Am I the Only One who thinks they messed up on Burning Crusades?!


Senior member
Feb 3, 2006
I mean Nax gear is gimp gear and it was not that easy to get that crap prior to Burning Crusade and now all these uber + damage / + healing gear is available to everyone. I seen a rogue hit for 20k just yesterday... I think they just made the gear jump up too high from 60 to 70. Nax should of at least lasted you till 70.


Golden Member
Jul 13, 2001
You were crazy to think that any gear that was in the game pre-bc would be worth anything at 70. I knew this the second they started changing EVERY item that had absolutes in it to something that would scale. Everytime people said that naxx gear would still be good at 70 I laughed. Why would they do that? They want you to go to the new instances after all.


Senior member
Feb 3, 2006
I said till 70 not at 70... big difference... considering how ****** hard it is to get that Nax ******...


Nov 27, 2001
A rogue hit for 20k .

I really hope that's a joke, because based on the combined Mutilate (one of the highest damaging moves a rogue can use) formula of "7.02x + 1029.6 = 20,000" (simplified from ((x + 110) * 1.5 * 1.3 * 1.2 * 2) + ((x/2 + 110) * 1.5 * 1.2 * 1.3 * 2) = 20,000, the rogue's weapon damage (x) used in this formula would've had to have been ~2,702.

Using Ambush, you get this:
6.5x + 871 = 20,000

which would've required a weapon damage of ~2942.

Also, I'm still using pieces of my Tier sets on my rogue...


Senior member
Feb 3, 2006
Originally posted by: Aikouka
A rogue hit for 20k .

I really hope that's a joke, because based on the combined Mutilate (one of the highest damaging moves a rogue can use) formula of "7.02x + 1029.6 = 20,000" (simplified from ((x + 110) * 1.5 * 1.3 * 1.2 * 2) + ((x/2 + 110) * 1.5 * 1.2 * 1.3 * 2) = 20,000, the rogue's weapon damage (x) used in this formula would've had to have been ~2,702.

Using Ambush, you get this:
6.5x + 871 = 20,000

which would've required a weapon damage of ~2942.

Also, I'm still using pieces of my Tier sets on my rogue...

Yeah sound rediculous but I've seen it while watching my friend play... he was sitting getting mana back and a rogue backstabbed his ass... probally had some potions or berserk going but I saw it...

EDIT - There is a video out there that a shaman crits a player for over 100k or some crap like that but it was planned out.

EDIT - My bad not a 100k crit it was a 25k crit link provided...

A warrior doing a 16k crit


Nov 27, 2001
Originally posted by: mad0maxx
Yeah sound rediculous but I've seen it while watching my friend play... he was sitting getting mana back and a rogue backstabbed his ass... probally had some potions or berserk going but I saw it...

EDIT - There is a video out there that a shaman crits a player for over 100k or some crap like that but it was planned out.

EDIT - My bad not a 100k crit it was a 25k crit link provided...

A warrior doing a 16k crit

My figures were off (I messed up on properly applying Lethality and forgot a couple things):

(( (((x + 110) * 1.5) * 1.2) + ((((x + 110) * 1.5) * 1.2) * 1.3)) * 1.1) * 1.09) = MH crit poison mutilate + opportunity + lethality + find weakness + kidney shotted w/ improved kidney shot

(( (((x/2 + 110) * 1.5) * 1.2) + ((((x/2 + 110) * 1.5) * 1.2) * 1.3)) * 1.1) * 1.09) = OH crit poison mutilate + opportunity + lethality + find weakness + kidney shotted w/ improved kidney shot

Gimme a min and I'll do the math to combine these (note that these also assume that it's the same weapon, cause I don't feel like assuming otherwise).

EDIT: Finished it, it'd require x to be = 2539.4149982741925302754979659647.

I mean, I can see like 2,000 easily, as even I've done that much before (at 60 :Q) but it's not that common unless someone's sitting down (i.e. both mutilate hits will crit) or they're using cold blood.

EDIT 2: Just to clarify, my math also ignores armor class . If you want the armor class amount, just multiply the amount of damage by some percent.


Platinum Member
Apr 28, 2002
That 16k HS warrior crit is on the understudy mobs in naxx which take a crap load of extra damage from all sources. 16k is a pretty low crit on those. You cant really compare that to the rest of the game becuase thats is the way the encounter is designed.

Naxx gear is still great gear and comparable/better that what you can get in the lvl 70 5 mans. It is for PVE anyway, lacks a good bit of stamina for PVP use. And I'm gonna have to call BS on a rouge hitting for 20k in pvp. With every buff imaginable, berserking, 80+ dps dagger, a shadowstep ambush would still crit a 0 armor target for less than 20k.


Senior member
Feb 3, 2006
What about that mage 136,813 crit on an actual player? How would you explain that?


Golden Member
Jul 13, 2001
Oh and if you are playing wow for gear you are playing it for the wrong reasons. I play the game because I have fun playing it. I have fun raiding, and seeing new content. You had to know that all that gear was going to be replaced by blues soon once they set a date for the expansion.


Senior member
Feb 3, 2006
Originally posted by: Pacemaker
Oh and if you are playing wow for gear you are playing it for the wrong reasons. I play the game because I have fun playing it. I have fun raiding, and seeing new content. You had to know that all that gear was going to be replaced by blues soon once they set a date for the expansion.

Very true but I never raided for gear but I am saying if you get all that cool looking tier 3 just to be outdated at level 62 or so to be wearing all random pieces of armor that does not match kinda sucks LoL


Platinum Member
Apr 28, 2002
Originally posted by: mad0maxx
Originally posted by: Pacemaker
Oh and if you are playing wow for gear you are playing it for the wrong reasons. I play the game because I have fun playing it. I have fun raiding, and seeing new content. You had to know that all that gear was going to be replaced by blues soon once they set a date for the expansion.

Very true but I never raided for gear but I am saying if you get all that cool looking tier 3 just to be outdated at level 62 or so to be wearing all random pieces of armor that does not match kinda sucks LoL

YOU WILL NOT REPLACE T3 AT LEVEL 62. Are you retarded? Have you ever played the game? FFS you have no clue what you are talking about.


Senior member
Feb 3, 2006
Originally posted by: BZeto
Originally posted by: mad0maxx
Originally posted by: Pacemaker
Oh and if you are playing wow for gear you are playing it for the wrong reasons. I play the game because I have fun playing it. I have fun raiding, and seeing new content. You had to know that all that gear was going to be replaced by blues soon once they set a date for the expansion.

Very true but I never raided for gear but I am saying if you get all that cool looking tier 3 just to be outdated at level 62 or so to be wearing all random pieces of armor that does not match kinda sucks LoL

YOU WILL NOT REPLACE T3 AT LEVEL 62. Are you retarded? Have you ever played the game? FFS you have no clue what you are talking about.

It really depends on what quests you do and yes I have seen my friend who is in a high end raiding guild replace one of his tier 3 items for a quested blue he got...


Diamond Member
Jan 28, 2000
I was 4 piece tier 3 amongst various other items from c'thun and bwl and I have only replaced my neck, a trinket and my main weapon (widows embrace/noth's heart) with a staff. All of the other guildies have replaced a few pieces here and there but by and large the naxx gear has not found any replacement yet. Perhaps as we delve deeper into karazhan. (I have a headpiece that with an enchant will be better than don rigoberto's lost hat but I need thrallmar revered.) So this whole thing of level 62 blues replacing tier 3 is pretty much overblown.

I know our tanks are running around in several greens/blues because of the huge stamina differences and the high hp needed for the karazhan encounters.


Senior member
Feb 3, 2006
Karazhan is all about time so he replaced his with one that add's 15 to critical rating though he could not have gone at 62 just what he said his guild mates told him


Sep 14, 2003
This is a big negative for me at the moment. I am starting over on another server where friends are playing, but on my original server I spent countless hours in raids just to get a SINGLE 2nd tier item. The amount of work and effort people put into MC, BWL, etc. are astronomical, and I feel like upping the level cap totally trivializes all of that work.

Are guilds even going into MC, BWL, etc. anymore? It seems like it would be a waste to me.


Golden Member
Jul 13, 2001
Part of the early replacement stories come from classes like druids who's raid gear is designed to heal, so they most likely replaced that gear pretty fast (although they probably still have it in the bank).


Senior member
Feb 3, 2006
Originally posted by: torpid
This is a big negative for me at the moment. I am starting over on another server where friends are playing, but on my original server I spent countless hours in raids just to get a SINGLE 2nd tier item. The amount of work and effort people put into MC, BWL, etc. are astronomical, and I feel like upping the level cap totally trivializes all of that work.

Are guilds even going into MC, BWL, etc. anymore? It seems like it would be a waste to me.

I highly doubt that many guilds will do MC, BWL, AQ40 or Nax due to the fact that at level 70 you can get so much better equipment like others in the past who skipped Tier 0 (ex Dreadmist, Lightforge, etc) and went straight for MC gear


Golden Member
Jul 13, 2001
Originally posted by: mad0maxx
Originally posted by: torpid
This is a big negative for me at the moment. I am starting over on another server where friends are playing, but on my original server I spent countless hours in raids just to get a SINGLE 2nd tier item. The amount of work and effort people put into MC, BWL, etc. are astronomical, and I feel like upping the level cap totally trivializes all of that work.

Are guilds even going into MC, BWL, etc. anymore? It seems like it would be a waste to me.

I highly doubt that many guilds will do MC, BWL, AQ40 or Nax due to the fact that at level 70 you can get so much better equipment like others in the past who skipped Tier 0 (ex Dreadmist, Lightforge, etc) and went straight for MC gear

People will go back and run them for fun/accomplisment. aka the "We 5 maned MC" bragging.


Senior member
Feb 3, 2006
Originally posted by: Pacemaker
Originally posted by: mad0maxx
Originally posted by: torpid
This is a big negative for me at the moment. I am starting over on another server where friends are playing, but on my original server I spent countless hours in raids just to get a SINGLE 2nd tier item. The amount of work and effort people put into MC, BWL, etc. are astronomical, and I feel like upping the level cap totally trivializes all of that work.

Are guilds even going into MC, BWL, etc. anymore? It seems like it would be a waste to me.

I highly doubt that many guilds will do MC, BWL, AQ40 or Nax due to the fact that at level 70 you can get so much better equipment like others in the past who skipped Tier 0 (ex Dreadmist, Lightforge, etc) and went straight for MC gear

People will go back and run them for fun/accomplisment. aka the "We 5 maned MC" bragging.

Very true... like prior to BC a rogue on the Llane server could solo almost all of UD Strat for the sole reason to sell his services for 500 gold to get anyone done with the 45 minute UD strat quest.


Nov 27, 2001
I'm also still not happy with my gear that I have on my rogue. A lot of the rogue-centric TBC gear doesn't really focus well for different builds (which Blizzard has finally caved in and catered to Shamans, Druids, Priests and Paladins in this manner). It requires a lot of work finding just the right pieces for my Mutilate build as I need crit (unlike using backstab, you rely more on the +30% crit talent so you can shave a couple crit points off here and there) and I need AP to keep my damage up. But then you also have to worry about keeping a certain amount of +hit or else you get the fun happy times of watching your mutilate not hit entirely (I've had a mutilate where the MH hit missed and the OH was dodged... by a mob that was GOUGED). Although I have more health now, I attribute that to the large amounts of health given at each level and not so much the stamina.

At this point, my character has... I think ~1200 AP, ~20% crit (really bad), ~25% dodge and I can't remember my health... I think it's inbetween 6k and 7k.


Apr 29, 2001
Replacing all that at 62? At 70, I've only replaced my neck, MH, and a trinket (priest) Sorry if that was already addressed, I stopped reading after I saw that.


Senior member
Feb 3, 2006
Originally posted by: Chacotako
Replacing all that at 62? At 70, I've only replaced my neck, MH, and a trinket (priest) Sorry if that was already addressed, I stopped reading after I saw that.

Who said replace all your equipment at level 62? Though the post could be misleading... I did not mean replaced all equipment at level 62.
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