Active Shooting in San Bernardino, California

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Sep 5, 2000
Uhh how about after ever mass shooting happens many politicians push very vehemently for the strictest forms of gun control they can. You do realize the first ban was authored by Feinswine who has since try to have pushed in again as law as often as she opens her mouth in the last 20 years.

After Sandy Hook, the amount of politicians pushing for gun control that they actually drafted a bill at the federal level again made a lot of people take notice again and it did drive up prices. Add to the fact that in the previous case the bill had major presidential backing, just like the last one drafted after Sandy Hook, that is why many gun rights people were worried another one would pass. The original one passed because of a mass shooting that involved the death of children which is a very similar situation with Sandy Hook mass shooting.

Even though no federal law passed after Sandy Hook, many states passed stricture gun laws that did ban some guns based on cosmetics of the guns. Many of the same people in power that passed the original AWB of 1994 are still alive and in power today.

Gun owners: The most oppressed minority in america.


Sep 5, 2000
Can you imagine how hard it must be to be a white, male, Christian gun owner in this country? The oppression is.. oppressing.

Thank god im only a white male. It would be too much if I was also christian and a gun owner. The persecution must be overwhelming.


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
First, I agree that's too many and already said so. Second, note that this is the percentage who expressed some support for attacking Charlie Hebdo specifically, not terrorism against the general population. Third, that is comparable to the Christian conservatives who support violence against abortion providers, The point is this isn't a Muslim problem, it's a religious nuts problem.

That story appears to be grossly distorted.
Apparently making a distinction between murdering the general public and murdering only those who don't follow the Muslim world's demands means something to you. Not to me; I prefer to live life on my hind legs, thank you. And no, this is not a religious nuts problem. This is a Muslim problem, almost exclusively. No other religion has schools instructing its youth on how and why to murder non-believers, or teaches that murdering non-believers is an automatic pass into heaven. Every religion has its lone nuts. Only Islam has mass production.


Jun 30, 2004
Off the top of my head, for the recent shootings I recall and one thrown in from 1966, here are the stats:

Sandy Hook, Adam Lanza -- 28 killed
Aurora, CO, James Holmes -- 12 killed, 70 wounded
Colorado Springs, Robert Dear -- 3 killed, 9 wounded
Clackamas Mall, Oregon, Jacob Tyler Roberts -- 2 killed, 1 wounded
Charleston, SC, Dylan Roof -- 9 killed, 1 wounded
San Bernardino, Farook and Malik -- 14 killed, 21 wounded
. . . .
UT-Austin 1966 Charles Whitman -- 16 killed, 32 wounded

I'm more interested in mass shootings over the last 10 years. Anyone remember any others in the US?

The Paris terrorists killed 130, wounded 368.

For the moment, it's as though the SB attack is a national emergency, and the rest didn't happen. However, as I've said before, the ISIS affiliates seem to be copy-catting crazy people.

Such effective propaganda they have!! "See? We're criminally insane, too!"

It's been about 24 days since the Paris shootings, from which it followed that either ISIS threatened the US, or people speculated that there would be attacks here.

We'll have to wait and see what develops. How many attacks have been thwarted since 911?


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
Off the top of my head, for the recent shootings I recall and one thrown in from 1966, here are the stats:

Sandy Hook, Adam Lanza -- 28 killed
Aurora, CO, James Holmes -- 12 killed, 70 wounded
Colorado Springs, Robert Dear -- 3 killed, 9 wounded
Clackamas Mall, Oregon, Jacob Tyler Roberts -- 2 killed, 1 wounded
Charleston, SC, Dylan Roof -- 9 killed, 1 wounded
San Bernardino, Farook and Malik -- 14 killed, 21 wounded
. . . .
UT-Austin 1966 Charles Whitman -- 16 killed, 32 wounded

I'm more interested in mass shootings over the last 10 years. Anyone remember any others in the US?

The Paris terrorists killed 130, wounded 368.

For the moment, it's as though the SB attack is a national emergency, and the rest didn't happen. However, as I've said before, the ISIS affiliates seem to be copy-catting crazy people.

Such effective propaganda they have!! "See? We're criminally insane, too!"

It's been about 24 days since the Paris shootings, from which it followed that either ISIS threatened the US, or people speculated that there would be attacks here.

We'll have to wait and see what develops. How many attacks have been thwarted since 911?
Odd that you go back to 1966 and yet miss both the Fort Hood massacre and our own allah snack bar murder spree of four here in Chattanooga this year. Of course, Obama hasn't yet decided that one was terrorism either.


Platinum Member
Apr 11, 2004

I'm more interested in mass shootings over the last 10 years. Anyone remember any others in the US?

The Paris terrorists killed 130, wounded 368.

The US only? Why be so racist.

Anders Behring Breivik - Norway, 77 killed, 2011
Seung-Hui Cho - Virginia Poly Tech, killed 33, 2007
Pekka-Eric Auvinen - Killed 9, Finland
Baruch Goldstein - Killed 29, Israel (a US born physician..)
Tim Kretschmer - Killed 16, Germany 2009

Ok I'm picking on Europe lets move on..

William Unek - Belgian Congo - 57 killed, 1957
Richard Komachech - 1996 killed 26
Karanja, Peter - 2010, Keyna, killed 10
Li Xianliang - 2010, China, killed 17

Frankly this stuff has been going on forever.

See it all here. Japan seems to be the only country immune (mostly).


Diamond Member
May 6, 2011
Is there an explanation for this:

Remember the facts: We have multiple eyewitnesses clearly stating there were 3 shooters. We have police doing door to door searches for another suspect. We have multiple shootout scenes. (WTF?) We also have a timeline that just stinks to high heaven. And most importantly we have millions of people raving about muslims and gun control and almost no one is looking at the actual evidence. There's even a craigslist ad hiring crisis actors whose phone number is mapped to a location within walking distance of the crime scene.

Here is a video that seems to sum up what is wrong with all this:

It takes some time to digest it. This is still very much a work in progress. But it might be a good idea to download that video in case it gets taken down.
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Nov 17, 2002
Apparently making a distinction between murdering the general public and murdering only those who don't follow the Muslim world's demands means something to you. Not to me; I prefer to live life on my hind legs, thank you. And no, this is not a religious nuts problem. This is a Muslim problem, almost exclusively. No other religion has schools instructing its youth on how and why to murder non-believers, or teaches that murdering non-believers is an automatic pass into heaven. Every religion has its lone nuts. Only Islam has mass production.
Try to follow along, sweetie. The topic here is support for others' violence, NOT the commission of violence. Those who commit terrorist violence or are actively engaged in planning and executing such violence are animals, and I never even hinted otherwise. I simply pointed out levels of support from radical religious nuts are comparable. I think both the Muslims who support ISIS terrorism and the Christians who support anti-abortion terrorism are wrong. YMMV.


Jun 22, 2001
Try to follow along, sweetie. The topic here is support for others' violence, NOT the commission of violence. Those who commit terrorist violence or are actively engaged in planning and executing such violence are animals, and I never even hinted otherwise. I simply pointed out levels of support from radical religious nuts are comparable. I think both the Muslims who support ISIS terrorism and the Christians who support anti-abortion terrorism are wrong. YMMV.
Eh, anti-abortion terrorism is supported by a few rogue groups and ISIS terrorism has its support in the millions of Sunnis.

Not even sure why you would compare such a small number vs such a large number other than to try lumping Christians and Muslims into the same level of murder-support which only makes you look like your brain isn't functioning correctly. There is nothing in our lifetime like what we are seeing regarding ISIS' caliphate mandating jihad. They make AQ look like a "JV Team" regarding money, territory, and boots on the ground. They are what many leading experts in Islam coin as Osama Bin Laden's wet dream come true. To compare that with a few rogue groups (that number less than a thousand nationally) who would actually murder vs the new caliphate shows your bias against Christians under the guise of "all religion is bad". Only 1 religion is inherently bad (from a source text standpoint) and with support in the millions and growing every day at your local mosque (utilizing the caliphate's us vs them jihad ultimatum).


Jun 30, 2004
The US only? Why be so racist.

Anders Behring Breivik - Norway, 77 killed, 2011
Seung-Hui Cho - Virginia Poly Tech, killed 33, 2007
Pekka-Eric Auvinen - Killed 9, Finland
Baruch Goldstein - Killed 29, Israel (a US born physician..)
Tim Kretschmer - Killed 16, Germany 2009

Ok I'm picking on Europe lets move on..

William Unek - Belgian Congo - 57 killed, 1957
Richard Komachech - 1996 killed 26
Karanja, Peter - 2010, Keyna, killed 10
Li Xianliang - 2010, China, killed 17

Frankly this stuff has been going on forever.

See it all here. Japan seems to be the only country immune (mostly).

Racist? No. I'm addressing the Chicken-Little mass-psychology in the US. It is certainly a worldwide phenomenon, and it looks like the Islamic extremists are trying to "catch up."

It's just interesting that San-Berdoo seems to eclipse all the other more recent episodes, like Bear, Holmes, Lanza and Roof.

So the girl was radicalized in college in Pakistan, attending some other local religious school (like a Madrasa, I think?). They'll turn up every stone and find out whatever's there.

But it's sort of like the "Emperor has no clothes" story. We just suddenly forgot about all those other recent massacres, because this one has two radicalized ISIS supporters behind it. Suddenly, the only news being covered about the Paris aftermath is the "Bono-and-U2" concert. Probably 20-second clips before the broadcast resettles on Farook, Malik . . . Donald Trump.

And I'm not even trying to put forth an argument for more gun control regulation . . .


Jun 22, 2001
See it all here. Japan seems to be the only country immune (mostly).

There is mental illness in every country. Unfortunately, Islam is not a mental illness when hundreds of millions believe in it.


Sep 5, 2000
Is there an explanation for this:

Remember the facts: We have multiple eyewitnesses clearly stating there were 3 shooters. We have police doing door to door searches for another suspect. We have multiple shootout scenes. (WTF?) We also have a timeline that just stinks to high heaven. And most importantly we have millions of people raving about muslims and gun control and almost no one is looking at the actual evidence. There's even a craigslist ad hiring crisis actors whose phone number is mapped to a location within walking distance of the crime scene.

Here is a video that seems to sum up what is wrong with all this:

It takes some time to digest it. This is still very much a work in progress. But it might be a good idea to download that video in case it gets taken down.

stop being a retard.

Brian Stirling

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2010
Is there an explanation for this:

Remember the facts: We have multiple eyewitnesses clearly stating there were 3 shooters. We have police doing door to door searches for another suspect. We have multiple shootout scenes. (WTF?) We also have a timeline that just stinks to high heaven. And most importantly we have millions of people raving about muslims and gun control and almost no one is looking at the actual evidence. There's even a craigslist ad hiring crisis actors whose phone number is mapped to a location within walking distance of the crime scene.

Here is a video that seems to sum up what is wrong with all this:

It takes some time to digest it. This is still very much a work in progress. But it might be a good idea to download that video in case it gets taken down.

There's no mystery here at all!

The first picture was taken from quite far away and the use of a very large telephoto lens is compressing the image. If you notice in the background of that pic you can see the sign for "Richardson St" and it looks like it's only about 20-30 feet away from the scene when it fact it's more like 1200 feet! The coordinates for the scene are about ( 34° 4'38.73"N, 117°14'54.24"W) and from there to the sign for Richardson St is about 1200 feet.

Also, the yellow tape demarcating the crime scene also looks to be real close to the car but once again the telephoto compression effect is deceiving and that tape is a long way away from the actual scene -- they wouldn't have had the tape right next to the scene now would they.

The field of view of that lens is very narrow and the red car blocks you from seeing the white picket fence and that red car is also pretty far away from the crime scene.

The yellow lines aren't visible because they are out of the field of view of the lens and if the camera panned right a bit you'd likely see them. Notice in the top pic the cop car with the door open, well the right most extent of the door is perhaps 3 feet right of the white center line and since the lane is about 10 feet wide and you only see the left 5 feet of it you aren't going to be able to see the yellow lines.

Finally, the white doted line visible in the first pic but not the second is actually the dotted line between the lanes and once again the compression effect makes it look like the line segments are really short -- they are not, it just looks that way.

But hey, if you really need to be a truther I guess I must be one of the guys in sunglasses that staged this. Where do you live -- perhaps I should pay a visit...

UPDATE: Took another look and I think I know where the camera was when the first photo was taken. The crime scene took place on E San Bernardino Avenue a couple hundred feet east of Shedden Drive and my best guess is the road was blocked off all the way to Mountain View Avenue. From the intersection at Mountain View and E San Bernardino to the crime scene is about 1400 feet. So, the distance from camera location to the sign for Richardson St is right a half a mile or 2600 feet.

You truther types don't have a brain cell to count to twenty without taking your shoes and socks off but you act like you have it all figured out.

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May 11, 2002
The only part of this conspiracy that I still think is unresolved is the 3rd shooter and the fact that they had UTAH plates. Why? Was the 3rd shooter from Utah who helped them buy the SUV or something?

I'm sure the FBI is not stupid and will track it down.


Dec 11, 2000
Is there an explanation for this:

Remember the facts: We have multiple eyewitnesses clearly stating there were 3 shooters. We have police doing door to door searches for another suspect. We have multiple shootout scenes. (WTF?) We also have a timeline that just stinks to high heaven. And most importantly we have millions of people raving about muslims and gun control and almost no one is looking at the actual evidence. There's even a craigslist ad hiring crisis actors whose phone number is mapped to a location within walking distance of the crime scene.

Here is a video that seems to sum up what is wrong with all this:

It takes some time to digest it. This is still very much a work in progress. But it might be a good idea to download that video in case it gets taken down.

Holy fuck you're a nutter.
Feb 4, 2009
Is there an explanation for this:

Remember the facts: We have multiple eyewitnesses clearly stating there were 3 shooters. We have police doing door to door searches for another suspect. We have multiple shootout scenes. (WTF?) We also have a timeline that just stinks to high heaven. And most importantly we have millions of people raving about muslims and gun control and almost no one is looking at the actual evidence. There's even a craigslist ad hiring crisis actors whose phone number is mapped to a location within walking distance of the crime scene.

Here is a video that seems to sum up what is wrong with all this:

It takes some time to digest it. This is still very much a work in progress. But it might be a good idea to download that video in case it gets taken down.

No I'm not going to watch it because its insane.
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