#AltRightMeans ???

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Jun 9, 2016
I'm not sure what you're getting at wrt slaves, since virtually all cultures have practiced slavery at one point or another. My point is that Japan is a modern Westernized nation, and that they have many things going for them in spite of or even due to their racism.

It's pretty obvious where they learned colonialism from.

That's a nice mantra but it isn't true. Toddlers show clear racial preferences towards those resembling their surroundings, in various studies ranging from the dolls they prefer, to how they share with others, and etc. Animals as lowly as insects show racism, such as grasshoppers shunning others when they're of a different color. Things as mild as nose widths drive ethnic identities that fuel genocides such as those seen in Rwanda. If racism was purely a learned falsehood, secluded homogeneous societies would never have issues with coming into contact with new groups. Instead, you find throughout all of history wars fought along bloodlines, ethnic identity, religion, etc. Racism is a basic part of nature and evolutionarily favorable, and what keeps one group or tribe together to propagate their own kind. Now that mankind builds civilizations that transcend entire continents and attempt to secure human rights, it is necessary for us to fight racism to move above our tribal beginnings and imperialistic/genocidal pasts, but it will likely always exist in our biology until we figure out how to change that.

Arguing whether racism is natural or not is pointless since nobody is arguing for the most natural form of existence, which btw used to be nasty brutish and short, or at least I hope not.


Apr 12, 2004
So Japan realized the power of colonialism via the Western powers of the 19th century, therefore...? Not sure what you're responding to at all now. My main initial post was in response to your "Clearly not racist, only asking the question of whether racism makes sense (spoiler: it does).", which I interpreted to be a sarcastic restatement of Blue_Max's views in light of him quoting an apparently-racist Wiki. If I interpreted your intent with that post correctly, then I am disputing the notion that there is anything wrong with saying that racism makes sense, as there are both cases of its current utility as well as a long evolutionary history showing why it exists in the first place.

That goes for your second post too. Certainly something is not good because it is natural. There is a real difference between Japan's current racism, Trump's current racism, and a neo-Nazi's current racism.


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2011
My main initial post was in response to your "Clearly not racist, only asking the question of whether racism makes sense (spoiler: it does).", which I interpreted to be a sarcastic restatement of Blue_Max's views in light of him quoting an apparently-racist Wiki.

It was just one of the first hits from Google. The site doesn't seem to have any official political leanings, but there were some "top stories of the day" type things off to one side that they misquoted in order to discredit the whole thing, rather than address the idea itself. (Pretty standard fare.) Then to also imply that I'm a racist as well. (Also standard fare.)

Here's a left-leaning link instead: http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Racialism

And one that appears unbiased: http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Talk:Racial_realism

...and I still don't have a good definition of what the hell it even is. Progressives seem to be implying that "evil racists believe all X are dumber/inferior" as opposed to the scientific biological differences between the races that are neither evil nor good but certainly do exist.

I suspected right from the bait question it would be another progressive nebulous statement that is hard to define in order to make an effective weapon.


Platinum Member
Jul 28, 2015
Japan has a low crime rate? Eh? The same country that created women-only train cars due to rampant molestation, as well as chalking of unsolved murders as suicides in order to save face? And isn't sexual slavery sort of a cover-our-eyes-see-no-evil ordeal? Them Akibahara teenage sex slaves, 'n' all that.

Not exactly a subject I've looked deeply into, but Japan's not some pristine nation. They got some funky shit going on.


Diamond Member
May 24, 2003
It was just one of the first hits from Google. The site doesn't seem to have any official political leanings, but there were some "top stories of the day" type things off to one side that they misquoted in order to discredit the whole thing, rather than address the idea itself. (Pretty standard fare.) Then to also imply that I'm a racist as well. (Also standard fare.)

Here's a left-leaning link instead: http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Racialism

And one that appears unbiased: http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Talk:Racial_realism

...and I still don't have a good definition of what the hell it even is. Progressives seem to be implying that "evil racists believe all X are dumber/inferior" as opposed to the scientific biological differences between the races that are neither evil nor good but certainly do exist.

I suspected right from the bait question it would be another progressive nebulous statement that is hard to define in order to make an effective weapon.

Did you even read your first link?

Racialism is the pseudo-scientific notion that it is possible to divide humanity into clear, well-defined groups based on a haphazard variety of traits, most commonly in terms of physical characteristics having to do with skin, or that human populations are substantially different from each other in some measure to support biological classification below the species level. Most racialists maintain there is also a racial hierarchy.
While people have and continue to ascribe assumptions about mental aptitude and moral characteristics onto individuals based on their racialized identity, the main biological difference between darker-skinned humans and lighter-skinned humans is that the latter will be more prone to sunburn but will be able to more quickly produce usable vitamin D from sunlight.


Apr 12, 2004
Japan has a low crime rate? Eh? The same country that created women-only train cars due to rampant molestation, as well as chalking of unsolved murders as suicides in order to save face? And isn't sexual slavery sort of a cover-our-eyes-see-no-evil ordeal? Them Akibahara teenage sex slaves, 'n' all that.

Not exactly a subject I've looked deeply into, but Japan's not some pristine nation. They got some funky shit going on.

I'd willing to bet that the West has far many more rape hotlines/help groups than does Afghanistan. I'm also willing to bet that Afghanistan has more rape. Japan's heightened consciousness of a problem does not mean they have more of a problem, and all statistics I'm aware of show sexual crimes in Japan being below the developed world's average. What makes you think that Japan particularly suffers from a problem of hidden sexual assault crimes?

I Googled "Akibahara teenage sex slaves"; the top three results were from tabloids that didn't seem relevant you your point (the first two concerned ISIS and the third Mexican sex slavery), the remaining were mostly porn sites and shady things that look potentially like porn sites that I wouldn't even want to click on. Do you have more info on this?


Apr 12, 2004
Did you even read your first link?

This view is silly too, though I understand it when so many "race realists" are really dumb white supremacists (or sometimes weaboos). The main problem is that neo-Nazis and the politically correct alike have a habit of simplifying everything according to a very outdated concept of race of three or maybe four-five groups total, which represent a hundred of thousand years of human evolution, all the while the ability of man to evolve sufficient intelligence to create and maintain civilization has existed for far less time. A basic fact of evolution is that the opening of a major evolutionary niche (e.g. a bird's wings) results in rapid diversification due to many new niches to explore (e.g. birds flying further to reach new lands, birds evolving different beaks to best access new prey, etc). For humans, our niche is obviously intelligence. Whatever event that happened allowing us to make tools is what made us successful and diversify according to various other traits, skin color being just one of them. For example, it's a basic scientific fact that some groups of humans can better digest lactose than others. This event could have been a major driving force in farming and growth of civilization (much less work/land needed to support a population than farming for meat), thereby driving evolutionary incentive for novel invention of other techniques, and so on. I haven't seen a rational argument explaining how humans spread over the planet for tens of thousands of years, some of them engaging in trade and boat-crafting and city-building and other things, others sticking to rudimentary hunter-gatherer lifestyles over the entire period, without intelligence diverging between the populations.


Platinum Member
Jul 28, 2015

Here's the Vice News documentary about it. https://news.vice.com/video/schoolgirls-for-sale-in-japan

Doesn't seem fucky to me. Also google'd your search term, and the result just shoved a porn video at the top of the results. The Vice article was 2nd and DailyMail's was 3rd. You're probably using something like DuckDuckGo or Bing.

Japan just can't be the pristine utopia of morality it's portrayed as. From the Yakuza and out-in-the-open sex slavery, to the chalking off of murders as suicides. Never mind the sordid history of Japan's soldiers, which looks oddly similar to America's now that I think about it; The Rape Of Nanking has much in common with the whole Vietnam debacle (mass rape, sexual slavery and mutilation).

Again, it's not a subject I've researched thoroughly, but shit definitely goes down o'er there. Like the extremely lax sentences for the caught murderers & rapists of Junko Furuta. Not exactly an ordeal 'n' result you'd expect from a low-on-crime nation.


Apr 12, 2004
@MajinCry I'm using Google, but Google tends to change results based on the user and location and whatnot so that's probably why.

A lot of what is mentioned in your documentary seems to be a common theme in all nations; the criminalization of prostitution leads to black market avenues that ultimately promote sexual violence more than a legal but regulated system would ala parts of Europe or Nevada. Other parts of the video reflect on what I'll admit is a part of Japanese culture, sexualization of girls at a much younger age than seen acceptable in the rest of the West. Not pretty, but also not violent or criminal. I mean, hentai can sometimes be the most inhuman messed up shit imaginable, but that doesn't reflect their society on the whole.

Regarding Yakuza homicides being passed off as suicides, eh. As the story you posted admits, there's no easy way of knowing exact figures, but this would require a very large number of Japanese homicides to be ruled as suicides in order to create a homicide rate significantly above Europe's. You can always find spooky anecdotes; I remember one semi-recent case iirc in Arizona where a man's wife was found hung in an incredibly unusual position in their house after a week, causing a lot of controversy over whether it was really a suicide. Additionally, even organized crime has its limits. If Yakuza commit the majority of all murder in Japan every year, it would make organized crime in the rest of the developed world look trivial.

Japan does have the death penalty btw, and still uses it annually. Again, every nation has its cases where young criminals are given a convenient escape. In America it's drunk drivers that kill four people and get a slap on the wrist even after fleeing for Mexico. Canada had that serial-rapist/murderer couple where the wife was freed after a couple decades iirc, despite being fully involved in the crimes. Japan isn't perfect, but they still have one of the best societies currently existing, and I don't feel bad saying that they have a far superior culture to Afghanistan where young children are regularly prostituted and enslaved in the open.


Platinum Member
Jul 28, 2015
Now now, I didn't pass of suicides as Yakuza homicides. I meant that Japan is the home of the Yakuza, and that unsolved murders are oft. passed off as suicides (two separate points). Makes things look more beloved patriot and span when it's someone taking their own life, instead of someone else's.

The Afghanistan comparison is a strawman. I didn't say that Japan is worse than other western countries, but that it's not that much better than 'em.


Apr 12, 2004
Even if there are two thousand murders in Japan passed off suicides every year, that would put them roughly around the European average (would bump them from 0.3 per 100000 to ~1.8 per 100000). Lots of countries have organized crime, but organized crime of today is more sleazy than barbaric. I'd much rather have a population-adjusted amount of Yakuza here than the hundreds/thousands of tiny gangs scattered across the US-Mexican border and various ghettos across the nation.

I'm not super attached to Japan; if I fetishize any nations those would probably be Singapore and Switzerland, and I acknowledge flaws there as well. My point about Afghanistan is just trying to get back to my bigger point, which is that posts in this thread and elsewhere portraying a concept of Western(-ized) superiority as racist are wrong imo. Being leery of immigrants from certain cultures or wanting to vet them more stringently (fully admitting that I have zero faith in Trump to do a good job at it) is just basic national security. As long as we continue to bring in educated doctors and engineers compatible with our way of life, I'm OK wherever they're from, but if profiling on nationality is racist, then I say racism can be a good thing. Americans should take pride in their good points, and notice how terrible other cultures can be when deciding what we won't accept in our country.


No Lifer
Sep 21, 2002
Milo Yiannopoulos, is being accused of scamming his followers out of charity donations.

We hunted the mammoth... aka manboobz...yes really.
The reality is the logistics of running the charity were non trivial, while in the last year he's had a huge campus tour and has had to cover endless events, from Brexit, to Orlando, to BLM, to the parade of horrors in europe, to the current US election, and of course dealing with his twitter suspension,
While he was dumb to not announce a delay, it was obvious that the side project he dreamed up on a whim would be on a the back burner until after the election.

say what he wants, but the company he keeps is pretty telling. The brietbart article titles she named will resonant with most normal people and illuminate the hate in trumps base and how trump likes to cozy up to those who spew it.

Oh, they are trying, but they dare not open the comments on their advert, as with anything from the DNC these days, they fear the people. Some of hillary's video links are even unlisted.

Offended By Breitbart’s Headlines? Here Are Some From The Left Wing Media

7 Times that Vox Headlines Mirrored Democratic Party Press Releases

Blue State Blues: Fact-Check — Top 20 Lies in Hillary’s ‘Alt-Right’ Speech

Everyone is everything, and its guys like these who write the pieces which become the circular citation of "reality" pushed by the media

How Global Elites Forsake Their Countrymen
Those in power see people at the bottom as aliens whose bizarre emotions they must try to manage.

American journalism is collapsing before our eyes

Hillary Clinton Goes Alt Right - Harmful Remix

The Truth About Hillary's 'Alt-Right' Speech

Hillary Clinton Attacks Donald Trump and the Alt-Right!

and while the media is fixated on the trivial

Last edited:


Oct 18, 2005
^^ Nice wall of diversion from the fine individual who first brought "race realists" into this conversation and then was to afraid to honestly define what the term was.
Reactions: MongGrel


Diamond Member
Jan 16, 2014
^^ Nice wall of diversion from the fine individual who first brought "race realists" into this conversation and then was to afraid to honestly define what the term was.

He's too busy being toilet paper for Milo to answer you. That and the answer is pretty obvious; Underroo's a pants-wetting racist and he supports pants-wetting racists.

We're too dry to understand him.
Reactions: MongGrel


Jun 9, 2016
So Japan realized the power of colonialism via the Western powers of the 19th century, therefore...? Not sure what you're responding to at all now. My main initial post was in response to your "Clearly not racist, only asking the question of whether racism makes sense (spoiler: it does).", which I interpreted to be a sarcastic restatement of Blue_Max's views in light of him quoting an apparently-racist Wiki. If I interpreted your intent with that post correctly, then I am disputing the notion that there is anything wrong with saying that racism makes sense, as there are both cases of its current utility as well as a long evolutionary history showing why it exists in the first place.

That goes for your second post too. Certainly something is not good because it is natural. There is a real difference between Japan's current racism, Trump's current racism, and a neo-Nazi's current racism.

Just so that you know, by far the worst of japan's war crimes & general crimes against humanity were part/result of their colonial machinations. The current klan mindset stem from that same past.

organized crime of today is more sleazy than barbaric. I'd much rather have a population-adjusted amount of Yakuza here

The word that comes to mind for the Yakuza isn't "sleazy".

This view is silly too, though I understand it when so many "race realists" are really dumb white supremacists (or sometimes weaboos). The main problem is that neo-Nazis and the politically correct alike have a habit of simplifying everything according to a very outdated concept of race of three or maybe four-five groups total, which represent a hundred of thousand years of human evolution, all the while the ability of man to evolve sufficient intelligence to create and maintain civilization has existed for far less time. A basic fact of evolution is that the opening of a major evolutionary niche (e.g. a bird's wings) results in rapid diversification due to many new niches to explore (e.g. birds flying further to reach new lands, birds evolving different beaks to best access new prey, etc). For humans, our niche is obviously intelligence. Whatever event that happened allowing us to make tools is what made us successful and diversify according to various other traits, skin color being just one of them. For example, it's a basic scientific fact that some groups of humans can better digest lactose than others. This event could have been a major driving force in farming and growth of civilization (much less work/land needed to support a population than farming for meat), thereby driving evolutionary incentive for novel invention of other techniques, and so on. I haven't seen a rational argument explaining how humans spread over the planet for tens of thousands of years, some of them engaging in trade and boat-crafting and city-building and other things, others sticking to rudimentary hunter-gatherer lifestyles over the entire period, without intelligence diverging between the populations.

This is like a trivial version of a niche ideology popular with some well off silicon valley manchildren who call themselves neoreactionaries. Here's something worth reading in regards to it/them: http://slatestarcodex.com/2013/10/20/the-anti-reactionary-faq/


Apr 12, 2004
Just so that you know, by far the worst of japan's war crimes & general crimes against humanity were part/result of their colonial machinations. The current klan mindset stem from that same past.

As I said, so? You're making statements without arguments. Is your argument that because colonialism as we think of it today was Western, and because said colonialism has had many inhumane results, that it shows Western culture has its negative points as well? If so, I don't disagree. The good thing is that Western governments have also scaled back on international exploitation and war crimes significantly. I'd also argue that foreign policy is mostly out of the hands of the citizens regardless of the culture they belong to, and that the success of the crimes committed by governments is more a side-effect of a prosperous and educated population capable of inventing better ships and guns in addition to the many things unrelated to warfare it brings.

The word that comes to mind for the Yakuza isn't "sleazy".

Per Wiki, regarding the largest Yakuza group:

"The Yamaguchi-gumi are among the world's wealthiest gangsters, bringing in billions of dollars a year from extortion, gambling, the sex industry, arms and drug trafficking, and real estate and construction kickback schemes. They are also involved in stock market manipulation and Internet pornography."

Political corruption and vice are textbook sleazy to me.

This is like a trivial version of a niche ideology popular with some well off silicon valley manchildren who call themselves neoreactionaries. Here's something worth reading in regards to it/them: http://slatestarcodex.com/2013/10/20/the-anti-reactionary-faq/

This appears to be a guide for debating the person you perceive me to be, so I'm not sure why you're telling me to read it. In any case, I'll respond to the points that you apparently should have brought up or fit wrt my arguments...

"1: Is everything getting worse?"

Have I argued this? I actually don't personally consider illegal immigration to be a huge problem. A moderate one at worst, and one that doesn't effect me personally. My argument was simply that using "xenophobia" and "racism" in arguments over stopping illegal immigration is a meaningless boogieman, and that successful xenophobic and racist nations already exist. In general I think society has gradually gotten better; I attribute a lot of that to technological improvements rather than government policy, but as someone with libertarian-leaning views, I can't deny that social liberties continue to improve, and the nation's move away from conventional warfare is a great thing too.

"2: Are traditional monarchies better places to live?"

Uh I have said stuff in favor of Thailand before relative to many of their neighbors, although I don't know that a monarchy with a bazillion military coups can be called traditional. This one doesn't apply to me.

"3: What is progress?"

OK this one looks more up my ally, since my main beef is the dogma of racism or xenophobia being an automatic evil. Unfortunately it talks mostly about criticism of social welfare and other things unrelated to my argument. Other parts seem to address a philosophy that prides itself on not changing as an opposition to any ideology that represents "progress", and I don't believe that status quo or progress are inherently good or bad.

Skipping 4, unrelated, found the beef

"5: Are modern ideas about race and gender wrongheaded and dangerous?"


"5.3.1: But what if I am racist? Isn’t it possible that fertile minorities and immigrants are hiding a fertility deficit among precious, precious, white people?"

I don't care about skin color. I often hope for the day that China wrecks our shit tbh. Anecdotally, all of my worst life experiences have involved other white people, and there are certain aspects of white American culture that I see as very poisonous (namely consumer culture) and would love to see fixed by new generations.

"5.3.2: Are we headed for an idiocracy?"

Unfortunately they just talk about IQ studies which isn't something I'm particularly interested in either. They even set up the educated vs uneducated situation, but fail to address it anywhere in their discussion. I would have hoped that they at least tried to say something about how immigrants usually achieve more than long-term citizens (something I think I've already acknowledged in this thread), or about how minority groups once underrepresented in higher education are suddenly booming, but it doesn't even touch on it, let alone the things I'm discussing that they would disagree with.

"5.4: Aren’t modern dogmas about race and sex and sexuality stupid and evil?"

Again, little substance, and little I care about. They bring up IQ again, but bizarrely seem to accept a claim that blacks are of lower IQ in order to make an argument that the degree to which contemporary racists believe there is an IQ gap would have them received as liberal hippies 200 years ago for not being extreme enough. Some kind of reverse slippery slope argument.

"5.4.1: But there’s a clear difference between the past policies Reactionaries support and the modern ones they oppose. Past policies were going for equality of opportunity, modern ones for equality of results. Isn’t seeking equality of results laden with too many assumptions?"

I don't deny that discrimination exists. Indeed, the studies they link even show that blacks also significantly hold prejudices against other blacks. Of course, they say that we need to fix equality of opportunity first, but don't offer any substantial advice on how to do so, nor on how "reactionary" beliefs seek to reduce opportunity. I mean, if 88% of white people and 48% of black people show a racial bias in favor of whites, what does this really mean? Additionally, I don't necessarily have an issue with affirmative action or other things that try for an equality of results. I believe that if person A from a shitty background that busts his ass to get a score of XXXX on some exam, and a person B that enjoyed prep schools his entire life manages a score of XXXX+50, there is plenty reason to believe that person A is a more motivated and will be a better student or employee.

"5.4.2: What about the studies that have shown black people have lower IQ/higher violence/other undesirable trait than white people?"

" But this is exactly the kind of discussion progressives won’t let us have! It is an unquestioned dogma of our society that all cross-racial differences must be based entirely on discrimination! In fact, people educated in public schools are incapable of even conceiving of the possibility that they could be otherwise! How are we supposed to be able to disentangle equality of opportunity from equality of results in such people?"

I'll admit that I didn't know 60% of blacks think that discrimination is a negligible part of racial disparities in America, that was a nice graph. Otherwise, you're helping to prove my point by not addressing my argument at all that certain human populations, often self-segregating based on ethnicity, can have different levels of intelligence.

"5.6: One particularly annoying politically correct idea is the demand that everyone feel guilty about colonialism. Colonialism helped industrialize the developing world. Wasn’t the Progressive attempt to “help” the developing world through enforced decolonization and self-rule actually a big step backwards?"

Since we're also talking about colonialism, Western civilization, and Japan, I'll add that I think colonialism had extremely mixed results. It left Africa in disarray and raped China and had no positive effects there. I think British colonialism curtailed many barbaric Indian practices like bride burning, and gave them a reasonable sense of law, although obviously the millions killed during the Bengal famine aren't going to call it a net positive. In the long run, it did transmit many positive elements of Western culture with its citizens moving and establishing nations that would eventually lead world progression (America fuck yeah), although the process of colonialism used was not necessary for that to happen. I think neocolonialism as practiced through international trade is a much nicer alternative.

" Weren’t a lot of those colonial wars and human rights abuses actually caused by demotism and Progressivism? If people hadn’t revolted against their colonial masters, there wouldn’t have been these bloody colonial revolts."

As someone that believes strongly in the right of both individuals and populations to defend themselves, I have no issue with revolutionaries shedding the blood of their captors. I have no issue with people using radical leftist/progressive rhetoric in order to attain those goals, because in the long run communist coups collapse on themselves and turn to capitalism at one point or another.

So yeah not sure how much of that clears my positions on things. The author of that article doesn't seem to have any kind of strong dislike or opinion at all on the kind of things that get the r-word thrown around here.
Reactions: gamervivek


Senior member
Jan 17, 2011
Gawd. Toddlers aren't racists. It's learned attitude & behavior, not an innate quality.


Just so that you know, by far the worst of japan's war crimes & general crimes against humanity were part/result of their colonial machinations. The current klan mindset stem from that same past.

The word that comes to mind for the Yakuza isn't "sleazy".

This is like a trivial version of a niche ideology popular with some well off silicon valley manchildren who call themselves neoreactionaries. Here's something worth reading in regards to it/them: http://slatestarcodex.com/2013/10/20/the-anti-reactionary-faq/

It's amusing to see slatestarcodex being used against the alt-righters when Scott fears becoming one himself a few years down the line. He's already teetering close to the edge with his belief in IQ, his disdain for stereotype threat and his screed against feminists a year or so back.


Jan 12, 2005
The reality is the logistics of running the charity were non trivial, while in the last year he's had a huge campus tour and has had to cover endless events, from Brexit, to Orlando, to BLM, to the parade of horrors in europe, to the current US election, and of course dealing with his twitter suspension,
While he was dumb to not announce a delay, it was obvious that the side project he dreamed up on a whim would be on a the back burner until after the election.

"Sorry Your Honour, I was too busy trolling about world affairs and whining about getting banned from Twitter to run the charity I was still accepting donations to."

I'm looking forward to seeing how that goes!
Reactions: MongGrel


Oct 18, 2005
So do I think race is real or a "social construct"? F*ck you. Race is real and there's nothing wrong or offensive about that. It can be scientifically measured in several ways and observed easily by the human eye.

There are also only two genders. F*ck your made-up "gender is a social construct" bullshit.

Someone was triggered, be sure to find a safe space.
Reactions: MongGrel


Sep 5, 2000
Blue max just wants everyone to stop doing things that make him uncomfortable.


Apr 10, 2000
Blue max just wants everyone to stop doing things that make him uncomfortable.
Which for women is expecting to be treated equally. For racial minorities it's them expecting to be treated like people. And for gays it's for them to stop existing.

I'm sure he'll respond in shortly complaining about those scary, scary feminists and those oh so evil social justice warriors.


Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2008
Holy shit those crazy town links. Should be wearing a pair of depends on your head, instead of your ass, to catch the shit leaking out through your ears from your brain.


Jun 9, 2016
As I said, so? You're making statements without arguments. Is your argument that because colonialism as we think of it today was Western, and because said colonialism has had many inhumane results, that it shows Western culture has its negative points as well? If so, I don't disagree. The good thing is that Western governments have also scaled back on international exploitation and war crimes significantly. I'd also argue that foreign policy is mostly out of the hands of the citizens regardless of the culture they belong to, and that the success of the crimes committed by governments is more a side-effect of a prosperous and educated population capable of inventing better ships and guns in addition to the many things unrelated to warfare it brings.
You made the statement that japanese immigration policy is particularly racist. This is just wrong as noted, and even more wrong given the perspective that what they were actually really racist in was a system learned from the west. I don't think this is a particular difficult argument to follow.

Per Wiki, regarding the largest Yakuza group:

"The Yamaguchi-gumi are among the world's wealthiest gangsters, bringing in billions of dollars a year from extortion, gambling, the sex industry, arms and drug trafficking, and real estate and construction kickback schemes. They are also involved in stock market manipulation and Internet pornography."

Political corruption and vice are textbook sleazy to me.
Take a moment to ponder how such groups get their way. For example, consider what happens if you refuse their generous offer of protection for a recurring payment.

This appears to be a guide for debating the person you perceive me to be, so I'm not sure why you're telling me to read it. In any case, I'll respond to the points that you apparently should have brought up or fit wrt my arguments...

"1: Is everything getting worse?"

Have I argued this? I actually don't personally consider illegal immigration to be a huge problem. A moderate one at worst, and one that doesn't effect me personally. My argument was simply that using "xenophobia" and "racism" in arguments over stopping illegal immigration is a meaningless boogieman, and that successful xenophobic and racist nations already exist. In general I think society has gradually gotten better; I attribute a lot of that to technological improvements rather than government policy, but as someone with libertarian-leaning views, I can't deny that social liberties continue to improve, and the nation's move away from conventional warfare is a great thing too.
Seems pretty clear you were insinuate these problems are getting worse, in more threads than just this.

"2: Are traditional monarchies better places to live?"

Uh I have said stuff in favor of Thailand before relative to many of their neighbors, although I don't know that a monarchy with a bazillion military coups can be called traditional. This one doesn't apply to me.

"3: What is progress?"

OK this one looks more up my ally, since my main beef is the dogma of racism or xenophobia being an automatic evil. Unfortunately it talks mostly about criticism of social welfare and other things unrelated to my argument. Other parts seem to address a philosophy that prides itself on not changing as an opposition to any ideology that represents "progress", and I don't believe that status quo or progress are inherently good or bad.

Skipping 4, unrelated, found the beef

"5: Are modern ideas about race and gender wrongheaded and dangerous?"


"5.3.1: But what if I am racist? Isn’t it possible that fertile minorities and immigrants are hiding a fertility deficit among precious, precious, white people?"

I don't care about skin color. I often hope for the day that China wrecks our shit tbh. Anecdotally, all of my worst life experiences have involved other white people, and there are certain aspects of white American culture that I see as very poisonous (namely consumer culture) and would love to see fixed by new generations.
Seems their diagnosis of your concern about fertility rates is dead on, even if you're careful to use "culture" instead of race per se. To their credit, the NRx people are pretty honest about their racism, which is a sorely lacking virtue today.

"5.3.2: Are we headed for an idiocracy?"

Unfortunately they just talk about IQ studies which isn't something I'm particularly interested in either. They even set up the educated vs uneducated situation, but fail to address it anywhere in their discussion. I would have hoped that they at least tried to say something about how immigrants usually achieve more than long-term citizens (something I think I've already acknowledged in this thread), or about how minority groups once underrepresented in higher education are suddenly booming, but it doesn't even touch on it, let alone the things I'm discussing that they would disagree with.
Many immigrants tend to do well because what might motivate someone to emigrate would similarly provide for success afterward. However you clearly don't believe this to be the case with the anchor baby situation, dragging us down and making things worse.

So yeah not sure how much of that clears my positions on things. The author of that article doesn't seem to have any kind of strong dislike or opinion at all on the kind of things that get the r-word thrown around here.

I didn't bother to reply to the rest because it was never the argument that you reflect NRx exactly, just resemble them a lot particularly in the general effort made to rationalize bigotry. It also seems they're put a lot of thought into justifying their own brand of white supremacy, so it's worth pondering if you can do better all things considered.
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