AMD Congratulates Nintendo for the Wii


Senior member
Feb 12, 2006
In case you missed it...
Guess this kinda kills the naysayers that said ATI will still exist.. the signs in Markham are down, replaced with AMD signs... and now this.

SUNNYVALE, CALIF -- November 21, 2006 --AMD (NYSE: AMD) today congratulates Nintendo on the successful launch of the revolutionary Wii? video gaming console. The AMD ?Hollywood? graphics processor resulted in Nintendo delivering a brand new level of immersive gameplay and interaction for consumers in North America.

AMD Hollywood GPU.. sounds much better than ATI.

And notice on the side where it says "AMD press releases"?
Under their subheadings the first one is
Graphics and Media Processors, formerly ATI

As I've said, this was a buyout. Not a marriage, not a merger. A buyout.
The company formerly known as ATI is now nothing more than a part of AMD.

The AMD Hollywood (mmmk? Thanks)
The Graphics and Media Processors... formerly ATI.

Just wanted to make sure some of the naysayers who've been calling this a "marriage" finally realized this and woke up to this.

They'll milk every dollar left out of the ATI brandname from the fanboys, and then switch everything to strengthen the AMD name.. which would be a better longterm solution anyway. Its not like AMD is a household name itself, like Intel.
Not to mention the AMD Firestream news.


Senior member
Dec 24, 2004
Good for you, you're a nvidia fanboy, otherwise they would "milk" you, right?

But seriously, do you even know why this may or may not be relevant?


Diamond Member
Mar 17, 2006
AMD Hollywood GPU.. sounds much better than ATI.
Are you saying that a GPU's sound or name makes it better?

Where in that article were they discussing the Wii's awesome graphics? Seems to me they only said that the Wii was:
...delivering a brand new level of immersive gameplay and interaction for consumers in North America.
People aren't buying the Wii because it offers great graphics, they're buying it because it is much cheaper than the competition and for the normal Nintendo titles--not to mention some are interested in the controller and its interactiveness.

The AMD Hollywood (mmmk? Thanks)
The Graphics and Media Processors... formerly ATI.
mmmk? And? Call it what you want, I wouldn't be the bit surprised if some of the same people are involved in the product, regardless of what label is slapped on it before it ships.
Just wanted to make sure some of the naysayers who've been calling this a "marriage" finally realized this and woke up to this.
So PM them. Why do you have to display your drama queen, fanboyism "clarification" and make a thread? The real reason why you made this thread is because you're a troll who has to be arguing about something.

Even when everyone is in a complete agreement that Nvidia has the GPU crown right now you're still trumping the same idiotic tune.

1) We'll definitely find out in Q1 of 07 if the R600 will arrive with the Radeon title, so before you pre-ejaculate with glee that a "name" disappears, ya might want calm down and wait until we actually see the Newegg pics.

2) Does the name really matter? Obviously to you it does, but I don't care if it says "AMD" or "Hollywood" or "ShizinSilicon" long as it drives prices lower and competes against/beats a G80.


Senior member
May 17, 2005
I have to say, looking at the Wii's graphics in reviews, they are the most awful I have ever seen - on par with something like the original playstation, and a complete joke for modern consoles given that it costs alot more than even a PS2.

As for a name change to AMD silly graphics name, I'm an NVidia fan myself, but I much prefer the name ATi, as it is a recognised decent brand of graphics processors. AMD Hollywood sounds naff.

This thread *seems* like more of an ATi bashing attempt, rather than providing anything useful, but I don't want to jump to any harsh conclusions first, so lets let the OP respond.


Diamond Member
Jun 22, 2006
Originally posted by: A554SS1N
I have to say, looking at the Wii's graphics in reviews, they are the most awful I have ever seen - on par with something like the original playstation, and a complete joke for modern consoles given that it costs alot more than even a PS2.

As for a name change to AMD silly graphics name, I'm an NVidia fan myself, but I much prefer the name ATi, as it is a recognised decent brand of graphics processors. AMD Hollywood sounds naff.

This thread *seems* like more of an ATi bashing attempt, rather than providing anything useful, but I don't want to jump to any harsh conclusions first, so lets let the OP respond.

I have to ask, did you ever play on Gamecube? Many games look better than a Xbox, (metroid prime, resident evil, etc) and the Wii has about 2x more graphic power so those "reviews" must have been throwing out bad quality videos


Belgian Waffler
Jan 2, 2001
Originally posted by: josh6079
People aren't buying the Wii because it offers great graphics, they're buying it because it is much cheaper than the competition and for the normal Nintendo titles--not to mention some are interested in the controller and its interactiveness.

Here-here! QFT. 3 of the 4 reasons I will be purchasing a Wii in the upcoming months. As much as I want a 360 myself (and will get one), your point #1 sits well with the wife, point 2 is pure gold (can't get Mario anything on any other system), not to mention the Wii titles will be more "family friendly" to my 4 through 7 year old kids, and my wife, and point #3... well that goes without saying. I can't wait to play tennis.

The graphics to me are going to be on par with everything else. It's just a matter of genre - Nintendo isn't about realism. Zelda, Mario, Samus... they're all fictional characters designed to engross the younger folk. Why the hell did World of Warcraft become so popular? The graphics are GOOD, but they inspire a ton of 12 year olds to play the cartoony games. The Wii isn't about Resident Evil and Quake... it's about Mario and Zelda.

Thus ends my little diatribe.



Oct 15, 1999
Originally posted by: A554SS1N
I have to say, looking at the Wii's graphics in reviews, they are the most awful I have ever seen - on par with something like the original playstation, and a complete joke for modern consoles given that it costs alot more than even a PS2.

As for a name change to AMD silly graphics name, I'm an NVidia fan myself, but I much prefer the name ATi, as it is a recognised decent brand of graphics processors. AMD Hollywood sounds naff.

This thread *seems* like more of an ATi bashing attempt, rather than providing anything useful, but I don't want to jump to any harsh conclusions first, so lets let the OP respond.

The whole point of this thread is ATI bashing. Crusader took over Rollo's job after he admited to being a paid shill. If every card nvidia ever made caught fire tomorrow, Crusader would post about how great it was that nvidia was helping people keep home heating costs down, and when was the last time ATI ever did anything to help the little guy?
He's a troll, and not a very good one.


Platinum Member
Nov 10, 1999
I am buying Wii because of the games, I personally only like GT series from PS2, other than that, I play like Mario, Mario Cart and games like those. You know, not all that people buying a game console for the graphics; you might call nintendo making some stupid games, but the games are more suitable for all ages.


Diamond Member
Jun 22, 2006
Originally posted by: Greenman
Originally posted by: A554SS1N
I have to say, looking at the Wii's graphics in reviews, they are the most awful I have ever seen - on par with something like the original playstation, and a complete joke for modern consoles given that it costs alot more than even a PS2.

As for a name change to AMD silly graphics name, I'm an NVidia fan myself, but I much prefer the name ATi, as it is a recognised decent brand of graphics processors. AMD Hollywood sounds naff.

This thread *seems* like more of an ATi bashing attempt, rather than providing anything useful, but I don't want to jump to any harsh conclusions first, so lets let the OP respond.

The whole point of this thread is ATI bashing. Crusader took over Rollo's job after he admited to being a paid shill. If every card nvidia ever made caught fire tomorrow, Crusader would post about how great it was that nvidia was helping people keep home heating costs down, and when was the last time ATI ever did anything to help the little guy?
He's a troll, and not a very good one.

:laugh: So true...


Diamond Member
Mar 31, 2005
Next thing you know AMD will Congratulate Xbox 360's R500. AMD is now makes components for 2/3 of next gen.


Senior member
May 17, 2005
Originally posted by: ShadowOfMyself

I have to ask, did you ever play on Gamecube? Many games look better than a Xbox, (metroid prime, resident evil, etc) and the Wii has about 2x more graphic power so those "reviews" must have been throwing out bad quality videos

No, but I've been comparing screenshots on Gamespot, and games like COD3 for example look horrible. There's no other word for it. it's worse than I thought it would be, anyway, and a quick look at PS2 games reviews and they looked better. As PS2 is cheaper, that sounds like the better deal. Maybe it's just the initial group of games, I dunno...


Senior member
May 17, 2005
Originally posted by: Greenman
If every card nvidia ever made caught fire tomorrow, Crusader would post about how great it was that nvidia was helping people keep home heating costs down,




Diamond Member
Jul 28, 2001
What the article should have said is:

SUNNYVALE, CALIF -- November 21, 2006 --AMD (NYSE: AMD) today congratulates Nintendo on the successful launch of the most incapable console on the market

Wii is a joke, only Nintendo fanbois and households with young children are excused for buying Wii. Although, if I had younger kids I'd still buy a 360 or PS3 and jsut tell my kids to go read a book or do homework or something.


Elite Member
Jan 4, 2004
Crusader, you really don't realize how stupid you look do you?

I'd think he was AEG, but there's no way AEG would admit to having someone so naive working for them :laugh:


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2001
Originally posted by: Cooler
Next thing you know AMD will Congratulate Xbox 360's R500. AMD is now makes components for 2/3 of next gen.

yeah amd should be congratulating xbox 360 cuz the R500 is currently AMD/ATI most technologically advanced product. rivaling the tech of G80 (notice i said tech not speed)


Senior member
Feb 12, 2006
I knew I'd get flamed for this thread, but it really had to be done with as many pages that some of the regulars here have ranted on about ATI being a marriage with AMD. Yet theres nothing wrong with pointing out how AMD is referencing ATI as "formerly", at all. I know it might be a little prodding, but its the truth.
It was a buyout. Time to wakeup.

Theres nothing wrong with becoming AMD supporters, but ATI as you knew it is gone..
I have nothing against AMD, unless they produce the same quality of support as I experienced with the former ATI.

Once AMD gets a fair amount of time/chance to get their company together and reorganized, I'm more than willing to purchase AMD GPUs. All the problems and bugs I encountered (and the bias created from that) had nothing to do with AMD, theres no reason for people who prefer Nvidia product to hate AMD GPUs yet IMO.

But theres a lot of people here fighting for the memory of ATI, and the company is just gone.
AMDs running the show now, and that can only mean improvements.

The hatchet needs buried in ATIs memory and only AMD itself will convince these guys.

Though I agree that pretending ATI exists as it did before for one more round with R600 is kinda fun. The game really is over after that.. ATI is gone and NV triumphed in the GPU wars (over Rendition, 3dfx, Matrox, STIMircro and ATI).
Until we see if AMD continues on, or if someone else steps up.


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2002
Originally posted by: A554SS1N
I have to say, looking at the Wii's graphics in reviews, they are the most awful I have ever seen - on par with something like the original playstation, and a complete joke for modern consoles given that it costs alot more than even a PS2.

As for a name change to AMD silly graphics name, I'm an NVidia fan myself, but I much prefer the name ATi, as it is a recognised decent brand of graphics processors. AMD Hollywood sounds naff.

This thread *seems* like more of an ATi bashing attempt, rather than providing anything useful, but I don't want to jump to any harsh conclusions first, so lets let the OP respond.

You do realize that a Wii is basically just a Gamecube on roids, but is still more powerful than PS2, Xbox or Gamecube, right?

Zelda (a Gamecube title through its whole development life) on Wii looks as good as anything from that generation and Wii Sports is hardly benchmark material for comparison to previous gens.

The Raven

Senior member
Oct 11, 2005
I agree that we should all wait and see what happens. Just because AMD calls some of their product "AMD Hollywood" doesn't mean that they won't be using the "ATI" name. Think, Lexus and Toyota. One of the reasons that AMD bought ATI for was to become more of a competitor with Intel. Because Intel has a graphics division that they couldn't compete with before. (Onboard graphics are bigger than you might think.)

So anyway the point is that (like it has been said before) we should wait and see how they use the ATI name. I think there is a lot of stock in the name (eventhough I have been more of an nVidia fanboy for most of my life) and personally think that AMD should use it to their advantage.


Diamond Member
Apr 8, 2005
Originally posted by: Matt2
Does Wii(k) do HDTV?

That's why I predict Wii will be extremely successful as compared to other new console player such as PS3.
Who needs 1080p in order to play console games?
Not average Joe's income for sure.
Sony has never learned its painful Beta format lesson.


Diamond Member
Jul 28, 2001
Originally posted by: videopho
Originally posted by: Matt2
Does Wii(k) do HDTV?

That's why I predict Wii will be extremely successful as compared to other new console player such as PS3.
Who needs 1080p in order to play console games?
Not average Joe's income for sure.
Sony has never learned its painful Beta format lesson.

Yeah but for those who have HDTVs it'll look like ass.

Wii(k) would be cool if I was like 5 or 6 years old and that was the only console my mom and dad would get me for Christmas (Gotta be better than V-Flash right?). I dont know how you guys can spend your hard earned cash on something that is so incapable. It doesnt even play DVDs.


Senior member
May 17, 2005
Originally posted by: jiffylube1024
Originally posted by: A554SS1N
I have to say, looking at the Wii's graphics in reviews, they are the most awful I have ever seen - on par with something like the original playstation, and a complete joke for modern consoles given that it costs alot more than even a PS2.

As for a name change to AMD silly graphics name, I'm an NVidia fan myself, but I much prefer the name ATi, as it is a recognised decent brand of graphics processors. AMD Hollywood sounds naff.

This thread *seems* like more of an ATi bashing attempt, rather than providing anything useful, but I don't want to jump to any harsh conclusions first, so lets let the OP respond.

You do realize that a Wii is basically just a Gamecube on roids, but is still more powerful than PS2, Xbox or Gamecube, right?

Zelda (a Gamecube title through its whole development life) on Wii looks as good as anything from that generation and Wii Sports is hardly benchmark material for comparison to previous gens.

I hear what you're saying, but I'm telling you what my eyes see, and it's bad! I had a good laugh on MSN the otehr day with a friend about how much of a con it is for the price!!
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