AMD 939----280 GTX Benchmarks Far Cry2


May 5, 2004
Here is some small ranch benchmarks....the old 939...not to bad )

Run 1
Settings: Demo(Ranch Small), 1920x1200 (60Hz), D3D10, Fixed Time Step(No), Disable Artificial Intelligence(No), Full Screen, Anti-Aliasing(4x), VSync(No), Overall Quality(Ultra High), Vegetation(Very High), Shading(Ultra High), Terrain(Ultra High), Geometry(Ultra High), Post FX(High), Texture(Ultra High), Shadow(Ultra High), Ambient(High), Hdr(Yes), Bloom(Yes), Fire(Very High), Physics(Very High), RealTrees(Very High)

Loop 1

* Total Frames: 2016, Total Time: 51.01s
* Average Framerate: 39.53
* Max. Framerate: 56.83 (Frame:283, 6.24s)
* Min. Framerate: 28.59 (Frame:1361, 34.28s)

Loop 2

* Total Frames: 1985, Total Time: 51.00s
* Average Framerate: 38.92
* Max. Framerate: 55.23 (Frame:284, 6.36s)
* Min. Framerate: 28.14 (Frame:1332, 34.36s)

Loop 3

* Total Frames: 1981, Total Time: 51.00s
* Average Framerate: 38.84
* Max. Framerate: 55.34 (Frame:289, 6.44s)
* Min. Framerate: 28.37 (Frame:1347, 34.39s)

Average Results

* Average Framerate: 39.10
* Max. Framerate: 55.63
* Min. Framerate: 28.43

I'm pretty f'n pleased...need a new system LOFL


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2000
Wowzers, that 280 was sitting there twiddling its thumbs waiting for more data to hit the pipe. Great OC on the chip tho !!

for you for your efforts. Now let's see how long it takes for a reply on how you shouldn't have bought the GTX280 card.


Diamond Member
May 26, 2004
Just a testament that "gaming" CPU is a bit of a misnomer. 28 minimum FPS at 1920x1200 with very high graphical options is enough to satisty well over 90% of the gaming market.

I mean a 3.0GHz S939 dual core is no slouch, but in current terms that's a moderate overclock for a 4850e ($60) Just goes to show that you can get a lot out of a graphics card upgrade.

I've always been one to pair cheap CPUs with better video cards. Seeing this kinda makes me wish I didn't buy my e7200 and had saved money on a 4850e and spent that extra money from the cheaper CPU & mobo on a GTX260 or 4870 instead of my 4850.

Flipped Gazelle

Diamond Member
Sep 5, 2004
Pretty sweet results. Just about dead-on with what I get with my X2 4000+ @ 3Ghz, 8800GT oc'd by about 20%, and running 1680x1050 noAA all settings @ Very High.

Originally posted by: tanishalfelven
i wonder how badly my opty 165 @ 1.8 GHz is holding my 4850 back

Overclock that sucker! Hopefully will be good for 2.5 Ghz or more.


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
Far Cry 2 works fine 95% of the time with my current rig: 939 X2 3800(stock), 2gb PC3200, 7900GS, Win XP 64. The only time it sucks is when a Truck or 2 spots me and decides to rush with Guns blazing. Not sure if it's Shaders or Physics, but in those situations my Framerate(total guess) drops to 1 frame every couple seconds. It's a real PITA, but so far it's only killed me once. As long as I can whack them before they get too close I can avoid the issue.


Diamond Member
Dec 31, 2005
The 939 nforce4 platform was really the ultimate AMD chipset. The fact that it keeps up to this day is testament to that. I don't see my Opty 180 losing its role as my MCE box for quite some time.


Junior Member
Mar 21, 2008
Here are some Sapphire HD 4870 512MB Toxic for comparison, running on AM2 platform. And yes, very nice overclock there 413xram!

Run 1
Settings: Demo(Ranch Small), 1920x1200 (60Hz), D3D10, Fixed Time Step(No), Disable Artificial Intelligence(No), Full Screen, Anti-Aliasing(None), VSync(No), Overall Quality(Ultra High), Vegetation(Very High), Shading(Ultra High), Terrain(Ultra High), Geometry(Ultra High), Post FX(High), Texture(Ultra High), Shadow(Ultra High), Ambient(High), Hdr(Yes), Bloom(Yes), Fire(Very High), Physics(Very High), RealTrees(Very High)

Loop 1

* Total Frames: 1447, Total Time: 51.00s
* Average Framerate: 28.37
* Max. Framerate: 39.87 (Frame:1299, 46.84s)
* Min. Framerate: 18.68 (Frame:455, 17.50s)

Loop 2

* Total Frames: 1514, Total Time: 51.02s
* Average Framerate: 29.68
* Max. Framerate: 39.64 (Frame:228, 6.47s)
* Min. Framerate: 22.36 (Frame:633, 20.69s)

Loop 3

* Total Frames: 1755, Total Time: 51.00s
* Average Framerate: 34.41
* Max. Framerate: 47.19 (Frame:1572, 46.97s)
* Min. Framerate: 22.70 (Frame:465, 14.27s)

Loop 4

* Total Frames: 1866, Total Time: 51.01s
* Average Framerate: 36.58
* Max. Framerate: 53.12 (Frame:289, 6.69s)
* Min. Framerate: 25.72 (Frame:658, 17.44s)

Loop 5

* Total Frames: 1833, Total Time: 51.01s
* Average Framerate: 35.94
* Max. Framerate: 55.67 (Frame:275, 6.38s)
* Min. Framerate: 25.44 (Frame:1200, 33.96s)

Average Results

* Average Framerate: 33.00
* Max. Framerate: 43.39
* Min. Framerate: 24.32


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: nerp
The 939 nforce4 platform was really the ultimate AMD chipset. The fact that it keeps up to this day is testament to that. I don't see my Opty 180 losing its role as my MCE box for quite some time.

I dunno. I have the ULI chipset. Not sure if it Overclocks, but this mobo has served me for 3-4 years and I went from AGP to PCI-e with it. It also can take AM2, but I'm hesitant to make that switch as the Mobo's age makes me think it's time is short.


Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2004
The only difference between your system and a newer AM2 A64 is the slower DDR ram, but you are talking only a 2-4% system speed difference; mostly negligable for gaming. If your Opty was only hitting 2.5-2.6, you would much more of a bottleneck versus your 3ghz speed. I can't imagine squeezing much more out of a great 939 system than what you have. Even with a watercooled 393/AM2, you are still gonna top out at 3.2-3.3 (if you get a good chip).

You would be good for a few more months and then a upgrade early next year with Deneb and i7 choices galore.


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2001
Free performance from overclocking is always nice. Do you have any comparison benches without overclocking?

Far Cry 2 CPU Comparison

FC2 does seem to be very CPU intensive and looks to get a pretty big increase just around your stock to OC performance levels (A64 X2 5000 to 6000 shows a huge increase).


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2000
I went from AGP to PCI-e with it. It also can take AM2, but I'm hesitant to make that switch as the Mobo's age makes me think it's time is short.

Nonsense, dude ! If you are speaking of the legendary Asrock 939SATAII, that board is hands down my favorite board of all time !! Mines gone from AGP to PCIe, then I added an AM2 riser card/ AMD 5000+B.E. OC'd to 3.2ghz with 4gb of DDR2.

Name me one other board that you provides an upgrade path:

1) Video card interface
2) CPU socket upgrade
3) DDR1 to DDR2 upgrade

An amazing board that keeps up with my e6600@3.2. Its used as my workbench rig, but if you feel its getting old, I will take it off your hands when the time arises.


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: WT
I went from AGP to PCI-e with it. It also can take AM2, but I'm hesitant to make that switch as the Mobo's age makes me think it's time is short.

Nonsense, dude ! If you are speaking of the legendary Asrock 939SATAII, that board is hands down my favorite board of all time !! Mines gone from AGP to PCIe, then I added an AM2 riser card/ AMD 5000+B.E. OC'd to 3.2ghz with 4gb of DDR2.

Name me one other board that you provides an upgrade path:

1) Video card interface
2) CPU socket upgrade
3) DDR1 to DDR2 upgrade

An amazing board that keeps up with my e6600@3.2. Its used as my workbench rig, but if you feel its getting old, I will take it off your hands when the time arises.

The way I see it, by the time I upgrade this system I'll probably go with a Quad Core Phenom. Not even sure the Riser card supports it. At any rate, I'll likely buy a Cheap($100ish) Mobo. This Mobo has been great though, no complaints 100% rock stable.


May 5, 2004
Originally posted by: WT
Wowzers, that 280 was sitting there twiddling its thumbs waiting for more data to hit the pipe. Great OC on the chip tho !!

for you for your efforts. Now let's see how long it takes for a reply on how you shouldn't have bought the GTX280 card.

I got lucky and caught the 280 on zipzoomfly for $299.99 ....$150.00 off no mail in rebate) So I doubt that I will regret my purchase..Just givin my OPTY a bit more life. Waiting to see how AMD, Intel, and windows 7 pan out this year.


May 5, 2004
Originally posted by: BTRY B 529th FA BN
I really need a good mobo for my Opteron in sig. A good overclocking mobo.

OP, what stepping did you receive? not remember lol.....I removed the internal HS to get cooler temps on the opty. I had a 165 opty and a dfi expert MB at 3.1 Ghz. The same Mushkin memory running at about 515 Mhz at 1t!!! Then I removed the ihs and did not remove spacers on water jacket and of course fried the CPU and MB.....just BRILLIANT!!!!


Platinum Member
Jan 4, 2005
Man! a 3 GHZ OC on an S939? with a GTX 280? Damn. Nice frickin' OC.

I resurrected an S939 NForce4-based box with an X2 3800 and OC'd it without ANY effort to 2.5 GHz. Fastest machine in our startup company (they're really cheap with computers). Now if I could get the damn Asus chipset drivers to install into XP (grrr).


May 5, 2004
Originally posted by: chizow
Free performance from overclocking is always nice. Do you have any comparison benches without overclocking?

Far Cry 2 CPU Comparison

FC2 does seem to be very CPU intensive and looks to get a pretty big increase just around your stock to OC performance levels (A64 X2 5000 to 6000 shows a huge increase).

Opty stock:

CPU Clock 2010.3 MHz (original: 2000 MHz)
CPU Multiplier 10x
CPU FSB 201.0 MHz (original: 200 MHz)
HyperTransport Clock 1005.1 MHz
Memory Timings 2.5-3-3-5 (CL-RCD-RP-RAS)
Command Rate (CR) 1T

Settings: Demo(Ranch Small), 1920x1200 (60Hz), D3D10, Fixed Time Step(No), Disable Artificial Intelligence(No), Full Screen, Anti-Aliasing(4x), VSync(No), Overall Quality(Ultra High), Vegetation(Very High), Shading(Ultra High), Terrain(Ultra High), Geometry(Ultra High), Post FX(High), Texture(Ultra High), Shadow(Ultra High), Ambient(High), Hdr(Yes), Bloom(Yes), Fire(Very High), Physics(Very High), RealTrees(Very High)

Loop 1

* Total Frames: 1499, Total Time: 51.02s
* Average Framerate: 29.38
* Max. Framerate: 46.65 (Frame:252, 6.89s)
* Min. Framerate: 18.56 (Frame:1086, 36.70s)

Loop 2

* Total Frames: 1499, Total Time: 51.00s
* Average Framerate: 29.39
* Max. Framerate: 46.22 (Frame:207, 6.27s)
* Min. Framerate: 19.93 (Frame:886, 29.00s)

Loop 3

* Total Frames: 1510, Total Time: 51.03s
* Average Framerate: 29.59
* Max. Framerate: 47.04 (Frame:242, 6.60s)
* Min. Framerate: 18.24 (Frame:715, 23.11s)

Average Results

* Average Framerate: 29.45
* Max. Framerate: 45.99
* Min. Framerate: 20.88

Ouch!! That is just over 1GHz difference


May 5, 2004
Originally posted by: BTRY B 529th FA BN
I really need a good mobo for my Opteron in sig. A good overclocking mobo.

OP, what stepping did you receive?

Sorry...I do have stepping info....CPU Stepping JH-E6


Diamond Member
Jul 4, 2005
And I thought I was bottle necked in Far Cry 2 when I had the HD3870 and a Athlon 64 3500+ @ 2.2GHz.


Diamond Member
May 26, 2004
Originally posted by: 413xram

Average Results

* Average Framerate: 29.45
* Max. Framerate: 45.99
* Min. Framerate: 20.88

Ouch!! That is just over 1GHz difference

Well, you knew you were CPU limited by a GTX280 on a S939. This just confirms it. Dropping the CPU speed to ~66% of what it was before, you dropped to framerates about 72% of what they were for average and minimum. That's about as close to 1:1 scaling as you're going to find in gaming benchmarks.

max drops by a lower percentage, but really who cares what max framerate is when you're minimum is in danger of dropping below 20.


May 5, 2004
More info on "bottleneck" of CPU........not a big suprise. Thought I would throw it out there anyways.

GPU@700MHz..........602MHz is stock.

Run 1
Settings: Demo(Ranch Small), 1920x1200 (60Hz), D3D10, Fixed Time Step(No), Disable Artificial Intelligence(No), Full Screen, Anti-Aliasing(4x), VSync(No), Overall Quality(Ultra High), Vegetation(Very High), Shading(Ultra High), Terrain(Ultra High), Geometry(Ultra High), Post FX(High), Texture(Ultra High), Shadow(Ultra High), Ambient(High), Hdr(Yes), Bloom(Yes), Fire(Very High), Physics(Very High), RealTrees(Very High)

Loop 1

* Total Frames: 2029, Total Time: 51.01s
* Average Framerate: 39.78
* Max. Framerate: 60.55 (Frame:302, 6.46s)
* Min. Framerate: 23.99 (Frame:1244, 30.19s)

Loop 2

* Total Frames: 1978, Total Time: 51.01s
* Average Framerate: 38.78
* Max. Framerate: 59.21 (Frame:313, 6.74s)
* Min. Framerate: 28.12 (Frame:1362, 34.67s)

Loop 3

* Total Frames: 1993, Total Time: 51.02s
* Average Framerate: 39.06
* Max. Framerate: 58.31 (Frame:297, 6.47s)
* Min. Framerate: 27.92 (Frame:1367, 34.86s

Average Results

* Average Framerate: 39.21
* Max. Framerate: 59.12
* Min. Framerate: 28.02

Very happy to have Water cooling or would be buying a new machine..

Have a nice Turkey Day everyone!
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