Am I the only one that thinks the Ipod sucks?

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Mar 6, 2004
The iPod certainly does NOT suck, but depending on what you need, there might be a better player.

Originally posted by: Gurck
It's $100 more than a good player with twice its capacity; the Zen Xtra.
Good player my shiny metal ass. My friend baby's his Zen Xtra around more than I do my super scratch-prone iPod, and he's had 2 go bad on him, one for a failed hard drive, one just failed to boot up, started giving him firmware errors. Besides, have you compared them in your pocket? Lets see, would I take a brick, or a pack of cards?

The only MP3 player(s) I'd say are better than the iPod, are iAudio's M3 (I was turned away because I need a screen on the actual unit, I hate remotes) or the Rio Karma (no storage, only music, fvck that) and they are both at the same price range if you use the educational discount (who doesn't?).

EDIT: And I do hate it when losers buy iPods to be "cool", I got one because it did what I needed, supported the Universal Storage thing (pardon me for not remembering the name), and could play the 10-20 tracks I got off of the iTunes music store, not to mention it was the thinnest player I could find.


Diamond Member
Apr 5, 2004
I admit if you listen to any ipod on the stock buds your in for a rude awakening. The sound quality is bad, but its not due to the source i.e. the ipod, the stock buds just suck...try a pod with something at the entry level like some Sony EX71's/EX51's, if you got a lil more cash, check the Shure e2c or Ety's...then if your going highend get some UE's and comeback saying the sound quality sucks.


Mar 6, 2004
Originally posted by: James3shin
I admit if you listen to any ipod on the stock buds your in for a rude awakening. The sound quality is bad, but its not due to the source i.e. the ipod, the stock buds just suck...try a pod with something at the entry level like some Sony EX71's/EX51's, if you got a lil more cash, check the Shure e2c or Ety's...then if your going highend get some UE's and comeback saying the sound quality sucks.

I have some EX51's here, love em, if I can justify spending an ass-load on headphones, I might sell these and buy some Shure E3c's, but I've read alot of review and pretty much everyone says the EX51/71/81's are the most comfortable earphones they've ever used.


Mar 16, 2004
Originally posted by: James3shin
I admit if you listen to any ipod on the stock buds your in for a rude awakening. The sound quality is bad, but its not due to the source i.e. the ipod, the stock buds just suck...try a pod with something at the entry level like some Sony EX71's/EX51's, if you got a lil more cash, check the Shure e2c or Ety's...then if your going highend get some UE's and comeback saying the sound quality sucks.

Actually most players do indeed come with cheap phones, though I think some Rio players come with the less expensive Sennheiser earbuds, which is at least a step up. However, the ipod's sound quality through its headphone jack is indeed subpar. It tests at around 0.42% THD and attenuates bass to save on its already bad battery life. Its EQ is barebones as well. Its line-out doesn't suffer from these problems, but I'd assume you get lower battery life that way - and why buy a portable if not to use its headphone jack?

Originally posted by: sheik124
My friend baby's his Zen Xtra around more than I do my super scratch-prone iPod, and he's had 2 go bad on him, one for a failed hard drive, one just failed to boot up, started giving him firmware errors. Besides, have you compared them in your pocket? Lets see, would I take a brick, or a pack of cards?

I'd be more interested in solid numbers - your friend may simply be unlucky. I could bring up all of what I've heard about the ipod's battery needing replacement within a year or how it has a nasty habit of deleting everything on it in the name of copy protection if you look at it the wrong way, but as I said, I'd be more interested in talking solid numbers. If other players are too big or heavy, you either wear extremely tight clothes or have trouble bench pressing a fisher price barbell...


Mar 6, 2004
I can confirm that the Rio Nitrus comes with Sennheiser MX300's, my friend has one.
You could bring up whatever you want about iPod battery replacement, and I could remind you, all li-ion batteries will eventually need replacement, however, the earliest I've had a li-ion battery die on me was 2.5 years, sounds reasonable to me. And I don't wear tight clothes, but my pockets are packed as it is (v600 [phone, its chunky], pack of gum, wallet [don't like to put it in the back pocket) so I like having a thin player. Another friend of mine has a Zen Touch, two times as thick as the iPod, again, I don't want a brick in my pocket.


May 27, 2004
I already have an MP3 player. It's called my pentium 4 prescott 3.0, and it doesn't break and I don't drop it and it always plays my mp3s and it's not an apple!


May 16, 2002
I don't think they are so great. The price is extreme big bucks:shocked: (typical of apple products, one of the reasons I am a PC fan)

Creative makes a good multi-GB MP3 player, I'd rather have that
I currently only have a 64MB MP3 player right now anyway


Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2003
Well lets have an overall view of the common misconceptions about the iPod.

"The iPod is soooo expensive!"
These are UK prices where the VAT and increased COL inflate prices such that they are higher than equivalent US prices:

iPod 20G 4th Gen

iRiver 20Gb

Sony NW-HD3 20GB

karma 20GB

Granted the Karma is a bit cheaper, but that's because of the appalling build quality... and just look at it! So, compared to the iRiver there's an £8 difference. I know the dollar is weak as at the minute, but I don't think £8 = $100 or whatever the flamers claim the iPod is.

"The iPod looks crap"

Is that so? Well ten million people don't think so. But of course that's just what the general public thinks, and they obviously have no clue about what makes good design or style since they're all idiots :roll:. It'd be great if some experts in the field had a say so we could get some solid benchmarks. Oh, what's this?:

iPod Wins Japan's good design award
iPod Wins Danish design award
iPod wins best internet Audio device
iPod Wins TWO InfoWorld awards
iPod Wins I.D. Magazine award 6 years in a row
iPod Mini Wins best mobile device award
iPod Wins BIMA Award
iPod mini wins CNET award

"Yeah, but the iPod has less features!"

What exactly? A radio and recording? So what? What's the point of a radio when you have your top 10,000+ tunes in your pocket? All the radio is going to do is subject you to adverts and Britney whilst hissing at any point of poor reception or electromagnetic activity. No thanks.
Recording? Does your music collection consist of hissy radio rips with the DJ talking over the ends of each track? Or do you have recordings of your own voice? Not exactly useful features at all.
Other music formats? can you buy music in these formats anywhere decent? no? The manufacturers of the competition of the iPod need something to put on the side of their boxes to try and dupe customers into thinking they'll use these features and that their player is superior, hence the addition of all these extra formats. Not useful really, since people are looking for a MP3 player...

"Only children use iPods"

Cute, but wrong. Granted, some of the 10 million users are going to be young, but why's that so bad? What's wrong with building a product that the young and the old know how to use without problems? I digress. The point is that many, many of the users are adults. Think I'm lying? Then why have BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Volvo, Nissan, Alfa Romeo and Ferrari all teamed up with apple to offer iPod support in their next models? for the children that drive them?:roll:

"Quicktime resets all your file settings and is malware"

No. It asks you in the installation process. Plus, quicktime is pretty much required these days for surfing the net just as flash, java and realplayer are since so many websites have extra features using these plugins. I'm sure anyone with even a small amount of browsing will have bumped into a quicktime movie or quicktime VR demo. Of course, you can uninstall it if you so please. It's installed simultaneously for simplicity.

"The iPod's batteries die really quickly"

This isn't the fault of the iPod. It is commonly known amongst tech people that you must initially fully charge and then fully discharge a li-ion cell before normal usage. It is then considered good practice to keep the battery charged up as much as possible (this is the advantage of this format of cell). If the initial charge/discharge of the cell is not performed it will negatively affect the cell's lifespan and reduce it dramatically. This will be true for any device using a li-ion cell or battery. It's written in the manual, but people often don't read them, especially when the interface is so good they feel it's not necessary. You can also replace the battery no problem.

"The sound quality is so poor I go into a state of shock"
Hmm... well on some unregulated tests the iPod does come out less favourably than one or two of it's competitors, but you must bear in mind that these differences are really only noticeable by audiophiles. Also, using the regular bundled earphones with any of the players will negate any kind of a difference since they are often bottom of the range (for example the Karmas come with Sennheiser MX300's which are the very, very bottom of the range products - at £4
the only good thing about them is the sticker with the Sennheiser name on the side). Basically, if you're just a regular user who wants a decent all round player go for the iPod. If you regularly go into audiophile chatrooms and check out output graphs of frequency range responsiveness, etc then read around and see what others recon is the ultimate player in terms of sound quality (but bear in mind you'll likely be losing on many other features for that miniscule increase in SQ).

But apart from the mention of quicktime, I've only really been talking about the hardware side of things. A computer is but an expensive paperweight without software: software is as important as the hardware itself. Firstly, lets take a look at the software (firmware to be strict) of the iPod. Sweet. Nice and simple and the benchmark of interfaces. So much so that other companies copy it shamelessly. What does this say about the design? to me it shows that these other companies have spent time researching the interface, but cannot actually come up with anything better, and so keep the same design but change it just enough so they don't get sued! Of course none have a scrollwheel like the iPod which makes a significant difference since other designs don't allow you to scroll from A to Z in your music collection in *one smooth motion*. This is a great example of intuitive design, and is what makes apple apple.

What about connecting to a computer? Well iPod and itunes are packaged together. It's already common knowledge that the iTunes music store is the best (in terms of volume of available music and price, as well as features such as playlists (inc. celebrity playlists, if that's your thing) and the neat preview function). But apart from the music store there's the functionality of iTunes itself. No other player offers these features:

-Super-fast searches, not just by name and artist but by year/genre/date added/bpm/etc, etc
-A very clear GUI. Most people would say the best, most efficient one.
-Access to a huge amount of ad-free internet radio stations
-Smart Playlists
-Very efficient shuffle method to provide a wide range of music
-Party shuffle as well
-1 click sharing over a network. no need to transfer files, it streams. it also does this in between PC's and Macs.
-Multiple editing of ID3 tags
-Ripping of CDs and the ability to play the CD as it's being ripped.
-Burning of CDs and smart spanning of disks
-Very clear display of track information with the ability to alter it to your needs
-Rating method so you can play your favourite tracks, etc
-Play count so you can play the most or least played tracks if you so please, or create a smart playlist to find all tracks that have been played only 2 or 3 times, for example.
-The possibility of streaming tunes across your home network to your home hifi
-The ability to find duplicate tunes and choose whether to delete them or not.
-Cross platform usage, so the same program works on my PCs and my macs.
-Dead simple connectivity to the iPod
-All of the above done is an amazingly simple and effective manner such that someone with limited or no computer knowledge can perform all the above tasks with no worry or training.

There are alternatives to itunes, but most of these are pretty poor. Winamp, although small in terms of memory has a poor interface and often looks far too cluttered because it tries to fit in a small area on the screen. Yes you can skin it, but must people don't desire this.
Foobar of course has the kernel streaming option that *can* make the sound better if you have a sound card and speaker setup able to distinguish the marginally superior sound quality. Of course, you sacrifice all of the above features for this little luxury, so this is why most people avoid that player.
WMP: I've seen some people actually using it. It's ok I guess although very short on features, although since MS copies everything apple does you can be sure it'll start to look like itunes soon enough .

"Man, you're such a fanboy"
Not really. I think I've got a decent eye for design and you can see that my above arguments are backed up with evidence. After research I'm still at the conclusion that the iPod is the best all-rounder player. I'm not saying it's the best in all fields: it certainly isn't. However, there's nothing that offers the features of iPod + iTunes and can match with compatibility, size, interface and post-sales service. Everyone's welcome to make their own minds up, but from what I've found the competition seems to be a fair way behind apple at the minute. Maybe this'll change in the upcoming years, I don't know. If it does and a better all-rounder is available, I'll be the first to say so.

It's very easy to have a go at the big guys; it's human nature to go for the underdog (just look at all the movies with the whole underdog storyline!), but I do feel that apple have worked hard at making their product as good as it is. Remember that the iPod became popular with very little advertising when it initially came out. The product sold itself. Yes, these days apple do stream out a lot of adverts, but with increasing competition they have to in order to stay afloat.
Well, that's my 2c.


Senior member
Jul 10, 2003
I would rather get the Creative Zen Touch 40gb for the same price as a 20gb Ipod. Now that's a good deal, without a doubt. Plus it includes more features.


Golden Member
Jun 24, 2004
The creative interfaces are not a copy of the ipods. They both use level browsing, creative has had that since the beginning. Ipod is for tech retards, gimme something that's a little harder to use, has superior sound quality and superior battery life(like the zen touch) anyday. I'd only take an ipod if it were free.


Aug 15, 2000
Originally posted by: gflores
I would rather get the Creative Zen Touch 40gb for the same price as a 20gb Ipod. Now that's a good deal, without a doubt. Plus it includes more features.

Careful, the Zen only has a 90 day warranty according to creative's support website. I dont know if thats valid info, but that would make it suck.


Mar 16, 2004
"Yeah, but the iPod has less features!"

What exactly? A radio and recording? So what? What's the point of a radio when you have your top 10,000+ tunes in your pocket? All the radio is going to do is subject you to adverts and Britney whilst hissing at any point of poor reception or electromagnetic activity. No thanks.
We've gone over this before. If you live in the middle of nowhere where you get bad reception or just don't want other features, players are available without those features for far, far less money. Personally I find msyelf looking for something to listen to with around 6,000 songs (40gb), and the radio is often a breath of fresh air. Perhaps in the UK you don't have good music on the radio? Where I live there are various classic rock stations to choose from (thank god). If you want to compare prices, compare the prices of products with similar features. Comparing the barebones ipod to features packed players like the iriver or players with extraordinary sound quality like the rio (not that other players don't sound better than the ipod as well - they do) is comparing apples to oranges.
"The iPod looks crap"

Is that so? Well ten million people don't think so. But of course that's just what the general public thinks, and they obviously have no clue about what makes good design or style since they're all idiots
Whee, do what everyone else is doing! Baa! Not saying you shouldn't, just that it should be given some thought. And yes, I do consider the general public .. ahh .. a bit less than intelligent, this is backed up by my IQ in relation to the average. Sorry, that's just how it is.
No. It asks you in the installation process. Plus, quicktime is pretty much required these days for surfing the net just as flash, java and realplayer are since so many websites have extra features using these plugins. I'm sure anyone with even a small amount of browsing will have bumped into a quicktime movie or quicktime VR demo. Of course, you can uninstall it if you so please. It's installed simultaneously for simplicity.
Yes, it does ask you. Then, regardless of what you set it to do, it resets your associations. It is malware. You should at least have a choice not to install it, which of course wouldn't suit Apple's purposes, and so it's not there. Either way, only a true idiot would claim that no one should have a choice. Hi loic! There are alternatives which play qt/mov files by the way, and the qt plugin for firefox isn't the same as the malware program itself.
"The iPod's batteries die really quickly"

This isn't the fault of the iPod. It is commonly known amongst tech people that you must initially fully charge and then fully discharge a li-ion cell before normal usage. It is then considered good practice to keep the battery charged up as much as possible (this is the advantage of this format of cell). If the initial charge/discharge of the cell is not performed it will negatively affect the cell's lifespan and reduce it dramatically. This will be true for any device using a li-ion cell or battery. It's written in the manual, but people often don't read them, especially when the interface is so good they feel it's not necessary. You can also replace the battery no problem.
Why don't other players have this reputation then? The ipod is also far from easy to open if you need to change the battery. This ostensibly enables it to be a smaller device, but let's be realistic - it's really so that you can pay Apple their $100 fee to do it for you

On software, your claim that the ipod's price buys you itunes is ridiculous - itunes is free you moron.




Mar 16, 2004
Originally posted by: Thin Lizzy
Hey Gurck,

Can I buy you an iPod?

Would be hard deciding between selling it and taping myself smash it to bits, run it over, set it on fire, etc and hosting the video for ATOT


No Lifer
Sep 21, 2002
Yes, it does ask you. Then, regardless of what you set it to do, it resets your associations. It is malware. You should at least have a choice not to install it, which of course wouldn't suit Apple's purposes, and so it's not there. Either way, only a true idiot would claim that no one should have a choice. Hi loic! There are alternatives which play qt/mov files by the way, and the qt plugin for firefox isn't the same as the malware program itself.

it didn't take over my computer. it didn't do things other then what i set it to do if it did for you.. perhaps u are a little imcompetent


Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2003
Well thanks for your inspired posts, gurck. Of course it's easy to pick at semantics and minor details, then call a poster a moron/idiot, etc. It's also easy to say "well, model X sounds better, model Y is thinner, and model Z has a radio etc". The true challenge comes when put on the spot and asked to actually name a single player + software package that is all round a superior alternative to the iPod + iTunes one. So far I have asked you this several times in other threads, even offering a cookie to tempt you to stick your neck out instead of sitting back criticising. Interestingly your posts seem to "dry out" at this stage and you resort to one of your three "arguments".
Your comment on IQ values speaks volumes about your personality; none of it favourably.


No Lifer
Sep 21, 2002
Originally posted by: Gurck
Originally posted by: 0roo0roo
perhaps u are a little imcompetent

This from someone who can't find the "y" and "o" keys on his keyboard?

oh shutup, its called a typo for one...and intentional use of net language is ...well i shouldn't have to explain it to u.

its pointless argueing with a geek who thinks he's an audiophile with his midrange hd280 headphones. about pointless as argueing with a geek who thinks vinyl is the only way, and anything digital is just so inferior that it drives them insane. theres a reason why most people ignore audiosnobs


Mar 16, 2004
Who said I think I'm an audiophile or that I think vinyl is the only way? Are you really so desperate to argue that you have to put words in my mouth to have a point to harp on? I encode most stuff to 192kbit ogg and simply enjoy decent sound quality. And this u / ur crap makes you look like a 10 year old; it's not netspeak, it's kidspeak. Here's a poll I made just for you.

name a single player + software package that is all round a superior alternative to the iPod + iTunes one

All of them. Apparently you didn't hear me the other 50 times I've said it. It's no wonder you have a thing against those with high IQs, considering what your arguing tactics and statements on sound quality say about your own.


Oct 9, 1999
Yes to both. I've never been a fan of Apple (probably stemming from amazingly long load times on an Apple II+), but the iPod fad is REALLY ANNOYING. People act like the iPod is the Second Coming of Christ and Steve Jobs is the Prophet. Apple does make some interesting products (that cinema display has always looked fantastic), but their prices are so ridiculous as to be almost unbelievable.

I bought the very first successful MP3 player, the Diamond Rio, to use for jogging since I was tired of skipping tape players. I've never looked back on tapes, but I'm using a several years old Creative Nomad II with 128MB of SmartMedia. It holds an hour of music at a decent (can't remember) bit rate, and I typically don't work out more than an hour.

I have no use for 20GB of MP3s and ear damage from constant usage.
Jan 14, 2005
Look at an IPOD, then look at that POS that HP is hawking to the public.... It might work the same, but looks like Crap........... I'm all for style points given that the thing actually works, which it does. There are definitly more powerful/interactive alternatives, but only those who know better can tell the difference.... GO APPLE!

Steve Jobs is my F'ng hero....!! LOL


No Lifer
Sep 21, 2002
Originally posted by: Gurck
Who said I think I'm an audiophile or that I think vinyl is the only way? Are you really so desperate to argue that you have to put words in my mouth to have a point to harp on? I encode most stuff to 192kbit ogg and simply enjoy decent sound quality. And this u / ur crap makes you look like a 10 year old; it's not netspeak, it's kidspeak. Here's a poll I made just for you.

name a single player + software package that is all round a superior alternative to the iPod + iTunes one

All of them. Apparently you didn't hear me the other 50 times I've said it. It's no wonder you have a thing against those with high IQs, considering what your arguing tactics and statements on sound quality say about your own.

u coulda saved some time with the poll and all if u had decent reading comprehension. i didn't say u liked vinyl. and you know very well how skewed your poll is.. or maybe you don't. if your question is unecessarily vague and doesn't provide context it will be inaccurate. we are typing on an offtopic forum, not typing reports or professional texts.

your name is gurk for f*cksake.


Platinum Member
Dec 4, 2002
Originally posted by: 0roo0roo
Originally posted by: Gurck
Who said I think I'm an audiophile or that I think vinyl is the only way? Are you really so desperate to argue that you have to put words in my mouth to have a point to harp on? I encode most stuff to 192kbit ogg and simply enjoy decent sound quality. And this u / ur crap makes you look like a 10 year old; it's not netspeak, it's kidspeak. Here's a poll I made just for you.

name a single player + software package that is all round a superior alternative to the iPod + iTunes one

All of them. Apparently you didn't hear me the other 50 times I've said it. It's no wonder you have a thing against those with high IQs, considering what your arguing tactics and statements on sound quality say about your own.

u coulda saved some time with the poll and all if u had decent reading comprehension. i didn't say u liked vinyl. and you know very well how skewed your poll is.. or maybe you don't. if your question is unecessarily vague and doesn't provide context it will be inaccurate. we are typing on an offtopic forum, not typing reports or professional texts.

your name is gurk for f*cksake.

:music: Every once in a while there is some a*shole
Giving you sh!t, cause something in his life won't fold
Angely, I'd walk away
The "peace/piece" offering another day
He seems not to wanna trade
So he must pay (its the inevitable, it's going down!)

He's talking! (fvck him up!) at me (fvck him up!)
Instead of! (fvck him up!) to me (fvck him up!)
My intellegence! (fvck him up!) sacked me (fvck him up!)
But he say's! (fvck him up!) he'll run through me (fvck him up!)

I'm a THRASHER! you ain't know THRASHER!
I'm a THRASHER! I'm a THRASHER! I'm a..:music:

I thought the song fit well......
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