AMD Adrenalin Wattman &^$#'s Radeon R9's = SOLVED Maybe?


Platinum Member
Nov 20, 2010
Once Adrenalin is installed and after updating Win7 or 8 you can NOT revert back to Catalyst, Crimson perhaps.

amd-catalyst-15.7.1-with-dotnet45-win7-64bit worked along with TRIXX giving me Freesync and FULL mhz & voltage control for my R9 290X's but updating to Adrenalin messed it up. Wattman fan control doesn't exist for R9's.

Wattman is a total screw up with a horrible interface that doesn't work on R9's in my opinion.

What's your take on this?
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Apr 27, 2000
Catalyst 15.7.1 is ancient. Why use such an old driver? Try something from May/June 2017, right before RX Vega launched.

edit: maybe try this driver?

Personally I had no problems with any AMD driver released up to January 2018 which is when I switched over from a 390 to a Vega FE. If Wattman isn't giving you good fan control, maybe you should use something like TRIXX or Afterburner instead?


Senior member
May 22, 2015
Strange, I had a R9 290 and I had no such issues with Adrenalin drivers till December 2018 when I switched to Vega.


Golden Member
Dec 5, 2014

I'm familiar with all of these, thanks. I do my my fair share of all that every now and then.

Just so you see what you can do with HBR, since my card is a reference model with better cooling I'm using The Stilt's BIOS for the 290x which has some improvements for that model (improved VRM tuning, better memory timings).

Taking one of these BIOSes, in particular one that has no voltage offset baked in, I've then done the following:

I then only had to modify the device ID to match the 290's (67B1) instead of the 290X (67B0) or else the card wouldn't boot on my Ryzen rig. My Sandy rig didn't care for that and booted straight away with a 290X BIOS on a 290.

Both already include a "+50%" power limit.

I just then flip the BIOS switch to boot up whatever I need at the time. I usually keep my card running with the power saving BIOS.

It's a shame AMD locked down their BIOSes again with later cards, this amount of control is very useful... Vega is almost completely locked down, meh.

If you ever want to do something like this to your cards or go beyond software control, I can help you out. There's some trial and error, sure, but it's worth it.
Reactions: EXCellR8


Apr 27, 2000
DrMrLord: Thanks - Your the man ;o)

That: Driver did the job and TRIXX is now working properly.

Thanks Vodka but I'm not interested in modifying the 290X Bios; however, I have modified main board bios's .

Glad it worked for you. Other, newer drivers might also work, but I doubt that AMD has done much to improve functionality of a Hawaii card since then. You are mostly going to see Polaris and Vega improvements in those drivers.


Diamond Member
Sep 1, 2010
Just so you see what you can do with HBR, since my card is a reference model with better cooling I'm using The Stilt's BIOS for the 290x which has some improvements for that model (improved VRM tuning, better memory timings).

I'm running a reference model Sapphire 290X with a FC block on it and I should check this out. No interest in modding myself, but a better BIOS would be welcome.


Platinum Member
Nov 20, 2010
Vodka: You got my interest now ;o)

I got 4 reference R9 290X's, 2 with Hynix and 2 with Alpida memory. 2 are under water in X-Fire on an ASUS P8Z68-V Pro GEN3/i7 2700K with 16GB Samsung Green ram - It's an old rig but FAST and I just can't seem to retire her ;o)

CPU idols at 1600mhz and spikes to 4800 or 5100 mhz's (Pending UEFI Profile) and X-Fire 290X's at 1150 by 1600 mhz's = SOLID NO Artifacts in Video Benching - All under 80C and Water.

No doubt she's fast and JOY to play with.

Really - I got STOP thinking about NanoTec RAID-0 M2 Sata and NVME PCIE with a 16 Core CPU. My old Sandy Bridge and 290x's is still in the running as long you can Tweak and Cool it with a BIG Power supply.

Vodka - My nick is Scotch or SafeMode and have burnt too many brain cells to be sane - ROLF
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Platinum Member
Nov 20, 2010
Really HATE this RGB redacted - Most my builds are open on a card table.

Wanna Gamble playing Cribbage ;o)

DrMrLord : Posted a fast answer on my dilemma it worked worked - As to why I am AnandTech Forum Member - Apparently GURU's trend here under Alienist's.

Vodka: I assme your Russian an Anti-Intel ;o)

Profanity isn't allowed in the
tech areas.

AT Mod Usandthem
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Memory & Storage, Graphics Cards Mod Elite Member
Super Moderator
Sep 13, 2008
Honestly I just use the latest drivers with my AMD cards, as they have support for newer games. I currently have some R9 290s, R9 Furys, an RX 580 and an RX Vega Nitro 64. All worked fine with newer drivers.

What exactly is the issue you are having with them?


Golden Member
Dec 5, 2014
I can't help but scratch my head. What the hell?

Vodka - My nick is Scotch or SafeMode and have burnt too many brain cells to be sane - ROLF


Vodka: I assme your Russian an Anti-Intel ;o)

Neither Russian nor Anti-Intel.

I'm anti monopolistic and anti consumer practices, both of which have been embodied in Intel and nV these past few years, for example. If AMD ever goes down that path provided they continue their success and become stronger, then I'll oppose them too.

Enough offtopic. Anyway, I've given you enough clues to figure out whatever you want to do with your cards if you decide to do some BIOS modding, I won't be answering any more.

Good luck!


Platinum Member
Nov 20, 2010
Honestly I just use the latest drivers with my AMD cards, as they have support for newer games. I currently have some R9 290s, R9 Furys, an RX 580 and an RX Vega Nitro 64. All worked fine with newer drivers.

What exactly is the issue you are having with them?
Fan Control is just one issue R9 200 and 300 unlocked Hawaii Radeons have regarding Adrenalin Wattman. Here's an eg:

Another issue is implementing a stable VDDC and power limit. Aside from having a horrible interface, Adrenalin Wattman &^$#'s Radeon R9's.

For your info I'm running Win7 Ultimate 64-Bit SP1 totally updated. In about a years time, if 7nm arrives, I 'm considering building a new rig with Win10. In the mean time I'm not about to discard Win7 64-Bit/Sandy Bridge/Z68/i7 2700k and X-Fire 290X that has run for years consistent at 4800 to 5100 Mhz with X-Fire 290X's maxed stable without artifacts at 1105/1600/150/50 - Of course under water and you need at least a 1000 Watt PSU.

The best driver I had was the amd-catalyst-14.6-rc2-windows-june23. Worked fantastic with TRIXX until MS started updating .Netframework 4.5. Now Catalyist will not install nor will most Crimson with Wattman - Is it Win7/8 specific ? - I do not know.

I'm discussing Reference & AIB R9 200 and 300 Series Radeon's - Not modified. AMD needs give the option to disable Wattman with their Adrenalin Driver for these Cards for Win7 and 8 - Considering MS is abandoning.

1st response from DrMrLord gave me a working ground - Not Perfect but doable - Got to give that Man credit because he read my search and answered responsibly.

Big jump from a power hungry 28 Nm to 7 Nm core after 12 years running the same frequency - Humm - Big changes are about to happen within the next 2 years - Hope I live that long ;o)

Forgive my editing as I'm rather dyslectic but I know a 13 year old 28Nm ATi AMD Hawawii R9 290X Radeon can perform just as well as a Modern nVidia GTX 2070Ti, if we are allowed to do it.
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Platinum Member
Nov 20, 2010
It seems there is no way I can OC the R9 card properly with either Crimson or Adrenalin drivers with Wattman on Win 7 64-Bit after updating .netframework 4.5; were as, if I had kept the old Catalyst driver on board along with TRIXX I could - Humm = Crap.

After updating .netframework 4.5, I can no longer install Catalyst drivers.

There's gotta be work around over this dilemma.

Perhaps uninstalling .netframework 4.5 and start over by installing Catalyst with it's version of .netframework then update it from MS ?


Apr 27, 2000
Why would a .NET framework prevent you from using older Catalyst driver packages?


Memory & Storage, Graphics Cards Mod Elite Member
Super Moderator
Sep 13, 2008
You could try the later drivers with MSI afterburner. Or see if they play nice in Windows 10.


Platinum Member
Nov 20, 2010

I'm in the process of cleaning my 2008 hardware - Took out my Alpida Sapphire XSPC H2O RAZOR R9's in X-Fire and run the platform on a card table. In the mean time, I mounted an AMD Radeon R9 290X with Hynix memory Reference Card. Well it seems, I can't access the Hynix memory to OC it. Whenever I attempt to, the card goes into sleep mode. I did flash it with the most updated AMD R9 290X BIOS - What's really strange is that this card does NOT have a functional Quiet/Uber MODE Dual Bios Switch. I have heard, in the past, where Reference AMD Radeon R9 290X card owners where not able to OC Hynix memory.

The GPU OC's works wonderfully but when I assign any OC'g to the Hynix memory the card craps. With Hynix Mem, I can generally ramp it to 1600Mhz+ with tight timing but this card craps above 1250Mhz.

What about turn around - Am I on the right track ? Perhaps Vodka is right and I should look into modifying the BIOS for a Mem/Clock pass through.

Generally, I really don't care for something that is temporary but it's something like a RAT gnawing on my brain.

I'm going to do a PCB ID search on this AMD Reference 290X card - Strange Card.

Without a doubt the R9 290X is an old card and consumes twice the power of an equivalent GTX 2060Ti but I got as few of them.
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Platinum Member
Nov 20, 2010
Here are my results - SOLVED.

[OC'g AMD R9 290X Reference Card with HYNIX on AIR]

(NOTE: Single BIOS - No Switch Strange)

Flashed card with "M375P.bin" @ 1075x1375x37x0 = Valley score of 2706

TRIXX @ 1105x1375x37x10 = Valley score of 2861

TRIXX @ 1125x1375x27x10 = Valley score of 2863

Anything higher causes card to Throttle and Artefact.

NOTE: You can NOT use TRIXX Software to change the HYNIX Memory
Frequency or the card will limp into a safe state.

I know for certain you can run HYNIX memory @ 1600 Mhz's but this will do for an interim card ;o)

I can get a Gigabyte Reference R9 290X with Alpida memory to run a flawless 2940 Valley Bench with TRIXX set at 1180x1500x143x?
Can't remember the Power state. Hynix likes Voltage, really wanted to beat that 3000 Score ;o(

Dual Sapphires with Alpida Memory (AKA the Sapphire R9 290X2) under Water can score 4700 with a 150 VDDC and stay under 80C on the Mosfets.

Thanks very much for your help people.

It was rather unnerving flashing this card with only one bios module
Never came across a 290X like this one.
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Platinum Member
Nov 20, 2010
Just for our forum Member's Info there are only 3 Hawaii Reference Cards, to my knowledge, AMD, Sapphire and Gigabyte.

All AMD Reference (FE) cards come with Hynix (perhaps Samsung) and the majority of Sapphire and Gigabyte cards come with Aplida memory.

Alpida Memory likes VDDC Voltage to perform up to 1500 Mhz's were as HYNIX can hit 1600 Mhz's with much lower VDDC Voltage thus Less Heat and thermal throttling.

Closet I came to breaking a 3000 score, as per AnandTech setting with Valley, was with a Reference Gigabyte 290X for a 2940 score and reference cooler.

Under Water these Cards work like Gang Busters, Of course your going to need a BIG Wattage Hi-End Stable PSU. Say at least a 1000 Watt Seasonic, Corsair or XFX grade PSU for X-Fire 290X's Reference Cards under water.
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Platinum Member
Nov 20, 2010
If I can jack up that Hynix Mem to 1600Mhz with what VDDC ?, I'm sure, I hit well over a flawless 3000 Valley Score on a Z68 MB/ I7 2700K with a reference AMD R9 290X.

I do not not bench unless my system has been running for atleast 24 hours.

Gotta say that AMD Reference 290X Card (Single BOIS or not) has the BEST OEM FAN of any 290X's I've encountered.

Surely gives a nVidia GTX 1060ti a run for the money for a $150 used card.
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Platinum Member
Nov 20, 2010
Adrenalen gives me the ability to OC the Memory but if you do it you can not OC the Monitor or you get a flaky screen.

Therefore, if you want to go above 60 Hz on the monitor you have to leave Mem Clock at 1375 Mhz's , considering I've flashed the card at 1075x1375x37x0 and the cards temp does go up by about 10C. Hynix ram can easily do 1600Mhz's.

TRIXX @ 1125x1375x37x10 = Valley score of 2906 with Monitor at 60 Hz or OC'd at 144Hz . Perfect for Gaming with Freesyc.

Wattman always complains that it has to reset when changing card specs with TRIXX.

Can't make sense of this other then AMD Driver with Wattman is *&%$'g with the R9 290X and yes I played around with TRIXX Void and Disabled using stupid Wattman tweaks and it does the same thing. Just wish AMD would release a Driver without Wattman for our R9 290X's FE's after all it's totally unlocked Card.

I have a set Sapphire R9 290X FE's with Alpida Memory under XSPC water blocks in X-Fire; however, they where not used with a 144Hz Freesyc Monitor - These cards together at idol are about about equivalent to a GTX 1080 and will chase a 1080 ti OC'd - So now you know what I'm looking at.

When and if I play Games, I prefer 1440p over 1080p on and 27" QHD 2K 2560x1440p IPS 144 Hz Flat Screen Freesyc Monitor mainly because I have an old system with a load of R9 290X FE Cards ;o)

This is my old rig I want to save as it's still very competitive - Mind you those HHD's have been replaced with SSD's: and:

That Valley bench score is just a stock clock for these cards, under water that is. Note the two dead end RGB lights for the XSPC GPU Coolers - Never planted them - Hate RGB.
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