American Beheaded?

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No Lifer
Aug 15, 2000
Originally posted by: JeffreyLebowski
It's possible he was drugged. This would be a good reason for him to not move or struggle alot. And depending on what drugs were used on him, they could have lowered his blood pressure enough to where he didn't errupt.

Thou I only watched it once, I saw blood and it looked real to me. When a head comes off, a giant blob of blood doesn't come shooting out. The way he was cut, the arteries would have pumped the blood into the cavity of his body or possibly it could have flowed down his esoughogus or trechea.

Could this have been staged or faked? Over course, but i don't think so. The people that jump to say this is fake are the sameones that think the US faked landing on the moon.

The guys in the video are wearing ski masks. You honestly think they can get their hands on and use drugs like that?

I don't think it is fake. These people are capable of crap like that because they think they are doing the work of their god. Screaming "Allah Akbar" the whole time they are cutting off his head just shows they are a bunch of loonies no different than the Klan or the Nazis (in some ways even worse).

I didn't think the video was too gross. I think I am getting desensitized to this kind of stuff. After watching people jumping out of the WTC (on TV) nothing really phases me anymore. The f*cktard talking all that Allah-Allah b*llshit pissed me off more than anything.


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: SP33Demon
Originally posted by: Robor
I saw the vid yesterday from the link MDesigner posted a few above this post. I only watched it once but before I did I read others commenting that they didn't see blood so I paid close attention during "the act" when I watched it. It's still grainy or at least pixelated but from what I saw there was blood and it appeared to me a lot of it. Like I said, I only watched it once - after lunch - and I don't know if it was anger or the general feeling of upset stomach one gets after watching something like that. Either way, I don't feel up to watching it again to look for blood.

As far as conspiracy theories, given that these people (radical militant muslims) have shown in the past that they are not above this type of act I see no reason to believe this was staged. It appears to me these are the same cowards who want anyone who doesn't agree with their religious beliefs dead. So much for tolerance, eh? Anyway, I was for going in to eliminate the alleged WMD but since it's been over a year and *nothing* has been uncovered to show they exist I say get the F out of there and leave with a statement...

Any future terrorist attacks against the US or it's interests abroad will be considered an act of war against the US. Once the source of such terrorism is determined the response will be a swift and massive attack against the terrorist supporting country in the form of long range missles with the intention of totally eliminating the enemy.
So you're suggesting that b/c of Al Qaeda's attacks on the Twin Towers, we should constantly bomb innocents in Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan until they give him up? What if we don't know where the terrorists are located? lol :roll:
Sorry but if these countries continue to support or at least turn their backs to terrorist organizations within their borders they should be held responsible for their actions, period. Maybe if Saudi Arabia or Afghanistan knew there would be serious payback for any attacks made by their citizens they'd do a better job of policing their own country. And if you think the threat of massive retaliation doesn't work then why didn't the terrorists fvck with the Chinese citizens they held captive? What do you think they would do if one of their innocent civilians was beheaded and broadcast worldwide?


Diamond Member
Mar 14, 2001
I can't understand why any civilians would be in this part of the world, job or money just isn't worth the consequences.

I saw the edited video, I didn't need to see the graphic conclusion to feel depressed.

I haven't felt this bad since watching the 9-11 horror. Extreme sadness and depression followed by shock and rage. It is a joke that modern society call themselves civilized. Here in America we live in our safe cocoon of make believe civilization were nothing like this exists.

But it does exist in many parts of the world, and sometimes we are forced to view the ugly truth. I fear that this is going to become the "norm" with the terrorist threat and growing instability in the Middle East.

America needs to do one of two things:

1. End the problems in Afganistan and Iraq by any means necessary, including nuking them back to the dark ages that they seem to want to live in so badly. Who cares what the rest of the world thinks, the anti-American sentiment has never been greater anyway.

2. Pack and leave, let them fester in their own misery. Use all this military power to guard our own borders and deport any foreigner that doesn't have legitimate business here or can't prove they have relocated with the best of intentions.

Yeah, this sounds radical and prejudiced, and it damn sure is after what I have been seeing in recent years!


Jun 22, 2001
Originally posted by: Robor
Originally posted by: SP33Demon
Originally posted by: Robor
I saw the vid yesterday from the link MDesigner posted a few above this post. I only watched it once but before I did I read others commenting that they didn't see blood so I paid close attention during "the act" when I watched it. It's still grainy or at least pixelated but from what I saw there was blood and it appeared to me a lot of it. Like I said, I only watched it once - after lunch - and I don't know if it was anger or the general feeling of upset stomach one gets after watching something like that. Either way, I don't feel up to watching it again to look for blood.

As far as conspiracy theories, given that these people (radical militant muslims) have shown in the past that they are not above this type of act I see no reason to believe this was staged. It appears to me these are the same cowards who want anyone who doesn't agree with their religious beliefs dead. So much for tolerance, eh? Anyway, I was for going in to eliminate the alleged WMD but since it's been over a year and *nothing* has been uncovered to show they exist I say get the F out of there and leave with a statement...

Any future terrorist attacks against the US or it's interests abroad will be considered an act of war against the US. Once the source of such terrorism is determined the response will be a swift and massive attack against the terrorist supporting country in the form of long range missles with the intention of totally eliminating the enemy.
So you're suggesting that b/c of Al Qaeda's attacks on the Twin Towers, we should constantly bomb innocents in Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan until they give him up? What if we don't know where the terrorists are located? lol :roll:
Sorry but if these countries continue to support or at least turn their backs to terrorist organizations within their borders they should be held responsible for their actions, period. Maybe if Saudi Arabia or Afghanistan knew there would be serious payback for any attacks made by their citizens they'd do a better job of policing their own country. And if you think the threat of massive retaliation doesn't work then why didn't the terrorists fvck with the Chinese citizens they held captive? What do you think they would do if one of their innocent civilians was beheaded and broadcast worldwide?

So you condone genocide b/c of the actions of a few fundamentalists? Let me get this straight here. So if an American terrorist (yes they exist) bombed/spearheaded/terrorized say, the Brits, and fled back to the US then the Brits could launch long range missles at DC/NY/Boston/Baltimore/Philly until we found the guy? Say the guy has snuck into Canada or Mexico, and we don't know where the fvck he went nor have proof of his whereabouts. We would just allow the Brits to keep shooting missles at us, right? Because that will help us find him quicker, lmao....


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: SP33Demon
So you condone genocide b/c of the actions of a few fundamentalists? Let me get this straight here. So if an American terrorist (yes they exist) bombed/spearheaded/terrorized say, the Brits, and fled back to the US then the Brits could launch long range missles at DC/NY/Boston/Baltimore/Philly until we found the guy? Say the guy has snuck into Canada or Mexico, and we don't know where the fvck he went nor have proof of his whereabouts. We would just allow the Brits to keep shooting missles at us, right? Because that will help us find him quicker, lmao....
I never said anything about genocide. Also, I think it's a lot more than a "few" fundamentalists. If that was the case they could be dealt with a lot easier than a full scale military invasion. And last I checked the US doesn't have a history of sponsoring terrorism. Maybe I'm wrong but I don't remember a US citizen blowing him/herself up in a bus, restaurant, school, etc full of innocent people in another country because they don't like their religion. I'll agree, we do have whackos within our borders but as I said they're not attacking other nations or taking tourists captive and lopping off their heads.

When it all comes down to it the islamic militants hate us because we're allied with their enemy (the Jews) and no amount of political bargaining will ever change that. This war (and most wars for that matter) is nothing more than one religion not being able to get along with another religion. Thank God I'm an athiest... :disgust: (yes, that was sarcasm)


Dec 17, 2000
I don't care how fluent a soldier could be at Arabic.. without years and years of living in the environment, they will never sound like a native speaker.

This is completely false, especially in regards to arabic. Some arabs from different countries have a hard time understanding each other becaues their dialects differ drastically. It's not difficult to learn arabic in a non-native arabic-speaking country and be able to speak the language effortlessly.. good students, teachers, and practice are only required.


Platinum Member
Apr 3, 2001
Originally posted by: dejacky
I don't care how fluent a soldier could be at Arabic.. without years and years of living in the environment, they will never sound like a native speaker.

This is completely false, especially in regards to arabic. Some arabs from different countries have a hard time understanding each other becaues their dialects differ drastically. It's not difficult to learn arabic in a non-native arabic-speaking country and be able to speak the language effortlessly.. good students, teachers, and practice are only required.

Yes, but a person born and raised in America, learning Arabic in his/her early 20s, will most likely never sound like a native speaker. Yeah, they might have their pronunciation down, but there are just very minor things that native Arabs would pick out as "not sounding right." That, or they might botch up minor slang phrases or something like that, that you only pick up living in the area and being immersed in it.

I'm not saying it's impossible for an American to speak Arabic and fool an Arab. Just not too commonplace.


Senior member
Aug 18, 2003
i dont know if the video was staged or not.. but i do know with the science experiment .. the brain and head stays alive after its cut off.. and when they held it up.. it didnt look that alive..who knows... either way im supporting the idea that something major needs done.. and i know with good confidence our soliders are going to take less prisoners after that video.. they have the internet over there adn im sure the video is going around too... making alot of them really pissed off.. and having the weapons and machinery that they do.. im sure the terrorists are gonna get a much worse enviroment now.. just goes along with how smart they are.

and as far as berg being over there.. why? if you dont want to then dont go.. simple as that, i feel sorry for him but thousands of people a day are signing up to go over there and work, do none of them have common sense? leave their country humbled at its knees what have they done for us? infact what has much of the middle east done for us? $3.11/gallon? FvCK them.. FvCK them all.. god help them if i decide to sign up for the army.. ill shoot every god damm .. ill stop there.

the fact is.. this stupid genneva and the UN.. we are bound by rules that no one else applies by.. and thats messed up.. we need to come to the conclusion if they arent going to agree by them.. either are we.. and im tired of loosing friends in teh war.. pull them out nuke the place.. and yes a few people spoiled the whole country.. if a few here spoiled the US.. and the brits were gonna nuke us.. im sure bush would have no problem releasing the bastards to the brits.. because we are civilized and believe in consequences.. thats why we have capital punishment.. and we need to expand that to every state. but thats another story


Golden Member
Jul 23, 2001
I still can't believe some people would lie down and let all this happen. We should turn our little tails and run home. I'm sure 99.9% of the soldiers there would be pi$$ed! And I'm sure that anyone there wouldn't think twice to take the life of one of our soldiers or civilians. If the country was so innocent they should make every effort to try to live without these terrorists.

Every time I hear on the news another soldier was killed I feel like someone just hit my in the chest. This war is not useless but we are trying to be too polite. I heard that the press asked if those detained are getting proper Air conditioning. WTFH!? WHO CARES!?

I seriously think we should attack in true apache form. Level known terrorist hide-outs (I'm sure we know). Any civilians there are helping them anyway.

Oh, and if our government could not control a terrorist action internally (Someone's reference to the brits attacking us) I would expect some retaliation. However, that would not happen. GB is civilized and would be able to diplomatically work out the issue with our Government.


Senior member
Sep 24, 2003
Originally posted by: TMPadmin
I still can't believe some people would lie down and let all this happen. We should turn our little tails and run home. I'm sure 99.9% of the soldiers there would be pi$$ed! And I'm sure that anyone there wouldn't think twice to take the life of one of our soldiers or civilians. If the country was so innocent they should make every effort to try to live without these terrorists.

Every time I hear on the news another soldier was killed I feel like someone just hit my in the chest. This war is not useless but we are trying to be too polite. I heard that the press asked if those detained are getting proper Air conditioning. WTFH!? WHO CARES!?

I seriously think we should attack in true apache form. Level known terrorist hide-outs (I'm sure we know). Any civilians there are helping them anyway.

Oh, and if our government could not control a terrorist action internally (Someone's reference to the brits attacking us) I would expect some retaliation. However, that would not happen. GB is civilized and would be able to diplomatically work out the issue with our Government.

agreed :beer:


Platinum Member
Apr 3, 2001
Here's some food for thought...

There are quite a few things that come across as fishy:

1) Why was Berg carrying anti-Semitic materials on him?? (ref)
2) Notice how when he was beheaded, there was little or no blood. I'm not the only one who noticed
3) Is it just me, or did the terrorists carry themselves like Americans? The shuffling, fidgeting. Watch videos of Al Qaida (who usually go unmasked by the way). They are very proper, they sit straight, they don't carry themselves the same way.
4) What's with the crude looking knife? When the Taliban performed public beheadings, didn't they use really sharp swords that got the job done quickly?
5) Why did an Al Qaida terrorist have access to Nick's email account?? (see "More fishiness" link below)

Anyway, just check out these links (it's all safe, nothing graphic):

Democratic Underground
Footage Doubt
More fishiness

Read's very interesting stuff, some of it makes sense, some of it is just conspiracy theorist crap. But I won't argue that the timing of this (right after the Iraqi abuse photos) is too coincidental, and that I think there's something deeper below the surface here. Way way deeper.


Jun 22, 2001
Originally posted by: TMPadmin
I still can't believe some people would lie down and let all this happen. We should turn our little tails and run home. I'm sure 99.9% of the soldiers there would be pi$$ed! And I'm sure that anyone there wouldn't think twice to take the life of one of our soldiers or civilians. If the country was so innocent they should make every effort to try to live without these terrorists.

Every time I hear on the news another soldier was killed I feel like someone just hit my in the chest. This war is not useless but we are trying to be too polite. I heard that the press asked if those detained are getting proper Air conditioning. WTFH!? WHO CARES!?

I seriously think we should attack in true apache form. Level known terrorist hide-outs (I'm sure we know). Any civilians there are helping them anyway.

Oh, and if our government could not control a terrorist action internally (Someone's reference to the brits attacking us) I would expect some retaliation. However, that would not happen. GB is civilized and would be able to diplomatically work out the issue with our Government.
The reference to the Brits was to show how irrational your thoughts are: to say that Iraq/Pakistan/Afghanistan should turn over people whom they don't even know the location of, and if they don't, their innocent people and their homes will be bombed by long range missles is ridiculous. It's like saying the Brits should be able to bomb us and/or our homes b/c we can't find someone who terrorized them who resides in our country. Innocent people should not be held responsible for the actions of a few fanatics, i.e. bombing peoples' homes in these countries b/c they can't find Bin Laden. To assume that they know where Bin Laden is hiding is utterly ridiculous, even if they did know, we couldn't prove it and have no way of knowing.


Jun 22, 2001
Originally posted by: MDesigner
Here's some food for thought...

There are quite a few things that come across as fishy:

1) Why was Berg carrying anti-Semitic materials on him?? (ref)
2) Notice how when he was beheaded, there was little or no blood. I'm not the only one who noticed
3) Is it just me, or did the terrorists carry themselves like Americans? The shuffling, fidgeting. Watch videos of Al Qaida (who usually go unmasked by the way). They are very proper, they sit straight, they don't carry themselves the same way.
4) What's with the crude looking knife? When the Taliban performed public beheadings, didn't they use really sharp swords that got the job done quickly?
5) Why did an Al Qaida terrorist have access to Nick's email account?? (see "More fishiness" link below)

Anyway, just check out these links (it's all safe, nothing graphic):

Democratic Underground
Footage Doubt
More fishiness

Read's very interesting stuff, some of it makes sense, some of it is just conspiracy theorist crap. But I won't argue that the timing of this (right after the Iraqi abuse photos) is too coincidental, and that I think there's something deeper below the surface here. Way way deeper.

I agree... why the hell would Al Qaida be in Iraq, and what is their affiliation to the insurgents (I thought they were different sects of the Muslim religion that don't believe the same things)? Wasn't Al-Zarqui already declared dead by our government in Afghanistan? Since when has Al Qaida hid their faces in videos, they enjoy throwing it in our face the fact that they are still alive and well and don't have to hide from the camera. Why was the sound (i.e. the screaming of Berg) not synced up to the act of the killing? Why was a minute missing out of the video after they jumped on him, and then chopped off the head? Why the hell was a Jewish American in Iraq by himself, and is it coincidence that he let an Al Qaida member who was charged in 9/11 use his laptop 2 years ago? Why was Berg studying Arabic and Islam before he went to Iraq, only to die at the hands of Al Qaida who he met with 2 years before? Why did the Iraqi police find him suspicious, as well as the FBI? Many, many questions here.


Platinum Member
Mar 23, 2001
Sorry, you conspiracy theorists are crazy. With all the conspiracy theories floating around, it's a wonder anyone in the government has time to do any real work.

I'm no physician, but wouldn't the severing of the head and thus the severing of communication between the brain and the heart, immediately stop the heart from beating? My guess is that there would be a decent amount of blood, but certainly not any kind of "spurting", which is associated with a beating heart. In addition, in the absence of a beating heart, gravity would be the major factor in determining how much blood flows out of the body. It would follow that, unless the body was hung upside-down, the amount of blood would probably be less than common perception would lead one to believe.

Well, that was a rather morbid analysis.


Platinum Member
Apr 3, 2001
More information:

FACT: Nick was taking photos while in Iraq. Draw your own conclusions.
Email from Nick to a friend:
>About Iraq-

>I am taking photos - where allowed. It's actually pretty sad - I just
>got off one of two 320 meter monster towers in Abu Gharib (also home
>to the main political prison) which use to support most of Baghdad
>area's VHF and UHF.
>Both have been badly looted, including 4000 feet or more of flexible
>6-1/8" heliax, two full 12X4 panel TV antennas, and even some
>structural members. I was also in the North as I mentioned, but here there
>wasn't as much damage. I'll definitely share some of these pix with
>you and others next time I'm in the area - I'd love to put together a
>little presentation for SBE or PAB in about six monthes after I've
>been on every site and fixed some of them.

Speculation: some Russian is spoken in the video..if anyone here speaks Russian fluently, play the video but just listen to the audio track..try to listen for Russian. I think someone said that one of the terrorists says "hurry up" ("davay pozhivee").

And here's some more brain food for you.


Senior member
Nov 29, 2000
Originally posted by: DBL
Sorry, you conspiracy theorists are crazy. With all the conspiracy theories floating around, it's a wonder anyone in the government has time to do any real work.

I'm no physician, but wouldn't the severing of the head and thus the severing of communication between the brain and the heart, immediately stop the heart from beating? My guess is that there would be a decent amount of blood, but certainly not any kind of "spurting", which is...

Well, that was a rather morbid analysis.

Morbid indeed, DBL, but to answer your question, there is most definately blood flow, spurting and residual body contractions when someone is alive and beheaded. I'm not jumping on the "conspiracy theory bus" but the Berg video is suspect to me. If you've been unfortunate enough to see one of these God-Forsaken, ghastly events, you will agree that mankind can lower himself no further. Acts of disrespect and humiliation that no other animal on the planet excercises but Man himself.

"Life is so cheap anymore, we are categorized and manipulated, we rally behind arbitrary beliefs that can be neither disproven or rationalized. We slay each other like cattle." In the end it almost makes no point to debate. The video may have been doped for any number of reasons but young Nick Berg is dead no matter how you look at it.

I got a bad feeling about this war. This religious fanaticism is like a global virus and it can't be quelled with conventional weapons. The world dreamed about by John Lennon in "Imagine" seems like a distant possibility these days.



Senior member
Apr 22, 2003
to all the people comparing this to the treatment of iraqi prisoners... THAT IS THE MOST RETARDED COMPARISON I HAVE EVER HEARD/READ! granted both would really suck, wouldnt you much rather be humiliated and photographed than have your head sawed off?

i refuse to watch the video (because thats just what the terrorists want us to do) so i dont have an opinion on the was her dead or not question, BUT DOES IT REALLY MATTER? I MEAN BEING ALIVE WILL OBVIOUSLY WORSE BUT THE FACT OF THE MATTER IS THEY CUT HIS HEAD OFF.

how come everyone condemns us for our prison incident but NO ONE (except our buddy england) says anything about this? the silence is deafening.


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 1999
Originally posted by: Tsunami982
to all the people comparing this to the treatment of iraqi prisoners... THAT IS THE MOST RETARDED COMPARISON I HAVE EVER HEARD/READ! granted both would really suck, wouldnt you much rather be humiliated and photographed than have your head sawed off?

i refuse to watch the video (because thats just what the terrorists want us to do) so i dont have an opinion on the was her dead or not question, BUT DOES IT REALLY MATTER? I MEAN BEING ALIVE WILL OBVIOUSLY WORSE BUT THE FACT OF THE MATTER IS THEY CUT HIS HEAD OFF.

how come everyone condemns us for our prison incident but NO ONE (except our buddy england) says anything about this? the silence is deafening.

I don't feel sorry for anyone. make you happy?


Jan 25, 2000
Originally posted by: Tsunami982
to all the people comparing this to the treatment of iraqi prisoners... THAT IS THE MOST RETARDED COMPARISON I HAVE EVER HEARD/READ! granted both would really suck, wouldnt you much rather be humiliated and photographed than have your head sawed off?

i refuse to watch the video (because thats just what the terrorists want us to do) so i dont have an opinion on the was her dead or not question, BUT DOES IT REALLY MATTER? I MEAN BEING ALIVE WILL OBVIOUSLY WORSE BUT THE FACT OF THE MATTER IS THEY CUT HIS HEAD OFF.

how come everyone condemns us for our prison incident but NO ONE (except our buddy england) says anything about this? the silence is deafening.
And in addition to the "abuse," there definitely are incidents of homicide. But since it's not decaptitation, it couldn't be as bad, right?


Senior member
Feb 22, 2004
Originally posted by: DBL
Sorry, you conspiracy theorists are crazy. With all the conspiracy theories floating around, it's a wonder anyone in the government has time to do any real work.

I'm no physician, but wouldn't the severing of the head and thus the severing of communication between the brain and the heart, immediately stop the heart from beating? My guess is that there would be a decent amount of blood, but certainly not any kind of "spurting", which is associated with a beating heart. In addition, in the absence of a beating heart, gravity would be the major factor in determining how much blood flows out of the body. It would follow that, unless the body was hung upside-down, the amount of blood would probably be less than common perception would lead one to believe.

Well, that was a rather morbid analysis.

i'll just weigh in my own medical opinion here being a recent graduate from medical with an interest in forensic medical science. this is strictly from a medical standpoint addressing some points brought up earlier. i've only had some experience with ER trauma and surgery during our surgical rotation but of course, it being quite rare, i've never encountered an accident or assaulted victim suffering from a near or complete decapitation. it just doesn't happen on a daily basis but anyhow from my study of anatomy & physiology, the complete severing of the head would not immediately result in the cessation of a beating heart. this is because the heart has it's own "nerve supply" so to speak called the sinoatrial node which sends electrical impulses throughout the heart and regulates it beating. this is the reason why patients who are considered "brain dead" or are comatose can still continue to live because the heart can continue to pump blood throughout the body. of course the brain and other aspects of the nervous system also have other receptors which can influence directly or indirectly the heart's rate, contraction, etc. but separation of these two organs does not 'cause the heart to stop functioning per se. now after seeing the beheading video or at least the version i've watched, i have to say the video quality is very poor such that it is quite hard to determine if there is any spurting of blood or how much blood loss is occuring during the ordeal. i don't think you can visualize much because of the poor lighting and he is being forced by 2 guys to lie on his side close to the floor's dark surface. you can see some blood loss but either way i don't think the pressure in the heart is great enough such that you would see spurting of blood all over the place as is often portrayed in movies. a second point is that once the brain is physically seperated from the body, bodily movement would essentially cease immediately because all skeletal muscle movement is under voluntary control which has to come from impulses sent by the brain. contrarily, seizure disorders occur on an unconscious level due to rapid, disorganized electrical impluses firing from the brain. other involuntary bodily movement such as the knee-jerk reflex when a doctor taps your knee using a hammer are however mediated only at the spinal cord level. one last point is that despite being beheaded, he may have been conscious still and able to see and hear even for a few seconds while blood was still circulating through his brain since the all the visual and hearing sensory pathways are located within the brain and cavity of the skull. a basis for CPR is that the brain can survive without oxygen for about 5 mins., the amount of time necessary to restore heartbeat and circulation. whether the video is authentic or not or how it was produced i don't think we really can't say for sure. the video does appear to have been cut at two points towards the end suggesting it may have been edited or even doctored in some way thus lending to other theories about nick's death. the neck region is also a highly vascularized structure being the common pathway for major arteries and veins and there appears to be no blood dripping from the head after he holds it up. maybe some CIA analysis of the video may shed some further light. either way, that is a tragic way for anyone to die. i feel very sorry for mr. nick berg and the berg family. his death was totally unjustifiable.


Elite Member
Sep 20, 2003
I say that there is more to this Berg thing then we are being told.

I was listening to the Radio today and someone was going on about all the coincidences between Berg and the terrorists. How Berg's roommate was so and so and someone working with Moussoi (sp) was corresponding with Berg for months, and the whole laptop thing. It kinda got to be like a Kevin Bacon type thing, but I will wait until all the smoke clears and see what is left. Who knows...?? For every one person who says it is false, there is another who says it is genunine.

In any case, it must have been horrible for him.


Nov 14, 1999
Do you now understand why on the afternoon of 9/11 I called for the nuclear destruction of Kabul and Baghdad?

These people (the terrorists) are made in the image of God.

It is proper to remove these people from the earth by all inclusive death, in order to preserve the peace for the innocent.


Diamond Member
Aug 24, 2002
Originally posted by: MrPALCO
Do you now understand why on the afternoon of 9/11 I called for the nuclear destruction of Kabul and Baghdad?

These people (the terrorists) are made in the image of God.

It is proper to remove these people from the earth by all inclusive death, in order to preserve the peace for the innocent.

So, everyone in Kabul and Baghdad is guilty of being terrorists? If not, wouldn't killing them as well be NOT preserving the peace for the innocent? In fact, wouldn't we be killing innocent people in mass... is that not a terrorist attack?
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