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Belgian Waffler
Jan 2, 2001
Originally posted by: VashHT
Originally posted by: Pelu
I was hyping this game around 2 years ago... but now is dated crap...

It hasn't even been out in korea that long has it? ANd how is it dated crap unless you've been playing the korean servers and burned yourself out...

Anyway I played some to try an assassin, they're pretty fun, but I think I've changed my mind to being a cleric upon release. I usually go dps classes, but I had a lot of fun playing as a healer in WoW, and from what I've seen clerics are able to deal out decent damage when they need to.

Indeed. I believe it was released in China only last year. Korea came AFTER China. Dated crap = WoW.

I played my chanter some over the weekend, briefly. I just didn't have much heart to play much of anything at all, so this in no way indicates my appeal for the game. It was fun, I enjoyed it. But when it was all said and done, I logged off and went shopping.


Diamond Member
Mar 6, 2000
Originally posted by: Riceninja
rolled asmodian lvl 10-20 with my guild this weekend. did a LOT of pvp - i guarantee you that your opinion of this game will change for the better after experiencing pvp. its fluid, quick and very well balanced, much better than all the western mmos that i've tried (wow, war, aoc). its pretty apparent that this game is all about end game pvp in the abyss and very little about pve.

i heard it has something like 4 million subs so far in asia (korea/china), and frankly im not surprised. this game is everything lineage 2 was and everything lineage 2 coulda done better in.

also, it looks better and runs smoother than most single player rpg titles out there. i'll definitely be playing this on release.

that's no a compliment dude.


Diamond Member
Feb 1, 2007
Originally posted by: SunnyD
Originally posted by: VashHT
Originally posted by: Pelu
I was hyping this game around 2 years ago... but now is dated crap...

It hasn't even been out in korea that long has it? ANd how is it dated crap unless you've been playing the korean servers and burned yourself out...

Anyway I played some to try an assassin, they're pretty fun, but I think I've changed my mind to being a cleric upon release. I usually go dps classes, but I had a lot of fun playing as a healer in WoW, and from what I've seen clerics are able to deal out decent damage when they need to.

Indeed. I believe it was released in China only last year. Korea came AFTER China. Dated crap = WoW.

I played my chanter some over the weekend, briefly. I just didn't have much heart to play much of anything at all, so this in no way indicates my appeal for the game. It was fun, I enjoyed it. But when it was all said and done, I logged off and went shopping.

I'm pretty sure it was out in Korea first, it was developed there after all. I would've played ont he korean servers but they require a Korean SSN to play there.

EDIT: Yeah it came out in Nov 2008 in Korea, Apr 2009 in China, not that anyone really cares lol but I'm bored at work so I checked. See Here.


Oct 30, 2000
I did the beta over the weekend and here is my views.

First, it still has the feel of a Korean... err Asian MMO.

If you have ever played lineage 2, knights online, Rohan, Silk Road Online, or something else similar, there feel of the game will be similar.

However, that being said, the game DOES diviate finally from the standard Korean MMOs out there a bit in an attempt to finally bring in the NA and EU crowd. Because mainly only Asian play Asian MMOs as they are usually terrible in design.

Things you will find in this game that are STILL Korean MMO based. However, a few of what I am about to list below has the more popular NA/EU game functions available as well.

1) Point to Click movement. If you are a fan of point to click movement, then this game still has it. I know in the past it was done initially to reduce lag. Later Asian MMO tried to incorporate WASD key movements but they usually utterly failed. Why? Bad pathing, geometry kept messing up, sluggish response time, and many other problems fouled up normal WASD key movement. So for a long time point to click was the main stay. NA players hate point to click, EU players don't mind it as they seem to love Eve, but asian players almost detest WASD key movement.

AION: However, I seriously do not recommend using point to click as they finaly made WASD key movement as good in AION as any other normal MMO out there. I think it's just there for all the old school Asian players that actually like point to click movement.

2) Player stalls. Seriously one of the more annoying aspects of all Korean MMOs is forcing a player to set up a stall and LEAVE THEIR COMPUTER ON and staying connected to sell off anything. Then if you want to buy anything you have to run around in a sea of character with prices all over the place of people selling junk and you may never find what you want. Absolutely terrible game design for economy. It is still in AION.

AION: However, AION does have an auction house!! Yay!! The interface isn't too bad but not great exactly. Definitely useable and people were using it more than setting up stupid stalls at least. More people used the stalls for announcing their Legion (ie the term for a guild in this game) for people to join.

3) Ridiculous prices for items as you level. White items from a store at level 10 cost 2,000 coins or so, and white items at level 30 cost MILLIONS. Yah, so while money isn't that hard to come by, the strange exponential inflation of higher level items in Asian MMOs is hard to understand. I guess Asians MMO players get their epeen off by having as many zeros as they possibly can in their bank accounts? I duno, it is a bit odd and annoying though.

AION: unfortunately, this is still apart of AION like all other Asian MMOs. The fact a level 10 item is 2000 coins with level 10 monsters dropping 50 coins a kill versus say level 30 items costing 1 million coins with level 30 monsters dropping 10000 coins a kill is very odd. Both the exponential drop rate and price just bugs the shit out of me and most NA players. I mean it's not exactly game breaking, but BAH. I rather have the few coins in my pocket feel like the are worth it.

4) Retarded failure rates on crafting. Just the opposite of the exponential money rate increase in Asian MMOs is the exponential failure rate of crafting in their games. Take for example crafting of a low level item. These numbers are somewhat made up but they are intended to illustrate what I mean. A level 1 crafted item has a success rate of 99%. A level 10 item has a success rate of 75%. A level 20 has a success rate of 25%. A level 30 has a success rate of 5%. A level 40 has a success rate of 0.01%. A level 50 has a success rate of 0.000000001%....

Yah, it's utterly retarded. This is why 99% of the Asian populace playing these games tries to actively find and use crafting bugs and exploits to get around those stupid failure rates.

AION: Well, the failure rates aren't quite as exponential a drop. However, they still aren't pretty. By far worse than your standard failure rates than any popular NA or EU MMO game out there, but not nearly as bad as say something from Silk Road online or *shudders* Rohan.

5) NA and EU servers full of Asian botters and players that like to do nothing more than piss of the NA and EU players. If you ever played any Asian MMO you know this is a harsh fact of the game. It's an annoyance to the point of basically driving away the entire NA/EU population from most Asian MMO games. Which is why games like Lineage 2 have a subscriber base of like 5 million Asian accounts and a few thousand NA accounts. I'm serious.

AION: Unfortunately, I can not comment yet on this. The Beta's thus far have ben VERY REFRESHINGLY clear of annoying ass Asian players. I think I ran into two the entire time I have played thus far. This doesn't mean they won't try to invade and screw us over when live comes, but NCSoft is promising the keep us as segregated as best as they can. Not that I have a problem with GOOD Asian MMO players that actually are playing to have fun with NA/EU friends. It's the other 99% of them that pisses me off along with pretty much every other NA player as the subscriber numbers can attest to. So this is a wait and see.

6) Limited resources at higher levels to level up on. If you have ever played Lineage 2 on release you know what I'm talking about. At one point in the game, once you reached a certain level there were like 20 monsters in the WHOLE FRIKKING GAME that you could gain experience off on. That means you are fighting over the same 20 monsters with however many thousands of others are on your server at the same time. Some times this doesn't even happen at the higher levels as it can happen at points in the lower levels. This is just piss poor game design and pure stupidity. The main reason this is done is because Asians are masochists that like this garbage and because it promote open PVP which is basically what every Asian MMO revolves around. The problem is, one or two big Asian guilds can utterly dominate an area and that means ZERO experience for the NA/EU players. You literally can not level and even trying will mean you get your ASS handed to you.

AION: While ther are a few bottlenecks when leveling and questing for resources, for example the RIBBIT to RAE quest for the Asmodieans, I haven't experienced a resource lack at any of the levels I've tried.

7) Horrendous death/pvp penalties. As I mentioned alreayd, Asian players are masochists. For the most part they LOVE crap like losing level and loot when you die and having a chance to get that from other players. However, NA/EU players don't really like that. We all had enough of that garbage with UO and EQ, and whil e it can sometime be entertaining, paying for a game you have zero possiblity of ever competing in is retarded. Personally, I don't mind a slightly hard death penalty, like lost exps or a chance to drop a single item, but I deplore having a massively harsh penalty and NEVER being able to do anything about. Why? As I said early, with most Asian MMOs the asian players are us versus them. And since we are NA we are them and are ganged up on as liberally as can be done.

AION: It has a death penalty but it is not bad. Tiny bit of exps which can mostly be "healed" er bought back from an NPC. Plus a little bit of downtime after a death that is pretty much what you get in all MMOs.

8) GRIDNFEST!! Again, back to the fact Asian ?MMO players are masochists, they LOVE their grindfests. I'm talking taking 1 million kills to make a level when there is only 20 monsters that spawn that can give you exps in the first place that you compete with thousands of other players on the server to kill who in turn are trying to kill YOU so they don't have to compete to kill a monster for exps and thus make you lose exps and need to kill that monster even MORE times. Oh the JOY of taking literally YEARS to make a single level. If I haven't convinced you that Asian MMO players are seriously fucked up in the head, then this will. They actually LOVE this aspect of a game. I am not joking. They LOVE grindfests. Where all you do 24/7/365 is stay in one spot and kill the same thing over and over and over. And if you actually do manage to stay in that spot 24/7/365 and not die then you might make a level by the end of the year. I'm fucking serious. They actually do and like that crap.

AION: Well, it is "grindy" at the higher levels 35 to 50 (50 is the cap right now) it is not too bad. Basically about the same as your standard NA game at release before years of development has finally had the time to introduce other alternatives to gaining exps besides fighting the same monster over and over and over again. so all in all, AION is light years beyond other Asian MMOs in this department as the grind, while still there, isn't THAT bad. Why? They actually DO have numerous quests you can do all the way to the level cap at 50. Yay!

So those are my things on why AION is similar but not exactly the same as all other Asian MMOs out there. Now, if you aren't turned off yet, here are the things AION HAS done right in an attempt to finally gain a NA/EU subscriber base that can do more than pay the electric bill for a couple of servers.

Here are some of the highlights.

1) Great graphics all around. Not quite as good as AOC, but then again done much better so it looks very good without the retarded drops to my FPS due to bad coding on spots.

2) Very nice sound score. I definitely dig the hard rock to classical music sound score jumps at various, but proper, moments in the game.

3) An awesome character creation system. If you are willing to spend the time you can make your character very unique in the game.

4) A user friendly HUD!!! Oh my god, a somewhat customizable, and eventually modable AKA WoW style, heads up user display. Holy crap, give the AION development team a cookie for finally doing what no Asian MMO has done yet.

5) Intuitive and user friendly control system. Although the game lacks a tutorial, it is not that hard to figure out how to play the game from the get go unlike most Asian MMOs. You don't need a degree on how to play Asian MMOs to get into playing AION.

6) A quest system that can actually get most of the exps needed to reach the level cap. Holy bajeebus! I was actually able to get to level 20 at least with every character I played without actually having to repeatedly grind on the same monster spawn to do so. Sure, some of the quests require killing X amount of this monster but none of the amounts were ridiculous. Usually about 10 or less. After doing about 4 to 8 quests for an area, the quests actually MOVE you to the next area that you need to go to continue questing and leveling. Again, give the AION team a cookie for finally doing this right. I have heard the quests slow down a bit post level 30, so some grinding will be needed. I can't comment yet on how bad it is though. Some people say it's terrible and some say it isn't. Until I get a chance to experience it though, I haven't a clue, because to some people having to kill the same monster more than once is a "terrible grind" it seems like.

7) Balance. In the name of all that is MMO, finally a good balanced game. Sure it is done by keeping things simple and not having 50 races with 100 possible unique class combinations or weird skill setups that makes for min/maxing, cookie cutter templates, or other crap that allows player X utter dominance over player Y that picked something "gimped" for their character. Sure there is a certain amount of rock, paper, scissors to how powerful each character class is in regards to PVP. However, so far from what I saw every class has a chance in PVE and PVP. True, this can and in all games so far does change, but for now it is nicely balanced in my opinion.

8) Engrossing storyline that involves the player as a main character in a story. AoC did this with the first 20 levels of Tortuga and did it very well. Unfortunately, AoC after Tortuga as not very engrossing and sucked in many player's opinions when it came to a story line. AION thus far tries to keep the player on track to the main story at all times with "campaign" quests versus standard quests. The campaign quests have fun little cut scenes and "side adventures for the PC only" somewhat similar to Final Fantasy Online and one of it's few redeeming features. I like an MMO that tries to have an almost single player story line to it to make the PC feel like the hero and not just another PC lost in a sea of PCs all trying to fight over who gets to kill Kobold_shaman_00.

To wrap things up, AION has some interesting things going for it. It definitely will NOT be the next WoW or anywhere close. I do like that they are trying to break the mold of the Asian MMO and try to bring in NA/EU subscribers without alienating the Asian market. There are a few things that could still turn me off from the game come release but if they can deliver on promises such as segregation and stopping botting and chinese gold farmers as best they can, then I might give it a go. If not, then I'll be waiting a bit longer for an MMO that can fulfill the wants I am looking for out for a game.


Senior member
Dec 2, 2006
Nice extended summary! Gives me reason to both play or not play. But it is more informed reasoning now. Thanks....


Golden Member
May 21, 2008
Originally posted by: ivan2
Originally posted by: Riceninja
rolled asmodian lvl 10-20 with my guild this weekend. did a LOT of pvp - i guarantee you that your opinion of this game will change for the better after experiencing pvp. its fluid, quick and very well balanced, much better than all the western mmos that i've tried (wow, war, aoc). its pretty apparent that this game is all about end game pvp in the abyss and very little about pve.

i heard it has something like 4 million subs so far in asia (korea/china), and frankly im not surprised. this game is everything lineage 2 was and everything lineage 2 coulda done better in.

also, it looks better and runs smoother than most single player rpg titles out there. i'll definitely be playing this on release.

that's no a compliment dude.

read the second part of the sentence dude.

Originally posted by: Riceninja
everything lineage 2 coulda done better in


Diamond Member
Oct 17, 2006
Sounds like another ho-hum game (to me, but I'll keep an eye on it.) Thanks for the feedback HumblePie.


Belgian Waffler
Jan 2, 2001
The only thing about HumblePie's post I'd like to point out specifically in my experience with Aion - Item Prices. I have not yet run into any situation where in leveling up I needed to purchase new items and not had the money to do so. The quests are aligned almost perfectly for income versus levels, the items you get from the quests are normally adequate to your class, and you WON'T find better equipment on vendors. Plus there's also enough vendor trash in the game where I've always had a surplus of money so as not to worry about things like materials and whatnot. It runs pretty much par for the course as far as MMO's go.

As far as the rest of his comments, they're generalizations about Asian MMO's. Granted, Aion is an Asian MMO, but the NA version has been westernized (and I'm not talking simply translated - they've made some changes to the game itself).
#1 - even WoW has point-n-click movement. It's irrelevant and simply an option here.
#2 - Player Stalls, yeah? So? I think it's an interesting option to the auction house, which as you point out is also present.
#3 - Already mentioned.
#4 - Crafting shouldn't be easy. Look at WoW: Crafting was the most ridiculously boring piece of junk mechanic in the game. There was nearly no skill needed, and it definitely wasn't a game of chance.
#5 - Remains to be seen, but I'm sure it will happen just as it does with every other game out there.
#6 - Haven't seen any issues yet. Might be bad at launch, but then again WoW was horrendously bad every time they opened a new server.
#7 - People bitch if there's a death penalty. People bitch if there's no death penalty. What's it gonna be?
#8 - You answered #8 yourself. Aion prides itself on the fact that there's a ton of quests. But if there were no grind at all, everyone would be level 50 in a day and there would be no reason to explore the world. That's why grinds exist.

Your thoughts are great - don't get me wrong. But you seem to be laying out a potential worst-case Asian MMO scenario. Aion does not fall in this category, at least not Aion NA. NCsoft has made it one of their priorities to westernize Aion as much as possible before release. To sum it up - it may not be a "WoW-killer", but it's every bit as good and as polished as WoW, and should stand proudly as a peer. The only reason it's might not be considered a WoW-killer is because it's not WoW. But for everything that it is, it's everything that WoW is and then a little bit more.


Diamond Member
Feb 1, 2007
Originally posted by: ivan2
Originally posted by: Riceninja

read the second part of the sentence dude.

Originally posted by: Riceninja
everything lineage 2 coulda done better in

dude, a better grindfest is still a grindfest.

You should really read other people's posts, as many people have pointed out it's not even close to as much of a grindfest as L2 was.


Diamond Member
Mar 6, 2000
Originally posted by: VashHT
Originally posted by: ivan2
Originally posted by: Riceninja

read the second part of the sentence dude.

Originally posted by: Riceninja
everything lineage 2 coulda done better in

dude, a better grindfest is still a grindfest.

You should really read other people's posts, as many people have pointed out it's not even close to as much of a grindfest as L2 was.

anything in L2 was a turn off for me for some reason, from the leveling, pvping to the overall interaction of the world. i guess i shouldn't use one area of L2 to judge this game but anything that compares to L2 is an instant fail for me.


Jun 3, 2003
Originally posted by: ivan2
Originally posted by: VashHT
Originally posted by: ivan2
Originally posted by: Riceninja

read the second part of the sentence dude.

Originally posted by: Riceninja
everything lineage 2 coulda done better in

dude, a better grindfest is still a grindfest.

You should really read other people's posts, as many people have pointed out it's not even close to as much of a grindfest as L2 was.

anything in L2 was a turn off for me for some reason, from the leveling, pvping to the overall interaction of the world. i guess i shouldn't use one area of L2 to judge this game but anything that compares to L2 is an instant fail for me.

Well L2's problem was its lacking pve content. It was are go to them to level and do so for 80+ levels at a grinding slow pace. Aion avoids this issue by having quests and reducing the need xp leveling curve big time compared to L2. IMHO in Aion it would probably take the same time to level 1-50 as it would to get from 1-80 in wow.


Oct 30, 2000
Originally posted by: SunnyD
The only thing about HumblePie's post I'd like to point out specifically in my experience with Aion - Item Prices. I have not yet run into any situation where in leveling up I needed to purchase new items and not had the money to do so. The quests are aligned almost perfectly for income versus levels, the items you get from the quests are normally adequate to your class, and you WON'T find better equipment on vendors. Plus there's also enough vendor trash in the game where I've always had a surplus of money so as not to worry about things like materials and whatnot. It runs pretty much par for the course as far as MMO's go.

As far as the rest of his comments, they're generalizations about Asian MMO's. Granted, Aion is an Asian MMO, but the NA version has been westernized (and I'm not talking simply translated - they've made some changes to the game itself).
#1 - even WoW has point-n-click movement. It's irrelevant and simply an option here.
#2 - Player Stalls, yeah? So? I think it's an interesting option to the auction house, which as you point out is also present.
#3 - Already mentioned.
#4 - Crafting shouldn't be easy. Look at WoW: Crafting was the most ridiculously boring piece of junk mechanic in the game. There was nearly no skill needed, and it definitely wasn't a game of chance.
#5 - Remains to be seen, but I'm sure it will happen just as it does with every other game out there.
#6 - Haven't seen any issues yet. Might be bad at launch, but then again WoW was horrendously bad every time they opened a new server.
#7 - People bitch if there's a death penalty. People bitch if there's no death penalty. What's it gonna be?
#8 - You answered #8 yourself. Aion prides itself on the fact that there's a ton of quests. But if there were no grind at all, everyone would be level 50 in a day and there would be no reason to explore the world. That's why grinds exist.

Your thoughts are great - don't get me wrong. But you seem to be laying out a potential worst-case Asian MMO scenario. Aion does not fall in this category, at least not Aion NA. NCsoft has made it one of their priorities to westernize Aion as much as possible before release. To sum it up - it may not be a "WoW-killer", but it's every bit as good and as polished as WoW, and should stand proudly as a peer. The only reason it's might not be considered a WoW-killer is because it's not WoW. But for everything that it is, it's everything that WoW is and then a little bit more.

I wasn't bitching at all about AION. I was pointing out what my experiences so far had been. I also have vast playing time on both American, Euro, and Asian MMOs. I like aspects of all of them. I also KNOW what players from each region typically like and dislike.

So given my expertise, I made a post. Albiet the post after I read it was a little bit harder to read than I would have liked. However, I was mainly pointing out the good and bad as I saw it in regards to the game. I was also giving correlations to other MMOs that are both western, ie WoW, or Asian, ie L2, based.

Personally, so far I had a blast with the game thus far in beta. I am not saying I recommend the game nor am I saying for people to avoid it like a dead carcass on the road. I even haven't made up my mind yet if I will play release. However, I will say it is a MAJOR improvement for American and Euro players that typically dislike the Asian MMO based games for the points I listed above. So, if that interests people to follow a little bit more closely in the development of the game before it comes out, then maybe AION might grab a few more players

Oh side notes to above.

#3. Yep, I wasn't saying that it was hard to come by the cash needed to get items or that items weren't readily available through questing for the most part. I was mentioning the strange, strange, STRANGE predilection that Asian MMO players have to wanting to see huge numbers for a bank account. I meant in WoW a player at the halfway mark to the level cap, level 40, might have 200 gold or so. The average reaching the cap might have 2000 or so gold. But in Asian MMOs, the halfway mark the average player has MILLIONS of the currency in the game and at the cap I'm talking quadrillions or more. It's sort of stupid to see that many zeros for not reason at all than just to inflate an epeen.

#4 To crafting. I agree, crafting shouldn't be too easy either. Problem is, crafting typically is "success" or fail and the rates are always constant. I personally don't like that and like how games like Vangaurd did it. Now I personally HATE vanguard but the crafting system they tried to implement was a huge step in the right direction by making the crafting system interactive. Meaning if you as a player had to DO stuff while crafting to succeed. If not, you failed. I hate the percentage failure rates. Also, I know the vast majority of players from America and Euro DESPISE the horrendous failure rates on crafting that Asian MMOs typically have. I am not exaggerating when I say that the top items of most Asian MMOs typically have a success rate of 0.00000000000000000001% to craft or enchant something. Do I think it should be easy? no, but I don't think I should have a better chance at winning the state lottery.

#5 Yep, pretty much every game has botters and farmers. I agree. The difference is how easy and how much the game company tries to stop it. Take EVE online for example. Sure there are "gold farmers" for the game. The problem is, the game company made it pointless since you can BUY game money from them. Also, if you buy money from a botter/farmer account and that account is banned then all that money goes POOF even if it puts you into negative balance. I'm serious. It's retarded to buy money from a farmer in EVE. Other games developers to a limited extent try to stop the farming practice to different degrees. In the past though, Asian MMOs have given a flying fart to botters and farmers. All Asian MMOs up until now could care less about botters and farmers. Because of that attitude, among other reasons, their subscription numbers for non Asian players reflects it. Which eventually drops the botter and farmer accounts because there it no one to sell to. which in turn typically kills of the Asian MMO or makes it go free to play with a buy to improve your account business design to keep accounts playing. Basically for $5 I am saying that if the company doesn't try to actively stop botters and farmers in some way, then their American and Euro subscriptions will drop. Period.

#6 Like I said, I hadn't experienced the limited or bottle necking too much but it has happened so far during my AION beta experience. One PRIME example I can tell you is the level 7 Asmodian campaign quest where you have to rescue the npc Rae from the clutches of an evil witch. The witch is basically turning people into frogs, called ribbits, in the game. The itch tries to turn you into a frog but since you are a PC you resist the attempt. However, you have to click on the correct frog at the end of the quest to free Rae from the spell. The problem is... yah there is only ONE frog that spawns once every 5 minutes. Only one person at a time can free the frog. Also, there was like 100+ players all standing around the same spot on the first day of beta trying to click on that stupid fucking frog. At least AION does use the mutiple instances of a zone technique that other games like Guild Wars does. So you can go to a different "instance" which it called a channel in the game to an instance that is less busier. However, if it is a really bad bottleneck, like that frog quest, everyone else is doing the same damn thing and all of the instances at that spot are full. Took me 3 hours to click on that retarded frog. I will admit that was the worst of the bottlenecking I found in the game and was the only time I had to wait more than a couple of minutes to do something.

#8 there is a difference between grinding and GRINDING. Let me explain. Say I am arbitrary level like 40 in an MMO. I have several options to reach level 41. I can craft 2000 ish items, I can kill 2000 ish level 40 monsters, or I can do 400 ish quests that involve killing 1200 ish monsters. Any way you look at it, I have to repeat my self on an action to reach the next level. That is a grind. The thing is, although I have to repeat actions I can decide HOW I want to repeat those actions to reach the next stage in character growth. Also, I can change it up some. The more options I have to reach the next stage in character growth the better. The problem is with games that force GRINDAGE. Let me point out a specific example with Lineage 2 on release. At one point, before too many updates and expansions that came much later, you were forced to GRIND to reach another level. Meaning you had one way and one way ONLY to reach the next stage in character development. Also, that one way was ridiculously tedious and hard. I am talking there were only 20 monsters you could kill, and hundreds if not thousands of other players were after those same monsters. They spawned once every 3 or so minutes and you needed hundred of thousands of kills to reach the next level. Thank GOD lineage 2 came out with some updates to remedy the situation a tiny bit. However it took them a LONG time to do so. Meaning to reach max level you HAD to be in the biggest, baddest guild there was to control those spawn points AND you had to be on 24/7 for the first two YEARS to do so. There was no other way. It was the most retarded game design decision there ever was. There is no defending it. That was pure GRINDFEST! Luckily, AION as nothing near that much bullshit from what I've seen thus far. However, I haven't gone 1 though 50 yet either.


Belgian Waffler
Jan 2, 2001
Well, I got to mess around with crafting today. Boring. (As expected) I think nothing quite holds a candle to Vanguard's crafting system yet though.


Diamond Member
Nov 16, 2000
Lord of the Rings Online looks way, way better the Aion does, judging from screen shots i have seen of Aion.

I played LOTRO for about 1.5 years but recently quit... just got bored with grinding and decided to spend my time on something actually productive and enriching... like learning the guitar.

But if you like MMO's i think LOTRO is pretty fantastic.... class balance is really good on the whole, the world design and graphics just bring middle earth alive... and there is plenty to do. PvP actually used to be really good and very fun but has suffered from imbalance issues the last many months.


Belgian Waffler
Jan 2, 2001
Originally posted by: zerogear
Did anyone buy aion on Steam already and playing the beta?

Does the Steam preorder get you into the beta automagically? If so, they'd be able to play during the beta test windows.


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2004
Originally posted by: zerogear
I think so, but only the "Collector's Edition" I believe.

No, all preorders get the benefit of beta events, early start, and some items.

Collector's edition gets you some (ingame) earrings, wings, and a ring as well as some emotes, a title, and armor dye.


Diamond Member
Jun 4, 2000
Nice.. now I have to determine if I really want to spend 50$ + Monthly fees to play this game... :/
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