American "Family Values" on full display.


Feb 5, 2006
The dozens of moms jailed in SeaTac didn’t realize what was happening when they were torn from their children.
“In most cases, they were taken into a different room like, ‘Here we’re going take your photograph,’” said U.S. Rep. Pramila Jayapal. “Then after the photo was taken, they were taken to a different room from their child. So they never got to say goodbye.”
They could hear their children screaming in the other room, Jayapal said.
“Screaming for their moms, asking for their moms. And they had to sit there and listen to that and still not be able to see them or hold them.”
2018 version of American values are cowardly ripping kids away from parents, and the government asking to kick the sick off health insurance. I hope we don't degrade too much further under the Trump regime, but I am not optimistic.


Feb 6, 2002
In a show of irony conservatives practiced the same policy of trying to separate kids from their parents while on the opposite side of illegal immigration.

Google Elian Gonzales
Reactions: DarthKyrie


Jun 23, 2004
What happens to any American family when the guardians of children are arrested?
Hint... the kids are not left home alone.

And I've never heard of prisons being family housing units. So clearly they are expected to be separated. As any one of us would be.


Dec 7, 2004
What happens to any American family when the guardians of children are arrested?
Hint... the kids are not left home alone.

And I've never heard of prisons being family housing units. So clearly they are expected to be separated. As any one of us would be.

First off, immigration detention centers aren't prisons, and families were housed together until the racist Keebler elf saw an opportunity to be even more vile.

Second, did Jared Kushner have his kids taken away when he also broke administrative laws multiple times? Oh no, he got permanent security clearance.

I guess laws are applied differently when you're one of the boogeymen conservatives use to keep their base good and distracted.
Reactions: DarthKyrie


Feb 1, 2008
Im not sure whats going on here, but it appears parents, illegal immigrants, along with their children are expecting to be grated legal entry or acceptance into THIS??? country simply by showing up at the border and expecting SOMETHING??? simply because they have their children with them?
Is this correct?
I'm a bit reluctant to be forgiving considering it would appear those parents are using their children to get something they as illegal immigrants should not be allowed.
I mean, if they are illegal immigrants and showing up at our borders or crossing into the country illegally, but because they have children they expect a free pass... or ?????
Is that what is happening here?
And is this the new stunt for illegals to gain entrance, despite the fact they are illegal?
And to play up to the emotions of Americans and politicians? AND the media...?

Hopefully, I'm missing something here, but I don't like what is or seems to be happening.
All I know is that kids are appearing to be used as pawns to tug at the emotions.
To gain entrance and access into our country, as an illegal, cutting in line as it were ahead of those doing it the legal way.

I know. I know....
My niece went through an entire year of lawyers and red tape to get her bf from Pakistan into the country. Legally. On a visa (on some sort).
Then, with his visa, he waited another full year in the US living with relatives until he was granted his "workers visa", along with his social security card and his drivers license.
And too, during that loooong wait, my niece and her Pakistani bf were married.
Still.... people need to know our laws have changed. Most people DO NOT realize this.
That marriage "DOES NOT" automatically grant legal US citizen status just because an US citizen married an non resident.
It "use" to work that way, but not any more.......

So, even though they were married, marriage DID NOT grant her Pakistani bf legal US citizenship.
Didn't happen. Doesn't happen. NO WAY!!!! Not any more FYI.
He still needed those temporary "visa's", and a lawyer, and lots of attorney fees, to finally gain LEGALLY his workers visa.
And, eventually a job.

With all of that, all the hurdles they have (my niece and her new Pakistani husband) have overcome, he still must wait another 8 to 12 months to claim his legal US residency.
A real US citizen.

By no means is this an easy road.
It is a long hard expensive road with many challenges to overcome.
Most Americans just think it is soooo easy.
And have this false illusion American taxpayers hand over hoards and hoards of free money and healthcare to non residents. Not true!
Absolutely not true.

That, I suspect is why it seems soooooo much easier to simply run across the border, to illegally cross over into the US... one way or another.
Then... as an illegal inside, to work illegally at some job with paying no taxes and with no accountability.
Also... to start a family, create a life inside America as an illegal immigrant.
As an illegal alien, as it were....
To prefer to cut in line.

On the one side you have the people doing it the right way.
Paying their dues and meeting those hurdles, LEGALLY, to finally gain full US citizenship.
Then... on he other side of the coin, you have those that would rather illegally cross into the country, then live here illegally, with raising a family illegally, raise their kids, and one day to fully expect a FREE PASS.
Their FREE PASS to legal US citizen status simply because they now have US born children?
Born and raised within the US or A.

Can you see the problem here?
Can you see why so many Americans just can not and will not buy into this little gimmick? This stunt for an illegal immigrant to gain FREE PASS-ed full and legal US citizen status?
To basically cut in line.
To enjoy all the benefits of US citizenship without paying any of the dues.
Today it appears this is the new gimmick, the new little stunt, to use the children playing on the old heart strings. To make this into something all emotional, and all about and only about..... THE KIDS.
Am I missing something here???
Does this seem like a stunt?
Should we really allow this to happen?
Is breaking the law just find and dandy if it involves a child?
What am I missing here....
I don't get it and I don't believe we should allow it.
And the kids....? How dare parents use their kids as pawns.
Last edited:
Reactions: Rifter


Feb 24, 2009
Asking for asylum isn't a crime.
This is what I don't get. Are they being arrested for asking for asylum? If they aren't being arrested, then why don't you put them on a bus or plane and send them home? Also, if they aren't being arrested, why are they being held?I don't get this at all.
Reactions: DarthKyrie


Elite Member
Aug 12, 2001
Republican platform:

Every sperm is sacred, but only white children matter once they are born.

- Planned Parenthood: evil -- harms "children"

- School lunches evil -- coddles children
- Food stamps evil - coddles children
- Universal health care evil -- coddles children
- Universal education evil -- coddles children
- Keeping track of 1,500+ seized immigrant children evil and waste of effort -- coddles children

- Separating illegal immigrant children and placing them in cages -- proper end to coddling!

Only the white and/or wealthy have the right to survive after birth.


Sep 6, 2000
It is who we have become as a nation and that must change.

The way to change it is to speed up deportations so families aren’t separated for more than a few hours until they’re on their way back to country of origin together.


Dec 7, 2004
The way to change it is to speed up deportations so families aren’t separated for more than a few hours until they’re on their way back to country of origin together.

I have yet to read one comment by a conservative that expressed any knowledge about the differences between asylum and normal immigration. Seems like you're suggesting we reject all asylum seekers, and to make it extra-traumatic and inhumane will rip their kids away during the short time they're here.
Reactions: DarthKyrie


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 2004
The way to change it is to speed up deportations so families aren’t separated for more than a few hours until they’re on their way back to country of origin together.

Well, the US could also become more humane and stop stripping away legal paths to residence (and opening up others), but if you're going to force people to go back, you should at least make it quick.
Reactions: DarthKyrie


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
The way to change it is to speed up deportations so families aren’t separated for more than a few hours until they’re on their way back to country of origin together.

We could argue on immigration policy and I'm sure there is no one that would argue against expedience. But right now we have a choice if we're going to separate families: lie to them to make the separation easier for us or let parents and kids say goodbye to each other. That's what this thread is about. Please don't dodge this inhumanity.


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2014
Republican platform:

Every sperm is sacred, but only white children matter once they are born.

- Planned Parenthood: evil -- harms "children"

- School lunches evil -- coddles children
- Food stamps evil - coddles children
- Universal health care evil -- coddles children
- Universal education evil -- coddles children
- Keeping track of 1,500+ seized immigrant children evil and waste of effort -- coddles children

- Separating illegal immigrant children and placing them in cages -- proper end to coddling!

Only the white and/or wealthy have the right to survive after birth.

It's not even separating illegal immigrant children from parents. I could at least understand that since crossing the border illegally is a crime. But legally crossing the border and applying for asylum isn't a crime and it's criminal that Trump's DOJ is treating it as such.


Sep 6, 2000
I have yet to read one comment by a conservative that expressed any knowledge about the differences between asylum and normal immigration. Seems like you're suggesting we reject all asylum seekers, and to make it extra-traumatic and inhumane will rip their kids away during the short time they're here.

The asylum seekers can be shipped to an outer Aleutian Island while awaiting their case. They certainly have no right to be released on their own recognizance in Los Angeles so they’ll never be seen again. Alternatively Viequez Island would work for those on the East Coast.


Diamond Member
May 5, 2013
Im not sure whats going on here, but it appears parents, illegal immigrants, along with their children are expecting to be grated legal entry or acceptance into THIS??? country simply by showing up at the border and expecting SOMETHING??? simply because they have their children with them?
Is this correct?
I'm a bit reluctant to be forgiving considering it would appear those parents are using their children to get something they as illegal immigrants should not be allowed.
I mean, if they are illegal immigrants and showing up at our borders or crossing into the country illegally, but because they have children they expect a free pass... or ?????
Is that what is happening here?
And is this the new stunt for illegals to gain entrance, despite the fact they are illegal?
And to play up to the emotions of Americans and politicians? AND the media...?

Hopefully, I'm missing something here, but I don't like what is or seems to be happening.
All I know is that kids are appearing to be used as pawns to tug at the emotions.
To gain entrance and access into our country, as an illegal, cutting in line as it were ahead of those doing it the legal way.

I know. I know....
My niece went through an entire year of lawyers and red tape to get her bf from Pakistan into the country. Legally. On a visa (on some sort).
Then, with his visa, he waited another full year in the US living with relatives until he was granted his "workers visa", along with his social security card and his drivers license.
And too, during that loooong wait, my niece and her Pakistani bf were married.
Still.... people need to know our laws have changed. Most people DO NOT realize this.
That marriage "DOES NOT" automatically grant legal US citizen status just because an US citizen married an non resident.
It "use" to work that way, but not any more.......

So, even though they were married, marriage DID NOT grant her Pakistani bf legal US citizenship.
Didn't happen. Doesn't happen. NO WAY!!!! Not any more FYI.
He still needed those temporary "visa's", and a lawyer, and lots of attorney fees, to finally gain LEGALLY his workers visa.
And, eventually a job.

With all of that, all the hurdles they have (my niece and her new Pakistani husband) have overcome, he still must wait another 8 to 12 months to claim his legal US residency.
A real US citizen.

By no means is this an easy road.
It is a long hard expensive road with many challenges to overcome.
Most Americans just think it is soooo easy.
And have this false illusion American taxpayers hand over hoards and hoards of free money and healthcare to non residents. Not true!
Absolutely not true.

That, I suspect is why it seems soooooo much easier to simply run across the border, to illegally cross over into the US... one way or another.
Then... as an illegal inside, to work illegally at some job with paying no taxes and with no accountability.
Also... to start a family, create a life inside America as an illegal immigrant.
As an illegal alien, as it were....
To prefer to cut in line.

On the one side you have the people doing it the right way.
Paying their dues and meeting those hurdles, LEGALLY, to finally gain full US citizenship.
Then... on he other side of the coin, you have those that would rather illegally cross into the country, then live here illegally, with raising a family illegally, raise their kids, and one day to fully expect a FREE PASS.
Their FREE PASS to legal US citizen status simply because they now have US born children?
Born and raised within the US or A.

Can you see the problem here?
Can you see why so many Americans just can not and will not buy into this little gimmick? This stunt for an illegal immigrant to gain FREE PASS-ed full and legal US citizen status?
To basically cut in line.
To enjoy all the benefits of US citizenship without paying any of the dues.
Today it appears this is the new gimmick, the new little stunt, to use the children playing on the old heart strings. To make this into something all emotional, and all about and only about..... THE KIDS.
Am I missing something here???
Does this seem like a stunt?
Should we really allow this to happen?
Is breaking the law just find and dandy if it involves a child?
What am I missing here....
I don't get it and I don't believe we should allow it.
And the kids....? How dare parents use their kids as pawns.
It's, um, a hard subject. We know a lot of immigrants come here as 'economic,' looking for a better life (as granny did from France in the thirties (then she fell in love - your story about your niece and her husband reminds me of how unstoppable it is to go to the ends of the Earth to keep two connected hearts from separating); others are escaping violence/gangs/ineffectual govts....; others know that the wealth in the U.S. makes her a target for crime. Many reasons and more have existed since the dawn of migratory/migrating species/individuals.

The border, many borders, is intended as a block to this ancient, natural flow toward wealth and resources, our modern solutions for our tribal qualities; borders, walls, enforcement, surveillance, ... One world order! No borders!

Empathy tells me to welcome. Logic wonders at the results of mixing cultures. Living around L.A. since 1962 means that I have seen a lot of injustice toward people of color and not of color. The divisions are stark, vocal, and malicious. It's 2018, long-learned lessons in acceptance and integration have faded behind suspicion, fear, and tribe.

Is man evolving or devolving?


Sep 6, 2000
The headline describes it as thus: Immigrant moms in SeaTac prison.
Is it wrong to understand that "SeaTac prison" is exactly that?

We should give them the option to leave on the spot and return to their country of origin and stay with their child if they prefer that over being separated while awaiting their expected future life in the U.S. That would be very clarifying to see whether they prioritize their child or staying in the U.S. Anyone who picks the child (presuming they are claiming asylum rather than being economic migrants who should be returned to country of origin immediately without recourse) can then be shipped with their kids to the Aleutians as I mentioned earlier, the others can remain separated while their case winds its way through the courts.


No Lifer
Jul 20, 2001
We should give them the option to leave on the spot and return to their country of origin and stay with their child if they prefer that over being separated while awaiting their expected future life in the U.S. That would be very clarifying to see whether they prioritize their child or staying in the U.S. Anyone who picks the child (presuming they are claiming asylum rather than being economic migrants who should be returned to country of origin immediately without recourse) can then be shipped with their kids to the Aleutians as I mentioned earlier, the others can remain separated while their case winds its way through the courts.
And you wonder why your fellow Americans think you are filth.


Platinum Member
Feb 26, 2009
Republicans will go to the ends of the earth to save or protect a fetus, but a full fledged human being?

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