AMD Ryzen 3000 Builders Thread

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Moderator Emeritus, Elite Member
May 16, 2002
I spent the weekend putting together a 3600 system for a friend, and I must say I am very impressed, as I thought I would be.

Paired it up with a MSI B450 Mortar MAX, 16Gb of GSkill 3600 ram at C16, 1TB Western Digital Blue N550 SSD and everything has been flawless and so fast.

This was the first time I have installed Windows off a USB stick, so I was nervous about whether it would work or not, but it went very smoothly.

I nearly doubled up my friends order and get myself a 3600 system too, but I am now going to wait for Zen 3 / Ryzen 4000 and see what that looks like.
What was your last system ?


Platinum Member
Mar 31, 2009
So, now that you are impressed with the 3600 you are going to buy one. A convert ?
I've been signalling my intention to get a 3600 for a while now, but Covid has temporarily derailed my plans, so I think Zen 3 will be in my future, late this year or early next year.


Diamond Member
Oct 22, 2018
Interesting, apparently alternate realities do exist and i am proof of that! It's certainly not a Mandela Effect all i can say. I am joking of course but maybe not LOL.

The package as of 10:14am was supposed to be out for delivery, its now 9:23pm well past the typical time UPS delivers outside of ONE rare case where i got a package about this time so i check out the tracking again out of frustration again and well it apparently arrived at that time in town but still in transit. Occasional refreshes of the page switch between out for delivery and then arrival scan. The date still says the 5th end of day for delivery for either posted things.

All i can gather is that there may be a alternate reality where another me is getting a package but one of us is getting screwed over tonight. I assume the other me in the other reality is getting their package while i sit here utterly confused. Ups tracking is never this screwed up, if anything well i have gotten packages without at least being told its out for delivery. About as bad as i ever seen it.
Reactions: DarthKyrie


Golden Member
Nov 1, 2011
So, now that you are impressed with the 3600 you are going to buy one. A convert ?

I have a 9900k that I picked up day one and it's been fantastic, but unless Intel performs a miracle, I'll likely go AMD in 2022/2023, which will be a first for me. I've built a ton of Ryzen boxes and they've worked very well for friends/family.
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Reactions: mopardude87


Diamond Member
Oct 22, 2018
I am about 85% certain my package is coming today as "officially" tracking says it arrived here somehow at 2am despite it saying it got here at 10am yesterday ? Not sure HOW in the name of Hyperion and all that is holy that is possible but ok then. If the package does not come today then i am gonna rant more then a ticked off Dennis Leary/Joe Pesci but will spare the thread and forum it. The rant will be of epic proportions as that is how i vent when TICKED off and like death and taxes i guarantee some NSFW language. It says prepping for delivery which happens right before its out for delivery.

The 15% doubt is warrantied after yesterdays ordeal. Will update this post the second i see it out for delivery on the tracking. Yeah i have had 2 nights of little sleep over the excitement of getting this as it feels like Yuletide/Christmas to me. My earlier rant was WELL warrantied. I waited all day yesterday like a dog at a window waiting for his owner to come home and for nothing LOL.
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Platinum Member
Sep 20, 2000
MSI released a BIOS for the MPG X570 Gaming Edge WiFi motherboard. ( X570EDGEWIFI )
I tried to re-create the memory O/C I had but my memory wont boot at 2T now.
( I had to re-flash the new BIOS also )
Had to settle for 1T 16 15 15 15 32 --- ( from 2T 15 15 15 15 32 )
( remember - I have 2 x 16 )
Ran my standard testing - Ok so far.

Although, I lost a few nano, I am no longer having reboot freezes.

Not going to eeek any more out of this memory.
The test are unreliable anyway when your looking at nano's with multi-cores.
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Diamond Member
Oct 22, 2018
I got the goodies and was up all night tinkering with my main rig and upgrading my friends 2500k gaming rig to the 7700k as i worked on mine so it was a ton of back and fourth between them while working on a third computer which was my htpc that got the 2500k So far the cpu is beyond a legend and the weird lag i had with the 7700k when the gpu was pegged under Folding@Home is gone! Even in Eco mode as i am on stock cooler till i can get funds with my stimulus or next check, this gpu is more pegged then i ever seen it before and that is with BOINC running 50% of my cpu.

For those not running eco, it drops the cpu power down so much and it clocks ballpark 3.8-3.9ghz on moderate to heavy loads. Have yet to do a full load as well i like real world scenario testing over running like prime95 and with reviews from toms hardware showing 90w under load in AIDA64 i was convinced. Its still destroying the 9900k in some select apps at a fraction of the power consumption too!

My mind is beyond blown right now at this processor, my only regret is that i lacked the funds immediately for a NH-D15 or else this would not not be in Eco mode right now. 90+ cel temps on my new baby won't fly so i could wait. Hoping my stimulus comes or else its its my next check. Loading at most 59cel if and when cpu usage decides to hit about 73% but its like at 56% with two chrome tabs open, Boinc running 50% of the cpu and Folding@Home on the 1080ti.

Enabling Eco mode on a 3900x more or less does the same thing as this. I got no idea why more oems aren't sticking to this new 3900 non k, its simply a TITAN of a cpu like holy Hyperion its a badass. Anyone thinking of getting one rest assured its worth EVERY DAMN PENNY!


Diamond Member
Aug 2, 2005
I officially hate AMD. 😉

I have been tempted to throw together a Zen 2 based Mini ITX system for months now. The two things that stood in my way are:

  1. I know I will want to upgrade to Zen 3, so I was a bit concerned with chipset compatibility.
  2. I don’t want to drop money on a 3900 or 3950X only to have to flip the chip in 6 months or so.
Then they had to release a statement regarding Zen 3 compatibility along with an entry level Zen 2 product that is available for pennies...
Reactions: lightmanek


Jan 8, 2001
MSI released a BIOS for the MPG X570 Gaming Edge WiFi motherboard. ( X570EDGEWIFI )
I tried to re-create the memory O/C I had but my memory wont boot at 2T now.
( I had to re-flash the new BIOS also )
Had to settle for 1T 16 15 15 15 32 --- ( from 2T 15 15 15 15 32 )
( remember - I have 2 x 16 )
Ran my standard testing - Ok so far.

Although, I lost a few nano, I am no longer having reboot freezes.

Not going to eeek any more out of this memory.
The test are unreliable anyway when your looking at nano's with multi-cores.

Yeah, I downloaded to latest BIOS for my Unity hoping it would fix a few issues (comboPI Now I can't hit my previous memory clocks and existing issues are still there.
Existing issues:
Can't get into BIOS without doing a clear CMOS (monitor and keyboard go blank about the time the my option to enter BIOS should be shown, hitting DEL does nothing).**
Wake on USB doesn't work. If I touch my mouse or keyboard, they light up, but the computer stays asleep.
Wake on RTC doesn't work.
I don't see much about these issues online (last I looked), so I guess I'm just lucky. Last MSI mobo for me - ever

** curiously, If I don't change anything in the bios, I can reboot and enter it.


Diamond Member
Oct 22, 2018
Messing around with Ryzen master and all i can say is damn AMD, you got more game then the EA.

I love these presets you can apply , test and reboot and activate. THAT is the best damn thing i swear on anything since kushie punch edibles 100mg indica packs well for me since its legal here When i am not gaming, i would hate to Eco mode my 3900x when its sittingat 81% cpu usage and 3.7ghzand running at 59cel. I opened up Ryzen Master and applied the default profile under profile 2.

Lisa Su or whoever pulled off this sorta Sorcery,but if you past away for the love of Hyperion PLEASE have this done to your skull so you can continue your sorcery AFTER your dead. We need many years of such awesome from you . If you don't believe in such things, it still would be cool to do. I am a skeptic to it but meh you never know. I just love the idea.

Edit: earlier temps and stuff were based on game mode, i didn't realize i was locked to only half the processor. Now its unlocked so i fixed my findings. Sorry for any confusion with my numbers earlier.
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Diamond Member
Oct 22, 2018
I finally got the desktop dialed in perfectly thanks to help from Markfw, he spent much time helping me as i had issues at first with memory issue and some BOINC tasks sitting in a queue with no memory for them. I plan on another 16gb 3600mhz kit then i should be able to run BOINC at 95% instead of at 75%. . Yeah this 3900x is set up under default profile under custom 2 settings in Ryzen Master. For its time , this 3900x officially lands as my favorite cpu purchase of all time. I plan on getting a Dark Rock Pro 4 the second i get paid again or stimulus comes in whichever happens first. Temp for cpu is on stock cooler with fan ramped to 100%

This rig is essentially at full filt, well as full tilt as 16gb of ram will let it be.

Edit: added better recent picture.
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Golden Member
Nov 27, 2007
Finally have my 3800X rig built. Stupid fast at stock. Turns out my X58 Forever slogan really was more exaggerated than initially claimed. ;-)

Oh well... Hope to get all my weirdo audio/video/motion graphic software installed and tweaked in time for either a Zen 3 upgrade (Asrock permitting) or one of Mark's 3950X castoffs in the fall.

The biggest issue so far is not the hardware, but the extra time spent de-crapifying Win10 to make a lean OS that doesn't spend most of its time between updates sending my data to the mothership.


Platinum Member
Sep 20, 2000
P95 weirdness - Looking for All Core O/C peak.

3800x - air cooled - AUTO everything on CPU except FSB & IF

I noticed that P95 was not reaching my " boost clock "
( multi bouncing from 41 to 41.25 @ 101.435 mhz with IF @ 1900 )

4100 ? peak for p95 ?
( AIDA was showing a boost of 4600 occasionally ( usually 4580 ))

Began to wonder what algorithm that determines the multiplier for P95.
Also noticed that P95 will keep running even though a thread fails.
( watching the 100% utilization )

P95 was always failing on my last quest for an all-core O/C

Now -- new BIOS - Vcore 1.38
Dropped FSB to 101.00 x 43.25 @ 1900 IF - everything else on AUTO for CPU
( the BIOS FSB change reboot froze/hanged )

P95 without failure over 12 hrs @ 4367 ( no longer 4100 )
( and the reboot freeze occurred only during the reboot/update of FSB change )
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Apr 27, 2000

Are you talking Prime95 MT or ST? Prime95 MT won't get anywhere near your max boost clock. Also, you have some real stones if you're trying bclk OC.

As for what determines clockspeed in Prime95 or any other heavy AVX2 app, it's heavily related to current draw. High-current applications will cause clocks to drop like a rock. It has to stay within the 142W power envelope if your power settings are @ default. So it has to make compromises on voltage, due to high current draw and high temps. That forces down clocks.
Reactions: Noid


Platinum Member
Sep 20, 2000
Yes, HWiNFO64 in summary mode shows current Multi in realtime.
P95 needs to be watched. It keeps running " GREEN " even thou a thread errors out.

I just keep my temps in line. ( under 90C with a ambient of 80F )

2 BIOS settings now
1 for " Boost " @ 1.35v
1 for power hungry " All Core " @ 1.38v

very happy with 4367 Mhz @ 1900 IF + 101 FSB All Core

My memory was worth every penny.

Best of all ---- it's silent
( edit : and my iBuds have a 50 ft range from the box )
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Platinum Member
Sep 20, 2000
Beta BIOS released today ( WTF )

- Updated AMD AGESA ComboAm4PI

Not ready - still need 4 more hours on P95 with my already " new " BIOS


Diamond Member
Oct 22, 2018
People must have some of the worst luck with Ryzen, i heard horror stories but so far everything is working flawlessly. I boot up normally, not as much as a hint of a slowdown even when i had this thing maxed out. I am on AGESA ComboAm4PI

I can't imagine this setup getting any better. I got the October 19th i think Chipset drivers on recommendation of another forum member and its been good!
Reactions: scannall


Jan 8, 2001
People must have some of the worst luck with Ryzen, i heard horror stories but so far everything is working flawlessly. I boot up normally, not as much as a hint of a slowdown even when i had this thing maxed out. I am on AGESA ComboAm4PI

I can't imagine this setup getting any better. I got the October 19th i think Chipset drivers on recommendation of another forum member and its been good!
My system works well, so long as I don't want to get into the BIOS. And some bizarre problems waking out of sleep. Actually use is excellent.
Reactions: mopardude87


Diamond Member
Oct 22, 2018
Not sure why but i got a feeling the voltage may be to high on this 3900x? Now that i have settled on a profile i was told by another member to consider a 0.1v drop at least. I am sitting at 88% cpu usage, 79cel but the cpu according to both Master and Cpu-z is hitting 1.35v at 4.041ghz.If i need adjusting what would be the best way to do it?


Moderator Emeritus, Elite Member
May 16, 2002
Not sure why but i got a feeling the voltage may be to high on this 3900x? Now that i have settled on a profile i was told by another member to consider a 0.1v drop at least. I am sitting at 88% cpu usage, 79cel but the cpu according to both Master and Cpu-z is hitting 1.35v at 4.041ghz.If i need adjusting what would be the best way to do it?
Since your temps are OK< I would just leave well enough alone. Don't mess with success
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