, CHRISTIAN and the BOHEMIANS laugh hysterically.]

(?a very strange enchanted boy?)

[CHRISTIAN and the BOHEMIANS, now in evening clothes, stand on the balcony outside TOULOUSE?s studio.]

CHRISTIAN and BOHEMIANS: Yeah! Freedom, beauty, truth, and love!

[As CHRISTIAN and the BOHEMIANS sing, the GREEN FAIRY writes the words in the sky.]

The hills are alive. . .

You won?t fool the children of the revolution,
No, you won?t fool the children. . .

. . .with the sound of music!

Of the revolution, the revolution,
The revolution, of the revolution?

CHRISTIAN: We were off to the Moulin Rouge, and I was to perform my poetry for Satine.

[As the GREEN FAIRY?s eyes glow red, the windmill of the Moulin Rouge turns into a swirling vortex that pulls CHRISTIAN and the BOHEMIANS in. TRACK quickly through the streets of Montmartre, through the doors of the Moulin Rouge, through the garden, and into the dance hall.]

And that's the last of the Green Fairy--right after this is the first appearance of Zidler, the Can-Can number, etc.


Golden Member
Sep 3, 2000
Absinthe is a very interesting subject. I placed a few detailed posts over at www.eurotrip.com a couple years ago about it. Had no problem ordering it from the Czech Republic around four years ago, shipped to the U.S. Now here in Amsterdam, the stuff if available at a few stores and there is also a Absinthe bar near the Supper Club. If you want an idea of how absinthe tastes, just try some Pernod, which used to be Absinthe before the use of wormwood was banished and they removed it from the recipe. Besides the Czech Republic, I picked up a bottle in Spain last year, where it is also made. There was a couple movies that featured Absinthe besides Moulin Rouge, can't remember the name, but starred Leonardo Decaprio as a gay poet. Some bars make a display of absinthe by lighting it on fire while letting it pour over the sugar cube into the glass of water (opposite as traditionally done). The one thing I never figured out was how does a lump of sugar desolve when cold water is poured over it? Especially in the olden days when the lumps wheren't even cubes of granulated sugar, but actual lumps of sugar. Also, at the turn of the century when it was popular, there was no refridgeration, so it was not served with chilled water. Well, enough babbling.

Oh, and did anyone mention how the thujone molecule is similar to THC? But like lead and gold, a little difference makes a difference.

The DiCaprio movie was called Total Eclipse and he played Rimbaud


Diamond Member
Dec 7, 1999
The other major film with absinthe is Bram Stoker's Dracula, from Francis Ford Coppola. Vlad is "dining" with Mina Harker and serves her absinthe: Absinthe is the aphrodisiac of the self. The green fairy who lives in the absinthe wants your soul. But you are safe with me.

Also, part of the reason for the rise in absinthe consumption in Europe was the phylloxera blight that pummeled French vineyards, reducing the quantities of wine available and driving wine prices up. Originally the alcohol used in absinthe was distilled from wine; when wine became expensive grain alcohol was subtituted. When the vineyards recovered, they wanted to eliminate the competition from grain-based absinthe so they pushed to have absinthe banned.


Oct 10, 1999
I've got some of the wormwood free alternative Absente and that's tasty stuff by itself. I love it. I'll have to get some of the real deal now that it's not so hard.


Senior member
Feb 26, 2000
Originally posted by: MisterJackson
So this is the stuff Johnny Depp drinks in "From Hell"

Yes, exactly, complete with absinthe spoon and sugar.
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