Al-Shahab in Kenya: Muslim or death

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Orignal Earl

Diamond Member
Oct 27, 2005
then I guess it's a damn good thing that you're here to 'intolerate' them right back...

They just can't see it, no matter what proof a guy sets in front of them
Cubical Nazis, straight up fanatical with their belief system
Thank God most Cubicals rarely stray outside from their keyboards, but every once in a while one of them goes on a rampage


Jun 24, 2003
I wouldn't be holding a scimitar at a Muslims throat demanding to know if he is a Christian or a Muslim though.
Which is the criteria needed for taqiyya

I doubt you really hate me, Sociopaths don't really feel hate

Imams get to decide what the Koran means, not wikipedia. Who do you think edits that wikipedia? The very people that are trying to hide their agenda. Taqiyya has been broadly interpreted to allow deception of non-believers in virtually all instances.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
AFAIK there is nothing in the Koran or Islam that would support this activity. However, it once again shows what is wrong with Religion as a concept. When people are convinced that an all powerful being guides their Lives and insists on certain behaviours of all, every manner of evil can become acceptable. Whether it's shooting non-Muslims, burning Witches, killing Child Witches, killing Homosexuals, or many other atrocities, the Religious people carrying it out are/were absolutely certain that what they were doing is Good.

How does this make sense? If violent people believe their religion that does not teach such violence supports it, wouldn't it seem that they need more, not less of it?


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2010
Right? Jihadists are terrorists.
I'm talking about the billions of other Muslims. You know like the millions in America like Dave Chappelle or Kareem Abdul-Jabbar or Zalmay Khalilzad

Or this guy

Then the definition of Islam is wrong.

If the very countries that spawned Islam behave differently to the West, that does not make them un Islamic. It makes the Muslims living in the West wrong.

Who defines what Islam is? The Islamic, of course, since it changes over time. Ever heard of the True Scotsman fallacy?

These terrorists are Islamic. Oh, its very convenient for you to say that they are not Islamic, but since they claim to be Islamic, they are.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Then the definition of Islam is wrong.

If the very countries that spawned Islam behave differently to the West, that does not make them un Islamic. It makes the Muslims living in the West wrong.

Who defines what Islam is? The Islamic, of course, since it changes over time. Ever heard of the True Scotsman fallacy?

These terrorists are Islamic. Oh, its very convenient for you to say that they are not Islamic, but since they claim to be Islamic, they are.

That can't be right. I claim they are not Islamic and I am authoritative.


Diamond Member
Jun 11, 2013
AFAIK there is nothing in the Koran or Islam that would support this activity. However, it once again shows what is wrong with Religion as a concept. When people are convinced that an all powerful being guides their Lives and insists on certain behaviours of all, every manner of evil can become acceptable. Whether it's shooting non-Muslims, burning Witches, killing Child Witches, killing Homosexuals, or many other atrocities, the Religious people carrying it out are/were absolutely certain that what they were doing is Good.

what about all this stuff?

The Quran:
Quran (2:191-193) - "And kill them wherever you find them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out. And Al-Fitnah [disbelief] is worse than killing...
but if they desist, then lo! Allah is forgiving and merciful. And fight them until there is no more Fitnah [disbelief and worshipping of others along with Allah] and worship is for Allah alone. But if they cease, let there be no transgression except against Az-Zalimun (the polytheists, and wrong-doers, etc.)" The historical context of this passage is not defensive warfare, since Muhammad and his Muslims had just relocated to Medina and were not under attack by their Meccan adversaries. In fact, the verses urge offensive warfare, in that Muslims are to drive Meccans out of their own city (which they later did). The use of the word "persecution" by some Muslim translators is thus disingenuous (the actual Muslim words for persecution - "idtihad" - and oppression - a variation of "z-l-m" - do not appear in the verse). The actual Arabic comes from "fitna" which can mean disbelief, or the disorder that results from unbelief or temptation. Taken as a whole, the context makes clear that violence is being authorized until "religion is for Allah" - ie. unbelievers desist in their unbelief.

Quran (2:244) - "Then fight in the cause of Allah, and know that Allah Heareth and knoweth all things."

Quran (2:216) - "Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knoweth, and ye know not." Not only does this verse establish that violence can be virtuous, but it also contradicts the myth that fighting is intended only in self-defense, since the audience was obviously not under attack at the time. From the Hadith, we know that this verse was narrated at a time that Muhammad was actually trying to motivate his people into raiding merchant caravans for loot.

Quran (3:56) - "As to those who reject faith, I will punish them with terrible agony in this world and in the Hereafter, nor will they have anyone to help."

Quran (3:151) - "Soon shall We cast terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers, for that they joined companions with Allah, for which He had sent no authority". This speaks directly of polytheists, yet it also includes Christians, since they believe in the Trinity (ie. what Muhammad incorrectly believed to be 'joining companions to Allah').

Quran (4:74) - "Let those fight in the way of Allah who sell the life of this world for the other. Whoso fighteth in the way of Allah, be he slain or be he victorious, on him We shall bestow a vast reward." The martyrs of Islam are unlike the early Christians, who were led meekly to the slaughter. These Muslims are killed in battle as they attempt to inflict death and destruction for the cause of Allah. This is the theological basis for today's suicide bombers.

Quran (4:76) - "Those who believe fight in the cause of Allah…"

Quran (4:89) - "They but wish that ye should reject Faith, as they do, and thus be on the same footing (as they): But take not friends from their ranks until they flee in the way of Allah (From what is forbidden). But if they turn renegades, seize them and slay them wherever ye find them; and (in any case) take no friends or helpers from their ranks."

Quran (4:95) - "Not equal are those believers who sit (at home) and receive no hurt, and those who strive and fight in the cause of Allah with their goods and their persons. Allah hath granted a grade higher to those who strive and fight with their goods and persons than to those who sit (at home). Unto all (in Faith) Hath Allah promised good: But those who strive and fight Hath He distinguished above those who sit (at home) by a special reward,-" This passage criticizes "peaceful" Muslims who do not join in the violence, letting them know that they are less worthy in Allah's eyes. It also demolishes the modern myth that "Jihad" doesn't mean holy war in the Quran, but rather a spiritual struggle. Not only is the Arabic word used in this passage, but it is clearly not referring to anything spiritual, since the physically disabled are given exemption. (The Hadith reveals the context of the passage to be in response to a blind man's protest that he is unable to engage in Jihad and this is reflected in other translations of the verse).

Quran (4:104) - "And be not weak hearted in pursuit of the enemy; if you suffer pain, then surely they (too) suffer pain as you suffer pain..." Is pursuing an injured and retreating enemy really an act of self-defense?

Quran (5:33) - "The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His messenger and strive to make mischief in the land is only this, that they should be murdered or crucified or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides or they should be imprisoned; this shall be as a disgrace for them in this world, and in the hereafter they shall have a grievous chastisement"

Quran (8:12) - "I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them" No reasonable person would interpret this to mean a spiritual struggle.

Quran (8:15) - "O ye who believe! When ye meet those who disbelieve in battle, turn not your backs to them. (16)Whoso on that day turneth his back to them, unless maneuvering for battle or intent to join a company, he truly hath incurred wrath from Allah, and his habitation will be hell, a hapless journey's end."

Quran (8:39) - "And fight with them until there is no more fitna (disorder, unbelief) and religion should be only for Allah" Some translations interpret "fitna" as "persecution", but the traditional understanding of this word is not supported by the historical context (See notes for 2:193). The Meccans were simply refusing Muhammad access to their city during Haj. Other Muslims were allowed to travel there - just not as an armed group, since Muhammad had declared war on Mecca prior to his eviction. The Meccans were also acting in defense of their religion, since it was Muhammad's intention to destroy their idols and establish Islam by force (which he later did). Hence the critical part of this verse is to fight until "religion is only for Allah", meaning that the true justification of violence was the unbelief of the opposition. According to the Sira (Ibn Ishaq/Hisham 324) Muhammad further explains that "Allah must have no rivals."

Quran (8:57) - "If thou comest on them in the war, deal with them so as to strike fear in those who are behind them, that haply they may remember."

Quran (8:59-60) - "And let not those who disbelieve suppose that they can outstrip (Allah's Purpose). Lo! they cannot escape. Make ready for them all thou canst of (armed) force and of horses tethered, that thereby ye may dismay the enemy of Allah and your enemy."

Quran (8:65) - "O Prophet, exhort the believers to fight..."

Quran (9:5) - "So when the sacred months have passed away, then slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captive and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush, then if they repent and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate, leave their way free to them." According to this verse, the best way of staying safe from Muslim violence is to convert to Islam (prayer (salat) and the poor tax (zakat) are among the religion's Five Pillars). This popular claim that the Quran only inspires violence within the context of self-defense is seriously challenged by this passage as well, since the Muslims to whom it was written were obviously not under attack. Had they been, then there would have been no waiting period (earlier verses make it a duty for Muslims to fight in self-defense, even during the sacred months). The historical context is Mecca after the idolaters were subjugated by Muhammad and posed no threat. Once the Muslims had the power, they violently evicted those unbelievers who would not convert.

Quran (9:14) - "Fight them, Allah will punish them by your hands and bring them to disgrace..."

Quran (9:20) - "Those who believe, and have left their homes and striven with their wealth and their lives in Allah's way are of much greater worth in Allah's sight. These are they who are triumphant." The Arabic word interpreted as "striving" in this verse is the same root as "Jihad". The context is obviously holy war.

Quran (9:29) - "Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued." "People of the Book" refers to Christians and Jews. According to this verse, they are to be violently subjugated, with the sole justification being their religious status. This was one of the final "revelations" from Allah and it set in motion the tenacious military expansion, in which Muhammad's companions managed to conquer two-thirds of the Christian world in the next 100 years. Islam is intended to dominate all other people and faiths.

Quran (9:30) - "And the Jews say: Ezra is the son of Allah; and the Christians say: The Messiah is the son of Allah; these are the words of their mouths; they imitate the saying of those who disbelieved before; may Allah destroy them; how they are turned away!"

Quran (9:38-39) - "O ye who believe! what is the matter with you, that, when ye are asked to go forth in the cause of Allah, ye cling heavily to the earth? Do ye prefer the life of this world to the Hereafter? But little is the comfort of this life, as compared with the Hereafter. Unless ye go forth, He will punish you with a grievous penalty, and put others in your place." This is a warning to those who refuse to fight, that they will be punished with Hell.

Quran (9:41) - "Go forth, light-armed and heavy-armed, and strive with your wealth and your lives in the way of Allah! That is best for you if ye but knew." See also the verse that follows (9:42) - "If there had been immediate gain (in sight), and the journey easy, they would (all) without doubt have followed thee, but the distance was long, (and weighed) on them" This contradicts the myth that Muslims are to fight only in self-defense, since the wording implies that battle will be waged a long distance from home (in another country and on Christian soil, in this case, according to the historians).

Quran (9:73) - "O Prophet! strive hard against the unbelievers and the hypocrites and be unyielding to them; and their abode is hell, and evil is the destination." Dehumanizing those who reject Islam, by reminding Muslims that unbelievers are merely firewood for Hell, makes it easier to justify slaughter. It also explains why today's devout Muslims have little regard for those outside the faith.

Quran (9:88) - "But the Messenger, and those who believe with him, strive and fight with their wealth and their persons: for them are (all) good things: and it is they who will prosper."

Quran (9:111) - "Allah hath purchased of the believers their persons and their goods; for theirs (in return) is the garden (of Paradise): they fight in His cause, and slay and are slain: a promise binding on Him in truth, through the Law, the Gospel, and the Quran: and who is more faithful to his covenant than Allah? then rejoice in the bargain which ye have concluded: that is the achievement supreme." How does the Quran define a true believer?

Quran (9:123) - "O you who believe! fight those of the unbelievers who are near to you and let them find in you hardness."

Quran (17:16) - "And when We wish to destroy a town, We send Our commandment to the people of it who lead easy lives, but they transgress therein; thus the word proves true against it, so We destroy it with utter destruction." Note that the crime is moral transgression, and the punishment is "utter destruction." (Before ordering the 9/11 attacks, Osama bin Laden first issued Americans an invitation to Islam).

Quran (18:65-81) - This parable lays the theological groundwork for honor killings, in which a family member is murdered because they brought shame to the family, either through apostasy or perceived moral indiscretion. The story (which is not found in any Jewish or Christian source) tells of Moses encountering a man with "special knowledge" who does things which don't seem to make sense on the surface, but are then justified according to later explanation. One such action is to murder a youth for no apparent reason (74). However, the wise man later explains that it was feared that the boy would "grieve" his parents by "disobedience and ingratitude." He was killed so that Allah could provide them a 'better' son. (Note: This is one reason why honor killing is sanctioned by Sharia. Reliance of the Traveler (Umdat al-Saliq) says that punishment for murder is not applicable when a parent or grandparent kills their offspring (o.1.1-2).)

Quran (21:44) - "We gave the good things of this life to these men and their fathers until the period grew long for them; See they not that We gradually reduce the land (in their control) from its outlying borders? Is it then they who will win?"

Quran (25:52) - "Therefore listen not to the Unbelievers, but strive against them with the utmost strenuousness..." "Strive against" is Jihad - obviously not in the personal context. It's also significant to point out that this is a Meccan verse.

Quran (33:60-62) - "If the hypocrites, and those in whose hearts is a disease, and the alarmists in the city do not cease, We verily shall urge thee on against them, then they will be your neighbors in it but a little while. Accursed, they will be seized wherever found and slain with a (fierce) slaughter." This passage sanctions the slaughter (rendered "merciless" and "horrible murder" in other translations) against three groups: Hypocrites (Muslims who refuse to "fight in the way of Allah" (3:167) and hence don't act as Muslims should), those with "diseased hearts" (which include Jews and Christians 5:51-52), and "alarmists" or "agitators who include those who merely speak out against Islam, according to Muhammad's biographers. It is worth noting that the victims are to be sought out by Muslims, which is what today's terrorists do. If this passage is meant merely to apply to the city of Medina, then it is unclear why it is included in Allah's eternal word to Muslim generations.

Quran (47:3-4) - "Those who reject Allah follow vanities, while those who believe follow the truth from their lord. Thus does Allah set forth form men their lessons by similitude. Therefore when you meet in battle those who disbelieve, then smite the necks until when you have overcome them, then make (them) prisoners," Those who reject Allah are to be subdued in battle. The verse goes on to say the only reason Allah doesn't do the dirty work himself is in order to to test the faithfulness of Muslims. Those who kill pass the test. "But if it had been Allah's Will, He could certainly have exacted retribution from them (Himself); but (He lets you fight) in order to test you, some with others. But those who are slain in the Way of Allah,- He will never let their deeds be lost."

Quran (47:35) - "Be not weary and faint-hearted, crying for peace, when ye should be uppermost (Shakir: "have the upper hand") for Allah is with you,"

Quran (48:17) - "There is no blame for the blind, nor is there blame for the lame, nor is there blame for the sick (that they go not forth to war). And whoso obeyeth Allah and His messenger, He will make him enter Gardens underneath which rivers flow; and whoso turneth back, him will He punish with a painful doom." Contemporary apologists sometimes claim that Jihad means 'spiritual struggle.' Is so, then why are the blind, lame and sick exempted? This verse also says that those who do not fight will suffer torment in hell.

Quran (48:29) - "Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. And those with him are hard (ruthless) against the disbelievers and merciful among themselves" Islam is not about treating everyone equally. There are two very distinct standards that are applied based on religious status. Also the word used for 'hard' or 'ruthless' in this verse shares the same root as the word translated as 'painful' or severe' in verse 16.

Quran (61:4) - "Surely Allah loves those who fight in His way" Religion of Peace, indeed! The verse explicitly refers to "battle array" meaning that it is speaking of physical conflict. This is followed by (61:9): "He it is who has sent His Messenger (Mohammed) with guidance and the religion of truth (Islam) to make it victorious over all religions even though the infidels may resist." (See next verse, below). Infidels who resist Islamic rule are to be fought.

Quran (61:10-12) - "O You who believe! Shall I guide you to a commerce that will save you from a painful torment. That you believe in Allah and His Messenger (Muhammad ), and that you strive hard and fight in the Cause of Allah with your wealth and your lives, that will be better for you, if you but know! (If you do so) He will forgive you your sins, and admit you into Gardens under which rivers flow, and pleasant dwelling in Gardens of 'Adn - Eternity ['Adn (Edn) Paradise], that is indeed the great success." This verse refers to physical battle in order to make Islam victorious over other religions (see above). It uses the Arabic word, Jihad.

Quran (66:9) - "O Prophet! Strive against the disbelievers and the hypocrites, and be stern with them. Hell will be their home, a hapless journey's end." The root word of "Jihad" is used again here. The context is clearly holy war, and the scope of violence is broadened to include "hypocrites" - those who call themselves Muslims but do not act as such.


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
what about all this stuff?

Didn't read them all, however, those are about specific events/circumstances. There is nothing in the Koran telling Muslims to give people the choice of Converting or dying. This is especially true of Christians and Jews which have a special relationship with Islam, in the eyes of the Koran.

That said, as I mentioned, Religion has a way to warp the minds of followers to take such passages and re-interpret them to fit anyway the follower wants to use them. Context is often moot to the Believer who believes that their deity guides them personally.

Of course, as an Atheist, I have absolutely no idea what a "Holy" book says. Or that's what I am told quite often. Apparently without Personal interpretation there is no understanding of "Holy" text.

Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
AFAIK there is nothing in the Koran or Islam that would support this activity. However, it once again shows what is wrong with Religion as a concept. When people are convinced that an all powerful being guides their Lives and insists on certain behaviours of all, every manner of evil can become acceptable. Whether it's shooting non-Muslims, burning Witches, killing Child Witches, killing Homosexuals, or many other atrocities, the Religious people carrying it out are/were absolutely certain that what they were doing is Good.

That's true. It's also true that they go around rebuilding homes, providing comfort for the homeless, and many other things while those who have no religion complain and do nothing.


Diamond Member
Jun 11, 2013
Didn't read them all, however, those are about specific events/circumstances. There is nothing in the Koran telling Muslims to give people the choice of Converting or dying. This is especially true of Christians and Jews which have a special relationship with Islam, in the eyes of the Koran.

That said, as I mentioned, Religion has a way to warp the minds of followers to take such passages and re-interpret them to fit anyway the follower wants to use them. Context is often moot to the Believer who believes that their deity guides them personally.

Of course, as an Atheist, I have absolutely no idea what a "Holy" book says. Or that's what I am told quite often. Apparently without Personal interpretation there is no understanding of "Holy" text.

What about,

Fight those who do not believe in Allah or in the Last Day and who do not consider unlawful what Allah and His Messenger have made unlawful and who do not adopt the religion of truth from those who were given the Scripture - [fight] until they give the jizyah willingly while they are humbled.


“O Prophet! strive hard against the unbelievers and the Hypocrites, and be firm against them. Their abode is Hell,- an evil refuge indeed” (Surah 9:73).

“But when the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war). But if they repent, and establish regular prayers and practise regular charity, then open the way for them: for Allah is Oft forgiving, Most Merciful” (Surah 9:5)

Maher is right about how ridiculous liberal pc nonsense has become.

He said one poll suggested that “something like 80 or 90 percent” of Muslims in Egypt agree that death is the appropriate penalty for leaving Islam.

“If 84 percent of Brazilians thought that death was the proper penalty for leaving Catholicism, wouldn’t that be a bigger story?” the host asked.

Mr. Thurston said Islam does not have a “monopoly” on extremism, but Mr. Maher disagreed.
“Kind of they do,” Mr. Maher said. “Not a monopoly, but perspective is important,” he continued, “It’s like the Titanic hitting the iceberg compared to Whitney Houston dying in her bathtub.”

Orignal Earl

Diamond Member
Oct 27, 2005
Are you somehow shocked that Americans hate muslims? This is nothing new.

No I'm not shocked, the US has a long history of racism and intolerance and violence
That's my whole point, I see this shit on the board everyday.
Black folk, Mexicans, and Muslims seem to be the favorite scapegoats here
Of course this is really a very tiny minority of Americans that do this, and it would be ridiculous to label all Americans as such


Diamond Member
Jun 11, 2013

Brandeis University Backs Away from Giving Honorary Degree to Islam Critic

Ayaan Hirsi Ali is a very outspoken critic of Islam, especially the treatment of women in the Islamic religion. Brandeis University had planned to award Hirsi Ali an honorary degree, but rescinded that announcement today, saying “We cannot overlook that certain of her past statements are inconsistent with Brandeis University’s core values.”
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Jun 12, 2005
Of course, as an Atheist, I have absolutely no idea what a "Holy" book says. Or that's what I am told quite often. Apparently without Personal interpretation there is no understanding of "Holy" text.

Fight those who do not believe in Allah or in the Last Day and who do not consider unlawful what Allah and His Messenger have made unlawful and who do not adopt the religion of truth from those who were given the Scripture - [fight] until they give the jizyah willingly while they are humbled.

I guess they would be a choppin your head off.

Orignal Earl

Diamond Member
Oct 27, 2005
I guess they would be a choppin your head off.

You Cubicals totally lack perspective and awareness of the outside world
If 2 billion Muslims believed what you do, your head would of been gone along time ago

edit- or should it be Cubicalics, bare with me.. its a work in progress
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Diamond Member
Jun 11, 2013
Why do liberals the world over defend islam? Fear maybe?

"liberal democrat" politician in the uk calling the knighthood of salman rushdie "not wise," and "not very clever," because it might offend muslims.

They don't have any explicitly granted freedom of expression in the uk, but who can forget the danish cartoons. us state department, president, etc, and so-called "moderate muslims" condemning the cartoons and not the violence:

Muslims claim that they have a special right to be offended.

"Why don't [jews and christians] take the occasion (of offense) to set fire to embassies or kidnap civilians?"
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Orignal Earl

Diamond Member
Oct 27, 2005
Imams get to decide what the Koran means, not wikipedia. Who do you think edits that wikipedia? The very people that are trying to hide their agenda. Taqiyya has been broadly interpreted to allow deception of non-believers in virtually all instances.

"Sieg Heil"

Of course though, Hitler would of rounded you up too, because of your sexual preference
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Diamond Member
Jan 22, 2009
No I'm not shocked, the US has a long history of racism and intolerance and violence
That's my whole point, I see this shit on the board everyday.
Black folk, Mexicans, and Muslims seem to be the favorite scapegoats here
Of course this is really a very tiny minority of Americans that do this, and it would be ridiculous to label all Americans as such

Why don't you go over to Nigeria, Kenya, Northern Iraq, Iran, Syria, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, etc and show us how tolerance should work. Show us the way, brother!

Orignal Earl

Diamond Member
Oct 27, 2005
Why don't you go over to Nigeria, Kenya, Northern Iraq, Iran, Syria, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, etc and show us how tolerance should work. Show us the way, brother!

The Muslim terrorists are already being hunted down in all those places, by Muslims.

How about you walk over to your local Mosque and get to know some Muslims


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
Why do liberals the world over defend islam? Fear maybe?

"liberal democrat" politician in the uk calling the knighthood of salman rushdie "not wise," and "not very clever," because it might offend muslims.

They don't have any explicitly granted freedom of expression in the uk, but who can forget the danish cartoons. us state department, president, etc, and so-called "moderate muslims" condemning the cartoons and not the violence:

Muslims claim that they have a special right to be offended.

"Why don't [jews and christians] take the occasion (of offense) to set fire to embassies or kidnap civilians?"

I'm not defending Islam. Just putting things into perspective. Christianity has a very similar history.


Jan 31, 2010
Why do liberals the world over defend islam?

Probably for the same reasons moderate conservatives are smart enough to realize the actions of a few do not dictate or indicate the beliefs of the larger religious population. I would say that the total number of Islamic extremist are less than 0.025% of the Muslim population.


Diamond Member
Jun 11, 2013
I'm not defending Islam. Just putting things into perspective. Christianity has a very similar history.

Sure, but we're not living in the 15th century anymore. Right now the biggest threat is islam.
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