AMD's Richard Huddy on the state of PC graphics, Mantle 2 and APUs


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999

The first page of this interview didn't reveal anything special. It wasn't until I hit the second page that I came to the interesting bits:


TR: AMD has been talking about Mantle for what seems like forever now, and yes games are coming out with it, but it's been a jolty launch. Where do things stand with Mantle now? And what's the long-term plan for it?

RH: We've got a release candidate driver at the moment, and we'll wrap that up at some point this year. Then we start to look at things like Mantle 2 and the future, and that's a very interesting space.

Mantle 2 - if it takes us about a year to get through a Mantle iteration - then Mantle 2 will come around the same kind of timeframe as DirectX 12. DX 12 brings a lot of the goodness that Mantle brought. We had a lot of conversations with Microsoft about what we were doing with Mantle, and in those conversations, they said, 'OK, if you really can solve this problem of building a better throughput system that runs on Windows, then we'd like to take that to Windows as well and we'll make that the extra software functionality that comes in DX 12.' So that's how DX 12 has come about.
We'll take the leanings from DX 12 and take it to Mantle. I'm sure they can help us do a better job than we've done. We will also take the extra hardware features with DX 12, and there are at least a couple of key features which are coming there.

They are pixel synchronization, which let you do some cool transparency effects and lighting transparent substances which is very, very hard on the current API. There's something called bindless resources which is a major efficiency improvement again in how the GPU is running, making sure it's not stalling waiting for the CPU to tell it about some of the changes that are needed. At that stage we'll have Mantle 2.0 wrapped up which covers the same kind of functionality as full DX 12 and gives all the performance benefits that Mantle currently gives plus anything else we learn.

Then we look to the future because DX 12 is not the end of graphics. Mantle 3, Mantle 4, etcetera give us the opportunity to expose any of the new features that we develop in our hardware. There are some that have speculated that Mantle will die when DX 12 arrives, that we'll just put it down and walk away it. Heck, why would you need it?

Well, the answer is it's perfect for portability. AMD does graphics in a variety of places, and [Senior Vice President and Global Manager, Global Business Units] Lisa Su mentioned that about half our business by the end of next year will be on the traditional PC platform and the rest will be elsewhere. Elsewhere, there will be AMD graphics.

DirectX is a generic APi. It covers Intel hardware, it covers Nvidia hardware and it covers ours. Being generic means that it will never be perfectly optimized for a particular piece of hardware, where with Mantle we think we can do a better job. The difference will dwindle as DX 12 arrives. I'm sure they'll do a very good job of getting the CPU out of the way, but we'll still have at least corner cases where we can deliver better performance, measurably better performance. We think we have a good future with Mantle, and games developers can tell you they don't want us to drop it afterwards.

TR: If I'm consumer looking at AMD with a Gaming Scientist now, what can I expect from you in six months, a year, two years?

RH: Six months you shouldn't really expect a huge change. The transition points that are coming are for things like 4K gaming, which is a gentle transition. You see DX 12 coming end of 2015 and you will see Mantle 1.0 released at some point this year. That will happen in the next six months we're committed to doing that within the year.

I think the long-term benefits that I hope to bring through my work at AMD will show much more in the 2-5 year timeframe.

So it would appear that Mantle development will not come to a screeching halt with the release of DX12 and may possibly include additional platforms in the future. The performance lead Mantle currently holds over DX11 will decrease once DX12 is released, as we expected.

Oh, and if you've come into this topic simply with the intent of shouting "Lies! It's all lies!" over and over, please go elsewhere. The purpose of this topic is to discuss the potential future of Mantle alongside DX12 and beyond.


Golden Member
May 21, 2014
DirectX is a generic APi. It covers Intel hardware, it covers Nvidia hardware and it covers ours. Being generic means that it will never be perfectly optimized for a particular piece of hardware, where with Mantle we think we can do a better job.

Looks like they dropped the multi vendor [redacted] story. Good.

Profanity isn't allowed in the technical forums.
-- stahlhart
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Golden Member
May 8, 2010
Looks like they dropped the multi vendor [redacted] story. Good.

Nope; we know Intel wants in: AMD has said once they release Mantle; go its still in beta - they have a tight control on the beta. We'll need Intel part of mantle after its released.......

Nvidia.......well; I'd like to see it but doubtful ......
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Senior member
Jan 13, 2014
Then we look to the future because DX 12 is not the end of graphics. Mantle 3, Mantle 4, etcetera give us the opportunity to expose any of the new features that we develop in our hardware. There are some that have speculated that Mantle will die when DX 12 arrives, that we'll just put it down and walk away it. Heck, why would you need it?

Well, the answer is it's perfect for portability. AMD does graphics in a variety of places, and [Senior Vice President and Global Manager, Global Business Units] Lisa Su mentioned that about half our business by the end of next year will be on the traditional PC platform and the rest will be elsewhere. Elsewhere, there will be AMD graphics.

DirectX is a generic APi. It covers Intel hardware, it covers Nvidia hardware and it covers ours. Being generic means that it will never be perfectly optimized for a particular piece of hardware, where with Mantle we think we can do a better job. The difference will dwindle as DX 12 arrives. I'm sure they'll do a very good job of getting the CPU out of the way, but we'll still have at least corner cases where we can deliver better performance, measurably better performance. We think we have a good future with Mantle, and games developers can tell you they don't want us to drop it afterwards.

Well, this at least makes things clear. Mantle exists to make AMD hardware better than that of other vendors.

So much for open.

Unless, that is, you think they're going to be optimizing Mantle for Nvidia's particular pieces of hardware...


Aug 10, 2009
Well, this at least makes things clear. Mantle exists to make AMD hardware better than that of other vendors.

So much for open.

Unless, that is, you think they're going to be optimizing Mantle for Nvidia's particular pieces of hardware...

You have such a twisted way of seeing things! Mantle exists to make games as good as they can be. That's why devs are using it. It's not to make AMD hardware better. It's to make their games better. It's designed by AMD. Do you think that maybe they should make it less optimized for their hardware? Or maybe nVidia or Intel should be able to change it so it's more optimized for their hardware? If others can get some benefit out of it they'll be free to use it. If not, then they are free to use DX/OpenGL, or create their own optimized API and put in the effort to get it into the market.

Wild Thing

Apr 9, 2014
0 should have put that disclaimer in bold.
You can just feel the negativity and there's only 6 posts so far....
Thanks for posting the link,some of us will enjoy reading and discussing the content.


Platinum Member
Nov 1, 2011
You have such a twisted way of seeing things! Mantle exists to make games as good as they can be. That's why devs are using it. It's not to make AMD hardware better. It's to make their games better. It's designed by AMD. Do you think that maybe they should make it less optimized for their hardware? Or maybe nVidia or Intel should be able to change it so it's more optimized for their hardware? If others can get some benefit out of it they'll be free to use it. If not, then they are free to use DX/OpenGL, or create their own optimized API and put in the effort to get it into the market.

It's rather a realistic way of seeing things. It would be idiotic not to capitalize on the possibilities that Mantle brings for AMD. They want one thing like every other company: our money.
Welcome the new 3dfx. If Mantle continues alongside DX as a proprietary API, I hope it dies. If it were to open up for all IHVs, then I would want it to survive and flourish. It's as simple as that.
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Platinum Member
Sep 9, 2010
Mantle + 290 + Bf4===joy,no input lag, smoothness.......hmmmm yessss....Mantle is good stuff.


Senior member
Jan 13, 2014
You have such a twisted way of seeing things! Mantle exists to make games as good as they can be. That's why devs are using it. It's not to make AMD hardware better. It's to make their games better. It's designed by AMD. Do you think that maybe they should make it less optimized for their hardware? Or maybe nVidia or Intel should be able to change it so it's more optimized for their hardware? If others can get some benefit out of it they'll be free to use it. If not, then they are free to use DX/OpenGL, or create their own optimized API and put in the effort to get it into the market.

You can call it cynical if you want, but the only reason any of these companies develop software tech is to get a competitive edge in selling their cards. You can point to altruism about "pushing the technology for gaming" all you want, but in the end they're doing it so that they can sell us the new shiny.

I have no problems with AMD doing this, by the way. It's entirely reasonable. I just wish they wouldn't carp on and on about how much better they are than everyone else because they're being open, when they're doing nothing of the kind. They have structured Mantle so that it will be impossible for others to get benefit out of it - because AMD will be the one controlling it, and nobody in their right mind would put all their eggs in a competitor's basket.
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Diamond Member
Nov 1, 2010
RH: Mantle 2 - if it takes us about a year to get through a Mantle iteration - then Mantle 2 will come around the same kind of timeframe as DirectX 12. DX 12 brings a lot of the goodness that Mantle brought. We had a lot of conversations with Microsoft about what we were doing with Mantle, and in those conversations, they said, 'OK, if you really can solve this problem of building a better throughput system that runs on Windows, then we'd like to take that to Windows as well and we'll make that the extra software functionality that comes in DX 12.' So that's how DX 12 has come about.

AMD's spin doctor spewing garbage again..

This guy makes it seem as though AMD's Mantle initiative is responsible for DX12, and that DX12 is a rip off of Mantle.....when just last year AMD was saying there wasn't going to be a DX12..

What nonsense. DX12 is backwards compatible with DX11 and runs on multiple architectures, the exact opposite of GCN. Microsoft has been working on DX12 for years, just like AMD had been working on Mantle..

People should take this guy's word with a healthy dose of salt.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
You can call it cynical if you want, but the only reason any of these companies develop software tech is to get a competitive edge in selling their cards. You can point to altruism about "pushing the technology for gaming" all you want, but in the end they're doing it so that they can sell us the new shiny.

I have no problems with AMD doing this, by the way. It's entirely reasonable. I just wish they wouldn't carp on and on about how much better they are than everyone else because they're being open, when they're doing nothing of the kind. They have structured Mantle so that it will be impossible for others to get benefit out of it - because AMD will be the one controlling it, and nobody in their right mind would put all their eggs in a competitor's basket.
Except that it sounds as if AMD has been working closely with Microsoft to bring Mantle style improvements to DX12. Does that not benefit everybody as a whole? Is that not "open"?


Senior member
Jan 13, 2014
Except that it sounds as if AMD has been working closely with Microsoft to bring Mantle style improvements to DX12. Does that not benefit everybody as a whole? Is that not "open"?

Sure, if they were just rolling Mantle into DX12. But they're very clearly not. Mantle is on its way to being a proprietary API, whereas AMD's original claims for it was to be an open replacement for DX. See the quote from April 2013 about how they didn't think there would be a DX12.


Senior member
Nov 5, 2013
Sure, if they were just rolling Mantle into DX12. But they're very clearly not. Mantle is on its way to being a proprietary API, whereas AMD's original claims for it was to be an open replacement for DX. See the quote from April 2013 about how they didn't think there would be a DX12.

They actually said that Mantle is not meant to replace DirectX.

Considering how far away DX 12 is it can be possible that back than DirectX 12 didn't exists in that form.


Senior member
Oct 17, 2013
Then if we take your advice we should take any Intel fan boy’s response to anything AMD with a grain of salt. I for one am all for good competition it makes my computer builds just a bit cheaper. If Only AMD could get back into the chip “tournament”. I think mantle is a great idea and I don’t really care where it originated from.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Sure, if they were just rolling Mantle into DX12. But they're very clearly not. Mantle is on its way to being a proprietary API, whereas AMD's original claims for it was to be an open replacement for DX. See the quote from April 2013 about how they didn't think there would be a DX12.
There may always be architectural differences that exist between AMD/Nvidia cards that simply will not allow all Mantle enhancements to be run on both platforms. From the sound of things, AMD has provided Microsoft with the broad improvements that can be run hardware agnostically. These improvements have been incorporated into DX12 for everybody to use. The rest might only exist on AMD hardware which would be why they have decided to continue Mantle development past v1.0


Apr 22, 2012
Except that it sounds as if AMD has been working closely with Microsoft to bring Mantle style improvements to DX12. Does that not benefit everybody as a whole? Is that not "open"?

Lets turn time back:

AMD said there would be no DX12. They lied.

And now they suddenly work with MS to bring Mantle style to DX12? Thats a crapload of BS. Not to mention DX12 was demoed on nVidia hardware.


Senior member
Nov 5, 2013
Lets turn time back:

AMD said there would be no DX12. They lied.

And now they suddenly work with MS to bring Mantle style to DX12? Thats a crapload of BS. Not to mention DX12 was demoed on nVidia hardware.

Aber es wird kein DirectX 12 kommen. Das war's. Soweit wir wissen gibt es keine Pläne für DirectX 12. Falls das nicht stimmen sollte und mich jemand korrigieren möchte – wunderbar.

DirectX 12 will not come. So far as we know there are no plans for DX 12. In case this is not true and someone wants to correct me - great.

So, either AMD lied or they didn't know that DX 12 was in development.

And AMD working on DX 12 is BS? They have done in the past.


Golden Member
Mar 24, 2013
Although I feel that Mantle will die out and become a feature for AMD GPUs in the future and live in the dark of DirectX12, I`m glad to see game developers embracing its superiority over current DX11.

I don`t know if AMD was really first at developing an API like this that offer much better CPU overhead or if Microsoft truly was doing work on DX12, but I think Mantle atleast put the work on DX12 on high priority after they saw AMD stealing attention and putting a bad light on DX11.
So AMD should have kudos for getting things going for us gamers wether we use Nvidia or AMD cards.
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Platinum Member
Jul 1, 2004
They did say that but i think it was a honest mistake. Doesn't mean they lied.
Like the poster above said, AMD works with MS on a variety of projects so why is this BS?


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
"There will be no DirectX 12. That was it. As far as we know there are no plans for DirectX 12,” he said to Heise. “If this should not be, and someone wants to correct me – wonderful."

When Hardware Canucks followed up with Mr. Taylor, he seemed to back off his assertion that DirectX 12 wasn’t it the works and instead pivoted towards explaining AMD’s plans for the future should DirectX not be extended.

It sounds like Mr. Taylor was commenting about topics that should have been directed to somebody else within AMD. After all, being the VP of global channel sales doesn't exactly place him within the inner circle of hardware/software development.


Diamond Member
Dec 29, 2010
Lets turn time back:

AMD said there would be no DX12. They lied.

And now they suddenly work with MS to bring Mantle style to DX12? Thats a crapload of BS. Not to mention DX12 was demoed on nVidia hardware.

I think that's one possibility, but I think it's more likely that what has been said is true, not a lie.

For example, I think the facts are compatible with this timeline, if you go back in time:

1. No DX12, Microsoft is not planning on it
2. AMD comes out with Mantle, says there will be no DX12
3. Microsoft sees how good Mantle is, feels dumb/has "oh crap" moment
4. Microsoft approaches AMD to find out if any brand-neutral features of Mantle can go into a potential DX12 to let everyone enjoy Mantle goodness
5. Microsoft learns there is enough to justify DX12, decides to go with it.
6. AMD agrees to work with Microsoft, and continue developing for AMD stuff

So that's my theory/speculative timeline on how the known facts can fit a timeline that would work? Maybe I'm confused on the facts, but I think it's a bit much to automatically assume lying/deceit, when facts could fit a different story of Microsoft approaching AMD after AMD made DX look dumb.


Senior member
Nov 5, 2013
I think that's one possibility, but I think it's more likely that what has been said is true, not a lie.

For example, I think the facts are compatible with this timeline, if you go back in time:

1. No DX12, Microsoft is not planning on it
2. AMD comes out with Mantle, says there will be no DX12
3. Microsoft sees how good Mantle is, feels dumb/has "oh crap" moment
4. Microsoft approaches AMD to find out if any brand-neutral features of Mantle can go into a potential DX12 to let everyone enjoy Mantle goodness
5. Microsoft learns there is enough to justify DX12, decides to go with it.
6. AMD agrees to work with Microsoft, and continue developing for AMD stuff

So that's my theory/speculative timeline on how the known facts can fit a timeline that would work? Maybe I'm confused on the facts, but I think it's a bit much to automatically assume lying/deceit, when facts could fit a different story of Microsoft approaching AMD after AMD made DX look dumb.

The interview was back in April 2013. That's 11 months prior to the announcement of DX 12 and about 32 months before the first games with DX 12 come out (assuming they will come in Nov/Dec 2015).

Who know if DX 12 actually even existed outside of being an idea at MS at the time of the interview.
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