Al Gore

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Sep 4, 2005
Originally posted by: Pens1566
Originally posted by: JD50
Originally posted by: Pens1566
I can't believe there's 11 pages complaining about Gore's 12+ times the size of the average house using 12 times the average electricity.

Since everyone seems to be screaming hypocrite, why don't they post the size of their house and their electricity usage? I'll start:

3400sq ft --> 920 KWH / 30 days

While I'm at it, 2 cars both get over 30mpg.


Yes, 11 pages and you still don't get it. No one is complaining that a large house has large energy consumption. We are pointing out that Gore tells everyone else to conserve, but he doesn't do it himself. This is not a hard concept to grasp.

It doesn't matter what your house consumes, you are not flying around the country trying to scare everyone about global warming.

I didn't see any usage stats

I have no clue what my usage stats are and it doesn't matter, I'm not preaching to everyone about how they should conserve. You still don't get it do you?


Diamond Member
Jan 13, 2007
Originally posted by: JD50
Originally posted by: Pens1566
Originally posted by: JD50
Originally posted by: Pens1566
I can't believe there's 11 pages complaining about Gore's 12+ times the size of the average house using 12 times the average electricity.

Since everyone seems to be screaming hypocrite, why don't they post the size of their house and their electricity usage? I'll start:

3400sq ft --> 920 KWH / 30 days

While I'm at it, 2 cars both get over 30mpg.


Yes, 11 pages and you still don't get it. No one is complaining that a large house has large energy consumption. We are pointing out that Gore tells everyone else to conserve, but he doesn't do it himself. This is not a hard concept to grasp.

It doesn't matter what your house consumes, you are not flying around the country trying to scare everyone about global warming.

I didn't see any usage stats

I have no clue what my usage stats are and it doesn't matter, I'm not preaching to everyone about how they should conserve. You still don't get it do you?

You're discrediting one of their heroes. They will never get it.


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2000
It upsets people that Gore was right all along.

It upsets them even more that he is practicing what he preaches.

Gore '08!!!


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Does nobody here understand that the reason that good 'ol Al preaches conservation is not to save energy, but to reduce individual carbon dioxide emissions? That's what he cares about. If people used twice as much energy individually, but created half the CO2 while doing it, it's pretty safe to say he would be okay with that.

This is why his energy consumption is 100%... totally.... completely irrelevant. In fact, he does far more then nearly anyone else to reduce his CO2 footprint.

If you want to hate Gore, there are plenty of actual, factual things you can hate him about. Unfortunately you can't really hate him using stupid moon-logic reports off of drudge and not be called an idiot for it. (does anyone take the drudge report seriously? I always viewed it as an alternative form of The Onion)


Jan 10, 2002
Originally posted by: Aimster
Originally posted by: ntdz
Originally posted by: Aimster
Originally posted by: ntdz
Originally posted by: Aimster
& how can you monitor how much electricity his home is using?

If you read the quotes you'd know.

& where does it say how they obtained that information?

Hell if such records are public I'll go stalk my neighbors.

Gore?s mansion, [20-room, eight-bathroom] located in the posh Belle Meade area of Nashville, consumes more electricity every month than the average American household uses in an entire year, according to the Nashville Electric Service (NES).

Why do I have to repost this quote, it's right there.

So you are saying that the electric company is going around telling the media about Al Gore's electric usage?



Oct 24, 2005
Well do you know where he gets his electricity from because if its from Hydro, Wind, Solar or Nuclear then his energy use is green. If its from a coal fired generation plant thats another story. But just because you use lots of electricity does not nesessarily mean your not green.


Diamond Member
Dec 22, 2000
Originally posted by: Stonejaw
Well do you know where he gets his electricity from because if its from Hydro, Wind, Solar or Nuclear then his energy use is green. If its from a coal fired generation plant thats another story. But just because you use lots of electricity does not nesessarily mean your not green.

Bingo. Olbermann destroys this entire stupid thread in a few minutes....

Olbermann exposes the "Gore is a hypocrite" lie. Five minutes of fact checking can do wonders.



Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
I hope the hypocrite haters won't vote to put a Republican in the white house. I hear it uses a lot of electricity. Of course, I guess you can't really fault them a hypocrites, though, because they have the philosophy of hogs.


Oct 11, 2005
Originally posted by: Darkhawk28
Originally posted by: Stonejaw
Well do you know where he gets his electricity from because if its from Hydro, Wind, Solar or Nuclear then his energy use is green. If its from a coal fired generation plant thats another story. But just because you use lots of electricity does not nesessarily mean your not green.

Bingo. Olbermann destroys this entire stupid thread in a few minutes....

Olbermann exposes the "Gore is a hypocrite" lie. Five minutes of fact checking can do wonders.


Shhhhhhh! He's a hypocrite and none of us get it.

And by "it", I mean the completely ridiculous premise for this entire thread/discussion. It's all a hit-job based on making a mountain out of a mole-hill. And the best part is that the mole-hill never really existed in the first place. People are just angry that Gore has been right about more things in the last few years than the boy king will ever get right in his entire waste of a life.


Diamond Member
Dec 22, 2000
Originally posted by: Pens1566
Originally posted by: Darkhawk28
Originally posted by: Stonejaw
Well do you know where he gets his electricity from because if its from Hydro, Wind, Solar or Nuclear then his energy use is green. If its from a coal fired generation plant thats another story. But just because you use lots of electricity does not nesessarily mean your not green.

Bingo. Olbermann destroys this entire stupid thread in a few minutes....

Olbermann exposes the "Gore is a hypocrite" lie. Five minutes of fact checking can do wonders.


Shhhhhhh! He's a hypocrite and none of us get it.

And by "it", I mean the completely ridiculous premise for this entire thread/discussion. It's all a hit-job based on making a mountain out of a mole-hill. And the best part is that the mole-hill never really existed in the first place. People are just angry that Gore has been right about more things in the last few years than the boy king will ever get right in his entire waste of a life.

I know. But doesn't it get rather amusing shooting down all these lies. I mean, they make it so damn easy.


May 1, 2006
Let's look at the cultish ideological spewing of Shivetya for a moment.

Originally posted by: Shivetya
Just remember

The holier-than-thou leftist environmentalists will rail about American's destroying the environment, yet when they do it they will claim some people need to be exceptions.

What does holier-than-thou mean, exactly, in a policy discussion?

It sounds bad, like an insult, so what's the insult?

What we have are one side who is actually trying to do good on the environment - get informed, and put effort into getting the public aware to fix the problem - and the other side who is a group of ignoramuses who get their 'information' from shills paid for by the far right who oppose the democrats for reasons of keeping power to serve their own corporate interests, and largely Exxon, who has spent tens of millions to dozens of propaganda organizations - thse people are pushing harmful polices based on idiocy.

Is 'holier than thou' so bad when it means person who is pushing the right policies?

No. It's those using the label who are doing wrong.

Otherwise, I guess our founding fathers were 'holier than thou' as they said that the public's right to political power was a moral imperative compared to the monarchy.

Then he uses the word 'rail'. What does that mean? Gore has a very science-based argument. The work rail implies Gore stand up and screams empty nonsense.

In other words, Shivetya is lying about the message Gore presents with that word, simply because it's an attack word he wants to use in lieu of having a valid point to attack with.

Finally, he sets up a hypocritical standard himself. The right wing on the one hand wants to demand that millionare liberals who are advocating the right policies on the environment should give up big houses and live in ultra-Spartan conditions, lest they be called hypocrites; and yet, the right wing is hardly actually endorsing what they demand, as if they'd willingly let THEIR millionares make that sacrifice. So they've set up a no-win situation for liberals - they oppose the Spartan lifestyle, and they oppose NOT living it.

What's reasonable is that the wealthier people who use more, spend the money to offset their larger use of energy and carbon emissions. The right is against reasonable.

Why? Because the bulk of these whackos are the rich, who are not impacted by the restrictions and never will be. They will buy their "CARBON OFFSETS" as if that justifies their exhorbinant lifestyles.

Now, he calls Gore a "whacko", based on nothing. Gore is a former VP who has praise from virtually all the climate scientists for his advocacy on the issue.

Whacko is a word that says a lot more about Shivetya's name-calling based on a lack of evidence, his spewing of ideology outof ignorance, than about Gore. He's a wacko.

And again, we have the class envy the right only allows for itself but attacks in the left.

What is "exhorbinant" about a 2,xxx square foot vacation house, with - the worst attacks said - a heated pool, electric garage door and one gas lamp in the driveway?

Nothing, of course. And you have to see that this is the cruz of the issue - that the facts are ignored by Shivetya as he tries to lie about the evil Gore living outrageously.

He *relies* on the reader not being rational, and simply buying into the emotionalism of the story of some rich hypocrite to hate.

Sorry, an offset is not a committment to the environment.

Actually, it is. It's a lot better than not doing it - as is the norm for the right-wing millionares. It's a commitment to spend to help the environment.

Again, Shivetya relies on the lack of rationality of people to make his attack.

Buying green power is one thing, buying 30,000 dollars worth to support your home PART TIME , this is not his full time house, for a small family, is waste.

It's very common for people with Gore's wealth to have vacation homes like this; it's not common for them to buy the carbon offsets.

If everyone did as Gore is doing, and paid for the offsets, it would be a huge improvement.

When enviro-whackos like Gore learn to live like common American's then he might just have a right to lecture us on the environment. Until people like him waste more energy than any thousand American families could conserve.

Again the irrational, baseless "whacko" name that applies to Shivetya, not Gore.

He then mixes up Gore living with a vacation home, and the issue of contributing to global warming. Gore does have a nice vacation house, and he does not contribute to global warming from it because the offsets remove the carbons added by the house, so this is a non-issue.

Now, let's ask what Shivetya is doing to reduce global warming, since all we see is him attack the person who is leading on the battle with baseless nonsense?


Elite Member
Sep 30, 2003
Originally posted by: eskimospy
Burning a gallon of jet fuel produces 21.095 lbs of CO2 according to the U.S. Department of Energy and the Energy Information Administration, Instructions for Form EIA 1605B, Voluntary Reporting of Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Appendix B.

When stuff burns it chemically combines with oxygen from the air, so you're going to be (if I remember chemistry right.. its been awhile) for each atom of carbon, nailing on 2 oxygen atoms, which is why you're going to be able to end up with 20lbs of waste from 6 lbs of fuel.

EDIT: oh, not trying to be a smartass there. that's just where the figure came from.

Yeah, OK. Thanks. I figured it was something like that. I guess I was a bit surprised to see a gallon of fuel create that much waste. Seemed counter-intuitive.


Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: Craig234
Let's look at the cultish ideological spewing of Shivetya for a moment.

Originally posted by: Shivetya
Just remember

The holier-than-thou leftist environmentalists will rail about American's destroying the environment, yet when they do it they will claim some people need to be exceptions.

What does holier-than-thou mean, exactly, in a policy discussion?

It sounds bad, like an insult, so what's the insult?

What we have are one side who is actually trying to do good on the environment - get informed, and put effort into getting the public aware to fix the problem - and the other side who is a group of ignoramuses who get their 'information' from shills paid for by the far right who oppose the democrats for reasons of keeping power to serve their own corporate interests, and largely Exxon, who has spent tens of millions to dozens of propaganda organizations - thse people are pushing harmful polices based on idiocy.

Is 'holier than thou' so bad when it means person who is pushing the right policies?

No. It's those using the label who are doing wrong.

Otherwise, I guess our founding fathers were 'holier than thou' as they said that the public's right to political power was a moral imperative compared to the monarchy.

Then he uses the word 'rail'. What does that mean? Gore has a very science-based argument. The work rail implies Gore stand up and screams empty nonsense.

In other words, Shivetya is lying about the message Gore presents with that word, simply because it's an attack word he wants to use in lieu of having a valid point to attack with.

Finally, he sets up a hypocritical standard himself. The right wing on the one hand wants to demand that millionare liberals who are advocating the right policies on the environment should give up big houses and live in ultra-Spartan conditions, lest they be called hypocrites; and yet, the right wing is hardly actually endorsing what they demand, as if they'd willingly let THEIR millionares make that sacrifice. So they've set up a no-win situation for liberals - they oppose the Spartan lifestyle, and they oppose NOT living it.

What's reasonable is that the wealthier people who use more, spend the money to offset their larger use of energy and carbon emissions. The right is against reasonable.

Why? Because the bulk of these whackos are the rich, who are not impacted by the restrictions and never will be. They will buy their "CARBON OFFSETS" as if that justifies their exhorbinant lifestyles.

Now, he calls Gore a "whacko", based on nothing. Gore is a former VP who has praise from virtually all the climate scientists for his advocacy on the issue.

Whacko is a word that says a lot more about Shivetya's name-calling based on a lack of evidence, his spewing of ideology outof ignorance, than about Gore. He's a wacko.

And again, we have the class envy the right only allows for itself but attacks in the left.

What is "exhorbinant" about a 2,xxx square foot vacation house, with - the worst attacks said - a heated pool, electric garage door and one gas lamp in the driveway?

Nothing, of course. And you have to see that this is the cruz of the issue - that the facts are ignored by Shivetya as he tries to lie about the evil Gore living outrageously.

He *relies* on the reader not being rational, and simply buying into the emotionalism of the story of some rich hypocrite to hate.

Sorry, an offset is not a committment to the environment.

Actually, it is. It's a lot better than not doing it - as is the norm for the right-wing millionares. It's a commitment to spend to help the environment.

Again, Shivetya relies on the lack of rationality of people to make his attack.

Buying green power is one thing, buying 30,000 dollars worth to support your home PART TIME , this is not his full time house, for a small family, is waste.

It's very common for people with Gore's wealth to have vacation homes like this; it's not common for them to buy the carbon offsets.

If everyone did as Gore is doing, and paid for the offsets, it would be a huge improvement.

When enviro-whackos like Gore learn to live like common American's then he might just have a right to lecture us on the environment. Until people like him waste more energy than any thousand American families could conserve.

Again the irrational, baseless "whacko" name that applies to Shivetya, not Gore.

He then mixes up Gore living with a vacation home, and the issue of contributing to global warming. Gore does have a nice vacation house, and he does not contribute to global warming from it because the offsets remove the carbons added by the house, so this is a non-issue.

Now, let's ask what Shivetya is doing to reduce global warming, since all we see is him attack the person who is leading on the battle with baseless nonsense?


Jun 11, 2004
Originally posted by: JD50
Originally posted by: umbrella39
Originally posted by: UberNeuman
Originally posted by: UberNeuman
So if the argument is that Gore is a hypocrite for pushing for energy conservation and not following through with it, does this mean that supporters of the war in Iraq that aren't joining up to serve are hypocrites as well?

Just thought I'd ask again....

OMG, I must have missed this the first time you posted this!


/thread until I hear the pitter patter of neocon keyboard warrior boots over in Iraq., horrible analogy.

Supporters of the war are not telling everyone else that they should go and fight the war, while not going and fighting themselves.

No, actually a pretty good analogy. Of course supporters of the war are not telling everyone they should go and fight the war, just everyone BUT them to go fight the war. Hence, the keyboard warrior medals given out so frequently here.


Sep 4, 2005
Originally posted by: umbrella39
Originally posted by: JD50
Originally posted by: umbrella39
Originally posted by: UberNeuman
Originally posted by: UberNeuman
So if the argument is that Gore is a hypocrite for pushing for energy conservation and not following through with it, does this mean that supporters of the war in Iraq that aren't joining up to serve are hypocrites as well?

Just thought I'd ask again....

OMG, I must have missed this the first time you posted this!


/thread until I hear the pitter patter of neocon keyboard warrior boots over in Iraq., horrible analogy.

Supporters of the war are not telling everyone else that they should go and fight the war, while not going and fighting themselves.

No, actually a pretty good analogy. Of course supporters of the war are not telling everyone they should go and fight the war, just everyone BUT them to go fight the war. Hence, the keyboard warrior medals given out so frequently here.

Find one link where someone says that every single person should go to Iraq and fight.


Administrator<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: ntdz
Is the AP good enough for you, or are they too right wing for you? Utility bills are public information.
Originally posted by: ntdz
You have figured out by now that utility bills are public information, right? He does use however many times more than the average household, that's a fact thats undisputed by anyone. Go to and watch the video they have on there about it.
Maybe you two should do your homework before blindly cherry picking your quotes and statistics.
February 28, 2007, 9:08 am
An Inconveniently Easy Headline: Gore?s Electric Bills Spark Debate
By Tom Zeller Jr.

An obscure conservative group in Tennessee claims to be offering up the utility bills on Al Gore?s 10,000-square-foot Nashville mansion (wow!) as evidence that the former vice president doesn?t put his money where his mouth is on conservation.

Needless to say, the caterwaul on both sides of the fence is deafening ? particularly in its overuse of cheeky variations on ?An Inconvenient ? Something.?

The group, the Tennessee Center for Policy Research, issued its statement a day after the film ?An Inconvenient Truth,? which tracked Mr. Gore?s campaign to educate the world about the ravages of global warming, won an Academy Award for best documentary feature. By its count, Mr. Gore?s mansion ?consumes more electricity every month than the average American household uses in an entire year,? the statement said.

But here is where the story gets a little blurry.

The group cited some damning kilowatt-consumption figures ? 221,000 for the Gores in 2006, compared with the American average of 10,656, for instance ? which, it said, were obtained from the Nashville Electric Service. It put the Gores? average monthly electric bill at $1,359. Of course, those figures immediately rocketed through cyberspace. From Britain?s Guardian newspaper this morning:
  • By yesterday the news of Mr. Gore?s energy bills was flying around the Internet at a rate which, were the web petrol-powered, would have led to instant sea level rises. Conservative and libertarian bloggers, from Instapundit to Hot Air and Red State, luxuriated over the details, while progressive and liberal blogs led by the Huffington Post tried to discredit the report by describing it as a typical smear campaign. It had been timed for the Oscars, the Post?s blogger said, by a group that had no official status and had connections with right-wing groups funded by ExxonMobil.
The Associated Press, however, apparently asked a spokeswoman from the Nashville utility company, Laurie Parker, if the policy group had actually obtained the information from them, and she said the utility never got a request from the policy center and that no information was ever turned over to them.

So the A.P. decided to review the utility records itself, and came up with slightly different kilowatt consumption numbers: 191,000 for the Gores in 2006 ? compared to a typical Nashville home of 15,500 kilowatts.

It remains unclear at this point why there would be two contradictory sets of numbers floating around ? even if both sets do show Mr. Gore?s mansion to be a bit of an energy hog.

For their part, Mr. Gore?s representatives do not deny that the house is exactly that. They simply argue that energy conservation is about establishing life balances. From The A.P. today:
  • Gore spokeswoman Kalee Kreider said: ?Sometimes when people don?t like the message, in this case that global warming is real, it?s convenient to attack the messenger.?

    Kreider said Gore purchases enough energy from renewable energy sources such as solar, wind and methane gas to balance 100 percent of his electricity use.

    Gore, who owns homes in Carthage, Tenn., and in the Washington area, has said he leads a ?carbon-neutral lifestyle.? To balance out other carbon emissions, the Gores invest money in projects to reduce energy consumption, Kreider said.
* * *

UPDATE: Many readers are clamoring that MSNBC?s Keith Olbermann, on his program last evening, provided the definitive refutation of the policy center?s suggestion that for Mr. Gore, it ain?t so easy being green. Here?s a link to the video deconstruction, by way of the Crooks & Liars blog.

Olbermann's report includes a few facts you seem to have missed.

1. The president of the Tennessee Center for Policy Research, Drudge's supposedly "independent, nonprofit and nonpartisan" research organization, is Drew Johnson, formerly of the American Enterprise Institute, a neocon "think" tank whose board of trustees includes such dishonorable wingnuts as Vice President Dick Cheney and, until recently, Kenneth Lay, CEO of Enron.

2. Gore's property has twenty rooms, including home offices for himself and his wife, a guest house and security measures.

3. By participating in Tennessee's green power program, the Gores voluntarily paid around $1,473, or around 50% more for the power they used, and the power for which they were paying was generated from "green" sources, meaning they reduced their "carbon footprint" for every kilowatt-hour of power they used.

You can try to knock the sources for the above info, but until you can knock the facts. As long as you've got both feet in your mouth, you may want to remember, your mom told you it was rude to speak with your mouth full. :laugh:


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2004
Originally posted by: ntdz

Gore?s mansion, [20-room, eight-bathroom] located in the posh Belle Meade area of Nashville, consumes more electricity every month than the average American household uses in an entire year, according to the Nashville Electric Service (NES).

In his documentary, the former Vice President calls on Americans to conserve energy by reducing electricity consumption at home.

You gotta love this, he tells Americans to conserve energy at home while he's using 20 times more electricity that them at his own home.

Awesome. This is hypochrisy at its best!


Administrator<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: thegimp03
Originally posted by: ntdz

Gore?s mansion, [20-room, eight-bathroom] located in the posh Belle Meade area of Nashville, consumes more electricity every month than the average American household uses in an entire year, according to the Nashville Electric Service (NES).

In his documentary, the former Vice President calls on Americans to conserve energy by reducing electricity consumption at home.

You gotta love this, he tells Americans to conserve energy at home while he's using 20 times more electricity that them at his own home.

Awesome. This is hypochrisy at its best!
Did you bother to read any of the replies in this thread pointing out the gross errors in Drudge's article, or did you just open your mouth to change feet?


Jul 10, 2002
Originally posted by: ntdz

Gore?s mansion, [20-room, eight-bathroom] located in the posh Belle Meade area of Nashville, consumes more electricity every month than the average American household uses in an entire year, according to the Nashville Electric Service (NES).

In his documentary, the former Vice President calls on Americans to conserve energy by reducing electricity consumption at home.

You gotta love this, he tells Americans to conserve energy at home while he's using 20 times more electricity that them at his own home.

Comparing the electrical usage in a non-average American household with the average American household usage is totally wrong. Average homes dont have 20 bedrooms. Although Gore as a prominent conservation advocate should clearly attempt to reduce overall consumption, his gross electrical usage is not the defining characteristic of his efforts, or success, at reducing environmental impact.

BTW I don't trust any NES acronym that isn't associated with video games, pizza, or plumbers.

Besides... there is another secret.... He runs it off a hydro dam in the back yard!!


Nov 17, 2002
Originally posted by: Darkhawk28
Originally posted by: Pens1566
Originally posted by: Darkhawk28
Originally posted by: Stonejaw
Well do you know where he gets his electricity from because if its from Hydro, Wind, Solar or Nuclear then his energy use is green. If its from a coal fired generation plant thats another story. But just because you use lots of electricity does not nesessarily mean your not green.

Bingo. Olbermann destroys this entire stupid thread in a few minutes....

Olbermann exposes the "Gore is a hypocrite" lie. Five minutes of fact checking can do wonders.

Shhhhhhh! He's a hypocrite and none of us get it.

And by "it", I mean the completely ridiculous premise for this entire thread/discussion. It's all a hit-job based on making a mountain out of a mole-hill. And the best part is that the mole-hill never really existed in the first place. People are just angry that Gore has been right about more things in the last few years than the boy king will ever get right in his entire waste of a life.
I know. But doesn't it get rather amusing shooting down all these lies. I mean, they make it so damn easy.
The next 18 months should be a blast. I'm sure the swiftboaters are just getting warmed up.


Golden Member
Jun 26, 2005
He is a hypocrite, plain and simple. Do as I say, not as I do. That's Al.

But let me tell you what really angers me about Mr. Gore, the pseudo-scientist. He says he makes up for all his jet trips and what-not by buying carbon reimbursements, or carbon registry, whatever. Its true, the secular progressives have made global warming into a religion, with sinners and saints. And Al Gore, like the Catholic church many years ago, has come up with the easy way out for the rich: Carbon credits. They are like the indulgences of the 21st century...

"Sure, my home burns 20X more energy than Joe Schmoe, but I can just buy 'forgiveness' via carbon creds. Meanwhile, since you are less important, er, I mean economically challenged, you'll just have to do the best you can with a fourescent bulb whilst I light the driveway to my home with perpetually burning natural gas. Good luck with that, now excuse me, I'm off in my private jet for skiing in Davos."

Just like the rich Catholics who could buy an indulgence and just keep on sinnning away. I don't get this. If the environmental purists, those of you who are truly super-green and Global Warming is your religion, you'd be angry at Gore too. Instead you defend him. You say, "Well he has to get around to promote the agenda." Its called the internet, he invented it right? He can just web-conference. Trust me, he's just about as enthusiastic via the internet as he is live and in person.

Of course I don't subscribe to Gore's theory of global warming. I'm telling you, 20 years from now we'll be worrying about it being too cold. Still, no one in the MSM will dare criticize Saint Gore. Two major factors impacting our planet's surface temp that the libs never want to address: Precipitation (the effect weather actually has on cooling the earth), and Solar warming.
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