@Perknose @allisolm @esquared
Think it's time squishy got a talking to because just lashing out at people who actually voted for the same candidate as him is just looking to bully others online.
Most of us know who the real enemy is and don't blame each other.. infact we try to help.. but this constant abuse of literally everyone by him, even those on his side is getting to be too much even for P&N. He's done it consistently over the last few months.. blame everyone, lash out at everyone.
It's just destroying the morale around here.
Up to you all.
I mean this is all very simple. We are not going to change the minds of trumpers or Trump. We know they're evil, we know they're stupid, we're not going to change them.
But to defeat evil you must have an opposition. And that is called, at least for now, the Democratic party. And how does one think you become a good opposition party. Well you got to figure out where you fucked up too. In what world did the Democrats do everything right and we can just blame Republicans or the media. You'd have to be delusional to think the Democrats just knocked it out of the park but oh well people are bad.
Bullshit. As the opposition party we have to learn how to approach this
You don't approach things by not acknowledging your own weaknesses. It's really pretty simple that to examine and accept where the Democrats really fucked up, is about how to be a better opposition down the road. As in tomorrow and is in 2 years from now.
Instead we have a bunch of whiny Democrats that don't want to take criticism, to the point they even think our Democratic politicians should not go out there and create a scene to expose the authoritarian nature of what's going on, because they're needed back home to exercise their power. Of which they're not doing any of that at all.
It's fucking pathetic.