AGNOSTIC Accountability Groups Starting Up

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Senior member
Apr 30, 2001
Originally posted by: Netopia
While slavery of any sort is CLEARLY immoral, that does not mean it is not in the bible.
Sorry friend. Morals (ESPECIALLY IF THERE ISN'T A GOD) are defined by people in a society. If a society all argreed that every third baby should be eaten, then eating those babies in that society would not be immoral to members of that society.

This is an untrue statement. Such a simplistic perspective on morality suggests that you are uneducated in moral philosophy. There are multiple methods of arguing why something is unethical...morality is "not" defined by a democratic vote or what the majority thinks is "right." I'm not going to bother explaining this further because you I'm pretty sure you would not be able to understand it.

EPH 6:5 Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ. 6 Obey them not only to win their favor when their eye is on you, but like slaves of Christ, doing the will of God from your heart. 7 Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not men, 8 because you know that the Lord will reward everyone for whatever good he does, whether he is slave or free.

EPH 6:9 And masters, treat your slaves in the same way. Do not threaten them, since you know that he who is both their Master and yours is in heaven, and there is no favoritism with him.

Please note that it doesn't tell masters how to get new slaves or promote slavery... it simply make a statement of how one should behave in the current situation. I would actually think that most non-Christians would LOVE this passage because the Church isn't getting involved with changing things at a political level... which they seem to HATE about modern Christianity in America. Instead though, they point to it and ask why the Church didn't get involved and go against slavery. Be consistant... should the church be involved with the state or not?

Your comments are irrelevant. The bible is clearly and unequivocally CONDONING slavery. For crying out loud, the bible requests that slaves "obey their masters with respect and fear!!"

However, if ANYONE wants to make a rational argument, composed of premises and conclusions, to support the notion that God exists, that would be ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC!!!
So if anyone can materially measure and quantify the immaterial, you'll accept that as proof? Surely you see the silliness of what you demand. It would be like me asking you to tell me my weight based on my hair color; on has NOTHING to do with the other.

This is one of the reasons why it's a waste of my time to respond to you. Your counter-argument is essentially a NON-PARALLEL example. I am asking for arguments to support the notion that God exists. You are saying that this would be equivalent to "asking you tel tell me your weight based on your hair color, and your conclusion is that since I cannot tell you your weight based on hair color, I certainly could not ask for arguments that support the notion that God exists. "

I pray that today is Valsalva's day of Independance from the blindness of his own thinking.

You can pray until your mouth is dry and your palms are calloused...



Platinum Member
Jun 28, 2002
When will you people learn that debating religion on an online messageboard is not going to enlighten anyone. Did the thought ever cross your mind that these questions have all been asked before? So would you rather ask some 16 year old computer nerd these deeply thought provoking questions, or perhaps some Biblical scholar who has years of schooling at seminary? If you have questions regarding Christianity, I can guarantee you that you will get better responses from a google search than from this forum.


Senior member
Apr 30, 2001
Originally posted by: Athanasius
Still, you misunderstand my point. I have said several times that I cannot "prove" God exists. My main point is that belief in God is neither rational not irrational.

The act of believing in God MUST be either rational or irrational. Stop using Netopia-reasoning.

I have said that many in different scientific fields have come to a very rational position that science has really done nothing to resolve the question of God one way or the other.

Let's just put it this way -- there is a multitude of empirical evidence to suggest that the biblical account of how life originated (eve ripped from adam's rib, a bunch of animals got stuck in an Ark, etc.) is highly unlikely and far-fetched. With respect just to the existence of God, irrespective of the biblical account of everything else, I have already stated that it is impossible to design an experiment or conduct empirical observations to either prove or disprove the existence of God. Therefore, it is inconsequential of you to cite quotations from scientists that state that science doesn't help to prove or disprove God. I do NOT dispute this. However, to reiterate, science DOES do a good job in suggesting that the origin of life, as explained by the bible, is virtually impossible.

You see, it is the poet, the philsopher, the religious man who looks up at the night sky and sees Beauty and Transcendence. Who infers (not observes) that there is something beyond.

The acorn falls on Henny Penny's head, and she looks up to the daytime sky and infers (not observes) that the sky is falling.

Man is not objective, for He is never truly outside of himself. Even in quantum mechanics there is a persistant belief that merely observing an experiment taints the experiment.

Damn, you're smart -- this is called "experimental bias." They're supposed to teach you this in remedial high school science courses (or advanced upper div courses here. This is why science employs safeguards to minimize the amount of bias in an experiment, including double-blinding, placebo control, objective measurements, etc.

By the strictest paradigms of modern science, you really can't prove anything except that you are thinking. If you study human consciousness, it becomes clear that there is no clear distinction between the "internal" world of our minds and the world "out there."

Nobody has asked you to provide proof to such a deep level...that would be unreasonable. So how much "evidence" is enough? For the sake of argument, let's consider cigarette smoking. The most unequivocal evidence that smoking causes would be to conduct a double-blind placebo controlled study which would entail two groups: one that smoked cigarettes and one that smoked a placebo. Patients would be randomly assigned to either group, researchers collecting data would be blinded to what group a patient belonged, etc. If we tested thousands of people and found that the smokers had much higher incidences of lung cancer than the placebo group, we would be convinced that smoking causes cancer.

But guess what. NOBODY has done this double-blind placebo-controlled study of cigarettes and cancer. You can't. It would be unethical to do for obvious reasons. All we have are a multitude of studies using inferior methodologies...we do case control studies and look at large groups of people who have lung cancer and those who don't...we we find that there's a much higher percentage of smoking in ppl with lung cancer vs. ppl who don't...and we try to get large samples and correct for confounding variables (like age, comorbidities, other exposures, family history, etc.). We do cohort studies to look at ppl who assign themselves (no randomization) to smoking or non-smoking and we find that ppl who smoke have much more lung cancer than those don't. Finally, we analyze the contents of cigarettes and we notice that they contain high levels of substances KNOWN to cause cancer. Do any of these studies constitute PROOF?? Absolutely not.

So tell me, if Smoking Sam considers all of this evidence and says, "There's no proof that smoking causing cancer, and therefore I don't believe that it does," is this a rational conclusion? After all, there's no proof. I stipulate that there is no "proof." Would this be a good conclusion to make? Can we say that despite the overwhelming evidence that smoking causes cancer, we have no definitive proof and therefore conclude that smoking does NOT cause cancer? This is essentially what Christians are doing with respect to the origin of the universe and creationism. There is overwhelming scientific evidence that creationism did NOT occur, yet there is no definitive proof (because again, it is not possible to conduct an experiment that constitutes proof)...but it's still perfectly rational to believe in it anyway? I would argue that it is not.



Senior member
Apr 30, 2001
Originally posted by: Stojakapimp
When will you people learn that debating religion on an online messageboard is not going to enlighten anyone. Did the thought ever cross your mind that these questions have all been asked before? So would you rather ask some 16 year old computer nerd these deeply thought provoking questions, or perhaps some Biblical scholar who has years of schooling at seminary? If you have questions regarding Christianity, I can guarantee you that you will get better responses from a google search than from this forum.

I'm actually hoping a biblical scholar will show up. I have "faith" that one will come. I "choose to believe" that one will arrive shortly. Biblical scholars work in mysterious ways.

Seriously, you have a good point. Based on my interaction with a multitude of Christians, I find that almost none of them are able to rationally and convincingly address the most basic challenges I have for Christianity...most of the Christians here are prepubescent children who have no idea what they're talking about and feel the pervasive need to defend Christ on the 'net. Pathetic.



Senior member
Sep 14, 2002
Originally posted by: Stojakapimp
When will you people learn that debating religion on an online messageboard is not going to enlighten anyone. Did the thought ever cross your mind that these questions have all been asked before? So would you rather ask some 16 year old computer nerd these deeply thought provoking questions, or perhaps some Biblical scholar who has years of schooling at seminary? If you have questions regarding Christianity, I can guarantee you that you will get better responses from a google search than from this forum.

I we were merely looking for information, then your suggestion would be fine.

We are not looking for mere information, we want discussion, debate and points of view from REAL people...

There's a difference.



Senior member
Sep 14, 2002
You see, it is the poet, the philsopher, the religious man who looks up at the night sky and sees Beauty and Transcendence. Who infers (not observes) that there is something beyond. Man is not objective, for He is never truly outside of himself. Even in quantum mechanics there is a persistant belief that merely observing an experiment taints the experiment.

It's stuff like this that has so many people confused by your statements. Sure man is always looking from his point of view, and that is limiting-- We already know that.

That is why science, like Val mentioned, as contraints build into it to correct for mans errors/biases (double-bllind, controls etc).

Your point therefore is peripheral, it doesn't address the questions at hand. In fact, it sounds more like an agnostic viewpoint-- We JUST CANNOT KNOW, based on our limitations...

Edit: Would you like to become a member of the thread?


Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2001
Originally posted by: TheBDB
Originally posted by: flxnimprtmscl
Originally posted by: iwearnosox
Originally posted by: DevilsAdvocate
Originally posted by: iwearnosox
Eh, wasn't it Georgia that passed a law to allow creationism to be taught along side evolution? Bible thumpers are bent on getting religion into every facet of the government, despite the constitution.

... which is why the courts are there. The minority is protected.
It's a violation of the separation of church and state. You're an idiot if you think otherwise.

You realize that in some schools books like the Koran are read? Why aren't you screaming about that just out of curiosity?

Besides, your "seperation of church and state" argument doesn't make much sense in this instance. Seperation of church and state was written in so there couldn't be a state sponsored religion. Basicly so the government couldn't force religious beliefs on people. Do you really think that's what's being done by teaching creationisim alongside evolution? They are not forcing Christianity on the students but rather presenting an alternative viewpoint. Allow me to quote you and say "you're an idiot if you think otherwise".

One more quick point. According to the latest census 76.5 percent of the nation (156 milion people) claimed to be Christian. Now, according to most of you that bash religion christians don't agree with evolution. I'm sure you know where I'm going with this by now but if you don't I'll spell it out. According to the census over 3/4 of our nation has beliefs that run contrary to what is being taught in public schools. Yet strangely I don't hear them crying about evolution being taught as the only theory as to the origin of the world. What I do hear is you bitching about creationisim being mentioned as an alternative view. Funny isn't it? You could also draw several other conclusions from these numbers. 1) Many of the members of this overwhelming christian majority are simply "cultural christians" like QT. 2) Perhaps the the "christian majority" isn't quite the overwhelming force you cry about it being and perhaps they're not pushing religion on you after all. I mean, 3/4 of the country should have the power to change what's taught in schools but evolution's been there for quite a while. But, those are facts and I'm sure you're not interested in those.

Lets teach that the sun goes around the earth we can have an "alternative viewpoint."



Senior member
Nov 3, 2002
Originally posted by:Netopia
If one is, say, breeding corn for a certain end quality and he knows that much of the corn will end up useless and be cast away, is that person immoral? If for the sake of the good corn that will be produced he puts up with the destruction of the bad corn... is he bad?

You see, there's the difference between man and God, he knew EXACTLY what would come of his creation. A farmer can only guess. God had the power to create man without the wickedness in their hearts and to save all the millions of human and animal lives, and god would know this before ever creating man. A farmer who's crop doesn't turn out as expected (god doesn't expect, he knows.) is completely different.

I'd like to become a member of the thread please.

Rio Rebel

Administrator Emeritus<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Valsalva has successfully shaken my faith.

If God is All Powerful, All knowing, and All Good, there's no way He would have created such an asshole.


Senior member
Apr 11, 2001
So how does that make change the morality of The Great Flood at all? It simply doesn't.

Give or take a few years, wouldn't have made a difference.

What part of owning a slave period is immoral don't you understand? The Bible clearly accepts slaves being treated as property and that is all that matters.

What matters in this instance is how one defines, and thereby understands the term slave.

So assuming the Jews were about to be attacked first, that still doesn't make this:


"You must destroy them totally. Make no treaty with them, and show them no mercy" Deuteronomy 7:2. "Do not leave alive anything that breathes" Deuteronomy 20:16.

any more righteous. They are told explicitly to not even try to make a treaty(to keep the peace).

They were told not to make a treaty because it would have been worth no more than the paper it was written on. The problem here is that your assuming to know what was going through the hearts and minds of those people, when you don't. God did.

It is indeed a bizarre act to create something knowing full well what will happen from this creation, then punishing the creation for it.

You completely missed the point I was making.


PS Christians, our Redeemer draweth nigh


Senior member
Nov 3, 2002
[/i]Originally posted by:petrek[/i]
Give or take a few years, wouldn't have made a difference.

What exactly is this supposed to mean? You've addressed nothing.

[/i]Originally posted by:petrek[/i]
What matters in this instance is how one defines, and thereby understands the term slave.

You must have some sort of disorder, it states time and time agian that slave's are considered property.

"If a man beats his male or female slave with a rod and the slave dies as a direct result, he must be punished, but he is not to be punished if the slave gets up after a day or two, since the slave is his property." (Exodus 21:20-21)

Reread my previous posts for more quotes.

[/i]Originally posted by:petrek[/i]
They were told not to make a treaty because it would have been worth no more than the paper it was written on. The problem here is that your assuming to know what was going through the hearts and minds of those people, when you don't. God did.

That doesn't make killing without mercy, and killing anything that breathes righteous at all.

"You must destroy them totally. Make no treaty with them, and show them no mercy" Deuteronomy 7:2. "Do not leave alive anything that breathes" Deuteronomy 20:16

[/i]Originally posted by:petrek[/i]
You completely missed the point I was making.

Your point was irrelevant.


Senior member
Apr 30, 2001
Originally posted by: Rio Rebel
Valsalva has successfully shaken my faith.

If God is All Powerful, All knowing, and All Good, there's no way He would have created such an asshole.

That kinda reminds me....
If God is all powerful and all knowing, he surely would have known that Eve would have been prone to picking that apple and that Adam would be likely to go ahead and eat it rather than just giving them a simple warning, God would have taken great measures to prevent them from eating that apple. Like fencing the tree off or putting a guard in front of it, etc. And it seems quite unfair to punish Adam and Eve so greatly for tasting that apple, given that what they did was already in God's can He blame Adam and Eve for their actions if He was the one who actually planned what they would do? The easiest way to resolve this contradiction is to say that God is either NOT omnipotent, NOT omniscient, or didn't exist and none of that malarkey every happened.

...and I thought Christians were supposed to be all-loving, even to people of dissimilar beliefs. If you keep these antics up, Rio Rebel, you might be surprised to find yourself with a seat in hell, next to half the world who has never heard of Jesus and the other 2/3 of the Trinity.



Senior member
Nov 3, 2002
Originally posted by: ValsalvaYourHeartOut
That kinda reminds me....
If God is all powerful and all knowing, he surely would have known that Eve would have been prone to picking that apple and that Adam would be likely to go ahead and eat it rather than just giving them a simple warning, God would have taken great measures to prevent them from eating that apple. Like fencing the tree off or putting a guard in front of it, etc. And it seems quite unfair to punish Adam and Eve so greatly for tasting that apple, given that what they did was already in God's can He blame Adam and Eve for their actions if He was the one who actually planned what they would do? The easiest way to resolve this contradiction is to say that God is either NOT omnipotent, NOT omniscient, or didn't exist and none of that malarkey every happened.

Well, not even removing the tree completely would do any good. No matter what was/is forbidden, man would still be tempted by it. You can thank god for putting the wickedness in man to begin with so he could exercise his cruel punishments on those not at fault. Surely not something an all good, or a just god would do.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
The easiest way to resolve this contradiction is to say that God is either NOT omnipotent, NOT omniscient, or didn't exist and none of that malarkey every happened.
You are basing this statement on the supposition that if God exists that you are able to fully understand His motives and His actions. If God exists in the form and function that is given in the Bible, then your logic is as irrational and childish to Him as an ant's would be to you. You, the finite with finite abilities and finite information are trying to determine the nature of the infinite. Doesn't your highly educated, self-aggrandizing logic show you that the finite cannot by definition fully and truly comprehend what is infinite?

...a seat in hell, next to half the world who has never heard of Jesus and the other 2/3 of the Trinity.
Your brain must be huge, as evidensed by the thickness of your skull. I ask you again to give proof of the statement above, that those who have never "heard of Jesus and the other 2/3 of the Trinity" go to hell. You keep saying this sort of thing as if it is fact. I'm sure I've probably studied the Scripture a fair amount more than you and I say that this isn't fact. Please back up your statements or quit throwing them out there like some spoon fed atheist who believes everything about Christianity that he's been taught by others.

You can thank god for putting the wickedness in man to begin with so he could exercise his cruel punishments on those not at fault.
What wickedness? God gave them a chioce; trust what He said or don't trust what He said. He also gave them the outcome of not trusting. Can one trust in someone when there is no alternative? Can one love someone when there isn't a choice to do otherwise? How about God's incredible mercy, knowing that for these creatures to trust Him, He had to give them a choice and instead of them living in a world like ours with thousands of things daily to lead us away from Him, He limitted it to just one?

BTW Valsalva... you never answered me about beauty, love... etc. What's the matter, can't hack it so you ignore it?




Senior member
Apr 30, 2001
Originally posted by: jaydee
As we know, Newton was a famous physicist. If he were to be quoted as saying this, it would carry a lot of weight in argument. However, if Newton were to say "I believe God exists blah blah blah," then that would NOT be acceptable to use because drawing a conclusion from his unqualified statement would be fallacy of appeal to inappropriate authority. Remember, Brother Newton was NOT trained in the appropriate areas to be able to make such a blanket statement.
By your own reasoning, we should ignore everything you've said here since you clearly have no idea of what you're talking about in any way, shape or form.

I'm sorry Valsva, you've had this coming since your first post in this thread stating:
It's simply unfair that certain religious groups can start their own threads and exclude other groups just because they don't believe in Jesus
That's like saying book clubs are unfair because it excludes people who don't like to read books. Networking thread for the unemployed is unfair because not all unemployed people are IT, and not at IT people are unemployed.

So I guess it wouln't be unfair to exclude Black people from working at XYZ Company given that it's okay for book clubs to exclude people who don't like to read books. Your counter-argument is only superficially intact...if you bother thinking it through to the next baisc level, it doesn't work.



Senior member
Apr 30, 2001
Originally posted by: Netopia
BTW Valsalva... you never answered me about beauty, love... etc. What's the matter, can't hack it so you ignore it?

As I have stated previously, you make a lot of terrible points, and I cannot address them all because there are now more intelligent Christians who have joined the thread -- I can use my time better if I respond to them.

Essentially, this is what you wrote:
So if anyone can materially measure and quantify the immaterial, you'll accept that as proof? Surely you see the silliness of what you demand. It would be like me asking you to tell me my weight based on my hair color; on has NOTHING to do with the other.

Let us for a moment forget the discussion of God. I would like you to apply your same level of proof to beauty, to flavor, to love.... can you, using your same methodology PROVE any of these things without it being mearly a matter of opinion? Can you prove their existance without the trying to determine what people feel? Do you therefore claim that the rational person cannot say that these things exist?

Quite frankly, it is unclear what exactly you're babbling about...I lost you right off the bat when you start saying "it would be like me asking you to tell me my weight based on my hair color." That probably makes a whole let of sense to you, but for the rest of the world that is not in direct communication with the thoughts inside your head, what you wrote was absolutely ludicrous. If you actually have an argument, then please restate it such that it is remotely understandable. If you have nothing contributory to add, then why dont you just stick to READING rather than posting on this thread. Thanks.




Platinum Member
Mar 4, 2000
Originally posted by: ValsalvaYourHeartOut
Originally posted by: Rio Rebel
Valsalva has successfully shaken my faith.

If God is All Powerful, All knowing, and All Good, there's no way He would have created such an asshole.

That kinda reminds me....
If God is all powerful and all knowing, he surely would have known that Eve would have been prone to picking that apple and that Adam would be likely to go ahead and eat it rather than just giving them a simple warning, God would have taken great measures to prevent them from eating that apple. Like fencing the tree off or putting a guard in front of it, etc. And it seems quite unfair to punish Adam and Eve so greatly for tasting that apple, given that what they did was already in God's can He blame Adam and Eve for their actions if He was the one who actually planned what they would do? The easiest way to resolve this contradiction is to say that God is either NOT omnipotent, NOT omniscient, or didn't exist and none of that malarkey every happened.

...and I thought Christians were supposed to be all-loving, even to people of dissimilar beliefs. If you keep these antics up, Rio Rebel, you might be surprised to find yourself with a seat in hell, next to half the world who has never heard of Jesus and the other 2/3 of the Trinity.


Valsalva, I used to think the way you did. Until you realize that if you are ever capable of creating a sentient being which posses both the intelligence to make decisions and the ability to be responsible for them, and you grant him free will, that at that point you are no longer responsible for his decisions, because he is. If you continue to take precautions every step of the way for him and take away the detrimental options, you are essentially taking away free will.

So as you can see, there really isn't another option. Unless you don't want your free will, which allows you to believe or not believe in God. In which case, we are nothing but automatons and the point is moot. If you can ever brush away the pride which makes one depend only on himself and realize that you and I are not all-powerful and that the most important things in our existence are out of our control, then I hope you can see the logic in my argument.

Rio Rebel

Administrator Emeritus<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999

Since you like informal fallacies so much, (and by the way - the one you keep quoting is called "Appeal to Authority", because it doesn't matter how 'appropriate' the authority is, it's still a fallacy), let me share one with you. It's called "False Dichotomy".

I am not forced to choose between your brand of atheism and ultra-fundamentalist Christianity. I find each to be distasteful and ridiculous. In fact, I think you have much in common with the fundamentalist Christians who refuse to entertain any thought but their own. All you have to do is shift your thinking a little, and you'd be a great fundamentalist.

Fortunately, there are many of us who aren't full of hatred for your two camps. There are those of us who simply want to find the truth for ourselves without having to read the arrogant rantings from those of you who think you know it all. Actually, that's not it exactly - I don't mind your arrogant rantings about your own beliefs, it's the lack of any tolerance for any other viewpoint that is disgusting.

You are a pathetic individual who brings nothing to any discussion but hatred and arrogance. It's a shame, because you actually do have some capacity to reason. But your ridiculously high opinion of yourself, and your need to belittle others, stands in the way.

(Feel free to follow this up with more of your venom. You amuse me.)


Diamond Member
May 5, 2002
Well crap people. For all we know, people were experiments made by aliens, yet they were kept in a holding pen for their own good. Once people made it to a certain level of intelligence the aliens decided that we were to go it on our own. Now we, being pretty primitive, automatically assume that since we were put out of this illustrious place, or holding pen, we were being punished. Women had most likely always had pains at child birth and the land was pretty much always required to be tilled and whatnot it's just that we had never noticed the pain before because the aliens had given us some sort of anesthesia and that they had always provided our food so we were a bit confused. Also, since we were kept in such glory as test animals we would automatically assume our keepers to be all-powerful and all-knowing because, in our limited experience within our holding pen, they were.

Now, I'm not saying this is what I believe it's just something that makes quite a bit more sense to me than saying that there is a being out there who demands that we worship him simply because he is better and that our worship is not any empathic response to those around us. Anyways, that's all I got for now as I just woke up.


Platinum Member
Mar 4, 2000
Originally posted by: Mith
Well crap people. For all we know, people were experiments made by aliens, yet they were kept in a holding pen for their own good. Once people made it to a certain level of intelligence the aliens decided that we were to go it on our own. Now we, being pretty primitive, automatically assume that since we were put out of this illustrious place, or holding pen, we were being punished. Women had most likely always had pains at child birth and the land was pretty much always required to be tilled and whatnot it's just that we had never noticed the pain before because the aliens had given us some sort of anesthesia and that they had always provided our food so we were a bit confused. Also, since we were kept in such glory as test animals we would automatically assume our keepers to be all-powerful and all-knowing because, in our limited experience within our holding pen, they were.

Now, I'm not saying this is what I believe it's just something that makes quite a bit more sense to me than saying that there is a being out there who demands that we worship him simply because he is better and that our worship is not any empathic response to those around us. Anyways, that's all I got for now as I just woke up.

Please understand the Bible a little more before you spew. The God of the Bible does not demand that we worship him because he is better, God wants us to have a relationship with him because he loves us and is our Father and creator and is our savior. Worship is just what would be a natural response to that acknowledgement.

If you believe your story makes more sense then please, I'm sure you'll have no problem finding tons of references to that exact story on the web, with books, paintings, artifacts, and archaeological evidence to back it up.


Senior member
Sep 14, 2002
Originally posted by: Rio Rebel

Since you like informal fallacies so much, (and by the way - the one you keep quoting is called "Appeal to Authority", because it doesn't matter how 'appropriate' the authority is, it's still a fallacy), let me share one with you. It's called "False Dichotomy".

I am not forced to choose between your brand of atheism and ultra-fundamentalist Christianity. I find each to be distasteful and ridiculous. In fact, I think you have much in common with the fundamentalist Christians who refuse to entertain any thought but their own. All you have to do is shift your thinking a little, and you'd be a great fundamentalist.

Fortunately, there are many of us who aren't full of hatred for your two camps. There are those of us who simply want to find the truth for ourselves without having to read the arrogant rantings from those of you who think you know it all. Actually, that's not it exactly - I don't mind your arrogant rantings about your own beliefs, it's the lack of any tolerance for any other viewpoint that is disgusting.

You are a pathetic individual who brings nothing to any discussion but hatred and arrogance. It's a shame, because you actually do have some capacity to reason. But your ridiculously high opinion of yourself, and your need to belittle others, stands in the way.

(Feel free to follow this up with more of your venom. You amuse me.)

I don't think that you add to the thread by writing posts like this. This thread so far has been pretty clean compared to others like it. It you have something to contribute that is spiteful, with no other objective then to provoke anger, please don't post.

Thank You for your understanding. The mods are watching, and they have the lock button in their fingertips.


Platinum Member
Mar 4, 2000
Originally posted by: QTArrhythmic

If you are agnostic this is the place for you. If you are a Christian and would like to have a serious discussion that's okay, but remember you have to be reasonable.

I decided to start this thread because I realize that there are quite a few born again Christians on this forum and many of them like to discuss their religion with non-believers. I thought it would be a good idea if we were to start up an accountability based on nothing divine or God inspired, but on man alone. .

Some topics of accountability may include:
Discussing the validity of the Bible
Sexual ImPurity (this one is a biggie)
General Logical Thinking

It will be a great way for us Agnostics to share experiences, discuss nonbelief systems, and help one another.

So far I have:
Dr Smooth

Edit: Discussion is encouraged, but name calling and flamming is unacceptable.
Personal attacks are unacceptable also.
This thread is not intended to be flamebait.

QT, your attempts to hide this as a mockery of Christians on this forum is quite obvious and transparent. Exactly what kind of accountability are you to discuss, and who are you trying to be accountable to? Yourselves? Each person has his own standards of morals, beliefs, and convictions, so really, you'll have to go all out and grasp what each member's are and try to somehow over the internet make them follow... their own. Makes no sense, does it?

I'd like to avoid flamebait, but it seems to me you're just a troll.


Senior member
Apr 30, 2001
Originally posted by: Netopia
The easiest way to resolve this contradiction is to say that God is either NOT omnipotent, NOT omniscient, or didn't exist and none of that malarkey every happened.
You are basing this statement on the supposition that if God exists that you are able to fully understand His motives and His actions. If God exists in the form and function that is given in the Bible, then your logic is as irrational and childish to Him as an ant's would be to you. You, the finite with finite abilities and finite information are trying to determine the nature of the infinite. Doesn't your highly educated, self-aggrandizing logic show you that the finite cannot by definition fully and truly comprehend what is infinite?

This is the CLASSIC unfalsifiable claim of Christianity. Whenever a Christian cannot explain some contradiction or inconsistency in their religion and in the bible their "trump card" is to essentially say:
You are only human. There is no way you could possibly BEGIN to understand God and how he works. That's why _________ doesn't make any sense to you.
This is the catch-all explain-everything UNFALSIFIABLE CLAIM that seems to solve every Sunday School dilemma. I've been waiting patiently for someone to throw it out. The next thing you know, someone else is going to chime in with "God works in mysterious ways."

You can thank god for putting the wickedness in man to begin with so he could exercise his cruel punishments on those not at fault.
What wickedness? God gave them a chioce; trust what He said or don't trust what He said. He also gave them the outcome of not trusting. Can one trust in someone when there is no alternative? Can one love someone when there isn't a choice to do otherwise? How about God's incredible mercy, knowing that for these creatures to trust Him, He had to give them a choice and instead of them living in a world like ours with thousands of things daily to lead us away from Him, He limitted it to just one?[/quote]

So you seem to imply that Adam and Eve had a CHOICE to either eat the apple or not...yet God supposedly has a plan for everyone, which implies that it is GOD that choose a person's which is it, oh biblical scholar?

BTW Valsalva... you never answered me about beauty, love... etc. What's the matter, can't hack it so you ignore it?

OH YES I DID! Here's what I wrote:
07/05/2003 8:40 AM (NEW!)


Originally posted by: Netopia
BTW Valsalva... you never answered me about beauty, love... etc. What's the matter, can't hack it so you ignore it?

As I have stated previously, you make a lot of terrible points, and I cannot address them all because there are now more intelligent Christians who have joined the thread -- I can use my time better if I respond to them.

Essentially, this is what you wrote:

So if anyone can materially measure and quantify the immaterial, you'll accept that as proof? Surely you see the silliness of what you demand. It would be like me asking you to tell me my weight based on my hair color; on has NOTHING to do with the other.

Let us for a moment forget the discussion of God. I would like you to apply your same level of proof to beauty, to flavor, to love.... can you, using your same methodology PROVE any of these things without it being mearly a matter of opinion? Can you prove their existance without the trying to determine what people feel? Do you therefore claim that the rational person cannot say that these things exist?

Quite frankly, it is unclear what exactly you're babbling about...I lost you right off the bat when you start saying "it would be like me asking you to tell me my weight based on my hair color." That probably makes a whole let of sense to you, but for the rest of the world that is not in direct communication with the thoughts inside your head, what you wrote was absolutely ludicrous. If you actually have an argument, then please restate it such that it is remotely understandable. If you have nothing contributory to add, then why dont you just stick to READING rather than posting on this thread. Thanks.



Senior member
Apr 30, 2001
Originally posted by: Rio Rebel

Since you like informal fallacies so much, (and by the way - the one you keep quoting is called "Appeal to Authority", because it doesn't matter how 'appropriate' the authority is, it's still a fallacy),

I'm sorry, but you are INCORRECT. Appeal to Inappropriate Authority is just another name and is the exacty same thing as "Appeal to Authority," "Misuse of Authority," "Questionable Authority," etc. These all refer to the Ad Verecundiam argument which is as follows:
1) Person A is (claimed to be) an authority on subject S.
2) Person A makes claim C about subject S.
3) Therefore, C is true.
However, if Person A is NOT an authority on subject S, then the argument is fallacious, and the individual has committed an Appeal to Inappropriate Authority.
You are also INCORRECT to state that any appeal to authority is fallacious. It is certainly appropriate to consider the claims of an individual, provided he/she is an legitimate authority in the field.
You obviously had no idea what you were talking about, yet you still thought you should try to correct me. In the future, I think that if you don't know something, don't pretend that you do.

let me share one with you. It's called "False Dichotomy." I am not forced to choose between your brand of atheism and ultra-fundamentalist Christianity. I find each to be distasteful and ridiculous. In fact, I think you have much in common with the fundamentalist Christians who refuse to entertain any thought but their own. All you have to do is shift your thinking a little, and you'd be a great fundamentalist.

I never at any point argued (or even implied) that there were ONLY TWO acceptable viewpoints: Christianity and Atheism/Agnosticism. The more I read, the more it sounds like you're just flipping through some website on logic and you're trying to force various fallacies upon me, but at the same time, you don't quite understand fully what you're reading and you're desperately trying to point out fallacies that really don't exist.

Again, I never even remotely implied that there were only "two camps," consisting of atheism and ultra-fundamentalist Christianity. I don't appreciate being misquoted or grossly misinterpreted. You don't hear me say things like, "Rio Rebel apparently likes to dress up as a choir boy and flirt with priests," so I would appreciate that same level of consideration.

Actually, that's not it exactly - I don't mind your arrogant rantings about your own beliefs, it's the lack of any tolerance for any other viewpoint that is disgusting.

Lack of tolerance for any other viewpoint? That's your own personal inference. I have merely provided counter-arguments for a multitude of Christian beliefs that I find inconsistent and contradictory. Just because someone can argue against the theory of creationism does NOT automatically make him "intolerant of other viewpoints."

You are a pathetic individual who brings nothing to any discussion but hatred and arrogance.

You know, that's funny...I'm not sure you've actually contributed anything fact, the last time I checked, I was the one providing arguments that support my conclusions, and you were the one coming in here JUDGING and psychoanalyzing me. Strangely, this would not be the first time I was judged by a Christian.



Platinum Member
Mar 4, 2000
Originally posted by: ValsalvaYourHeartOut
This is the CLASSIC unfalsifiable claim of Christianity. Whenever a Christian cannot explain some contradiction or inconsistency in their religion and in the bible their "trump card" is to essentially say:
You are only human. There is no way you could possibly BEGIN to understand God and how he works. That's why _________ doesn't make any sense to you.
This is the catch-all explain-everything UNFALSIFIABLE CLAIM that seems to solve every Sunday School dilemma. I've been waiting patiently for someone to throw it out. The next thing you know, someone else is going to chime in with "God works in mysterious ways."

Valsalva, Like you, I've never accepted anything based on unfalsafiable claims. I always seek the truth. But there's one difference between what I believe and what you refuse to believe - I rid myself of the arrogant assumption that I am capable of knowing everything I am curious about. The answers to qustions you and I seek, I know I will not be able to comprehend, and I will not be capable of making smart decisions with. So if I can not handle the truth, I will as a secondary priority still seek it, stumbling around blindly perhaps, but knowing first and foremost that it will not affect my ability or inability to control my own destiny, and that it is the faith I have in a loving and omnipotent being that will make the difference.

What wickedness? God gave them a chioce; trust what He said or don't trust what He said. He also gave them the outcome of not trusting. Can one trust in someone when there is no alternative? Can one love someone when there isn't a choice to do otherwise? How about God's incredible mercy, knowing that for these creatures to trust Him, He had to give them a choice and instead of them living in a world like ours with thousands of things daily to lead us away from Him, He limitted it to just one?

So you seem to imply that Adam and Eve had a CHOICE to either eat the apple or not...yet God supposedly has a plan for everyone, which implies that it is GOD that choose a person's which is it, oh biblical scholar?

God has a PLAN for everyone. It is our CHOICE to follow it or not. God has a plan, and long before we were even conceived, know what will happen and what we will chose. But we don't until after we've decided. Notice how none of this contradicts.

Please remember one thing. It is the essential free will that complicates things, often to the extent that we cannot backtrack and comprehend why God allows certains like suffering and disbelief to happen. But we control our own future, and by being able to influence others, often control theirs in part too. But a Christian is commissioned by God to spread the Gospel and to let everyone know about salvation in Jesus. Since we cannot force someone to believe, there will be nonbelievers. But it is the imperfections and selfishness of man that has failed man. God has failed no one. He has limited his influence in this world to allow for free will, for good or for bad.
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