#AltRightMeans ???

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Moderator <br> VC&G Forum
Mar 18, 2005
I thought Hilary's speech was pretty powerful. Trump can say what he wants, but the company he keeps is pretty telling. The brietbart article titles she named will resonant with most normal people and illuminate the hate in trumps base and how trump likes to cozy up to those who spew it.


Sep 6, 2000
There is the small matter of 11M undocumented immigrants & millions of their American Citizen children Trump has sworn to purge. Well, except when he's kinda not but disavows it the next day.

Nazis? Not exactly. Just too close for comfort.

Since you don't care about laws why not just use eminent domain to seize your house and give it to those undocumented immigrants and their kids. At least that way you can put your money where your mouth is and actually support those folks.


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2011
Ahh, the alt-right's boogieman. Well that and race mixing, pluralistic society, "feminism", etc etc etc.

I've said it before, I'm a liberal. Political tests taken from time to time peg me from center to a little bit left.
...but because I don't believe the whackadoodle stuff the progressives have come up with in the last 50 years (or deny basic human biology) I get slapped with the same label the progressives give everyone in the out-group, "Alt-Right". (AKA "conserva-terrorists")


Senior member
Jun 8, 2011
I've noticed the spread of this particular brand of ugliness a lot in the last few years. Stormfront, Breitbart, etc have gotten very good at viral marketing and proliferating their message all over the web. Look how often the "cuckold" term gets thrown around here, on a computer forum. I'm seeing more and more of this white-power bullshit showing up everywhere. OrooOroo is a particularly obvious and low-skill shill but I've seen a lot of otherwise reasonable, intelligent posters here slip a dog-whistle into the discussion and it's always alarming.

Trump has clearly been playing to this crowd all along. It's astounding how well it worked in the (R) primary, but you can't keep pushing the 'southern strategy' in the General Election or you become a national embarrassment and get murdered as soon as your opponent points it out to the reasonable people. Clinton's campaign just cocked the gun.
Reactions: KMFJD


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2011
"White Power"????!? "Bullshit" is right -- as in, that's not happening. Refusing to roll over and die, maybe. You're delusional if you think that means white supremacy is anything more than a fringe group like the tiny LGBTQQ1pi-whatever group is.


Jun 9, 2016
Anyone with half a brain recognizes "race realist" is just an attempt at making the term racist more palatable for themselves. But no matter how many words racists try to use to obscure, "race realists" are nothing more than racists, white supremacists and other vermin scurrying around the trash heaps.

You don't need half a brain to recognize it, just a few cells to rub together will do. David Duke & friends self-identify as race realists: http://davidduke.com/are-you-a-racist/, "I am however a racial realist."

Notice that was from 2005, before the alt-right was a thing; let's use a few more cells to figure out how that timeline works:

David Duke/the KKK endorsing conservative party/label X means about as much as NAMBLA endorsing pro-gay candidates a decade or two ago. He certainly didn't coin the term and I'm not aware of the usual "alt-right" guys (Milo, Molyneaux, that one blonde woman that isn't Ann Coulter, etc) being David Duke fans.

And the term was not widely used even just a couple years ago. Restricting Google using a 2010-2014 range will return more results regarding keyboard combinations than any political movement.

So Duke started calling himself a race realist in at least 2005. Fast forward to today when this new alt-right started calling themselves that, too, with much of the same content regarding race. Duke wholeheartedly endorses new group seemingly following in his footsteps. Must be a complete coincidence.


Jun 19, 2006

from left to right...

upper lip, Pat, General no teeth, serious man, itchy, Legend killler

I like the full picture because it includes Tan-Man the rest of Upper lip who some call "Fingers" all the flags in all their glory and No-Shirt on the right.



Apr 10, 2000
Ahh, the alt-right's boogieman. Well that and race mixing, pluralistic society, "feminism", etc etc etc.
Can't forget Blue_max's favorite boogieman, social justice warriors. I've taken to referring to his type as social injustice warriors, or sijw's. Since he and his ilk clearly long for a world where minority groups accept their positions of no power and let the straight white males do the decision making.


Jun 9, 2016
I like the full picture because it includes Tan-Man the rest of Upper lip who some call "Fingers" all the flags in all their glory and No-Shirt on the right.

This picture excludes their kids, who're presumably at home posting on /pol/.


Aug 11, 2005
Seeing this on the twitters right now and wondering if there are some folks here who can clarify this movement.

poor dumb white people whose 'privilage' is being taken away and they are mad about it, the same people that don't want to be treated like a minority because they treat minorities like shit?


Aug 11, 2005
Can't forget Blue_max's favorite boogieman, social justice warriors. I've taken to referring to his type as social injustice warriors, or sijw's. Since he and his ilk clearly long for a world where minority groups accept their positions of no power and let the straight white males do the decision making.

OWMSIJW's? man there are to many acronyms to remember...


Oct 11, 2005
I like the full picture because it includes Tan-Man the rest of Upper lip who some call "Fingers" all the flags in all their glory and No-Shirt on the right.

Pat is really "Tits McGee", and your version also adds Affliction on the far right (no pun intended).


Oct 18, 2005
I've said it before, I'm a liberal. Political tests taken from time to time peg me from center to a little bit left.
...but because I don't believe the whackadoodle stuff the progressives have come up with in the last 50 years (or deny basic human biology) I get slapped with the same label the progressives give everyone in the out-group, "Alt-Right". (AKA "conserva-terrorists")

Maybe you should spend less time consorting with groups of people who embrace terms like "race realism". Sometimes calling people racist is ok because wait for it...they are fucking racists.


Moderator <br> VC&G Forum
Mar 18, 2005
"White Power"????!? "Bullshit" is right -- as in, that's not happening. Refusing to roll over and die, maybe. You're delusional if you think that means white supremacy is anything more than a fringe group like the tiny LGBTQQ1pi-whatever group is.

You do know that the LGBTQ community is calling for equality while the white supremacy group is calling for racism and hate right? They are not even remotely comparable. Anyone can get behind LGBTQ and feel good about promoting equal treatment for their fellow citizens. White supremacy on the other hand is disgusting.


Apr 10, 2000
You do know that the LGBTQ community is calling for equality while the white supremacy group is calling for racism and hate right? They are not even remotely comparable. Anyone can get behind LGBTQ and feel good about promoting equal treatment for their fellow citizens. White supremacy on the other hand is disgusting.
I'm going to have to correct you here. People like Blue_Max would never feel good promoting equality. He hates living in a world where he has to consider women or LGBT people as his equals. He wants a world more like 1950's America where women knew their place was in the kitchen and gays place was being dragged behind a pickup if they dared let anyone know they were gay.


Oct 18, 2009
I'm going to have to correct you here. People like Blue_Max would never feel good promoting equality. He hates living in a world where he has to consider women or LGBT people as his equals. He wants a world more like 1950's America where women knew their place was in the kitchen and gays place was being dragged behind a pickup if they dared let anyone know they were gay.

So true. And I suppose MaxiPad would have been on the front lines trying to shame women when they were trying to get the right to vote....and probably feels the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was misguided because it included the commerce clause. It's against nature to have to have whites rub elbows with blacks/hispanics/etc. in stores.


Elite Member & Lifer
Aug 20, 2000
I'm going to have to correct you here. People like Blue_Max would never feel good promoting equality. He hates living in a world where he has to consider women or LGBT people as his equals. He wants a world more like 1950's America where women knew their place was in the kitchen and gays place was being dragged behind a pickup if they dared let anyone know they were gay.
I don't think this is a lynching sort of situation. The issue with equality is that it means true proportional representation across the population instead of the default preference falling to the group you might happen to be a part of. That's a tough thing for people who might not be doing so great to begin with and who're sort of relying on these little advantages.


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2011
Can't forget Blue_max's favorite boogieman, social justice warriors. I've taken to referring to his type as social injustice warriors, or sijw's. Since he and his ilk clearly long for a world where minority groups accept their positions of no power and let the straight white males do the decision making.

poor dumb white people whose 'privilage' is being taken away and they are mad about it, the same people that don't want to be treated like a minority because they treat minorities like shit?

I'm going to have to correct you here. People like Blue_Max would never feel good promoting equality. He hates living in a world where he has to consider women or LGBT people as his equals. He wants a world more like 1950's America where women knew their place was in the kitchen and gays place was being dragged behind a pickup if they dared let anyone know they were gay.

So true. And I suppose MaxiPad would have been on the front lines trying to shame women when they were trying to get the right to vote....and probably feels the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was misguided because it included the commerce clause. It's against nature to have to have whites rub elbows with blacks/hispanics/etc. in stores.

Just quoting a few gems for posterity. As usual, the extreme left camp paints anyone who disagrees with their agendas as "evil, evil racists" etc. with no basis beyond being the outgroup.

"We are good, therefore anyone who fails to agree 100% is evil." This is why your group of "progressives" are constantly attacking even your own members.

You have no idea what colour I am, yet have been called a "white supremacist" (and every other name in the book) for not agreeing with you. It's laughable how far the UberLeft will go to DESTROY anyone who disagrees. No wonder they side with islam, they love the idea of "convert and do as we say or suffer our consequences!"

These wonderful, caring, tolerant, accepting, loving people are the same ones who demand companies fire people for "offending" them, boycott companies that don't have more things they demand to see, demand gay couples in EVERY movie! Black one-legged women should replace every male lead! It goes on and on and on in the name of "diversity". All of which could be dealt with properly if if weren't for their preferred method, which isn't to raise anyone up but tear down anyone that has something they don't. It's this methodology which fuels an anti-white hatred as bad as any other hideous race war in recent or ancient history. Racism is racism, even if it's against "evil whitey".

They respect diversity in all things except the ones that matter; ideas, ideology, thought.


Oct 6, 2009
Just quoting a few gems for posterity. As usual, the extreme left camp paints anyone who disagrees with their agendas as "evil, evil racists" etc. with no basis beyond being the outgroup.

"We are good, therefore anyone who fails to agree 100% is evil." This is why your group of "progressives" are constantly attacking even your own members.

You have no idea what colour I am, yet have been called a "white supremacist" (and every other name in the book) for not agreeing with you. It's laughable how far the UberLeft will go to DESTROY anyone who disagrees. No wonder they side with islam, they love the idea of "convert and do as we say or suffer our consequences!"

These wonderful, caring, tolerant, accepting, loving people are the same ones who demand companies fire people for "offending" them, boycott companies that don't have more things they demand to see, demand gay couples in EVERY movie! Black one-legged women should replace every male lead! It goes on and on and on in the name of "diversity". All of which could be dealt with properly if if weren't for their preferred method, which isn't to raise anyone up but tear down anyone that has something they don't. It's this methodology which fuels an anti-white hatred as bad as any other hideous race war in recent or ancient history. Racism is racism, even if it's against "evil whitey".

They respect diversity in all things except the ones that matter; ideas, ideology, thought.
Buddy I read those 4 quotes twice and don't see anyone calling you evil. Can you point that part out to me?


May 15, 2000
You are right, we don't know you, we only know what you post and its typically ignorant bullshit.

Just quoting a few gems for posterity. As usual, the extreme left camp paints anyone who disagrees with their agendas as "evil, evil racists" etc. with no basis beyond being the outgroup.

"We are good, therefore anyone who fails to agree 100% is evil." This is why your group of "progressives" are constantly attacking even your own members.

You have no idea what colour I am, yet have been called a "white supremacist" (and every other name in the book) for not agreeing with you. It's laughable how far the UberLeft will go to DESTROY anyone who disagrees. No wonder they side with islam, they love the idea of "convert and do as we say or suffer our consequences!"

These wonderful, caring, tolerant, accepting, loving people are the same ones who demand companies fire people for "offending" them, boycott companies that don't have more things they demand to see, demand gay couples in EVERY movie! Black one-legged women should replace every male lead! It goes on and on and on in the name of "diversity". All of which could be dealt with properly if if weren't for their preferred method, which isn't to raise anyone up but tear down anyone that has something they don't. It's this methodology which fuels an anti-white hatred as bad as any other hideous race war in recent or ancient history. Racism is racism, even if it's against "evil whitey".

They respect diversity in all things except the ones that matter; ideas, ideology, thought.


Diamond Member
May 6, 2011
AltRight means anyone who is against the establisment. Anyone who is against carving up the country and selling it off and giving the proceeds to wall street banks and crooked politicians. Anyone who is against the welfare state that enslaves and cripples the inner cities. Anyone who is against public schools or points out the fact that public schools suck and giving more money to the teachers unions isnt going to fix it. Because they are anti-establishment, they must be labeled as racist, sexist, xeonphobic, etc. These are tactics straight out of Orwell... but since the establishment supporters are too stupid to even know what "Orwellian" means, these tactics do work.


Oct 6, 2009
AltRight means anyone who is against the establisment. Anyone who is against carving up the country and selling it off and giving the proceeds to wall street banks and crooked politicians. Anyone who is against the welfare state that enslaves and cripples the inner cities. Anyone who is against public schools or points out the fact that public schools suck and giving more money to the teachers unions isnt going to fix it. Because they are anti-establishment, they must be labeled as racist, sexist, xeonphobic, etc. These are tactics straight out of Orwell... but since the establishment supporters are too stupid to even know what "Orwellian" means, these tactics do work.
If no public schools, who is supposed to teach our kids? Do public schools in other countries suck as well or just those in the US?


Apr 10, 2000
AltRight means anyone who is against the establisment. Anyone who is against carving up the country and selling it off and giving the proceeds to wall street banks and crooked politicians. Anyone who is against the welfare state that enslaves and cripples the inner cities. Anyone who is against public schools or points out the fact that public schools suck and giving more money to the teachers unions isnt going to fix it. Because they are anti-establishment, they must be labeled as racist, sexist, xeonphobic, etc. These are tactics straight out of Orwell... but since the establishment supporters are too stupid to even know what "Orwellian" means, these tactics do work.
Do you really believe this crap or have you just taken a whole lot of drugs today?
If no public schools, who is supposed to teach our kids? Do public schools in other countries suck as well or just those in the US?
In general I've noticed these same alt-right people are anti education because the more educated one is the less likely they are to hold the alt-right veiws
Reactions: feralkid


Oct 18, 2005
AltRight means anyone who is against the establisment. Anyone who is against carving up the country and selling it off and giving the proceeds to wall street banks and crooked politicians. Anyone who is against the welfare state that enslaves and cripples the inner cities. Anyone who is against public schools or points out the fact that public schools suck and giving more money to the teachers unions isnt going to fix it. Because they are anti-establishment, they must be labeled as racist, sexist, xeonphobic, etc. These are tactics straight out of Orwell... but since the establishment supporters are too stupid to even know what "Orwellian" means, these tactics do work.

Well that is a whole bunch of crazy. Of course you're a poster who is so committed to the concept of their being a right team and wrong team you have "Apple ipoop" in your avatar. I'm not saying that Apple is the best just that you're so committed to being against a brand of all things you feel the need to put it in your avatar.


Oct 18, 2005
Do you really believe this crap or have you just taken a whole lot of drugs today?

In general I've noticed these same alt-right people are anti education because the more educated one is the less likely they are to hold the alt-right veiws

#1 given SM625's typical post here, the poster believes that.

#2 this is just flat wrong according to breitbart they are scary smart, have the best brains, and only ever use the best words.
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