AMD vs. Intel

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Jul 9, 2002
Originally posted by: Jeff7181
Originally posted by: Toymaker
LOL! Man......these AMD vs Intel threads are classic. Ford vs GM, Ali vs Frasier, Husband/Wife vs Mother-in-Law.

Do you have anything useful to say? I'm curious what Intel "guys" have to say about it other than "mine's faster cause it's got more giga hertzes"

How's this? It is a ridiculous argument by immature, insecure and arrogant individuals who sit back and assume that your chosen path is better than the other guy's when it comes to something as trivial and material as a computer. You're only trying to satisfy your own parasitic egos. Instead of giving Tharef some useful information that he could use to make his own decision, you go off into irrational ranting about how much you hate Intel. The "My Daddy can whip your Daddy" mentality is exactly what little five year olds exhibit among one another. By the way. You must mean Gigahertz, right? There's no such word as giga hertzes.



Senior member
May 14, 2002
Originally posted by: tharef
Ive always known the Athlons to be cheaper than their comparable Pentiums. Ive been doing some research on upgrading my system recently and noticed that it seems the Pentiums are cheaper now ( Should I stick with AMD? If so what processor do you guys reccommend ? How is the Athlon XP 2400? Once you go above that your looking to shell out another $100.

BTW: Athlon XP 2400 (1.93GHz) = $165 / Pentium 4 1.9 GHz = $133


To answer his question, I would say get the XP 2400 and a nforce2 board (recommend 8rda). The 8RDA is supposed to have access to all the multipliers (I have bought the board myself so I can finally settle this, since people say it does and people say it doesn't). Get 2700DDR or higher (recommend 3000 or 3200) and overclock the board to 166 and change the multiplier to 13.5 and you have a 2800. You should have a copper base HSF for this.



Jul 9, 2002
Yes, the XP2400 and Nforce 2 would be an excellent choice. I plan to get the Epox Nforce 2 board to update my AMD system in the future.


Mar 7, 2002
I do agree that you won't notice the difference between XP and P4..
However, I did notice the difference when using emulators...
XP is faster when the software is not designed for SSE2... much faster...
But as we all know, P4 is getting faster everyday... and P4 is currently the fastest CPU...
So if you got money and plan to use software designed for SSE2, get P4..
If you like emulators or use softwares without SSE2 support, get XP... also you can save some money..


Apr 17, 2002
Originally posted by: Jeff7181
pretty opposite from the old stereotype that AMD's are "unstable"

Anything is unstable if you don't know what you're doing.

when comparing intel and amd's, use the model number of amd...

The sad thing is that people actually have to be TOLD this

for example, a P4 1.7 would provide similar performance as an athlon 1700 (assume no OC)

Should... and might in benchmarks... however my old room mate had a P4 2.0 and my XP1700 Palomino seemed faster than his... even he admitted that... we were both using similar hardware... GF2 MX400, 40 GB Maxtor Diamon Max drives, 256 mb DDR

hehe we got so many athlon guys in here

too bad only people who know what they are doing would use athlon. i doubt people would choose a HP athlon box over a DELL P4

in most people's minds: cheap= low quality

which is good for us or our athlons would cost as much as P4's

i would say athlon VS P4 is like a subaru WRX VS ford mustang GT

only the people who only look at the cylinder numbers, big liter engines would say that the mustang is a way better car than the WRX


Sep 27, 2002
I think I would give as much consideration to the Motherboard as the CPU. MB's can be a big factor regarding price, performance, features and stability. The nforce2 boards are very attractive. I have the Epox 8rda and am pretty impressed. I would recommend getting the 8rda+ for the onboard LAN and other goodies that come with it.


Senior member
Jan 10, 2001
God how I love these threads.

Anyway, I've jumped the fence quite a few times between Intel and AMDs. The biggest issue for me has always been stability.

If you can find a good mobo/chipset that is stable (I mean rock stable) for your CPU and you don't care about noise, then you're set. Be it Intel, or AMD. Both produce the same damned results when you get down to it.

If you factor in noise/heat issues, go with a low end P4 (1.8-2.4). Exteremely quiet with retail HSFs.

If you care about pure speed and don't mind heat and noise, go with a mid-ranged AMD.

I'm running a good old 1.6a at 2.1 on a very old p4b266 and its pretty nice. Haven't touched hardware in a long long time.

finally on a technical note:
Intel designed their CPUs with a longer pipe-line than AMD making their operations more simple to run. The pro/cons of this choice were that unoptimized code would require emptying the pipe and reloading it, causing a loss in CPI (cycles per instruction). AMD kept to a shorter pipeline and are able to run at a very optimal CPI with an increase in complexity. The trade off is AMD is better clock for clock, but they will not run at the higher clock speeds without significant manufacturing changes + good cooling.

There is no kick-ass Engineer behind the scenes working 24/7 on caffine as some fanboys like to imagine. It sorta makes me sick. The results are a consequence of modifications that both AMD and Intel have set down many many months ago. The rest is just the marketing dept's lies and people's pointless accusations.

Intel kept an ace in the hole (hyper-threading) but it is an unproven technology and will probably not pan out until the next generation HT rolls out.


Senior member
May 14, 2002
Originally posted by: Ostack
I think I would give as much consideration to the Motherboard as the CPU. MB's can be a big factor regarding price, performance, features and stability.

You are right. That is another reason why all the athlon systems built by HP/Compaq suck so badly. They have these trash mobos inside of them.



Aug 21, 2002
By the way. You must mean Gigahertz, right? There's no such word as giga hertzes.

It's called sarcasm... guess it went over your head.

If you wanna talk about egos... why would you bother posting in a thread you have such negative feelings about?


Jul 9, 2002
Jeff7181, take a look at Sniperruff's posts and then take a look at your's. Sniperruff is having competitive fun bashing Intel in his posts. On the other hand, your posts and some other's posts in here have an air of downright hatred. Why would you hate a company that makes computer chips? It's irrational. Did they kill someone that was close to you? Intel people bash AMD, and AMD people bash Intel in good competitive spirit everyday. But, when you begin to believe your own rant and it becomes a serious emotional issue with you, then you have crossed the line. And you have a deep emotional problem in some other rhelm that you need to face and deal with. And escaping and trying to tie your identity to a computer or a computer chip company isn't the answer. Intel and AMD build computer chips according to two different philosophies. That's all they do. They're not devils of any kind. Each has it's pluses and each has it's minuses. Neither is superior to the other. One is the underdog, the other is the established. You learn more by looking at things from an open "positive" mind.


Platinum Member
Sep 20, 2000
I agree that alot of nonsennse is spewd from a lot of the members here.

I try to bite my tongue when a non-sense comment makes it into my thread.

Then I look at that members number of posts ...

Then I say to myself .. This idiot got a 'platinum', 'diamond', or 'gold' rating from spewning non-sense in alot of
others threads to to get that rating.

(then I feel better)

The best way to build you new system is by HOMEWORK.

Do a lot of Google, read read read.
Make your decision on your objectives.


Aug 21, 2002
Originally posted by: Toymaker
Jeff7181, take a look at Sniperruff's posts and then take a look at your's. Sniperruff is having competitive fun bashing Intel in his posts. On the other hand, your posts and some other's posts in here have an air of downright hatred. Why would you hate a company that makes computer chips? It's irrational. Did they kill someone that was close to you? Intel people bash AMD, and AMD people bash Intel in good competitive spirit everyday. But, when you begin to believe your own rant and it becomes a serious emotional issue with you, then you have crossed the line. And you have a deep emotional problem in some other rhelm that you need to face and deal with. And escaping and trying to tie your identity to a computer or a computer chip company isn't the answer. Intel and AMD build computer chips according to two different philosophies. That's all they do. They're not devils of any kind. Each has it's pluses and each has it's minuses. Neither is superior to the other. One is the underdog, the other is the established. You learn more by looking at things from an open "positive" mind.

Maybe you should read my posts again... I stated my opinion backed up with facts. It wasn't until you chimed in with nothing of importance to say that I started bashing. Your first comment was long the lines of "silly children"... if it's such a stupid argument, why did you feel the need to post at all?


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2000
the world might be a better place if everyone who argues in these stupid threads was simply wiped off the Earth.


Apr 17, 2002
Originally posted by: EdipisReks
the world might be a better place if everyone who argues in these stupid threads was simply wiped off the Earth.

hehe aren't you posting in this forum eh?

in conclusion if you got the dough, get a P4
i would say INTEL is more advanced in technologies, which would only matter if you're buying a top-of-the-line uber fast CPU, like a P4 3.06. i would pick a 3.06 over an athlon 2800 any day

but if you're just looking for a CPU that handles your DivX, TV TUNER, gaming needs(which is what most people do), i don't see why you need to spend over $200 for a CPU. a sub-$100 athlon 2000 would work VERY FINE

as noid said, do you HW, research, we are all once like tharef

then i found newegg which led me to anandtech which led me to tomshardware

happy researching. it was fun finding the parts to build a computer that you can be proud of


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2000
Originally posted by: sniperruff
Originally posted by: EdipisReks
the world might be a better place if everyone who argues in these stupid threads was simply wiped off the Earth.

hehe aren't you posting in this forum eh?

yes, but i'm not arguing in the thread.



Aug 21, 2002
Originally posted by: EdipisReks
the world might be a better place if everyone who argues in these stupid threads was simply wiped off the Earth.

Might also be a better place if people followed the old saying "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all"


Junior Member
Jan 8, 2002
I would stick with AMD. They have more support than Intel when it comes to the chipset and they change it much less often. Meaning when it comes time to upgrade, that new AMD CPU is much more likely to work with your present chipset VS Intel.


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2000
Originally posted by: Jeff7181

Might also be a better place if people followed the old saying "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all"

actually, the world would be a terrible place, as a world without criticism would be a world where incompentence is acceptable. many old sayings are old sayings because lots of stupid people repeated them over a long time period, not because they are correct.


Jul 9, 2002
Maybe you should read my posts again... I stated my opinion backed up with facts. It wasn't until you chimed in with nothing of importance to say that I started bashing. Your first comment was long the lines of "silly children"... if it's such a stupid argument, why did you feel the need to post at all?[/quote]

Read your first post:

"I prefer AMD because I know when I'm buying it, I'm paying for the product, not for a few morons to paint themselves blue and dance around for a TV commercial."

This is a useful fact?

"Intel CPU's always seem to drag their feet in simple windows tasks... opening programs, switching between windows, closing programs. "

another useful fact, eh?

"Intel may hold the performance crown for now... but again I must point out... how much is the 3.06 Ghz HT enabled P4? About $700 on average depending where you look... and how much is the XP2800? Newegg sells them for $400"

Oh, you can actually buy an XP2800 now, eh? Another useful fact?

"Just look at how the XP2800 slapped the snot out of the 3.06 P4 in the UT2003 Botmatch benchmark which is supposed to be highly CPU intensive. Intel finally took the lead with 3D Studio Max... which looks as though it's largely due to HT... finally... something HT is good for =) How many of you work with 3D Studio Max on a daily basis though and could justify spending an extra $300 on a CPU to finish tasks 10 seconds quicker?"

Well, does the average person who buys or builds a PC use UT2003 botmatch benchmark on a daily basis?

"And when using SSE2... the P4 is finally able to match performance with the Athlon XP of equal Mhz. In some tests, and still get whomped in other tests... even using it's OWN instruction set that AMD hasn't implimented into their CPU's yet!"

So, all of the benchmarks are SSE2 enabled? And, since AMD doesen't have SSE2, Intel should remove it from it's processors? Yeah, right..

"Bottom line... when looking at anandtech bencmarks... I see enough green at the top of the charts to convince me that an XP2800 CPU for $400 is a MUCH smarter buy than an Intel P4 3.06 Ghz HT for $700. "

So, i can buy an XP2800 from who? And have it delivered when? And what's the price again?

Where are the facts that you're talking about? If you have an opinion, that's not a problem. But don't get mad with people because they don't agree with you. That just shows that you're insecure about your own opinion.


Nov 18, 2001
Originally posted by: Toymaker
Maybe you should read my posts again... I stated my opinion backed up with facts. It wasn't until you chimed in with nothing of importance to say that I started bashing. Your first comment was long the lines of "silly children"... if it's such a stupid argument, why did you feel the need to post at all?

Read your first post:

"I prefer AMD because I know when I'm buying it, I'm paying for the product, not for a few morons to paint themselves blue and dance around for a TV commercial."

This is a useful fact?

"Intel CPU's always seem to drag their feet in simple windows tasks... opening programs, switching between windows, closing programs. "

another useful fact, eh?

"Intel may hold the performance crown for now... but again I must point out... how much is the 3.06 Ghz HT enabled P4? About $700 on average depending where you look... and how much is the XP2800? Newegg sells them for $400"

Oh, you can actually buy an XP2800 now, eh? Another useful fact?

"Just look at how the XP2800 slapped the snot out of the 3.06 P4 in the UT2003 Botmatch benchmark which is supposed to be highly CPU intensive. Intel finally took the lead with 3D Studio Max... which looks as though it's largely due to HT... finally... something HT is good for =) How many of you work with 3D Studio Max on a daily basis though and could justify spending an extra $300 on a CPU to finish tasks 10 seconds quicker?"

Well, does the average person who buys or builds a PC use UT2003 botmatch benchmark on a daily basis?

"And when using SSE2... the P4 is finally able to match performance with the Athlon XP of equal Mhz. In some tests, and still get whomped in other tests... even using it's OWN instruction set that AMD hasn't implimented into their CPU's yet!"

So, all of the benchmarks are SSE2 enabled? And, since AMD doesen't have SSE2, Intel should remove it from it's processors? Yeah, right..

"Bottom line... when looking at anandtech bencmarks... I see enough green at the top of the charts to convince me that an XP2800 CPU for $400 is a MUCH smarter buy than an Intel P4 3.06 Ghz HT for $700. "

So, i can buy an XP2800 from who? And have it delivered when? And what's the price again?

Where are the facts that you're talking about? If you have an opinion, that's not a problem. But don't get mad with people because they don't agree with you. That just shows that you're insecure about your own opinion.[/quote]

Athlon XP 2800+ has been available through for the past month. The price is 390$, although it MUST BE PURCHASED WITH A MOTHERBOARD! So total cost is about 500$ delivered in about 5 days (currently Newegg is OOS, but they've been in for more than a month). Don't forget you're going to need a decent heatsink to cool that puppy, so factor in another 20$. Final cost being around $520, vs. Intel 3.06ghz + motherboard for about $760. $240 price difference which can get you some pretty darn good RAM. If you don't need the motherboard you can always sell it for about cost in the FS/FT forums. So $410 vs. $650 (for 3.06ghz alone)., a 240$ difference.

As for benchmarking in such games as UT2k3, or programs such as 3D Studio Max, Photoshop, etc, I feel those are more important than 3dMark or Sandra can ever be, considering they illustrate actual real-world performance vs. synthetic benchmarks(as for the argument 3dMark is important, pffft, MadOnion doesn't exactly play it straight with that benchmark). Whichever one is more economic for the performance, I'm buying.

For the price, go AMD right now. If you're going to wait till about late Spring to upgrade, I'd highly suggest checking out Intel 800mh DC DDR platform coming out. That should be very, very nice, and hopefull by then theres more higher yeilding C1 chips on the market and costs have been driven down.


Apr 17, 2002
so much hate...
now everybody hold hands and just be grateful that we don't have celeron's and duron's and cyrix's in our box

when it comes to which CPU, ask your wallet first!


Nov 18, 2001
Originally posted by: sniperruff
so much hate...
now everybody hold hands and just be grateful that we don't have celeron's and duron's and cyrix's in our box

when it comes to which CPU, ask your wallet first!

Hey! I still got a duron in one of my boxes you bastage. But I got an Athlon XP 2400+ in my main one

I say we got Cyrix to develop better processors this way driving the cost down even more for us!


Jul 9, 2002
Yeah. I know BigJ2078. I was just giving Jeff7181 a hard time. I need to get out of here. I'm starting to enjoy this.

LOL! Hey, sniperruff, Lets not add Cyrix to the mix too.


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2000
Isn't that 1.9ghz P4 a non-northwood core?

Haha, if so, the P4 wouldn't even stand a close chance, at any of the benchmarks.
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