American Family Radio "family values" advocate gets 15 years for child porn

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Jan 11, 2004
Well I think the presumption alot of people make when a Christian gets caught with his pants down so to speak is that Christianity is thus proven to be a farce. Not so at all and most Christians will tell you we are all sinners. One thing I can do as a Christian is forgive.
By forgiving we are forgiven.As far as this "decent christian man" that is all a public perception isn;t it? We are all jerks, greedy , sexual perverts, violent or some other serious flaw inside. Every human being on earth has some serious flaw like this and we are no different.
Sorry! Becoming a Christian is not going to change that. Having some flaw like that does not prevent you from becoming a Christian and becoming forgiven and making it into heaven. Isn't that wonderful news?


Mar 24, 2000
Originally posted by: Kappo
Originally posted by: BugsBunny1078
hey Im a christian and Ill tell ya something.
Im not perfect either.
Never claimed to be.
SO all this finger pointing
"Look yet another imperfect Christian" isn't proving anything.
Christianity is still the truth and still the way to salvation and the guy may be a sinner and going to Jail but he is still forgiven and still going to heaven and you're probably not.

I may not go to "heaven", but I wont recieve an a$$ probe by someone called "Bigun" during my stay in a prison for engaging in criminal behavior, either.

I think you should put that Christianity is the way for YOU. It is not the way for me. I am happy that you know this guy's internal belief system, though.

Why is it that everyone thinks he is attacking christians or conservatives? The guy screwed up! He deserves every bit of torment he gets. He blathers on about how porn is wrong, but then does some crap like this? WTF hypocrite.

I personally am not a pro-porn kinda guy, so this kind of thing is just bad in general to me. I dont get why someone would take up for him. You can love all you want, and you can put your child in a dark room with him under no supervision. Ill stick to my beliefs that he is scum and a liar.

Is anyone taking up for him?


Dec 26, 2001
I think that people usually delight in exposing hypocrites, even moreso when those hypocrites use the aegis of moral righteousness to reinforce and hide their hypocricy.


Jan 12, 2002
Originally posted by: BugsBunny1078
hey Im a christian and Ill tell ya something.
Im not perfect either.
Never claimed to be.
SO all this finger pointing
"Look yet another imperfect Christian" isn't proving anything.
Christianity is still the truth and still the way to salvation and the guy may be a sinner and going to Jail but he is still forgiven and still going to heaven and you're probably not.

This is a strawman argument. Nobody's trying to prove anything. It's only another example of a person who criticizes other people's morals when they themselves are immoral in the worst way. Nobody said, "another imperfect Christian."

This guy had the audacity to criticize pornography when he was enjoying the worst kind.

Same thing goes for Rush who goes on about morality but is addicted to drugs.

Finally, to alchemize, you are guilty of absurd overgeneralizations.

You point out one "left-wing" country and try and associate any left-wingers with that position. You conveniently overlooked the fact that this is illegal in many other so-called left-wing countries.


Aug 10, 2001
Originally posted by: alchemize
Originally posted by: Don_Vito
Originally posted by: alchemize

Might as well be. It's like decriminalized pot. You can possess it, but can't distribute it. And of course, 16 and 17 year olds are fair game.

Are you an attorney licensed in the Netherlands, or in law enforcement there?

You're right about 16-year-olds and up - the age of sexual consent is 16 in many states in the US as well.

Of course, none of this has to do with my basic objection to your post - that you insist on turning everything into a partisan issue. This level of fixation clouds your perception IMO, because you see everything through a partisan lens. Must be pretty dull living in a black and white world.

Umm...OP? That was you that started this little ole thread, isn't it?
American Family Radio "family values" advocate gets 15 years for child porn
Was that a different Don_Vito? Usually most wait to be a hypocrite on a different thread...

So in summary kiddies, if you post a partisan thread about the irony of a right-winger being busted for kiddie porn, then you are seeing the world through the crystal clear lens of a non-partisan. But if you point out the lefts double and triple standards when it comes to said kiddie-porn, why you are a blind partisan!

PS: More on the netherlands:

Although almost all of the 15 European Union member states seek stronger measures to combat pornography involving children, the Netherlands opposed Belgium's proposal to make it a criminal offense to possess such material for "personal ends". So the possession of pornographic videos of children will no longer be regarded in Europe as constitution sexual exploitation and will be exempt from all sanctions. (Marie-Victoire Louis, "Legalising Pimping, Dutch Style," Le Monde Diplomatique, 8 March 1997)

You shouldn't believe everything some rightwing, childabusing bitch claims. In the Netherlands you can be locked up for manipulating a picture of a kid so it looks like it was abused, eventhough it was not actually done. In the US, thanks to those conservatives who don't want to get caught while screwing kids, that is allowed, so as long as you claim you manipulated a picture rather than raping the kid you get off without even a warning.

Left: Soft on softdrugs.
Right: Too busy raping kids to use drugs, and therefor against drugs.


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: BugsBunny1078
Well I think the presumption alot of people make when a Christian gets caught with his pants down so to speak is that Christianity is thus proven to be a farce. Not so at all and most Christians will tell you we are all sinners. One thing I can do as a Christian is forgive.
By forgiving we are forgiven.As far as this "decent christian man" that is all a public perception isn;t it? We are all jerks, greedy , sexual perverts, violent or some other serious flaw inside. Every human being on earth has some serious flaw like this and we are no different.
Sorry! Becoming a Christian is not going to change that. Having some flaw like that does not prevent you from becoming a Christian and becoming forgiven and making it into heaven. Isn't that wonderful news?

Replace "Christian" with Muslim, Mormon, Sihk, and a billion other ..ian/...on/...etc and it remains true.


Diamond Member
May 7, 2001
Originally posted by: alchemize
Perfectly legal in the netherlands, the left's poster-child of a happy and peaceful society

just shows that you know nothing about the laws in the netherlands

child pornography is NOT legal in the netherlands


Senior member
Jun 14, 2001
Originally posted by: Gravity
Well, it is ironic but it's not uncommon for peeps battling pr0n to become involved in it somehow. It's too bad. Kinda like Clinton taking his pants off in the whitehouse, something you just never wanted to be informed about.

All too true. The fact is that the reason the AFA (and othe organizations) fights pornography is that it is powerful. I have counseled wit people who many years after giving up this vice still have the images burned into their imaginations -- effecting many aspects of their life. This is little different than the former alcoholic who joins the fight agains alcoholism. Often those who fight pornography do so because of a personal weakness they have "overcome", and thereby understand the destructive power that pornography holds. However, this leaves them very susceptible to falling for temptation as the monkey they finally got off their back is pervasive in their environment and on their mind daily.

This does not, however, excuse the actions. God clearly teaches in his word that no Christian is powerless against sin.

"?There has no temptation taken you, but such as common to man and God is faithful; who will not suffer you to be tempted above that you are able. But will with the temptation make a way of escape that you may be able to bear it.? 1 Cor 10:13

This man chose to sin and will have to bear the consequences.

" have sinned against the Lord, and be sure your sin will find you out." Numbers 32:23



Nov 20, 1999
"It's tragic for everybody involved," said the Rev. Donald Wildmon,
founder and executive director of the Tupelo-based American Family
Association, which started the fast-growing Christian radio network.
"It's one of those things you wish had never happened. His family
was devastated."

Boy, that's so compassionate. If it were someone that wasn't a fundamentalist christian, they'd probably be like, 'SEE, THIS IS THE TYPE OF SICK PERVERTS THAT LOOK AT PORN ARE!'


Mar 24, 2000
Originally posted by: freegeeks
Originally posted by: alchemize
Perfectly legal in the netherlands, the left's poster-child of a happy and peaceful society

just shows that you know nothing about the laws in the netherlands

child pornography is NOT legal in the netherlands

Did I read the law wrong? If it is deemed "theraputic" or "educational", it is legal? Is it aggressively prosecuted, or since it was legal in the past, now generally a blind eye is turned to it. Is it only illegal if a sexual act is contained in the image? Enlighten me...


Nov 20, 1999
Originally posted by: alchemize
Originally posted by: freegeeks
Originally posted by: alchemize
Perfectly legal in the netherlands, the left's poster-child of a happy and peaceful society

just shows that you know nothing about the laws in the netherlands

child pornography is NOT legal in the netherlands

Did I read the law wrong? If it is deemed "theraputic" or "educational", it is legal? Is it aggressively prosecuted, or since it was legal in the past, now generally a blind eye is turned to it. Is it only illegal if a sexual act is contained in the image? Enlighten me...

the difference between 16 and 18 is quite arbitrary.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Why the hell don't we have special fully funded private but well advertized free psychiatric facilities available for people who have urges for children to seek help. Jesus the bastards are sinful so we just got to force the underground into sin.


Golden Member
Aug 15, 2001
Originally posted by: Orsorum
I think that people usually delight in exposing hypocrites, even moreso when those hypocrites use the aegis of moral righteousness to reinforce and hide their hypocricy.

Yes. I have noticed that a lot of times those shouting the laudest their righteousness are the ones commiting the most heinous acts.


Elite member
Apr 15, 2000
That story is too sad and so typical. Those who rail the most against sex are often the ones who are fighting their own destructive impulses. Consumed by lust sounds like a good diagnosis.

This guy is one sick bastage though. I don't see how sending him to federal prison makes sense. He's very sick. If we can't fix him, maybe we should just shoot him. I don't want him near my daughter even at 62 or so when he gets out. Uh, assuming he ever gets out. You don't want to be in prison if you're a pedophile. That's a difficult sentence.



Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2001
Originally posted by: CADkindaGUY
Originally posted by: Infohawk
Originally posted by: Gravity
Well, it is ironic but it's not uncommon for peeps battling pr0n to become involved in it somehow. It's too bad. Kinda like Clinton taking his pants off in the whitehouse, something you just never wanted to be informed about.

I don't think he became involved in child porn by battling regular porn. There's a big difference. How about we apply some right-wing rules and ask this jerk to take responsibility instead of blaming it on videos of naked adults.

This is not like Bill Clinton. Bill Clinton wasn't committing a crime by having sex extramaritally (at least not by most states' law). This guy was committing a crime and hurting children. It's absurd to compare this to Bill Clinton.

Technically it was against the law, but he wouldn't have been charged anyway even if he wasn't the President. DC Adultery LawCkG

Hmmm.... would have thought Federal law would be the law to look at in former-President Clinton's adultery case. After all it occurred on Federal property.
Feb 10, 2000
Originally posted by: PELarson

Hmmm.... would have thought Federal law would be the law to look at in former-President Clinton's adultery case. After all it occurred on Federal property.

There is no federal law against adultery.

All federal criminal laws must have at least some nexus to federal affairs (typically this is demonstrated by a relationship to interstate commerce). In the absence of an applicable federal law, when a non-federal offense occurs on exclusive federal jurisdiction, the federal government assimilates the relevant state law of the host jurisdiction (in this case, it would be D.C.), under the Assimilative Crimes Act, at 18 U.S.C. sec 13.

Honestly I don't know whether the White House is exclusive federal jurisdiction or merely proprietary federal jurisdiction, but in this case the distinction would be academic. I don't think President Clinton even committed adultery anyway, since virtually every jurisdiction (not 100% sure about DC, since that link doesn't provided a definition) requires actual intercourse as an element, and he was never accused of intercourse with Monica L.


Jun 25, 2003
this is EXACTLY what freud meant when he (well, his daughter more so) talked about the defense mechanism reaction formation.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Every time I hear Rush Limbuagh I imagine him in vaseline smeared underwear sitting in front of a monitor watching Kiddie Porn will he pontificates to the "U" people and other ditto heads.


Sep 28, 2002
Originally posted by: sandorski
Originally posted by: BugsBunny1078
Well I think the presumption alot of people make when a Christian gets caught with his pants down so to speak is that Christianity is thus proven to be a farce. Not so at all and most Christians will tell you we are all sinners. One thing I can do as a Christian is forgive.
By forgiving we are forgiven.As far as this "decent christian man" that is all a public perception isn;t it? We are all jerks, greedy , sexual perverts, violent or some other serious flaw inside. Every human being on earth has some serious flaw like this and we are no different.
Sorry! Becoming a Christian is not going to change that. Having some flaw like that does not prevent you from becoming a Christian and becoming forgiven and making it into heaven. Isn't that wonderful news?

Replace "Christian" with Muslim, Mormon, Sihk, and a billion other ..ian/...on/...etc and it remains true.
Exactly what I was thinking


Golden Member
Jul 7, 2001
Originally posted by: BugsBunny1078
hey Im a christian and Ill tell ya something.
Im not perfect either.
Never claimed to be.
SO all this finger pointing
"Look yet another imperfect Christian" isn't proving anything.
Christianity is still the truth and still the way to salvation and the guy may be a sinner and going to Jail but he is still forgiven and still going to heaven and you're probably not.

Boy, I just LOVE your religion. Can I go out and murder, rape, molest children and be forgiven also? Oh that's right. Love the sinner, hate the sin.


Jan 11, 2004
Correct, forgiveness has no limits. Practicing Christianity does help you to live in God's word. It takes time to change and some never fully succeed. Our goal is to be a perfect human like Jesus. But we aren't there yet are we? If you are perfect then please go on and judge us all but somehow I doubt you are.


Golden Member
Aug 15, 2001
Originally posted by: BugsBunny1078
Correct, forgiveness has no limits. Practicing Christianity does help you to live in God's word. It takes time to change and some never fully succeed. Our goal is to be a perfect human like Jesus. But we aren't there yet are we? If you are perfect then please go on and judge us all but somehow I doubt you are.

So are you saying that a piece of sh1t like this that was into child pornography should be forgiven?
This is not a fvcking religious matter. It's a legal matter.


Diamond Member
Nov 19, 2000
Originally posted by: alchemize
Originally posted by: Don_Vito
Originally posted by: alchemize

Might as well be. It's like decriminalized pot. You can possess it, but can't distribute it. And of course, 16 and 17 year olds are fair game.

Are you an attorney licensed in the Netherlands, or in law enforcement there?

You're right about 16-year-olds and up - the age of sexual consent is 16 in many states in the US as well.

Of course, none of this has to do with my basic objection to your post - that you insist on turning everything into a partisan issue. This level of fixation clouds your perception IMO, because you see everything through a partisan lens. Must be pretty dull living in a black and white world.

Umm...OP? That was you that started this little ole thread, isn't it?
American Family Radio "family values" advocate gets 15 years for child porn
Was that a different Don_Vito? Usually most wait to be a hypocrite on a different thread...

So in summary kiddies, if you post a partisan thread about the irony of a right-winger being busted for kiddie porn, then you are seeing the world through the crystal clear lens of a non-partisan. But if you point out the lefts double and triple standards when it comes to said kiddie-porn, why you are a blind partisan!

PS: More on the netherlands:

Although almost all of the 15 European Union member states seek stronger measures to combat pornography involving children, the Netherlands opposed Belgium's proposal to make it a criminal offense to possess such material for "personal ends". So the possession of pornographic videos of children will no longer be regarded in Europe as constitution sexual exploitation and will be exempt from all sanctions. (Marie-Victoire Louis, "Legalising Pimping, Dutch Style," Le Monde Diplomatique, 8 March 1997)

Not once did the OP mention right or left wingers. YOU did. Don simply said this guy's a hypocritical blow hard. Period. Stop making out things to be more than they are.


Golden Member
Jul 7, 2001
Originally posted by: BugsBunny1078
Correct, forgiveness has no limits. Practicing Christianity does help you to live in God's word. It takes time to change and some never fully succeed. Our goal is to be a perfect human like Jesus. But we aren't there yet are we? If you are perfect then please go on and judge us all but somehow I doubt you are.

Ah ok, so it's ok for you to judge, as you have numerous times in your post, but not me. Man, you're a pathetic individual.
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