An Islamic Nuclear Attack on America is INEVITABLE

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Feb 5, 2006
Is this a big threat in reality? Contaminate several blocks with cesium? It would get cleaned up and people would move on with their lives.


Feb 5, 2006
I think Washington fixates on Russia because political correctness doesn't apply to Russians. Yikes. That definitely is in the realm of possibility.
Russia has actually conducted a radioactive attack on a western country when it poisoned Litvinenko with radioactive Polonium and left traces of contamination all over London.


Diamond Member
Mar 22, 2013
Russia has actually conducted a radioactive attack on a western country when it poisoned Litvinenko with radioactive Polonium and left traces of contamination all over London.

Don't know about that one. But it was a targeted assasination of someone in Russian politics. Not an attack on random people like Muslims did in Brussels or Berlin or...etc etc.


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2015
I disagree. Four thwarted attempts by terror organizations to get their hands on nuclear materials is scary as all hell and is VERY indicative of a high level of interest.

What is more helpful to America, stepped up funding for nuclear material monitoring or more intervention in the Middle East? To me the answer is obvious, blatantly obvious... stop creating people who loathe us by terror bombing their infrastructures and take that cost savings and pump it into monitoring.
Let's scuttle the constitution and civil rights, point cameras into everyone's homes, and consolidate the globe so that we only ever have to worry about East Asia and EurAsia flinging rocket bombs down at the periphery of Oceania.

Terrorists win when they terrorize a population, not when they kill people. Stop being terrorized by your fears of Mooselman boogeymen.


Diamond Member
Mar 22, 2013
Let's scuttle the constitution and civil rights, point cameras into everyone's homes, and consolidate the globe so that we only ever have to worry about East Asia and EurAsia flinging rocket bombs down at the periphery of Oceania.

Terrorists win when they terrorize a population, not when they kill people. Stop being terrorized by your fears of Mooselman boogeymen.

Russians and Chinese are rational and responsible. Not so much Muslims. Just look at the population growth.


Senior member
Dec 29, 2011
That is what the Iraq war was supposed to be. Iraq war was supposed to be our intervening before Munich, you know, how they say Hitler could have been stopped with an early show of force.

Iraq didn't work out because the underlying culture is completely alien and unreceptive to American culture and institutions. German culture already shared a fair amount with American culture, which is why rebuilding worked so well. Iraqi culture not at all. Not in the least.

Here's the problem, and it's pointed out in the article: the actual prospect of a serious nuclear attack by terrorists is pretty small. They don't have the resources to build full-on warheads (they'd need state sponsorship for that), and a "dirty bomb" would be more about a lingering worry than a catastrophe. Not exactly something that will make the US rethink its foreign policy, is it?

Moreover, I don't think groups like ISIS are all that eager to attack the US directly with nuclear weapons. Do that and it guarantees a dramatic response that hurts their cause more than it helps. ISIS sets off a dirty bomb in New York? The core of ISIS is reduced to dust in the full-scale military response that follows. This wouldn't completely eliminate terrorist organizations (one of Bush Jr.'s biggest mistakes was believing neocons who thought that conventional military ops could solve all terrorism), but these outfits stand to lose a lot.

I'd be more concerned about nuclear weapons being used as deterrents or for scorched earth policies. Oh, you defeated us in Mosul? Well, we'll make sure Mosul is dangerous to live in.

Iraq didn't work out because we tried to win hearts and minds. We tried to fight a nice, civilized, western war. These people don't think like that. They don't do nuance or foreign policy. They only recognize force. When we beat Germany and Japan we won by complete domination, we didn't just destroy their armies and cities, we dominated them to the point of changing their culture. You have to eliminate the ideology that built your enemy in the first place. Because we didn't do that in Iraq we emboldened the enemy and now the ideology is spreading like wildfire across the middle east and Europe.

We need to look at radical islam as an ideology along the lines of communism and fascism, separate from the religion. Either we find a way to win a culture war like we did against the Soviets, or dominate the enemy until they beg for surrender as a whole. It may be too late for the culture war.


Diamond Member
Mar 22, 2013
Iraq didn't work out because we tried to win hearts and minds. We tried to fight a nice, civilized, western war. These people don't think like that. They don't do nuance or foreign policy. They only recognize force. When we beat Germany and Japan we won by complete domination, we didn't just destroy their armies and cities, we dominated them to the point of changing their culture. You have to eliminate the ideology that built your enemy in the first place. Because we didn't do that in Iraq we emboldened the enemy and now the ideology is spreading like wildfire across the middle east and Europe.

We need to look at radical islam as an ideology along the lines of communism and fascism, separate from the religion. Either we find a way to win a culture war like we did against the Soviets, or dominate the enemy until they beg for surrender as a whole. It may be too late for the culture war.

You didn't read the post. Germany and Japan possessed unique civilizational characteristics which luckily worked out with the American culture.

Islamic culture is incompatible with American culture. Rebuilding would never work.


Senior member
Dec 29, 2011
You didn't read the post. Germany and Japan possessed unique civilizational characteristics which luckily worked out with the American culture.

Islamic culture is incompatible with American culture. Rebuilding would never work.

Which is why for us to win we must dominate and destroy islamic culture as it exists today.


Jan 12, 2005
The ability of a terrorist organisation to make and deliver an actual nuclear bomb is just a non starter. Look how difficult nation states find it!

A dirty bomb is more likely but nuclear material is very difficult to smuggle, they also aren't particularly effective.

Something like a chemical attack on an underground railway would be much more likely and effective.


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2015
Russians and Chinese are rational and responsible. Not so much Muslims. Just look at the population growth.
I was going to ask what your idea of a final solution to the Muslim question was, but then your sidekick chimed in with:
Which is why for us to win we must dominate and destroy islamic culture as it exists today.

Hooray Strongman Trump!

Maybe he'll finally solve that Muslim question that has y'all hiding in your safe spaces.


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2016
Pakistan is not going to nuke the US. Neither are Iran, Iraq, Syria, North Korea or any other country that can be located on a map and turned into a parking lot with one phone call. When it happens (not if, WHEN) it will be a terrorist organization that acquires a single suitcase nuke and smuggles it into NYC, DC, LA, Chicago or Houston. They can/will pop it off because they don't fear reprisals.

It won't be a long range ICBM, a medium range missile or a short range missile. It won't be launched by a sub or a long range bomber. It's going to be delivered in the back of a van or the hold of a cargo ship.

Of course they aren't, as I said in an earlier post. Pakistan does not have the capability to nuke the US. I don't even know why you mention Iran, Iraq and Syria. None of those countries has ever possessed nuclear weapons so it makes little sense for American to be concerned about an attack from them.

About North Korea, you are completely wrong and clearly don't have much of a grasp of the current situation there. DRPK has the capability to hit Guam right now, with rockets that have already been tested. They are working on hitting mainland US, and they may have the ability already but the rockets they will use haven't been tested. North Korea is without a doubt the greatest nuclear threat to the US since the cuban missile crisis. Kim Jong Un is actually somewhat like Trump in his vindictive, dangerously unhinged rhetoric and personality. He is most definitely capable of pushing the button, the only thing that's stopping him is the knowledge that he would be destroying himself and his country by doing so. Sadly Kim Jong Un considers his country and himself to be the same thing... so if he feels that the DRPK is under existential threat he may push that button.

Your tripe about "suitcase nukes" is just dumb and basically tells me you don't know much about nuclear weapons or how they work. There are no "suitcase nukes" in existence right now, and making one would be prohibitively expensive for anybody but the US and Russia and possibly china. It would require extremely fissile material and extremely high precision implosive design to work. It would also not be shaped like a suitcase... more like an oversized football.


Senior member
Dec 29, 2011
The reason that it worked in Japan was because of the obedience to the Emperor.

There is no Islamic emperor. It is a scattered collection of tribes fighting each other and us. It would never work.

I just can't follow that line of thought. You don't go from genocide, raping, pillaging, torture and human experiments to Anime and Walkmans without a pretty significant force changing your direction.

The radical islamic problem is much tougher to tackle, but it only got this way because we refuse to take it head on. How much worse should it get? How many more attacks on our allies?

I was going to ask what your idea of a final solution to the Muslim question was, but then your sidekick chimed in with:

Hooray Strongman Trump!

Maybe he'll finally solve that Muslim question that has y'all hiding in your safe spaces.

Its pretty easy to take this stance when its not your head they're sawing off on video. I think quality of life in America makes people somewhat ignorant on how a large part of the world still works.


Diamond Member
Mar 22, 2013
I just can't follow that line of thought. You don't go from genocide, raping, pillaging, torture and human experiments to Anime and Walkmans without a pretty significant force changing your direction.

The radical islamic problem is much tougher to tackle, but it only got this way because we refuse to take it head on. How much worse should it get? How many more attacks on our allies?

Its pretty easy to take this stance when its not your head they're sawing off on video. I think quality of life in America makes people somewhat ignorant on how a large part of the world still works.

All of those excesses occurred as a result of the central military government. Note the emphasis on central. There is no centrality to the Muslim world. There are also a lot more Muslims than there are Americans so an occupation is actually impossible from a logistics standpoint.

What needs to be done is a withdrawal from the region. Let them do whatever they do. Israel can stand on its own two feet or it can be overrun by Arab armies, whatever, just so long as they keep on pumping the oil.


Senior member
Dec 29, 2011
All of those excesses occurred as a result of the central military government. Note the emphasis on central. There is no centrality to the Muslim world. There are also a lot more Muslims than there are Americans so an occupation is actually impossible from a logistics standpoint.

What needs to be done is a withdrawal from the region. Let them do whatever they do. Israel can stand on its own two feet or it can be overrun by Arab armies, whatever, just so long as they keep on pumping the oil.

They're already here. They're already attacking us and our allies on a regular basis, with the severity steadily getting worse. We ignore them, we get another 9/11.


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2016
What needs to be done is a withdrawal from the region. Let them do whatever they do. Israel can stand on its own two feet or it can be overrun by Arab armies, whatever, just so long as they keep on pumping the oil.

Do you realize this is the exact stated goal of al-Qaeda? They want to remove all western presence, especially the US, from the middle east so they can set the stage for a resurrection of the Umayyad Caliphate.

There was a time when a policy of non-interference would've saved a ton of American lives, along with the lives of many Iraqis, Afghanis, and Syrians. That time has passed. Your plan would likely result in far fewer deaths in middle eastern countries, but once they got the caliphate up and running they would attack America again, if only out of revenge for the 100,000+ Iraqis and afghanis killed during the "war on terror".


Aug 24, 2004
Yeah ... I bet it it is ...

And I also bet America would use this as an excuse to kill even more innocent people all over the world than it already has ...

But yeah ... keep spreading that good ole' American dream of yours ...

Remember, governments benefit from these supposed "terrorist" attacks while the average person always pays the price.

Orignal Earl

Diamond Member
Oct 27, 2005
All of those excesses occurred as a result of the central military government. Note the emphasis on central. There is no centrality to the Muslim world. There are also a lot more Muslims than there are Americans so an occupation is actually impossible from a logistics standpoint.

What needs to be done is a withdrawal from the region. Let them do whatever they do. Israel can stand on its own two feet or it can be overrun by Arab armies, whatever, just so long as they keep on pumping the oil.

Open up your google maps
Roll on over to Mecca, then start zooming in on say Jeddah right beside there
See all those Mcdonalds, Burger Kings, Tim Hortons, Cinnabons, Pizza Huts, Domino etc etc?
I don't think you will ever get them to withdrawal


Aug 24, 2004
Do you realize this is the exact stated goal of al-Qaeda? They want to remove all western presence, especially the US, from the middle east so they can set the stage for a resurrection of the Umayyad Caliphate.

There was a time when a policy of non-interference would've saved a ton of American lives, along with the lives of many Iraqis, Afghanis, and Syrians. That time has passed. Your plan would likely result in far fewer deaths in middle eastern countries, but once they got the caliphate up and running they would attack America again, if only out of revenge for the 100,000+ Iraqis and afghanis killed during the "war on terror".

LOL - you guys. Guess the media and the fear mongerers have truly brainwashed you.

Your government loves people like you.


Diamond Member
Mar 22, 2013
Do you realize this is the exact stated goal of al-Qaeda? They want to remove all western presence, especially the US, from the middle east so they can set the stage for a resurrection of the Umayyad Caliphate.

There was a time when a policy of non-interference would've saved a ton of American lives, along with the lives of many Iraqis, Afghanis, and Syrians. That time has passed. Your plan would likely result in far fewer deaths in middle eastern countries, but once they got the caliphate up and running they would attack America again, if only out of revenge for the 100,000+ Iraqis and afghanis killed during the "war on terror".

Saudi Arabia spends like $80 billion a year on their military. They have a ton of military aged males. They could easily have handled Syria.


Diamond Member
Mar 22, 2013
Open up your google maps
Roll on over to Mecca, then start zooming in on say Jeddah right beside there
See all those Mcdonalds, Burger Kings, Tim Hortons, Cinnabons, Pizza Huts, Domino etc etc?
I don't think you will ever get them to withdrawal

Oh no, not that at all. I'm talking about support for Israel. It's obvious that support for Israel was a major motivating factor for 9-11.


Aug 24, 2004
Don't know about that one. But it was a targeted assasination of someone in Russian politics. Not an attack on random people like Muslims did in Brussels or Berlin or...etc etc.
"Not an attack on random people like Muslims did in Brussels ..."

Were the terrorist attacks on Iraq and Afghanistan done by Christians in the White House?
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