Elite Member
- Jul 27, 2002
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@Markfw where did you find BIOS v5.61 for your x370 TaiChi? I can only see 5.60 on the ASRock site. I'm very interested how you get on with this as I have a x370 TaiChi, currently use a PS/2 keyboard and am planning on upgrading my r5 1600 to a r7 3700x.
I guess it's ok.the game is probably
only using a few threads so a fairly high voltage may be ok. 1.45 under light load is again what AMD says is normal but above what The Stilt says was the max safe low load voltage. PBO is supposed to monitor current and make sure it's safe but seeing higher voltages on 7nm than I was comfortable using with games on my 2500k makes me nervous!. I tried a manual all core overclock and it seemed stable @1.3 4200. the only issue was that the voltage does not go down at idle when setting manual voltage.
I am.on a noctua d15 and in winter do my temps are very low.
This is an international audience, yes?I've not followed this thread too closely, but it would appear the core OC results are broadly potato, no?
I've not followed this thread too closely, but it would appear the core OC results are broadly potato, no?
I do. If I feel adventurous, I've got a Asus B450-F ROG STRIX ATX, currently with a 2700 @ 4.0Ghz under 240mm AIO WC, and a X370 Gaming Gigabyte ATX board I could throw it into (no WC on that one).Do you have any other AM4 boards to test the chip with?
Question about cleaning thermal paste; there still seems to be a thin "stain" of paste even after cleaning with 70% alcohol. Is that going to be an issue for reapplying paste? Do I need to make sure it's 100% shiny?
I'm considering going to buy some acetone but I don't want to if it's not really necessary.
No, slightly normal discoloration from thermal paste is normal.
You'd likely have to lap the heat spreader to get it looking new.
That's basically been my experiences too, very "Zippy" overall. Also, very much so, with an all-core 4.0Ghz OC, which was pretty decent, and lowered my idle temps versus stock, but on all-core full-load (12 threads of PrimeGrid), temps went REALLY high. Not that I haven't been battling temps at stock, either.Plugged in a 3600 for a 2 year old 1600x in a asus b350m k mb. Some cheap corsair 3000 lpx ram. Plug and play. Standard xmp. Stock cooler.
Cpu seems far more responsive on web YouTube. Zippy office stuff. Ran overwatch at least 30% faster if not 40%. Dont know why. Havnt seen more stuff. Happy teen.
I do. If I feel adventurous, I've got a Asus B450-F ROG STRIX ATX, currently with a 2700 @ 4.0Ghz under 240mm AIO WC, and a X370 Gaming Gigabyte ATX board I could throw it into (no WC on that one).
The B450-F ROG STRIX was kind of a jerry-rigged fit, it didn't square up, and I only have like 2-3 mobo screws in, so I hesitate to mess with that, now that it's working. The other one, I could replace the 1600 with the 3600.
Anyways, I tried re-pasting my 3600 and Gammaxx 400 last night, no change in temps.
I had previously put a thin line of paste on each of the four heatpipes, and had a clean CPU heatspreader. When I took it off, coverage was good, if anything maybe a little too much paste.
This last time, I cleaned off the heatsink with paper towel, and then cleaned off the CPU (maybe not in that order), and put down a few peas worth of paste on the CPU heatspreader, and spread them around with paper towel and then my finger, because the paper towel kept wiping it off, until I had a thin grey layer, then attached the heatsink. No change in temps, that I could see, so it wasn't the paste job I had done previously that was the problem (as I suspected).
I'm happy if it just gets to 3200/cl16 as suggested. Most of the "advertised" speeds for ram is on intel platforms, they don't tend to play as nice on AMD boards.
However if its gets to 3200/16 fine then I will try and push it to 3600. 3200/cl14 or 3600/cl16 does seem to be the sweet spot for modern desktops, a few more frames is a few more frames.
To quote myself, this ram seems good stuff. I enabled XMP and it ran fine. So I bumped it to 3400/cl16 without changing anything else and it seems fine. Haven't really had time to look at it further but pretty confident 3600/16 should be realistic without too much bother
I've got my 3600 in my B450-F ROG STRIX ATX board right now, finally, under 240mm AIO WC. (Replaced my 2700, after flashing over the internet to 2406 (which Internet Flash said was newest), and then to 2501, via USB.)I would try the chip in the Asus board, if it has ComboPi, if it is still off, RMA time?