All Statues and Monuments must come down

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Oct 18, 2005
Right now, property is being destroyed, illegally, I might add. Veterans memorials and statues are protected by law and destruction of them is a punishable crime, up to 10 years in prison. I don't oppose confederate figures being removed, but at some point we must draw the line. These removals need to be done according to a vote. Angry mobs trashing them willy-nilly is not necessarily the will of the majority of the people. The most civil way possible is to put these removals to a vote, then go with what the "people" decide.
If only that logic applied to Presidential elections. We wouldn't be in this shit show in the first place.


Admin Emeritus Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
again, putting it to a vote has been tried for decades. Do you know what tyranny of the majority means?

So, putting it to a vote is out for you... You think it's ok for the mob to just have their way, even though they are a minority of the people? Fine. Start fucking arresting the anarchists. Fucking Karls! I Want to see this done in a civil and clean way. You, apparently are fine with people just tearing shit up because they're mad. I don't recall any time in my lifetime, where there have been so many easily offended people. What else do you guys want after all the statues are gone, the flag, churches, figures of Jesus, the constitution? I say "you guys" because you seem to be fine with it all, so far.
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May 19, 2011
Actions are always open to interpretation. I understand people are angry. I don’t believe targeting the wrong monuments is the right solution. I see no problem in pointing this out. You are welcome to disagree with that interpretation.

Ok, that wasn't at all what the point was about. You were saying that all who tolerate the destruction of a monument are by default endorsing the destroyer's interpretation of history. I provided counterpoints. You have not yet addressed them.

As the OP continues to demonstrate with examples, protestors are targeting the wrong historical figures, and there is a growing chorus of voices asking that the protestors maintain their focus on Confederate icons or risk undermining the momentum of the movement. Grant was not an exception.

Well, I'm about three-quarters of the way through the wikipedia list and so far I've found one example that I'd have to research further to figure out why it was targeted. I'm giving up reading through this list having got as far as the Frank Rizzo memorials. From what I can see, your assertion is not correct.
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Diamond Member
Sep 26, 2011
Texas School boards have done more to erase history than any idiot trying to pull down a statue.

If its significant piece of art, I'd argue against it. If is a historically significant statue I'd argue against it.
Most statues in this country are commissioned crap.

On a related note
Edouard de Laboulaye, French abolitionist and president of the French Anti-Slavery Society, is the undisputed "Father of the Statue of Liberty." After the United States's Civil War, Laboulaye conceived the idea of a gift to the United States to memorialize President Abraham Lincoln and celebrate the end of slavery. He enlisted sculptor Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi, who took an unused design he had created for a lighthouse near the Suez Canal and turned it into a monument for America. In the 20 years it took between the conception and the statue's dedication in 1886, as part of the effort to re-unify the country after the Civil War, the statue grew to take on the centennial symbolism and broader meaning it has today.

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
“Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she
With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

vs those who are so worried about intent and monuments
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No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
So, putting it to a vote is out for you... You think it's ok for the mob to just have their way, even though they are a minority of the people? Fine. Start fucking arresting the anarchists. Fucking Karls! I Want to see this done in a civil and clean way. You, apparently are fine with people just tearing shit up because they're mad. I don't recall any time in my lifetime, where there have been so many easily offended people. What else do you guys want after all the statues are gone, the flag, churches, figures of Jesus, the constitution? I say "you guys" because you seem to be fine with it all, so far.

Do you fucking read? It's already been put to a vote. generation after generation. "Darkie must shut up!" That's the result of all of your voting


Diamond Member
Oct 1, 2003
The absurdity, and the allowance of some politicians, to take down statues and memorials at will is ridiculous. It appears most of these people lack any knowledge of history when doing so. Taking down statues and spraying blm of people who fought against racism, slavery, and the confederates, is idiotic. Defacing a memorial of black soldiers, who fought against the confederates is also idiotic. Defacing a statue of Stevie Ray Vaughan is just bind boggling. But when there is a blind rage of ignorance to take down or deface all monuments, this is what happens. Some politicians claiming that it is justified, should be enough to move them out of office. Saying it is ok to break the law, and even encouraging them to do so is pathetic.


Jan 6, 2005
haha, of course and why this admission of yours is the perfect expression of what everyone is saying:

It isn't about you! You see no progress because you generally see nothing outside of yourself and your life experience. You never grew up as a minority in this country. It is literally impossible for you to appreciate that life experience. Same with me, same with the majority that still remains in this country. But a lot of us can empathize with that--this is the primary malfunction in your brain. You absolutely lack this.

You don't see any of this as progress because it doesn't effect you. Plain and fucking simple. You can only see positives if you can find a way to personally benefit. Society, and certainly democratic societies, absolutely do not work that way (some benefit, some do not. The hope is that most will benefit, and the actual progress is only ever towards increasing that pool of "most"). The old adage: When you've lived a life of privilege, equality feels like oppression (or, perhaps, ambivalence? ...reason to complain?).

Notice how you didn't say this feels like regression, and how I am not saying that is what you said, and I am acknowledging this: you don't see yourself moving forward, because you can't/because that isn't what this is about. You define progress as me, not us.

For whatever reason, you choose this moment to complain about "how all those people are behaving" hand wave it away as "amounting to nothing!" but you must complain anyway. You decide nothing will happen, but will never fail to remind people that "I want things to get better, just not this way." It is because you see no personal benefit. None is expected for you. None is expected for me and many others, and that is the fucking point!

It is your libertarianism: the ultimate expression of extreme economic selfishness. Those who succeed deserve it because of their personal struggles...assumes everyone was born and proceeds with the exact same potential from day one. This is profoundly, inescapable false. But you refuse to accept this plain truth about the human condition. You simply will do everything in your power to argue around that plain truth and ignore it. You will obfuscate and shift goalposts, because your central social thesis is founded on a fundamental lie about humanity. It simply doesn't work, and you can never bring yourself to admit it.

Democratic societies shift and move in such ways, and they always will. You and yours have enjoyed unrestrained access to the ultimate privileges that our model as offered for more than 250 years now, more or less. You can't bring yourself to understand how completely absent that is for large swaths of our population. You don't want to believe it. Forward progress is happening. it's always happening. You just remain blind to it in the cases when it has no effect on your station--again, which is fucking fine. It seems you get that this will change nothing for you. ....GREAT! At least it means that you aren't running out trying to protest blackie and keep them down, "lock and load" preparing for the fake race war. That's an entirely different crew, and an entirely different sort of illness that doesn't seem to infect you. So, that's pretty good, really.

The pool of "most" might be increasing. You were already part of that, so obviously you see "no forward progress." Or perhaps, you think that if anything, you should be able to claw your way into that upper tier of the "absolute most" that we have allowed to grift us for generations now? Maybe that's the thing...if there is any progress to be had, for anyone, it should at least allow me to climb even further into the "bunker-building crowd of the elite?" I wonder if that is it....

....I just don't understand this need to complain about how when democracy finds its way at times, when the people get angry enough and effect legitimate change that is needed, it still must be either stopped or slowed or ignored...because "I don't benefit." Why is this?
First, great post.

Your mistake is to dismiss my perspective as being about “me”.

The racial history of the United States, and the notion of white privilege, fails to acknowledge the life experiences of people who qualify as “white”, but they themselves fled from genocide, indentured servitude, monarchies, fascism and religious persecution. What motivated them was a belief in the American Dream, and many ethnic groups faced various degrees of persecution and discrimination in attempting to achieve it. You could even argue that the American Dream itself is a lie, a construct of the elite class to keep the peasantry at each other’s throats. I happen to agree with that assessment, hence my analogy to a pendulum.

Empathy is the path to lasting change. Privilege is relative.

If progress stalls, its because the movement turned into a mob the moment it lost control of the narrative. Targeting the wrong monuments falls into that category.

Where you and I can find common ground is the need for police reform, so let’s start there. It is however difficult to make progress on that front when you have people exploiting the movement to engage in criminal behavior that requires a police response.


Jan 6, 2005
Ok, that wasn't at all what the point was about. You were saying that all who tolerate the destruction of a monument are by default endorsing the destroyer's interpretation of history. I provided counterpoints. You have not yet addressed them.
I believe I did. The silence is deafening.

Well, I'm about three-quarters of the way through the wikipedia list and so far I've found one example that I'd have to research further to figure out why it was targeted. I'm giving up reading through this list having got as far as the Frank Rizzo memorials. From what I can see, your assertion is not correct.
The Spanish government released a statement in defense of targeted statues in California. The OP is updating this thread with applicable examples. Perhaps start there.


May 19, 2011
I believe I did. The silence is deafening.

The Spanish government released a statement in defense of targeted statues in California. The OP is updating this thread with applicable examples. Perhaps start there.

This is pointless to continue. You've literally said nothing in response to my counterpoints regarding your opinions of "destruction inherently carries an interpretation of history to anyone who tolerates the act", and you're supplying nothing to justify your argument otherwise.
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Oct 18, 2005

Cancel Culture targeting Mount Rushmore:

Ben Shapiro warns 'we are five seconds away from the blow up Mount Rushmore movement'

"Mount Rushmore features a bevy of people who have all been canceled," Shapiro explained. "George Washington has had his statues torn down and so has Thomas Jefferson. Abraham Lincoln has been canceled...and now Teddy Roosevelt is being canceled".
Oh you listen to Ben Shapiro, an idiots idea of what an intellectual sounds like.


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2005
Oh you listen to Ben Shapiro, an idiots idea of what an intellectual sounds like.
It was the idiot of the village that warned Elie Wiesel and the people of his village what was coming.

But maybe you would listen to a pretty girl instead



Oct 18, 2005
It was the idiot of the village that warned Elie Wiesel and the people of his village what was coming.

But maybe you would listen to a pretty girl instead

LOL, I guess we finally found out what draws 1prophet out. Now I understand why you are unable to defend anything you post.


Jun 24, 2001
again, putting it to a vote has been tried for decades. Do you know what tyranny of the majority means?
Socialist utopia?
Pretty sure the answer is still "yes." Majority rule or mob rule: The minority or individual gets screwed.

Venezuela escapee agrees: Individualism and meritocracy rocks!

Reminds me of "Former Soviet Citizen" Vladimir Jaffe engaging with socialists in America.


Jun 19, 2000
The absurdity, and the allowance of some politicians, to take down statues and memorials at will is ridiculous. It appears most of these people lack any knowledge of history when doing so. Taking down statues and spraying blm of people who fought against racism, slavery, and the confederates, is idiotic. Defacing a memorial of black soldiers, who fought against the confederates is also idiotic. Defacing a statue of Stevie Ray Vaughan is just bind boggling. But when there is a blind rage of ignorance to take down or deface all monuments, this is what happens. Some politicians claiming that it is justified, should be enough to move them out of office. Saying it is ok to break the law, and even encouraging them to do so is pathetic.
We're experiencing a revolution. One can't see any method to the defacing and destruction because there is no method. It's all based in rage formed through decades of indoctrination. Despite people throughout the world seeking to come to this nation for the freedoms and opportunities it provides, many that were educated here are convinced that we are a nation formed with bad intent and that the perceived wrongs of the past and present that consume their daily thoughts can only be rectified through violent revolution. They're doing it and we're letting them.

When all the statues and monuments are torn down they will direct their anger towards people. It's a given. History tells us this. I had hoped to be dead and gone before we reached this state but it looks unlikely that natural causes will take me in time.

A Trump win in November will intensify the revolution immensely. The media will fan the flames based on misguided thinking that they will be spared. The wall CNN erected surrounding their headquarters will not be sufficient. A Dem win will just slow the revolution down a bit. Both political parties are the enemy to these people. No corporation is safe despite how much they give to the "cause". No state government, no local government, no city or town will escape this.

It's been over a hundred years in the making. Any serious effort to stop it will be shouted down from the rooftops by the media and their faithful followers. We're far past the point of words stopping this.

History shows us that when the left achieves absolute power in a country, it murders its political opponents. It can't be any other way because dissension cannot be tolerated. The trick will be to convince your new masters that you're on the correct side once neighbor turns against neighbor.


Diamond Member
Jun 17, 2010
We're experiencing a revolution. One can't see any method to the defacing and destruction because there is no method. It's all based in rage formed through decades of indoctrination. Despite people throughout the world seeking to come to this nation for the freedoms and opportunities it provides, many that were educated here are convinced that we are a nation formed with bad intent and that the perceived wrongs of the past and present that consume their daily thoughts can only be rectified through violent revolution. They're doing it and we're letting them.

When all the statues and monuments are torn down they will direct their anger towards people. It's a given. History tells us this. I had hoped to be dead and gone before we reached this state but it looks unlikely that natural causes will take me in time.

A Trump win in November will intensify the revolution immensely. The media will fan the flames based on misguided thinking that they will be spared. The wall CNN erected surrounding their headquarters will not be sufficient. A Dem win will just slow the revolution down a bit. Both political parties are the enemy to these people. No corporation is safe despite how much they give to the "cause". No state government, no local government, no city or town will escape this.

It's been over a hundred years in the making. Any serious effort to stop it will be shouted down from the rooftops by the media and their faithful followers. We're far past the point of words stopping this.

History shows us that when the left achieves absolute power in a country, it murders its political opponents. It can't be any other way because dissension cannot be tolerated. The trick will be to convince your new masters that you're on the correct side once neighbor turns against neighbor.

I knew when I saw boomerang as the latest post I could count on some lol-worthy batshit brainless insanity. Thanks for exceeding expectations!

I skip over retards like Ackmed and HumblePie but never boomerang
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