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Platinum Member
Jul 28, 2015
Okay... tell me how I should interpret what you said. You're implying that islam is just as bad as Christianity again (you do this often.)

I'm sorry, there's no evidence to back up your claim. None. Tons of world-event evidence to prove the opposite. *shrug*

You wouldn't happen to be a rather peculiar species of bird, would you? You're making all these nested straw men.


Oct 18, 2013
My bad for assuming you know how to use google. Here you go: source.

I simply asked you to back up your statements. I am not going to look for the sources of your claims.

I'm going to assume that you did not look at the criticism of those studies, because if you had, you would not likely have used that as the source to defend your claims.

Here is the conclusion of a paper done on the Lancet studies. You can find this on page 38 of the paper here.

In the second section I measured L2 against the AAPOR (2005) and argued that there had been
a number of violations of principles of professional responsibilities in dealing with respondents
and in standards for minimal disclosure. In particular, there is evidence of inadequacies
in L2’s informed consent processes and that respondents were endangered and their privacy
was breached. The L2 authors have refused to disclose important information including the
exact wordings of the questions that were asked, a definitive data-entry form, their full sample
design and data matching anonymised interviewer IDs to households.
In the third section, and also to some extent in the second, I presented evidence of data
fabrication and falsification that includes:

This is why I asked you to provide your source. Turns out, your source is shit.

It's actually hard to tell if you're really this thick or having a laugh, but the statement above this makes me want to give you some benefit of the doubt.

You gave the example of a banana because you think it's representative of how other words work, that you can also look up the picture of them in a dictionary to match the thing in the real world. I actually wrote half of an exposition explaining how language actually works in some nuance, but then realized that instead of making this even more confusing for you let's instead roll with that trite outlook on words.

Its okay to admit you are wrong. But, lets move on I guess.

Imagine that you're a wannabe leader trying to build some support, so in essence followers to rally around some cause. Generally it's easiest to get dumb people to mindlessly follow causes, and because they're dumb the cause can't be very complicated.

First flaw. The cause can be complicated, its the marketing that cannot. The civil rights movement was very complex and the ideas it championed were not simple, but, the way it was expressed to the nation was that people should have equal rights. The way to get people on board is branding. The complexity of the movement is not usually important. This does not seem central to your point, but I did not want to let this pass as it is wrong.

So what you do is take some characteristic of prospective followers, let's say white/western/christian, which naturally provides a contrasting dichotomy to some other group. Notice that dichotomy also works in reverse, aka vice versa. Then you propagate that said others are the worstest people of all time, and put pictures of them in dictionaries with all the bad words that can be associated. For example, one side might use terrorist, the other infidel and so on. It all has little to do with the complex reality, but remember the simpler the better.

Let me start here by saying that you used dichotomy to reinforce the idea of contrast, but it was misused. I see this often, but you should know that dichotomy means dividing or contrasting two different or opposing things. In your comment above, there would be more than 2 groups, so all you should have said was contrasting, and not included dichotomy.

That said, you are touching on a valid point of tribalism and or ingroup outgroup preference. I have no doubt that people use terms like terrorists to cover actions of a group they dislike, but in a more socially accepted way. I have seen people call out anything an Arab person does criminally as terrorism, and they do so as a way to be biased in a more accepted way. That does not mean that all activity labeled terrorism is actually a veiled racist/bigoted/xenophobic attack on a group. Sometimes, calling things like 9/11 or 7/7 terrorism is not anything more than the correct label.

You seem to have a problem with the terms used because you carry implicit meanings behind those terms. Your filter on my words are the problem here, not the actual words.

That way to get their pea brains to click however you want, whenever the others do anything uppity/untoward, just point to the dictionary and watch the lemmings get all angry with you conveniently there to tell them what to do.

While I have no doubt people will use terrorism for their agenda (Trump) I do not think its the norm. I would not call what happened in Paris last year was uppity or simply untoward as that would take away the real impact of the event. Murder and torture should not be made out to be simply inconvenient.

Before you get all angry at me for whatever reason, please note I'm just the messenger explaining how the leadership-peabrain interaction works.

Why would you think I would get mad? Have I shown to you anger before this, or do you think me disagreeing with you is anger?


Oct 18, 2013
Okay... tell me how I should interpret what you said. You're implying that islam is just as bad as Christianity again (you do this often.)

I'm sorry, there's no evidence to back up your claim. None. Tons of world-event evidence to prove the opposite. *shrug*

He is saying that in the past, Christianity was as bad as Islam. That is 100% correct to say. He has not claimed that Christianity is currently as bad as Islam. He might fell that way, but he did not say it. You cannot jump on people for things they did not say. Reading into peoples comments and getting out an assumed meaning is SJW shit. If you believe he feels that they are currently equal, then simply ask.


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2011
He is saying that in the past, Christianity was as bad as Islam. That is 100% correct to say. He has not claimed that Christianity is currently as bad as Islam. He might fell that way, but he did not say it. You cannot jump on people for things they did not say. Reading into peoples comments and getting out an assumed meaning is SJW shit. If you believe he feels that they are currently equal, then simply ask.

Point taken, which is why I replied with the big-letter stuff and asked him to clarify it for me. I got the usual mockery in response. *shrug*

Let's face it, a LOT of sjw's think Christianity today is violent and worse than islam. Facts just don't bear that out. They also don't bear out ever being "as bad" as islam, though it's had some dark moments to be sure.

If you even think "crusades", you need to watch the animated battle map:


Oct 18, 2013
Point taken, which is why I replied with the big-letter stuff and asked him to clarify it for me. I got the usual mockery in response. *shrug*

Let's face it, a LOT of sjw's think Christianity today is violent and worse than islam. Facts just don't bear that out. They also don't bear out ever being "as bad" as islam, though it's had some dark moments to be sure.

If you even think "crusades", you need to watch the animated battle map:

I actually dont think crusades, but let me point out that your preemptive comment makes it look as if you are assuming again. You get a lot of flack here for your posts, and you should just slow down a little.

As for Islam being as bad as Christianity in the past, that is very much true. One of the big reasons that Islam is so bad is because of Abrahamic laws that guided Christianity. The big difference is that the Islamic world was wrecked by a dude from Asia and a stronger growing west coming out of the dark ages. Much of the same fucked up ideas are inherent to both, its just that most Christians ignore those parts.


Platinum Member
Jul 28, 2015
As for Islam being as bad as Christianity in the past, that is very much true. One of the big reasons that Islam is so bad is because of Abrahamic laws that guided Christianity. The big difference is that the Islamic world was wrecked by a dude from Asia and a stronger growing west coming out of the dark ages. Much of the same fucked up ideas are inherent to both, its just that most Christians ignore those parts.

There's also the fact that Christianity is older than Islam. It's got, what, 700 more years under it's belt than Islam? When Christianity was the same age as Islam is today...Well, we had the dark ages.


Oct 18, 2013
There's also the fact that Christianity is older than Islam. It's got, what, 700 more years under it's belt than Islam? When Christianity was the same age as Islam is today...Well, we had the dark ages.

True, but you cannot compare the ages like that. Its not like Christianity caused the dark ages. I would bet that a lot of Christianity's past comes from being popular during that time. At the time the west was coming out of the dark ages, the Arab world was getting buttfucked by Khan. Islam might look very different had they remained the cultural center before Khan. We will never know.


Diamond Member
Mar 12, 2013
True, but you cannot compare the ages like that. Its not like Christianity caused the dark ages. I would bet that a lot of Christianity's past comes from being popular during that time. At the time the west was coming out of the dark ages, the Arab world was getting buttfucked by Khan. Islam might look very different had they remained the cultural center before Khan. We will never know.

Many historians would disagree with you INCLUDING Edward Gibbon the author of the unsurpassed Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire and most important historian of the 18th century.

Did Christianity usher in the dark ages? The term ‘dark ages’ has not been defined by the questioner but it commonly refers to the cultural and economic deterioration that occurred in Western Europe after the fall of the Roman Empire. There are normally two aspects to what might be termed the ‘Christianity guilt thesis’; firstly that Christianity was a significant contributing factor to the decline and fall of the Roman Empire and secondly that the new religion was hostile to classical learning and did not foster and preserve enough of it as the empire collapsed.

The first theory has an illustrious pedigree as it was promoted by Edward Gibbon in chapter 39 of his Magnus Opus ‘The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire’. Gibbon speculated that ‘the introduction, or at least the abuse of Christianity, had some influence on the decline and fall of the Roman empire’. His view was that Christianity broke the ideological unity of the Empire and hindered the state’s ability to win support. Financial and human resources were diverted from vital material ends and discontent was fostered, thus undermining imperial legitimacy.


Jun 9, 2016
I simply asked you to back up your statements. I am not going to look for the sources of your claims.

I'm going to assume that you did not look at the criticism of those studies, because if you had, you would not likely have used that as the source to defend your claims.

Here is the conclusion of a paper done on the Lancet studies. You can find this on page 38 of the paper here.

This is why I asked you to provide your source. Turns out, your source is shit.

First, someone who has trouble figuring out google isn't in a position to be some hardass.

Second, managing to find the criticism section of that first wiki hit isn't impressive.

Third, if you're going to pretend to be some kind of scholar with someone else in the future, contrast the ranking/expertise of the Lancet in an epidemiological study with the "Defence and Peace Economics" before mouthing off.

Just be aware this pissant act doesn't work with people who know what they're doing. If you can't really tell, play it on the safe side.

Its okay to admit you are wrong. But, lets move on I guess.

First flaw. The cause can be complicated, its the marketing that cannot. The civil rights movement was very complex and the ideas it championed were not simple, but, the way it was expressed to the nation was that people should have equal rights. The way to get people on board is branding. The complexity of the movement is not usually important. This does not seem central to your point, but I did not want to let this pass as it is wrong.

Let me start here by saying that you used dichotomy to reinforce the idea of contrast, but it was misused. I see this often, but you should know that dichotomy means dividing or contrasting two different or opposing things. In your comment above, there would be more than 2 groups, so all you should have said was contrasting, and not included dichotomy.

I don't give a shit about this sort of trite pedantry.

That said, you are touching on a valid point of tribalism and or ingroup outgroup preference. I have no doubt that people use terms like terrorists to cover actions of a group they dislike, but in a more socially accepted way. I have seen people call out anything an Arab person does criminally as terrorism, and they do so as a way to be biased in a more accepted way. That does not mean that all activity labeled terrorism is actually a veiled racist/bigoted/xenophobic attack on a group. Sometimes, calling things like 9/11 or 7/7 terrorism is not anything more than the correct label.

You seem to have a problem with the terms used because you carry implicit meanings behind those terms. Your filter on my words are the problem here, not the actual words.

While I have no doubt people will use terrorism for their agenda (Trump) I do not think its the norm. I would not call what happened in Paris last year was uppity or simply untoward as that would take away the real impact of the event. Murder and torture should not be made out to be simply inconvenient.

Why would you think I would get mad? Have I shown to you anger before this, or do you think me disagreeing with you is anger?

I've explained how these words are used by people at your level. It might be the case that scholars or others use them in some more nuanced way, but evidently those publications are not meant for the lower common denominator.

Instead the pea-brains are meant to jump up and down on command every time they see uppity darkies like the picture in the dictionary. As mentioned, the pictured are usually their counterparts on other side of the dichotomy, and the cycle of violence in between is perpetuated by this class to the benefit of some above them. They certainly aren't paid any respect by their own superiors, so there's no reason why anyone else should.

It's also self-evident why people like this get angry when their position in society is made clear.


Jun 9, 2016
Point taken, which is why I replied with the big-letter stuff and asked him to clarify it for me. I got the usual mockery in response. *shrug*

Let's face it, a LOT of sjw's think Christianity today is violent and worse than islam. Facts just don't bear that out. They also don't bear out ever being "as bad" as islam, though it's had some dark moments to be sure.

If you even think "crusades", you need to watch the animated battle map:

People who aren't capable of comparing numbers that vary vastly in size aren't in a position to argue anything.

Orignal Earl

Diamond Member
Oct 27, 2005
Third, if you're going to pretend to be some kind of scholar with someone else in the future, contrast the ranking/expertise of the Lancet in an epidemiological study with the "Defence and Peace Economics" before mouthing off.

You should know where realibrad is coming from
realibrad completed his high school education
He told me in American high school history classes they pretty much cover everything in history in detail
realibrad is able to take just about any data available on the internet and analyze it and pretty much become an expert at the topic
When his girlfriend and him attend dinner parties with her university friends, she likes it when he corrects her on her grammar
He does data entry for a living
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