American Beheaded?

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Aug 17, 2000
Originally posted by: beer
Originally posted by: Squisher
Originally posted by: beer
Originally posted by: Squisher
Originally posted by: beer
Time to kill another few thousand Iraqis in a few random cities with random machine gun fire and cluster bombs. I'm serious too, it worked last time they did something like this. When was the last time you heard anything from fallujah?

Another P&Ner spreading his bile for all to see.

You obviously don't seem to understand my opinions on P&N. In fact, seach for recent posts in OT with the subject of 'P&N' posted by me. I figure that if people are allowed to flagrantly troll and the mods aren't going to do anything (i,e heartsurgeon) I might as well do the same, since it's good for a rise out of people.
I'm well aware of your opinions. But, if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, what is it, if it doesn't know it's a duck?

Your blatant anti-american unfounded accusations are about as trollish as any I've heard.

If I'm Anti-American because of the war....does that make Pro-American patriots favor the war, assuming like yourself? If people have died because of who, then? somehow I'm agaisnt the war, which makes me an anti-American....and you're for the war, which logically makes you pro-American....but the war has been responsible for almost 800 dead AMERICANS now and hasn't really accomplished anything anyways. So therefore you're pro-dead Americans, or something? I'm confused.
Does being anti-war require you to make accusations of atrocities done by the our troops of using, "random machine gun fire and cluster bombs" to quell protest by Iraqis?
I never said I was pro-war, I said you were anti-american and a troll.


Senior member
Nov 4, 2003
This murder is just to take this war or what you like to call it a step further.It looks like Bush totally has lost control down there.The murder of the innocent man is the most sick thing I ever have heard of and I think it only will make things worse for the "bad guys".About the debate to watch the video,I think one is mentally retarded if you really wanna see the video,and to compare it to porn is even sicker.
I am just afraid children will come over it,then they can be hurt for life mentally.
I am from Sweden and I wonder how Bush feels,when new deaths of american soldiers and civilians happends every day......


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2001
Originally posted by: palle33
This murder is just to take this war or what you like to call it a step further.It looks like Bush totally has lost control down there.The murder of the innocent man is the most sick thing I ever have heard of and I think it only will make things worse for the "bad guys".About the debate to watch the video,I think one is mentally retarded if you really wanna see the video,and to compare it to porn is even sicker.
I am just afraid children will come over it,then they can be hurt for life mentally.
I am from Sweden and I wonder how Bush feels,when new deaths of american soldiers and civilians happends every day......

Yes, because this is all Bush's fault :roll:


Senior member
Nov 4, 2003
Originally posted by: DougK62
Originally posted by: palle33
This murder is just to take this war or what you like to call it a step further.It looks like Bush totally has lost control down there.The murder of the innocent man is the most sick thing I ever have heard of and I think it only will make things worse for the "bad guys".About the debate to watch the video,I think one is mentally retarded if you really wanna see the video,and to compare it to porn is even sicker.
I am just afraid children will come over it,then they can be hurt for life mentally.
I am from Sweden and I wonder how Bush feels,when new deaths of american soldiers and civilians happends every day......

Yes, because this is all Bush's fault :roll:
well,he invaded Iraq didnt he?


Feb 8, 2001
Originally posted by: palle33
Originally posted by: DougK62
Originally posted by: palle33
This murder is just to take this war or what you like to call it a step further.It looks like Bush totally has lost control down there.The murder of the innocent man is the most sick thing I ever have heard of and I think it only will make things worse for the "bad guys".About the debate to watch the video,I think one is mentally retarded if you really wanna see the video,and to compare it to porn is even sicker.
I am just afraid children will come over it,then they can be hurt for life mentally.
I am from Sweden and I wonder how Bush feels,when new deaths of american soldiers and civilians happends every day......

Yes, because this is all Bush's fault :roll:
well,he invaded Iraq didnt he?

I would imagine it would make him ad enough to rip off their heads and sh!t down their least that's how it makes me feel.


Senior member
Nov 4, 2003
Originally posted by: Nitemare
Originally posted by: palle33
Originally posted by: DougK62
Originally posted by: palle33
This murder is just to take this war or what you like to call it a step further.It looks like Bush totally has lost control down there.The murder of the innocent man is the most sick thing I ever have heard of and I think it only will make things worse for the "bad guys".About the debate to watch the video,I think one is mentally retarded if you really wanna see the video,and to compare it to porn is even sicker.
I am just afraid children will come over it,then they can be hurt for life mentally.
I am from Sweden and I wonder how Bush feels,when new deaths of american soldiers and civilians happends every day......

Yes, because this is all Bush's fault :roll:
well,he invaded Iraq didnt he?

I would imagine it would make him ad enough to rip off their heads and sh!t down their least that's how it makes me feel.

exactly,but I guess there are a lot more of their sick kind down there,and they all look the same....


Diamond Member
Dec 22, 2002
However evil our foe is, however despicable their act is, America should not torture, humiliate, or harm any POW for any reason.

You see, America, like all western nations, is supposed to be above that kind of behaviour. Whether or not an opposing force commits acts far worse, we should refrain from acting in a way that shows us as anything but righteous.

The scandal surrounding the Iraqi POWs is disgusting. Regardless of how isolated it is within the military, all Americans, and all westerners, should feel shame.

And one simply cannot argue that "humiliating" POWs isn't as bad as "beheading" a civillian. It's irrelevant. Neither should happen. But you know what? They're going to keep torturing our people and terrorizing us because regardless of what we do, they hate our way of life.


Senior member
Nov 4, 2003
Originally posted by: brigden
However evil our foe is, however despicable their act is, America should not torture, humiliate, or harm any POW for any reason.

You see, America, like all western nations, is supposed to be above that kind of behaviour. Whether or not an opposing force commits acts far worse, we should refrain from acting in a way that shows us as anything but righteous.

The scandal surrounding the Iraqi POWs is disgusting. Regardless of how isolated it is within the military, all Americans, and all westerners, should feel shame.

And one simply cannot argue that "humiliating" POWs isn't as bad as "beheading" a civillian. It's irrelevant. Neither should happen. But you know what? They're going to keep torturing our people and terrorizing us because regardless of what we do, they hate our way of life.

yes,and that is another reason to leave that doomed country,,that is what I would do If I was in charge.


Diamond Member
Sep 18, 2003
Originally posted by: palle33
Originally posted by: brigden
However evil our foe is, however despicable their act is, America should not torture, humiliate, or harm any POW for any reason.

You see, America, like all western nations, is supposed to be above that kind of behaviour. Whether or not an opposing force commits acts far worse, we should refrain from acting in a way that shows us as anything but righteous.

The scandal surrounding the Iraqi POWs is disgusting. Regardless of how isolated it is within the military, all Americans, and all westerners, should feel shame.

And one simply cannot argue that "humiliating" POWs isn't as bad as "beheading" a civillian. It's irrelevant. Neither should happen. But you know what? They're going to keep torturing our people and terrorizing us because regardless of what we do, they hate our way of life.

yes,and that is another reason to leave that doomed country,,that is what I would do If I was in charge.

You can't leave Iraq in its current state. Since Bush dug a hole there, there has to be closure. You leave that country dwindling and perhaps a much more malevolent govt. than Saddam could take hold.

The war was a mistake. But as long as there's a SUNK COST, Iraq should be made as free as possible.

Regarding the military humiliation incidents, as a former military man myself, I can guarantee you those lackey soldiers were following some higher order for the most part. Officers are Gods in the military, and a well disciplined American non-commissioned officer soldier WON'T move unless told to do so (LINK TO RECENT STORY). The officers involved should be reprimanded with extreme prejudice.....more so than the soldiers who are basically young impressionable immature young guys, probably getting payback for the humiliation they went through in high school.

Its a shame.

The military is made up of very good people. It's pathetic to see these incidents be taken to the extreme by Fundamentalists as further excuse to wage war on a countries who mainly have their BEST interests in mind........Would they really want the lesser of all evils of having Saddam back in power again? I think not.

Originally posted by: brigden
However evil our foe is, however despicable their act is, America should not torture, humiliate, or harm any POW for any reason.
So don't take them POW, just shoot them in the head. No one seems to have a problem with killing them instead of taking them prisoner. It's just torturing of POWs that people bitch about.

I just watched the uncut video.

That video of the russian getting decapitated was better.


Senior member
Nov 29, 2000
Originally posted by: dr150
The video showed the cut as being pretty quick. Less than 10 seconds of pain. Aside from the horribleness of it, at least his suffering was brief.

It's sad that the worst predator humans have are each other.

Religion is the main cause of this strife!

Yo, this thread is being beat pretty bad, but I have to respond to the above comment.
I saw the entire video. 4 minutes of beloved patriot jaw-jacking and then the execution.
It looks like they used two seperate cameras since the "hours" are different but the "minutes" are in sync.
Looking at the minute counter, the entire head-lopping actually took about 3.5 minutes. A very long 3.5 minutes.
A horrible way to die, and a grim reminder of the brutality that people are capable of.
I fear things are going to get worse before they get better.
We had the world on our side when we attacked Afghanistan with righteous vengeance.
But toppeling a corrupt dictator under suspect reasoning was a real bad move.
We're (The USA) on our own now and it's gonna cost us in lives and dollars.
Lot's of both. It's all so sad.


Diamond Member
Feb 4, 2003
Originally posted by: ninjazed
Originally posted by: dr150
The video showed the cut as being pretty quick. Less than 10 seconds of pain. Aside from the horribleness of it, at least his suffering was brief.

It's sad that the worst predator humans have are each other.

Religion is the main cause of this strife!

Yo, this thread is being beat pretty bad, but I have to respond to the above comment.
I saw the entire video. 4 minutes of beloved patriot jaw-jacking and then the execution.
It looks like they used two seperate cameras since the "hours" are different but the "minutes" are in sync.
Looking at the minute counter, the entire head-lopping actually took about 3.5 minutes. A very long 3.5 minutes.
A horrible way to die, and a grim reminder of the brutality that people are capable of.
I fear things are going to get worse before they get better.
We had the world on our side when we attacked Afghanistan with righteous vengeance.
But toppeling a corrupt dictator under suspect reasoning was a real bad move.
We're (The USA) on our own now and it's gonna cost us in lives and dollars.
Lot's of both. It's all so sad.
I give this post 50 gold stars for the use of the phrase "beloved patriot jaw-jacking"


Junior Member
Apr 27, 2004
I have a lot of feelings behind this which I am not going to go into. I believe this should be easily available for people to see IF they want to. This is terible and I believe americans are too sheltered sometimes! This is the actual video... DO NOT WATCH UNLESS you are prepared to see the HORROR that is real for people that DEFEND FREEDOM. I REPEAT THIS IS ABSOLUTLY NOT FOR THE FAINT OF HEART!!!!

Muxslim terxrorists decxapitate axn Amexrican.


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2001
"Note to self"

Don't go to Iraq job hunting unless you want to put yourself
in harms way. The U.S. military can't possibly protect everyone
at all times in Iraq and it's more unfriendly to Americans than
most U.S. cities currently.


Platinum Member
Jun 16, 2003
Originally posted by: nic2deep
I have a lot of feelings behind this which I am not going to go into. I believe this should be easily available for people to see IF they want to. This is terible and I believe americans are too sheltered sometimes! This is the actual video... DO NOT WATCH UNLESS you are prepared to see the HORROR that is real for people that DEFEND FREEDOM. I REPEAT THIS IS ABSOLUTLY NOT FOR THE FAINT OF HEART!!!!

[Muxslim terxrorists decxapitate axn Amexrican.]

Might want to mention that the link contains a ton of porn bud..


Senior member
Aug 31, 2002
Originally posted by: FelixDeKat
Originally posted by: churchdoesmatter
why do they have masks?

it shows honor and respect to those who are going to die. this was a retailation to the U.S. abusing Iraq prisoners.

honor and respect my ass. they are fvcking cowards and will die like cowards, and afterwhich burn in hell. they dont want their faces recognized lest the be captured and receive the executions the richly desrve.

honor and respect. :roll:

I doubt these guys have any respect for Americans. This is nothing like an execution where the prisoner committed a crime worthy of a death sentence. Berg was an innocent civilian. A quick painless death was not their goal either. Sawing with a large knife is not like a guillotine. Such display of brutality to the public is despicable. In my mind they have forfeited their right to life.


Golden Member
Jul 6, 2001
Originally posted by: remagavon
Originally posted by: nic2deep
I have a lot of feelings behind this which I am not going to go into. I believe this should be easily available for people to see IF they want to. This is terible and I believe americans are too sheltered sometimes! This is the actual video... DO NOT WATCH UNLESS you are prepared to see the HORROR that is real for people that DEFEND FREEDOM. I REPEAT THIS IS ABSOLUTLY NOT FOR THE FAINT OF HEART!!!!

[Muxslim terxrorists decxapitate axn Amexrican.]

Might want to mention that the link contains a ton of porn bud..



Diamond Member
Jan 21, 2002
Originally posted by: jumpr
Originally posted by: FelixDeKat
Yes, as pointed out by President Bush, NK is an enemy of the US. If they want to start something with us, we will respond.
When did Iraq start something with us?
When they repeatedly violated the terms they had agreed to following the first gulf war, which was initiated when they invaded a sovereign country.


Diamond Member
Jan 21, 2002
Originally posted by: jumpr
Originally posted by: FelixDeKat
Originally posted by: jumpr
Originally posted by: FelixDeKat
Originally posted by: jumpr
Originally posted by: FelixDeKat
Yes, as pointed out by President Bush, NK is an enemy of the US. If they want to start something with us, we will respond.
When did Iraq start something with us?

When they invaded Quwait, who requested our assistance in driving them out.
So Operation Iraqi Freedom is a continuation of Daddy Bush's war? Isn't that something that the Bush Administration has been vehemently denying throughout the ENTIRE Iraq war? George I didn't want to finish the job and start a U.S. imbroglio, so George II was chosen to take the fall for the U.S., eh?

You really have trouble arguing competently.

AHA! "Dady Bush"... not only did you reveal yourself to be completely biased and partisan you cant accept the truth as it is. Too bad.
Fine. Father Bush. George HW Bush. I could call you FelixDeFrickinCluelessKat, but that doesn't make your argument any less palatable. You're the one who made the connection between the 1991 Gulf War and the current one, not me.

Are you a complete moron?
Of course there is a connection. The conditions Saddam agreed to following the first war then violated are what gave us the right to take action to enforce those actions.

Are you saying that we don't have a right to enforce agreements made to end a war?
Then WTF was the point of ending the first Gulf War based on certain conditions if those conditions are not going to be enforced?

Originally posted by: Shanti
Originally posted by: jumpr
Originally posted by: FelixDeKat
Originally posted by: jumpr
Originally posted by: FelixDeKat
Originally posted by: jumpr
Originally posted by: FelixDeKat
Yes, as pointed out by President Bush, NK is an enemy of the US. If they want to start something with us, we will respond.
When did Iraq start something with us?

When they invaded Quwait, who requested our assistance in driving them out.
So Operation Iraqi Freedom is a continuation of Daddy Bush's war? Isn't that something that the Bush Administration has been vehemently denying throughout the ENTIRE Iraq war? George I didn't want to finish the job and start a U.S. imbroglio, so George II was chosen to take the fall for the U.S., eh?

You really have trouble arguing competently.

AHA! "Dady Bush"... not only did you reveal yourself to be completely biased and partisan you cant accept the truth as it is. Too bad.
Fine. Father Bush. George HW Bush. I could call you FelixDeFrickinCluelessKat, but that doesn't make your argument any less palatable. You're the one who made the connection between the 1991 Gulf War and the current one, not me.

Are you a complete moron?
Of course there is a connection. The conditions Saddam agreed to following the first war then violated are what gave us the right to take action to enforce those actions.

Are you saying that we don't have a right to enforce agreements made to end a war?
Then WTF was the point of ending the first Gulf War based on certain conditions if those conditions are not going to be enforced?
Saddam was in violation of the U.N. resolutions agreed to at the end of the first Gulf War. Agreed. But the violations that the U.S. presumed were those involving banned weapons, most notably and specifically, those infamous WMDs. That's the pretense that the U.S. invaded Iraq on, and we still haven't found those WMDs.

So, I ask again, did the U.S. enter Iraq under the right circumstances? Was Hussein's refusal to allow U.N. inspectors full access to Iraq REALLY worth close to 1000 American lives, plus the public decapitation of an American civilian? They're tough questions, but I think the answer is finally becoming clear.


Diamond Member
Jan 21, 2002
Originally posted by: jumpr
Originally posted by: Shanti
Originally posted by: jumpr
Originally posted by: FelixDeKat
Originally posted by: jumpr
Originally posted by: FelixDeKat
Originally posted by: jumpr
Originally posted by: FelixDeKat
Yes, as pointed out by President Bush, NK is an enemy of the US. If they want to start something with us, we will respond.
When did Iraq start something with us?

When they invaded Quwait, who requested our assistance in driving them out.
So Operation Iraqi Freedom is a continuation of Daddy Bush's war? Isn't that something that the Bush Administration has been vehemently denying throughout the ENTIRE Iraq war? George I didn't want to finish the job and start a U.S. imbroglio, so George II was chosen to take the fall for the U.S., eh?

You really have trouble arguing competently.

AHA! "Dady Bush"... not only did you reveal yourself to be completely biased and partisan you cant accept the truth as it is. Too bad.
Fine. Father Bush. George HW Bush. I could call you FelixDeFrickinCluelessKat, but that doesn't make your argument any less palatable. You're the one who made the connection between the 1991 Gulf War and the current one, not me.

Are you a complete moron?
Of course there is a connection. The conditions Saddam agreed to following the first war then violated are what gave us the right to take action to enforce those actions.

Are you saying that we don't have a right to enforce agreements made to end a war?
Then WTF was the point of ending the first Gulf War based on certain conditions if those conditions are not going to be enforced?
Saddam was in violation of the U.N. resolutions agreed to at the end of the first Gulf War. Agreed. But the violations that the U.S. presumed were those involving banned weapons, most notably and specifically, those infamous WMDs. That's the pretense that the U.S. invaded Iraq on, and we still haven't found those WMDs.

So, I ask again, did the U.S. enter Iraq under the right circumstances? Was Hussein's refusal to allow U.N. inspectors full access to Iraq REALLY worth close to 1000 American lives, plus the public decapitation of an American civilian? They're tough questions, but I think the answer is finally becoming clear.

Dammit, I knew there was a reason I quit going to P&N. I simply cannot help responding though.

IMO, It doesn't matter if there were WMD's or not. Saddam clearly violated his obligation to allow us full access to inspect. How were we supposed to know for sure if there were weapons when we weren't allowed to check certain locations or talk with certain people. Saddam's behavior indicated he had something to hide and there was no way for us to know the truth while he was in power.
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