AMD X2 4800+ or AMD FX-57??


Apr 23, 2005
im upgrading processors and my machine is purely built for gaming (my profile needs to be updated dont look at those specs, already got me 939 mobo from dfi) just would like to know which would be better for gaming.


Diamond Member
Feb 1, 2005
gaming for how long? Why not an FX-60? Or An Opteron 180? Either way, if your spending big bucks, go dual-core! This way all you'll have to upgrade later in this 'pure gaming' machine is just video cards.

SVT Cobra

Mar 29, 2005
go dual core

1 month ago I would have said a single core FX because they are faster in single core games (they have a higher clock speed)

but now quake 4 and call of duty 2 have patches that use SMP (they benefit from dual core), and more games will follow, plus if you do a lot of multitasking under the broad scope of general usage that you stated its well worth it

If I was building a system now i would definately go with a 7800GTX (non sli) and get a 4800X2, or you can wait for the FX60, which is actually clocked slower than the FX57, but is dual core and has unlocked multipliers, and you would be set for a while with that system. Do you overclock at all?

As I am writing this I would suggest waiting till late january to build so you can either get the FX60, or reap the price drop on the 4800 from the release of the FX60...and the M2 socket might be out by then but then that drops DDR2 into the equation, which could get nasty

some articles that might help your buying decision


Apr 23, 2005
ok sounds like i ll wait for the next 'best' FX chip as that is what ive always wanted to buy. Also did i just waste money on me new mobo? i bought the DFI mobo with the ati north and southbridge i forget what its called as im at work now and i m wondering if i should have waited for the M2 sockets to come out? actually what is the m2 socket? is that for processors, im not too caught up on m2 info so please fill me in and yes me and my friend have started to overclock and are 'learning' how to with our current rig(the one im my profile) that way i kinda know what im doing when i put together the 'beast' hhehe i got my 2.0 to run at a nice and steady 2.3 didnt want to push it more than that or i will once i get my new rig hehe.


Jun 19, 2005
In 06 AMD is switching all of its focus to socket M2 (940 pins, but 940 opterons wont work)

It will use DDR2 memory, which is the big change

SVT Cobra

Mar 29, 2005
Originally posted by: jojo29
ok sounds like i ll wait for the next 'best' FX chip as that is what ive always wanted to buy. Also did i just waste money on me new mobo? i bought the DFI mobo with the ati north and southbridge i forget what its called as im at work now and i m wondering if i should have waited for the M2 sockets to come out? actually what is the m2 socket? is that for processors, im not too caught up on m2 info so please fill me in and yes me and my friend have started to overclock and are 'learning' how to with our current rig(the one im my profile) that way i kinda know what im doing when i put together the 'beast' hhehe i got my 2.0 to run at a nice and steady 2.3 didnt want to push it more than that or i will once i get my new rig hehe.

don't worry about M2, it is pretty far off, not to mention I bet at first epople will still get better performance with DDR, but that will not last long because I am sure AMD knows what they are doing and we might actually be surprised(as in DDr2 might really help), and DDr costa re going to go up and ddr2 will fall.....but that is still a ways off

get the fx60 if thats what you really want when it comes out


Apr 23, 2005
Originally posted by: Son of a N00b
Originally posted by: jojo29
ok sounds like i ll wait for the next 'best' FX chip as that is what ive always wanted to buy. Also did i just waste money on me new mobo? i bought the DFI mobo with the ati north and southbridge i forget what its called as im at work now and i m wondering if i should have waited for the M2 sockets to come out? actually what is the m2 socket? is that for processors, im not too caught up on m2 info so please fill me in and yes me and my friend have started to overclock and are 'learning' how to with our current rig(the one im my profile) that way i kinda know what im doing when i put together the 'beast' hhehe i got my 2.0 to run at a nice and steady 2.3 didnt want to push it more than that or i will once i get my new rig hehe.

don't worry about M2, it is pretty far off, not to mention I bet at first epople will still get better performance with DDR, but that will not last long because I am sure AMD knows what they are doing and we might actually be surprised(as in DDr2 might really help), and DDr costa re going to go up and ddr2 will fall.....but that is still a ways off

get the fx60 if thats what you really want when it comes out

thanks sonofanoob you've been VERY helpful in my buying decision. i have decided to wait for the FX60 as im sure by the time it 'really' comes out it will have been further optimized and then i can see if it is indeed a better investment than the FX57. im sure i want an fx chip as that is AMD's pride and joy for gaming and im sure they wouldnt makee the fx60 inferior than the fx 57, ill wait and see for the FX60. well just in case your curious sonofanoob my new rig is gonna go something like this:

Antec p180 case<--i love that case
DFI Lanparty RDx200Crossfire<--or better but definitely a All ATI Mobo like this on
X1800XT x2<--or better we'll see in late january
AMD FX60/57<--well see in late january most likely the FX60
Crucial Ballistix<---2gb x 1gb sticks
harddrive undecided yet
Antec 500w psu

and that should do it for me for a LONG time i think well what do you think sonofanoob?

SVT Cobra

Mar 29, 2005
Originally posted by: jojo29
Originally posted by: Son of a N00b
Originally posted by: jojo29
ok sounds like i ll wait for the next 'best' FX chip as that is what ive always wanted to buy. Also did i just waste money on me new mobo? i bought the DFI mobo with the ati north and southbridge i forget what its called as im at work now and i m wondering if i should have waited for the M2 sockets to come out? actually what is the m2 socket? is that for processors, im not too caught up on m2 info so please fill me in and yes me and my friend have started to overclock and are 'learning' how to with our current rig(the one im my profile) that way i kinda know what im doing when i put together the 'beast' hhehe i got my 2.0 to run at a nice and steady 2.3 didnt want to push it more than that or i will once i get my new rig hehe.

don't worry about M2, it is pretty far off, not to mention I bet at first epople will still get better performance with DDR, but that will not last long because I am sure AMD knows what they are doing and we might actually be surprised(as in DDR2 might really help), and DDR costs are going to go up and ddr2 will fall.....but that is still a ways off

get the fx60 if thats what you really want when it comes out

thanks sonofanoob you've been VERY helpful in my buying decision. i have decided to wait for the FX60 as im sure by the time it 'really' comes out it will have been further optimized and then i can see if it is indeed a better investment than the FX57. im sure i want an fx chip as that is AMD's pride and joy for gaming and im sure they wouldnt makee the fx60 inferior than the fx 57, ill wait and see for the FX60. well just in case your curious sonofanoob my new rig is gonna go something like this:

Antec p180 case<--i love that case
DFI Lanparty RDx200Crossfire<--or better but definitely a All ATI Mobo like this on
X1800XT x2<--or better we'll see in late january
AMD FX60/57<--well see in late january most likely the FX60
Crucial Ballistix<---2gb x 1gb sticks
harddrive undecided yet
Antec 500w psu

and that should do it for me for a LONG time i think well what do you think sonofanoob?

sounds good...what monitor are you using for your gaming system? you might not need 2 GPU's in Xfire just yet unless you are running insane resolutions. I would buy one, and then later if you want to buy another you can get it if you think it is necesary. And who knows, maybe by the time you actually need to upgrade to two cards you can just buy the next generation that has come out and would woop two of the old generation cards in SLI anyway.

SVT Cobra

Mar 29, 2005
Originally posted by: the splat in the hat
own both , the fx55 gets smashed by the 4400+ , go dual core.....

splat in the hat just shut up...all you do is spew BS...jojo do not listen to this n00b he does not know what he is talking about...


Senior member
Feb 27, 2005
If you're going to get a 500W Antec, make sure and get the NeoHE... it seems to be the best of what they make and if you're going all out with a system like that, do NOT skimp on the PSU. three 12v rails @ 17A each. Looks a tad weak on the 3.3v & 5v rails though. At least compared to some other 500w PSU's I see from coolermaster & OCZ.
Aug 23, 2005
''splat in the hat just shut up...all you do is spew BS...jojo do not listen to this n00b he does not know what he is talking about... ''

friggin noob !

My fx55 in bf2 online CANNOT compete with the 4400+ dual core, then if you record via FRAPS , meh ,noob, fx55 's are ******, there the single core past , duals pwn them for your own sake go dual core for the future, oi noob , recon a dual core fx chip is on the cards ?
Where does it leave single core when 64 bit dual core games code is released ?
okok the fx55 is faster in offline mode Half Life 2, etc etc , play online or offline the most ?
Hahahaha jokes on you AMD know the future is dual core triple core majic, and there still sucking your cash for these soon to be useless single core chips, so by all means support the company , but dont start crying in 18 months when a games released that your CRAPPY single core cant even start.......l can see it now, all the flaming at the cpu companies, because your not paying enough attention to there roughts.

Ok fx 55 core is 2.6 , which makes a little difference in ANY of our CURRENT high end games, its the video card that matters the most,.
The 4400+ is 2.2 core x 2 , um bf 2 needs 2 gig core clock to be perfect, all video card , you could overclock it to 9.7 gazillion mhtz, makes litttle difference it doesnt need the speed, what the future for the next few years is, is going to be thoughput rather than clock speed.Now you see the AMD advantage , lower clock more pins, less heat more thoughput , anyway you look at it single cores are not the go for the next few years, if you plan to run latest games.......

So whats an fx60 core? 2.9 ? 3 ?3.2 ? Still bet it dont last as long as my 2.2 dual core, bet l can process more info at any given time too.
You all overlook another thing , games currently around can be patched to use a dual core cpu, even though the same can be said for SLI video cards, alot more companies need to code for the cpu ,than the gpu, so it wont take as long as people think, its been around a year now, we are starting to get dual drivers patches 64 bit patches, what you cant see whats comming ?


as for you son of a noob , post your pc's spec's , then boot off !

4400+ dual core @ 2.2 each, 7800gtx, 2 gig pc3200 RAM , 300 sata HD.
fx55 @ 2.6 , x800xt, 2 gigs RAM pc3200, 200 gig HD sata.
3200+ @ 2.2, x800 pro, 1.5 gig pc3200 RAM, 160 gig HD sata.
2600+ @ 1.9 , x800 pro, 1 gig pc2700 RAM, 120 gig sata HD.
1800+@ 1.8, fx5600nvidia , 1 gig pc 2100 RAM , 80 gig ide HD.
[ my oldest now.....] INTEL 750mhtz @ 908 mhtz, 4200ti nvidia, 256 ram, 40 gig HD ide.


SVT Cobra

Mar 29, 2005
Originally posted by: the splat in the hat
''splat in the hat just shut up...all you do is spew BS...jojo do not listen to this n00b he does not know what he is talking about... ''

friggin noob !

My fx55 in bf2 online CANNOT compete with the 4400+ dual core, then if you record via FRAPS , meh ,noob, fx55 's are ******, there the single core past , duals pwn them for your own sake go dual core for the future, oi noob , recon a dual core fx chip is on the cards ?
Where does it leave single core when 64 bit dual core games code is released ?
okok the fx55 is faster in offline mode Half Life 2, etc etc , play online or offline the most ?
Hahahaha jokes on you AMD know the future is dual core triple core majic, and there still sucking your cash for these soon to be useless single core chips, so by all means support the company , but dont start crying in 18 months when a games released that your CRAPPY single core cant even start.......l can see it now, all the flaming at the cpu companies, because your not paying enough attention to there roughts.

Ok fx 55 core is 2.6 , which makes a little difference in ANY of our CURRENT high end games, its the video card that matters the most,.
The 4400+ is 2.2 core x 2 , um bf 2 needs 2 gig core clock to be perfect, all video card , you could overclock it to 9.7 gazillion mhtz, makes litttle difference it doesnt need the speed, what the future for the next few years is, is going to be thoughput rather than clock speed.Now you see the AMD advantage , lower clock more pins, less heat more thoughput , anyway you look at it single cores are not the go for the next few years, if you plan to run latest games.......

So whats an fx60 core? 2.9 ? 3 ?3.2 ? Still bet it dont last as long as my 2.2 dual core, bet l can process more info at any given time too.
You all overlook another thing , games currently around can be patched to use a dual core cpu, even though the same can be said for SLI video cards, alot more companies need to code for the cpu ,than the gpu, so it wont take as long as people think, its been around a year now, we are starting to get dual drivers patches 64 bit patches, what you cant see whats comming ?


as for you son of a noob , post your pc's spec's , then boot off !

4400+ dual core @ 2.2 each, 7800gtx, 2 gig pc3200 RAM , 300 sata HD.
fx55 @ 2.6 , x800xt, 2 gigs RAM pc3200, 200 gig HD sata.
3200+ @ 2.2, x800 pro, 1.5 gig pc3200 RAM, 160 gig HD sata.
2600+ @ 1.9 , x800 pro, 1 gig pc2700 RAM, 120 gig sata HD.
1800+@ 1.8, fx5600nvidia , 1 gig pc 2100 RAM , 80 gig ide HD.
[ my oldest now.....] INTEL 750mhtz @ 908 mhtz, 4200ti nvidia, 256 ram, 40 gig HD ide.

wow...what you just said made me LOL, splat in the hat, where do you get your information from, let alone your wonderful english skills?

Like I said jojo, do not even bother reading his posts, he is a misguided completely uninformed ignorant n00b


Diamond Member
Jan 7, 2004

Interesting that someone would cite this proof that dual core for gaming was the way to go. What this shows me is that if I play Q4 at a decent resolution I can buy a $282 A64 3800+ and it will keep up with a $787 A64 X2 4800+.

Then, there's the other posted link...

which reads:

Even though the FX 60 has two cores, the slower clock results in poorer performance. Two X1800 XT Master card edition in Crossfire with standard X1800XT scores 13560 with the FX 60 CPU while the FX 57 scores 14200 in 3Dmark05. It's very simple - the faster clock beats its competition.

...again, not the resounding support for dual core that I would have expected...

Why is it that everyone has bought into the dual core for gaming idea when none of the facts support this conclusion? I own a dual core proc, and I can't say that I dislike it - far from it, this is a nice chip and my rig performs admirably. That being said, the huge improvements in gaming that were kicked around the forums have simply not materialized, and as games become more and more gpu bound, the dual core will make less of an impact. This is clearly seen on the benchmarks - when the resolution is increased the dual core benefit decreases. Plus, it's not as if opting to go dual core is somehow a good value decision... dual core AMD chips are about twice the price of a like clocked single core chip.

Another thing I am curious about... I have seen it posted a few times now that dual core is superior in online gaming... Does anyone have any benchmarks/facts to back this ascertion up? I'd be interested to see them.

...Of course, there will be exceptions. If you often rip music/movies in the background while you're playing super highly stressful games like FEAR than dual core will obviously be useful. Don't get me wrong, I think that multi core cpu's are the future of processors for the time being, but I think that it's still debatable whether or not a faster single core may be better for some gamers that don't multi-task while gaming.

My main reason for this post is not to start a flamewar, but I'm starting to get the feeling that some people are simply recommending dual core because they have bought into the hype. Just trying to put some perspective on this whole issue.


Senior member
Nov 9, 2005
Personally, instead of an FX60, i would consider getting a lower end processor like a 3800+ X2, and then getting a custom phase change unit with it. 3 Ghz should be pretty easy, and then you have the phase change unit to move up with any other CPU you get, instead of ending up with over a grand invested in one CPU.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2001
ugh. why spend all that money? get a opteron 170 and overclock it...nevermind i'm done. if you've been here since april and still don't know that buying the fx60 will be a complete waste of money, then im finished with this thread.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2001
Originally posted by: nitromullet

Interesting that someone would cite this proof that dual core for gaming was the way to go. What this shows me is that if I play Q4 at a decent resolution I can buy a $282 A64 3800+ and it will keep up with a $787 A64 X2 4800+.

Then, there's the other posted link...

which reads:

Even though the FX 60 has two cores, the slower clock results in poorer performance. Two X1800 XT Master card edition in Crossfire with standard X1800XT scores 13560 with the FX 60 CPU while the FX 57 scores 14200 in 3Dmark05. It's very simple - the faster clock beats its competition.

...again, not the resounding support for dual core that I would have expected...

Why is it that everyone has bought into the dual core for gaming idea when none of the facts support this conclusion? I own a dual core proc, and I can't say that I dislike it - far from it, this is a nice chip and my rig performs admirably. That being said, the huge improvements in gaming that were kicked around the forums have simply not materialized, and as games become more and more gpu bound, the dual core will make less of an impact. This is clearly seen on the benchmarks - when the resolution is increased the dual core benefit decreases. Plus, it's not as if opting to go dual core is somehow a good value decision... dual core AMD chips are about twice the price of a like clocked single core chip.

Another thing I am curious about... I have seen it posted a few times now that dual core is superior in online gaming... Does anyone have any benchmarks/facts to back this ascertion up? I'd be interested to see them.

...Of course, there will be exceptions. If you often rip music/movies in the background while you're playing super highly stressful games like FEAR than dual core will obviously be useful. Don't get me wrong, I think that multi core cpu's are the future of processors for the time being, but I think that it's still debatable whether or not a faster single core may be better for some gamers that don't multi-task while gaming.

My main reason for this post is not to start a flamewar, but I'm starting to get the feeling that some people are simply recommending dual core because they have bought into the hype. Just trying to put some perspective on this whole issue.

theinq only used 3dmark05 to bench. we all know thats not the best way to test it.


Diamond Member
Dec 13, 2004
Originally posted by: nitromullet

Interesting that someone would cite this proof that dual core for gaming was the way to go. What this shows me is that if I play Q4 at a decent resolution I can buy a $282 A64 3800+ and it will keep up with a $787 A64 X2 4800+.

well, the way i see it is that the knock on x2's had been that single core was faster for gaming, which clearly isn't evident here. even at gpu limited resolutions like 16x12 the x2 3800 @ 2000 with smp outperforms (barely) the single core 3800 @ 2400.

as seen here at AT twice as many people can run at 12x10 or less as opposed to any resolution above. at 12x10, the x2 with smp is ~15% faster than the higher clocked single core.

on top of that, the x2 3800 can be found under $300 on sale.


Diamond Member
Dec 13, 2003
Originally posted by: the splat in the hat
own both , the fx55 gets smashed by the 4400+ , go dual core.....

4400+ dual core @ 2.2 each, 7800gtx, 2 gig pc3200 RAM , 300 sata HD.
fx55 @ 2.6 , x800xt, 2 gigs RAM pc3200, 200 gig HD sata.

Well duh, you do realize that the video card is far more important for gaming, and they better video card is with your dual core..wonder why it does better, gee go figure..

In any case, the CPU doesn't that much affect on gaming at higher resolutions(1280x1024 or higher) has a little affect at 1024x768, and only becomes the limiter at 800x600 or lower because your video card has no trouble keeping up.

I would go with the dual core, since there are now games getting SMP patches, and future games will be SMP as well. No reason to spend that much on a single core, and gaming is limited by the video card anyway.
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