Alito Urged Wiretap Immunity.


Administrator<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
If you weren't scared about what this bozo would do if he's confirmed to the Supreme Court, before, maybe this will be enough to help you make up your mind. From the Washington Post:
Alito Urged Wiretap Immunity
Memo Offers Look at Nominee on Privacy

By Jo Becker and Christopher Lee
Washington Post Staff Writers
Saturday, December 24, 2005; Page A01

Supreme Court nominee Samuel A. Alito Jr. once argued that the nation's top law enforcement official deserves blanket protection from lawsuits when acting in the name of national security, even when those actions involve the illegal wiretapping of American citizens, documents released yesterday show.

As a lawyer in the Reagan Justice Department, Alito said the attorney general must be free to take steps to protect the country from threats such as terrorism and espionage without fear of personal liability. But in a 1984 memo involving a case that dated to the Nixon administration, Alito also cautioned his superiors that the time may not be right to make that argument and urged a more incremental approach.

"I do not question that the Attorney General should have this immunity," Alito wrote. "But for tactical reasons, I would not raise the issue here."

To date, much of the debate involving Alito's nomination has centered on his views on abortion. The latest of Alito's memos to be disclosed opened a window on his thinking in the area of national security vs. privacy rights, an issue that is currently under considerable scrutiny.

The release of the memo comes as President Bush is under attack for launching a secret National Security Agency program to bypass the courts and eavesdrop on the overseas telephone calls and e-mail of U.S. citizens with suspected ties to terrorists. Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Arlen Specter (R-Pa.) has said he will press Alito for his views on that subject when the panel opens confirmation hearings Jan. 9.

Democrats were quick to link the issues yesterday, saying Alito's memo raises questions about his commitment to protecting civil liberties by checking executive power. The type of absolute immunity that Alito discussed would have shielded attorneys general even when their actions violated constitutional rights.

"At a time when the nation is faced with revelations that the Administration has been wiretapping American citizens, we find that we have a nominee who believes that officials who order warrantless wiretaps of Americans should be immune from legal accountability," said Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.).

But Alito supporters noted that the memo does not defend the practice of warrantless eavesdropping, instead dealing only with the question of whether government officials who often must act quickly can be sued for damages when they err. Nor did the memo deal with the question of whether a warrant was necessary to investigate foreign threats.

"Despite Democrats' attempts to link this memo to reports of NSA activities, the two have nothing to do with each other," said White House spokesman Steve Schmidt.

The memo was among more than 700 pages released by the National Archives yesterday in response to a public records request from The Washington Post.

They portray a strategic legal thinker attuned to the sensitivities and ideological balance of the Supreme Court. Coupled with previously released memos, they paint a picture of a man who often preferred more indirect approaches over headlong charges in advancing the Reagan administration's legal agenda.

In memos released last month, for instance, Alito made it clear to Reagan administration officials that he personally believed there was no constitutional right to abortion. But he recommended against launching a "frontal assault" on Roe v. Wade , instead outlining a strategy to chip away at the landmark 1973 abortion rights case.

The 1984 wiretapping memo involved a lawsuit filed against Nixon administration attorney general John N. Mitchell, who in 1970 had ordered wiretaps of antiwar activists. The FBI suspected the activists of plotting to blow up Washington utility tunnels and kidnap Henry A. Kissinger, then President Richard M. Nixon's national security adviser. The case had been in the courts for years, and it fell to Alito to prepare a memo on whether the government should ask the Supreme Court to review an adverse lower court decision.

Part of the job of the solicitor general's office, where Alito was an assistant, is to defend the interests of the executive branch, and the argument that the president and his top aides were entitled to absolute immunity was not a new one.

The Carter administration had taken that position in wiretapping cases stemming from the Watergate scandal, but the issue had not been clearly resolved by the Supreme Court.

In the 1984 memo to his boss -- Solicitor General Rex Lee -- Alito wrote that "absolute immunity arguments are difficult to advance successfully" and so "there is a need to choose our cases in this area with particular care."

The Mitchell case had several problems, Alito said. Justice William H. Rehnquist would have to recuse himself because he served in the Nixon administration, "a handicap we can ill afford in this difficult area." Moreover, Alito said, "our chances of persuading the Court to accept an absolute immunity argument would probably be improved in a case involving a less controversial official and a less controversial era."

The government, he said, should stick to a less sweeping defense of Mitchell -- that the law was not clear at the time he authorized the wiretaps and that therefore he could not be sued because he did not act in willful disregard of the law.

As it turns out, Alito was right.

The Reagan administration pressed ahead with its argument of absolute immunity, with Alito co-authoring the brief. The administration argued that in the abstract it is easy to assert that "public officials who have deliberately flouted clearly established rights should be liable." But, the brief said, that could lead "risk-adverse officials" contemplating "ruinous personal liability" to falter when action was needed to protect the country.

The Supreme Court quashed the lawsuit against Mitchell, but it rejected a blanket shield for illegal conduct.

"The label of 'national security' may cover a multitude of sins," then-Justice Byron R. White wrote for the majority in 1985. "The danger that high federal officials will disregard constitutional rights in their zeal to protect the national security is sufficiently real to counsel against affording such officials an absolute immunity.''

The following year, Alito was asked to help bolster executive power on a different front. In a 1986, after being promoted to the Office of Legal Counsel, he sketched out ways for the president to weigh in on the meaning of a law the way Congress does when it builds a legislative history through hearings, committee reports and debate before it passes a bill.

The administration was concerned that judges were not strictly sticking to the language of statutes, instead relying on what various lawmakers had said their intent was.

While the plan probably "will not be warmly welcomed" on Capitol Hill, Alito said "it may help to curb" abuses.

The documents also show that Alito has experience preparing others for Supreme Court confirmation hearings, helping to troubleshoot Rehnquist's nomination to be chief justice in the summer of 1986.

In a memo dated July 28, one day before the start of the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Rehnquist, Alito provided defenses to three potential lines of questioning if Rehnquist were asked about $27,000 he had received for a book about his experiences on the high court.

Alito need not have worried. Rehnquist was confirmed without the money becoming an issue.


Jan 10, 2002
Fricken Liberal Rag.. whatever.. you expect us to believe that shiat.. and from you.. a known liberal..


Administrator<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: dahunan
you expect us to believe that shiat.. and from you.. a known liberal..
And proud of it! :thumbsup:



No Lifer
Jun 7, 2001
I had posted this in the big NSA spying thread but it got lost in the posts. Deserving of its own thread and sheds some light on why Alito was nominated.


Discussion Club Moderator<br>Elite Member
Staff member
Oct 30, 2000
Many lawyers argue briefs that are written by a conglomerate.

Part of the job of the solicitor general's office, where Alito was an assistant, is to defend the interests of the executive branch, and the argument that the president and his top aides were entitled to absolute immunity was not a new one.


Administrator<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: EagleKeeper
Many lawyers argue briefs that are written by a conglomerate.

Part of the job of the solicitor general's office, where Alito was an assistant, is to defend the interests of the executive branch, and the argument that the president and his top aides were entitled to absolute immunity was not a new one.
If you're trying to argue that his opinions in this matter aren't related to his own views, you need to read deeper into the article.

He explicitly argued in favor of immunity from prosecution for those who directly violated the Constitutional rights of American citizens. He went even further and said that, for tactical reasons, that arguement should not be put forward at the time.

Bush is finally admitting he based his decision to go into Iraq on bad intelligence information. The CIA and others say the Bushwhackos didn't want to hear anything but the bullsh8 that supported their predetermined conclusions.

Anyone in a position to advise our governement officials should give them the best he's got, not pander to the wishes of his masters. If he can't do that, he should resign.

Not only didn't Alito resign, he went the extra mile to advise them on strategies to get around the legal limitations against wiretapping. That's the same crap he pulled with the abortion issue.

If he's confirmed to the Supreme Court, I fear for the Constitutional rights of all Americans. :|


Discussion Club Moderator<br>Elite Member
Staff member
Oct 30, 2000
The section that I quoted indicates that he was doing his job "to defend the interests of the executive branch". No less, no more.

He was also pointing out/defending what previous administrations had done/stated.

It was not that he was breaking new legal ground.



Administrator<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: EagleKeeper
The section that I quoted indicates that he was doing his job "to defend the interests of the executive branch". No less, no more.
If the interests of the executive branch means he is advocating, defending, or even proposing a defense for those in the executive branch who would violate the law and destroy the Constitutional protections of our citizens, there is no ethical, moral or legal defense for giving such advice.

Such advocacy, in and of itself, is plenty of reason Alito should be rejected from the Supreme Court. If he isn't part of the solution, he is a major part of the problem. Putting anyone with such a perverse mindset on the Supreme Court is dangerous.
He was also pointing out/defending what previous administrations had done/stated.

It was not that he was breaking new legal ground.
No, he was advocating in defense of the illegal acts committed in previous admnistrations, including suggesting ways to achieve their ends, regardless of the law. That makes him one of the rats who need to be kept as far as possible from any position of power or authority in this country.


Jul 17, 2003
Well said Harvey :thumbsup: This is turning out to be yet another Bush mess that stinks to all Americans, save a small depressing group.



Jan 20, 2001
I am intrigued at how often we hear this excuse . . .

"only doing my job"

"I followed orders"

"I don't make the policy"

"just doing what I was told"

Last I checked people do NOT swear oaths to the President, the Vice President, the Congress, and certainly not Office of the Solicitor General. I think that's the fatal flaw in politcal patronage jobs. These people think they owe allegiance to serve BS agendas when they are PAID to serve the country.


Nov 11, 1999
Those defending Alito are putting it in terms of a partisan attorney defending the interests of his client, which is all fine and good...

But that's not how Alito put it, at all, he put it in terms of what he personally believed... This is a man who is obviously good with words, and who knows how to speak his mind... he did, but his defenders are saying he didn't... which, if you think about it, means he wasn't being entirely truthful with his superiors at the time, which is highly doubtful...


Jul 17, 2003
Poor Harriet Miers. I wonder if she knew she was being used, or was the surprise legit?


Golden Member
May 31, 2000
I'm not all that sure she was being used, sometimes this administration seems just wacky enough
to think that she was a valid candidate.

What is more interesting about Alito's apparent mindset, is the position that changing fundamental laws does
not happen with sweeping change, but instead by a carefully constructed program of minor changes over time
that build up to a case for the larger reforms you had planned all along.



Nov 11, 1999
From CQuinn-

" What is more interesting about Alito's apparent mindset, is the position that changing fundamental laws does
not happen with sweeping change, but instead by a carefully constructed program of minor changes over time
that build up to a case for the larger reforms you had planned all along."

Yeh, pretty much the same approach as boiling a frog in an open pot- raise the temperature slowly, and it won't jump out...

Specop 007

Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2005
Originally posted by: conjur
You're telling me to grow up when you act like a third grader? :roll:

I'm not the one changing what people say and re-creating (or ignoring) the established definition of words.

So yes, I would tell you to grow up. Especially since you change what people say and dont understand word definitions.
Show me where I use childish tactics like that.


No Lifer
Jun 7, 2001
Originally posted by: Specop 007
Originally posted by: conjur
You're telling me to grow up when you act like a third grader? :roll:

I'm not the one changing what people say and re-creating (or ignoring) the established definition of words.

So yes, I would tell you to grow up.

Proof? Here's the proof from your own mouth:
Originally posted by: Specop 007
Originally posted by: Harvey
Originally posted by: dahunan
you expect us to believe that shiat.. and from you.. a known liberal..
And proud of it! :thumbsup:

Thats scary..... :Q

Specop 007

Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2005
Originally posted by: conjur
Originally posted by: Specop 007
Originally posted by: conjur
You're telling me to grow up when you act like a third grader? :roll:

I'm not the one changing what people say and re-creating (or ignoring) the established definition of words.

So yes, I would tell you to grow up.

Proof? Here's the proof from your own mouth:
Originally posted by: Specop 007
Originally posted by: Harvey
Originally posted by: dahunan
you expect us to believe that shiat.. and from you.. a known liberal..
And proud of it! :thumbsup:

Thats scary..... :Q

I said "Thats scary" and you think thats acting like a 3rd grader?
As opposed to changing what people say when you qoute them, completely disregarding certain key words in their posts to make up your own arguments....
Whatever kiddo.

As for why I made that statement, it wasnt directed at you and wasnt about you so frankly doesnt concern you.

But children tend to put their noses where they dont belong.


No Lifer
Jun 7, 2001
Yes, you're acting like a third-grader. You're of the Hannity mentality: Liberals are evil scum. It's stupid. It's below the level of decent conversation and worthy of third-grade antics.

Specop 007

Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2005
Originally posted by: conjur
Yes, you're acting like a third-grader. You're of the Hannity mentality: Liberals are evil scum. It's stupid. It's below the level of decent conversation and worthy of third-grade antics.

Thats cute kiddo. Expected of a kids reading ability, but still cute.
For those who read deeper they would see what scares me is blind faith in ones party, which is what was portrayed by his statement.

But I wouldnt expect chiildren to dig that deep.

Any other good baseless attacks you can throw around? Maybe qoute me and edit what i say or something?
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