An Israeli point of view...


Golden Member
Apr 19, 2003
I would like to present to you an Israeli point of view. I truly think that this is not a biased opinion but rather a rational view of the current state. You may end up calling me biased after all, but here goes nothing:

I have been following posts of you guys for quite some time now and never attempted to take part of those discussions, nore will I take part in any in the future to come. Most of you are americans? I have lived in Israel all my life and visited America some years ago. I expected to experience ?a culture shock?. I was told that America is just like Israel but more extreme, bigger than ever. I was amazed to discover that it was true? You know why? Because the American culture is not different than any western culture out there. We are people who admire democracy and know that this is the only RIGHT way to manage a society. Your democracy is about 225 years old, while ours is about 55. Israel is still in its diapers and is not yet as stable or mature as America or as some old democratic nations of Europe.
America already grew out of its inner conflicts and struggle. America is past that. But Israel is not. It could very well be that after we get old, things will look different, heading for the course of peaceful plcae.

Israel was founded out of nothing. Remembering the FRESH AND PAINFUL PAST OF WWII, the jews built up a state that is identified with the west. It is the stronghold of the west in this area of the world. Israel grants this area with balance, representing all the values you carry with you each day. This is one of the many reasons we are not welcome here. The nations around us never excepted us and they never will. The two nations that adopted the idea of peace did it since they realized they will only benefit from it. This is the main reason. Worm relations like you have with Canada are the very opposite of our cold realtions with Egypt.

Many times I read posts that are full of mistakes. The piplines through which you get you idea of this plcae are, most of the time, biased towards the palestinias and it is understandable: Israel is big, strong and has an army, while the palestinias are rightfuly struggeling for independence. IDF is presented as an immoral army?

Let me tell you something: the IDF is the most moral army in the entire world. That is a fact that can not be undermind. I feel helpless in convincing you to believe me. But I can only hope you do, and you will have to trust me and not listen to the biased media. I know some of you are now calling me biased myself ,but I stick with my say? I wish you were here so you can withness by yourself. Palestinias who colaborated with Israel, were brutaly murdered by the PLO! Terrorists who sent suicide bombers to kill Israelis, are jailed here and are handed with conditions better than they had in the Palestinian city they came from. Israel has, unlike the antions around it, a true democracy that I sometime like to call ?too democratic?. In some cases it is even more democratic than the biggest one in the world: USA.
Israeli arabs are serving in key offices in our country. They get full rights to study in our academic places and in some cases are favored in order to ?fix their pre-conditions? - that is very true. Without Israel they would not get this far in any society in the middle-east, let alone Palestine. After the misfurtunate attack in Gaza, Arabs who are members of the Israeli parliament called us Nazis. Can you imagine that?! One of them even met with Syria?s leader in the past ? the emnemy! Can you imagine that happening in your congress?! I don?t. these people are taking advantage on democracy and the democracy has to realize that there are times in history it MUST protect itself. Those people who are suppose to carry Israeli flags are doing nothing but meet with the enemies of the state. I bet they are laughfing in secret knowing a Palestinian state would never allowed such things to happen in its parliamnet, if it had one!!! I bet those things are new to you ? no one on the media focuses on this ? they are blindly working for their interests. Some are even intimidated by Palestinias as to not tell the true and favor their side in the conflict.

America is located way way from here, many miles away? you have peacful borders and friendly nations above and under you. Israel faces terror every day. We get up, hear the news and already expect to be told what happened last night. There is a news break on the radio every hour. This has been going ever since Israel was founded. I guess many of you are smiling calling me a Zionist zealot right now, as you are used to. As a matter of fact, I am not that of a patriot, nore am I Zionist. But I am Pro-Israel. I only came here to help you understatnd the conflict better. ISRAEL IS A JEWSIH STATE ? IT WAS BUILT FOR JEWS AND HAS TO MAINTAIN A JEWSIH MAJORITY. This can not be questioned. Israel is a nation like no other. That is the reason why the Palestinias can not be granted with the right of return. other-wise the whole idea of Israel, everything we built, loved and cared for, is useless. This is the only place in the world where jews can be assured that they will not be harmed because they are jews. It is a pitty for the Palestinias that their ?btothers? ? the Arabs all around us ? could care less for them. They only support them since the cause is always the same: UNDERMINE ISRAEL IN EVERY WAY POSSIBLE!

After some American soldiers get killed in Iraq, people here, out of rage, suggest to nuke the entire area. Imagine that America becomes the front each and every day. That each and every day terrorists may ruin you and your family. And you know they came from a certain area ? would not you support a military assult on that place ? an action that can prevent a terror attack from taking place, an attack that can have you killed!

When I read what some of you post, I feel I want to cry. How can you not side us? Do you have any idea what would happen if Palestinias had our military power? If things were the other way around, they would CRUSH us. When I see that palestinias play soccer with body parts of Israeli soldiers I understand the kind of people we deal with. The same people that undermine your work in Iraq. The same people who beheaded an American. Those images were not brodcasted by palestinians because they feared that it will be a setback for their ongoing efforet to present Israel an the ?bad guy?. Israel also forbidded the broadcat, even though it could benefit from its cause, just because it decided to consider the families of the victims and did not want them to see parts of their son?s body on antional TV.

Israel is said to have nuclear ability. It helps in assuring the very existance of Israel. Israel is the good guy with enough power to turn the places around it into glass. Everybody knows that ?others? can mess with us but we will never destroy them. In all past wars Israeli soldiers were very near the cpaitals of the nations around it the same antions who attacked it in the first place, seeking to destroy it. When the nations around it realized they are about to lose, they demanded UN to stop Israel from advancing into their land. The land of the very nations that seek Israel?s destruction. Israel has extreme restrain; Rest assure that if America would have been in the same situation, It would use its might to bring down those who seek to destroy it, without thinking twice?
People who say that if Israel has nuclear power so should everyone else in the middle-east around it, makes me wonder how they formed such a view.

We have cars, stores, roads, night-clubs, beaches, buildings, high-tech companies, internet and computers; we have radio, free press and have the right to express ourselfves. We can demonstrate without fear, and go against our leaders in public, ask them hard questions. We have independent facilities so our democracy can operate and maintain its cause, existance and make sure the people can run this country. We have a capitalist economy and can form our own point of you of things?All these wonders took place in half a century. The creation of this state is a wonder and let there be no mistake: Israelis will keep this wonder alive and grow it to be stronger than ever. Israel is an America in a place that is full of hostility? I will leave you with one of my favorite quotes by Winston Churchill:

?We cannot see how deliverance will come or when it will come, but nothing is more certain that every trace of Hitler's footsteps, every stain of his infected, corroding fingers will be sponged and purged and, if need be, blasted from the surface of the earth.?



Jul 3, 2001

Do Israeli Arabs have all the same rights as Iraeli Jews? How many are there? Do their children automatically count as citizens? Personally, I find religion or ethnicity based citizenship requirements appalling.


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2001
First of all, thanks for posting. Its good to have another POV on these boards...... however, I'm inclined to disagree with you on most points. If you were here in the US, I would consider you the typical conservative in which
a good defense is a super-strong offense,
stereotyping an entire race/religion as a group of terrorists (or supporters of them) and treating them as such is okay,
in which nukes are a bargaining tool that others should fear and not have themselves, viewing yourself as the political authority of your region,
characterizing outside countries as uncivilized and unable to comprehend the words stability and peace,
possessing a religious superiority complex, unwilling to acheive peace,
viewing the UN as one big conspiring entity out to get you,
and referring to your country's wealth as a sign of power

.... in fact that sounds much like the US. ::sigh::


Jan 5, 2003
Not to be an ass or anything, but the Palestinians just want their land back. They want to go to work but cannot because Israel locks them in their homes and makes curfews. How can you have a civilized nation if there is no middle-upper class? Israel soldiers kill innocent civilians almost daily and I see no reason for anyone to be so pro-Israel when they have killing such as this. Nothing makes it right for them to do that and there reason would make the suicide bombers right because killing innocent civilians clears the way for potential future terrorist correct? Well.. killing innocent Jewish children just makes less of an army in the future, correct? From your post I get the feeling you think the same way most people might think in that area and that is the other side are pigs and nothing more.
Put yourself in the Palestinian position and see how you would react. I know if someone came into my town with tanks and destroyed homes I wouldn't give them any respect and would hate them. Especially if I was a young kid watching my family get destroyed right before my very eyes. Your say on the night clubs and stuff is the Israeli way of life .. Palestinians cannot do anything at night because if they leave their house they are killed. Palestinians have been suffered and will support anyone who can end their suffering (Hamas, etc).
You have suicide bombers, but the Palestinains have an army that kills children throwing rocks (im sorry throwing rocks at tanks doesn't justify being killed). I know if it was the U.S army I dont think anyone in the army here would kill a child because they still see that individual as human. I think both sides over there see the other as animals like I stated earlier and their death regardless of age or sex doesn't matter. They have an army that destroys homes and stores and people's LIFE. They control everything in a foreign land, but do nothing good for it just bad. Whatever you say all Israel has to do is give back the land and build a wall and isolate itself from Palestine but it won't do that. Israel is small and wants more land and is taking over Palestinians land. Israel can easily end this problem right now by giving back the land and building a wall. Why won't it do that? The answer .. why give in to "animals".


Golden Member
Apr 19, 2003
Originally posted by: CanOWorms

Do Israeli Arabs have all the same rights as Iraeli Jews? How many are there? Do their children automatically count as citizens? Personally, I find religion or ethnicity based citizenship requirements appalling.

Yes they have. some of the people with whom I work are Israeli Arabs. In some cases they get even "more rights" so to not let that background hold their progress in the Israeli society...

Their children are considered citizens from the start!

About citizenship based on ethnicity: There is no other way to assure that Israel remains jewish. as I said Israel is like no other nation. It was built as a home for jews to secure their existance; Had it not for the persecutions of jews throughout history, Israel might have never been founded...


Diamond Member
Apr 7, 2004
Originally posted by: Trente
I would like to present to you an Israeli point of view. I truly think that this is not a biased opinion but rather a rational view of the current state. You may end up calling me biased after all, but here goes nothing:

I have been following posts of you guys for quite some time now and never attempted to take part of those discussions, nore will I take part in any in the future to come. Most of you are americans? I have lived in Israel all my life and visited America some years ago. I expected to experience ?a culture shock?. I was told that America is just like Israel but more extreme, bigger than ever. I was amazed to discover that it was true? You know why? Because the American culture is not different than any western culture out there. We are people who admire democracy and know that this is the only RIGHT way to manage a society. Your democracy is about 225 years old, while ours is about 55. Israel is still in its diapers and is not yet as stable or mature as America or as some old democratic nations of Europe.
America already grew out of its inner conflicts and struggle. America is past that. But Israel is not. It could very well be that after we get old, things will look different, heading for the course of peaceful plcae.

Israel was founded out of nothing. Remembering the FRESH AND PAINFUL PAST OF WWII, the jews built up a state that is identified with the west. It is the stronghold of the west in this area of the world. Israel grants this area with balance, representing all the values you carry with you each day. This is one of the many reasons we are not welcome here. The nations around us never excepted us and they never will. The two nations that adopted the idea of peace did it since they realized they will only benefit from it. This is the main reason. Worm relations like you have with Canada are the very opposite of our cold realtions with Egypt.

Many times I read posts that are full of mistakes. The piplines through which you get you idea of this plcae are, most of the time, biased towards the palestinias and it is understandable: Israel is big, strong and has an army, while the palestinias are rightfuly struggeling for independence. IDF is presented as an immoral army?

Let me tell you something: the IDF is the most moral army in the entire world. That is a fact that can not be undermind. I feel helpless in convincing you to believe me. But I can only hope you do, and you will have to trust me and not listen to the biased media. I know some of you are now calling me biased myself ,but I stick with my say? I wish you were here so you can withness by yourself. Palestinias who colaborated with Israel, were brutaly murdered by the PLO! Terrorists who sent suicide bombers to kill Israelis, are jailed here and are handed with conditions better than they had in the Palestinian city they came from. Israel has, unlike the antions around it, a true democracy that I sometime like to call ?too democratic?. In some cases it is even more democratic than the biggest one in the world: USA.
Israeli arabs are serving in key offices in our country. They get full rights to study in our academic places and in some cases are favored in order to ?fix their pre-conditions? - that is very true. Without Israel they would not get this far in any society in the middle-east, let alone Palestine. After the misfurtunate attack in Gaza, Arabs who are members of the Israeli parliament called us Nazis. Can you imagine that?! One of them even met with Syria?s leader in the past ? the emnemy! Can you imagine that happening in your congress?! I don?t. these people are taking advantage on democracy and the democracy has to realize that there are times in history it MUST protect itself. Those people who are suppose to carry Israeli flags are doing nothing but meet with the enemies of the state. I bet they are laughfing in secret knowing a Palestinian state would never allowed such things to happen in its parliamnet, if it had one!!! I bet those things are new to you ? no one on the media focuses on this ? they are blindly working for their interests. Some are even intimidated by Palestinias as to not tell the true and favor their side in the conflict.

America is located way way from here, many miles away? you have peacful borders and friendly nations above and under you. Israel faces terror every day. We get up, hear the news and already expect to be told what happened last night. There is a news break on the radio every hour. This has been going ever since Israel was founded. I guess many of you are smiling calling me a Zionist zealot right now, as you are used to. As a matter of fact, I am not that of a patriot, nore am I Zionist. But I am Pro-Israel. I only came here to help you understatnd the conflict better. ISRAEL IS A JEWSIH STATE ? IT WAS BUILT FOR JEWS AND HAS TO MAINTAIN A JEWSIH MAJORITY. This can not be questioned. Israel is a nation like no other. That is the reason why the Palestinias can not be granted with the right of return. other-wise the whole idea of Israel, everything we built, loved and cared for, is useless. This is the only place in the world where jews can be assured that they will not be harmed because they are jews. It is a pitty for the Palestinias that their ?btothers? ? the Arabs all around us ? could care less for them. They only support them since the cause is always the same: UNDERMINE ISRAEL IN EVERY WAY POSSIBLE!

After some American soldiers get killed in Iraq, people here, out of rage, suggest to nuke the entire area. Imagine that America becomes the front each and every day. That each and every day terrorists may ruin you and your family. And you know they came from a certain area ? would not you support a military assult on that place ? an action that can prevent a terror attack from taking place, an attack that can have you killed!

When I read what some of you post, I feel I want to cry. How can you not side us? Do you have any idea what would happen if Palestinias had our military power? If things were the other way around, they would CRUSH us. When I see that palestinias play soccer with body parts of Israeli soldiers I understand the kind of people we deal with. The same people that undermine your work in Iraq. The same people who beheaded an American. Those images were not brodcasted by palestinians because they feared that it will be a setback for their ongoing efforet to present Israel an the ?bad guy?. Israel also forbidded the broadcat, even though it could benefit from its cause, just because it decided to consider the families of the victims and did not want them to see parts of their son?s body on antional TV.

Israel is said to have nuclear ability. It helps in assuring the very existance of Israel. Israel is the good guy with enough power to turn the places around it into glass. Everybody knows that ?others? can mess with us but we will never destroy them. In all past wars Israeli soldiers were very near the cpaitals of the nations around it the same antions who attacked it in the first place, seeking to destroy it. When the nations around it realized they are about to lose, they demanded UN to stop Israel from advancing into their land. The land of the very nations that seek Israel?s destruction. Israel has extreme restrain; Rest assure that if America would have been in the same situation, It would use its might to bring down those who seek to destroy it, without thinking twice?
People who say that if Israel has nuclear power so should everyone else in the middle-east around it, makes me wonder how they formed such a view.

We have cars, stores, roads, night-clubs, beaches, buildings, high-tech companies, internet and computers; we have radio, free press and have the right to express ourselfves. We can demonstrate without fear, and go against our leaders in public, ask them hard questions. We have independent facilities so our democracy can operate and maintain its cause, existance and make sure the people can run this country. We have a capitalist economy and can form our own point of you of things?All these wonders took place in half a century. The creation of this state is a wonder and let there be no mistake: Israelis will keep this wonder alive and grow it to be stronger than ever. Israel is an America in a place that is full of hostility? I will leave you with one of my favorite quotes by Winston Churchill:

?We cannot see how deliverance will come or when it will come, but nothing is more certain that every trace of Hitler's footsteps, every stain of his infected, corroding fingers will be sponged and purged and, if need be, blasted from the surface of the earth.?


Blah, blah blah, we have stuff that they have in the US and europe, blah blah, blah we have a right to exterminate them, to infringe on their land, to do whatever we want because we were OPRESSED!

Same bs, yeah, that will bring peace to the region.

And blah, blah, we want the US to help us exterminate all muslims, good job so far, thumbs up.

Some day you and your fellow countrymen will have to realize that if you want to infringe on others land, you will pay for it, withdraw to the green line, asap and things will change, then there will be no UN resolutions against you that your butt buddy US has to veto, there will be nothing more than a world on your side if there is a bomb, as long as you are not playing by the rules, why would anyone care that the Palestinians aren't either?


Diamond Member
Apr 7, 2004
Originally posted by: Trente
Originally posted by: CanOWorms

Do Israeli Arabs have all the same rights as Iraeli Jews? How many are there? Do their children automatically count as citizens? Personally, I find religion or ethnicity based citizenship requirements appalling.

Yes they have. some of the people with whom I work are Israeli Arabs. In some cases they get even "more rights" so to not let that background hold their progress in the Israeli society...

Their children are considered citizens from the start!

About citizenship based on ethnicity: There is no other way to assure that Israel remains jewish. as I said Israel is like no other nation. It was built as a home for jews to secure their existance; Had it not for the persecutions of jews throughout history, Israel might have never been founded...

That is BS and you know it, 800 000 arabs were driven from the land and are not to ever return, why? they are not allowed.

You can say whatever you want about that, some of them faced refugee camps, some of them are now what is known as Palestinians.

Don't EVEN pretend that the arabs were treated fairly when Israel was created, they were NOT and if you do not know the history, then i suggest you read up on it.


Golden Member
Apr 19, 2003
Originally posted by: Aimster
Not to be an ass or anything, but the Palestinians just want their land back. They want to go to work but cannot because Israel locks them in their homes and makes curfews. How can you have a civilized nation if there is no middle-upper class? Israel soldiers kill innocent civilians almost daily and I see no reason for anyone to be so pro-Israel when they have killing such as this. Nothing makes it right for them to do that and there reason would make the suicide bombers right because killing innocent civilians clears the way for potential future terrorist correct? Well.. killing innocent Jewish children just makes less of an army in the future, correct? From your post I get the feeling you think the same way most people might think in that area and that is the other side are pigs and nothing more.
Put yourself in the Palestinian position and see how you would react. I know if someone came into my town with tanks and destroyed homes I wouldn't give them any respect and would hate them. Especially if I was a young kid watching my family get destroyed right before my very eyes. Your say on the night clubs and stuff is the Israeli way of life .. Palestinians cannot do anything at night because if they leave their house they are killed. Palestinians have been suffered and will support anyone who can end their suffering (Hamas, etc).
You have suicide bombers, but the Palestinains have an army that kills children throwing rocks (im sorry throwing rocks at tanks doesn't justify being killed). I know if it was the U.S army I dont think anyone in the army here would kill a child because they still see that individual as human. I think both sides over there see the other as animals like I stated earlier and their death regardless of age or sex doesn't matter. They have an army that destroys homes and stores and people's LIFE. They control everything in a foreign land, but do nothing good for it just bad. Whatever you say all Israel has to do is give back the land and build a wall and isolate itself from Palestine but it won't do that. Israel is small and wants more land and is taking over Palestinians land. Israel can easily end this problem right now by giving back the land and building a wall. Why won't it do that? The answer .. why give in to "animals".

I have to admit I did not read your post throughly. I think that you also did not read my entire post since I satted the media is not presenting things as they are. IDF DOES NOT KILL PALESTINIAS - ONLY THE ONES WHO ARE COMMITING TERROR ACTS AGAINST SOLDIERS.

Let me tell you something: an old Palestinian begged an Israeli soldier to open her door. when he did so he exposed himself to a sniper shooting and got killed!!! did you hear about that? did you media bothered to mention this? did they?!

Another one: on 2001 in Jenin, Israeli soldiers had to braed walls to open up a way for them to get to their destination. Get this: the soldiers later raised money and paid that Palestinian familiy for the trouble they gave them. our soldiers slept on the floor and not on the chairs. OUR SOLDIERS DO NOT KILL PEOPLE. I SERVED IN THE IDF AND I CAN TELL YOU FROM FIRST HAND, NO CNN/NBS/ABC BS!!!

Oh and - look who is taking: we have seen all the pictures from Iraq... also: the same day of the attack in Gaza, American gun-ships fired at an Iraqi wedding killing innocent children and women. Did any of you expressed your view about this? I guess that even if you do, you will still stick with the US army and not go agaist it.

Are you kidding me? IDF tanks are thrown rocks at by children and they do NOT open fire!!! Never thay have and never will. But imagine the opposite situation in which jewish children throw rocks on Palestinians tanks - I already know what will happen. they will be completely whiped out!

I feel so helpless... I know I am not going to change your solid view of things but at least I attempted to!


Feb 21, 2003
I'm slightly shocked, but it is very in line with those IDF videos I once took the time to see on their website.


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2002
I can't believe an Israeli is mixing up the right of Palestinian returning to West Bank and Gaza, with the actual Jewish state of Israel. West Bank and Gaze, unlike the Jewish state of Israel, have Arab Muslim majority, and is accupied by force. Many of Israeli themselves do not agree with the settlers who force themselves into West Bank and Gaza, taking away Arab Muslim's land and create bitter conflicts with people already living there.

If Israel returns West Bank and Gaza to the Palestinian and if Palestinian still uses terrorism against Israel after that, I am sure the world opinion will be on Israel's side.


Diamond Member
Apr 7, 2004
Originally posted by: Trente
Originally posted by: Aimster
Not to be an ass or anything, but the Palestinians just want their land back. They want to go to work but cannot because Israel locks them in their homes and makes curfews. How can you have a civilized nation if there is no middle-upper class? Israel soldiers kill innocent civilians almost daily and I see no reason for anyone to be so pro-Israel when they have killing such as this. Nothing makes it right for them to do that and there reason would make the suicide bombers right because killing innocent civilians clears the way for potential future terrorist correct? Well.. killing innocent Jewish children just makes less of an army in the future, correct? From your post I get the feeling you think the same way most people might think in that area and that is the other side are pigs and nothing more.
Put yourself in the Palestinian position and see how you would react. I know if someone came into my town with tanks and destroyed homes I wouldn't give them any respect and would hate them. Especially if I was a young kid watching my family get destroyed right before my very eyes. Your say on the night clubs and stuff is the Israeli way of life .. Palestinians cannot do anything at night because if they leave their house they are killed. Palestinians have been suffered and will support anyone who can end their suffering (Hamas, etc).
You have suicide bombers, but the Palestinains have an army that kills children throwing rocks (im sorry throwing rocks at tanks doesn't justify being killed). I know if it was the U.S army I dont think anyone in the army here would kill a child because they still see that individual as human. I think both sides over there see the other as animals like I stated earlier and their death regardless of age or sex doesn't matter. They have an army that destroys homes and stores and people's LIFE. They control everything in a foreign land, but do nothing good for it just bad. Whatever you say all Israel has to do is give back the land and build a wall and isolate itself from Palestine but it won't do that. Israel is small and wants more land and is taking over Palestinians land. Israel can easily end this problem right now by giving back the land and building a wall. Why won't it do that? The answer .. why give in to "animals".

I have to admit I did not read your post throughly. I think that you also did not read my entire post since I satted the media is not presenting things as they are. IDF DOES NOT KILL PALESTINIAS - ONLY THE ONES WHO ARE COMMITING TERROR ACTS AGAINST SOLDIERS.

Let me tell you something: an old Palestinian begged an Israeli soldier to open her door. when he did so he exposed himself to a sniper shooting and got killed!!! did you hear about that? did you media bothered to mention this? did they?!

Another one: on 2001 in Jenin, Israeli soldiers had to braed walls to open up a way for them to get to their destination. Get this: the soldiers later raised money and paid that Palestinian familiy for the trouble they gave them. our soldiers slept on the floor and not on the chairs. OUR SOLDIERS DO NOT KILL PEOPLE. I SERVED IN THE IDF AND I CAN TELL YOU FROM FIRST HAND, NO CNN/NBS/ABC BS!!!

Oh and - look who is taking: we have seen all the pictures from Iraq... also: the same day of the attack in Gaza, American gun-ships fired at an Iraqi wedding killing innocent children and women. Did any of you expressed your view about this? I guess that even if you do, you will still stick with the US army and not go agaist it.

Are you kidding me? IDF tanks are thrown rocks at by children and they do NOT open fire!!! Never thay have and never will. But imagine the opposite situation in which jewish children throw rocks on Palestinians tanks - I already know what will happen. they will be completely whiped out!

I feel so helpless... I know I am not going to change your solid view of things but at least I attempted to!

IDF does not kill people? Ok, then explain how more civilian palestinians are killed by the IDF than Israelis by Palestinians.

Or is it that you do not consider Palestinians "people"?


Diamond Member
Apr 7, 2004
I am starting to think that Trente is just sarcastic. Nobody can be that unaware of what is going on around them.


Feb 27, 2003
Since the al-Aqsa intifada started 2001, 3152 palestines have died and 976 Israeli have died.


Jan 5, 2003
Originally posted by: Trente
Originally posted by: Aimster
Not to be an ass or anything, but the Palestinians just want their land back. They want to go to work but cannot because Israel locks them in their homes and makes curfews. How can you have a civilized nation if there is no middle-upper class? Israel soldiers kill innocent civilians almost daily and I see no reason for anyone to be so pro-Israel when they have killing such as this. Nothing makes it right for them to do that and there reason would make the suicide bombers right because killing innocent civilians clears the way for potential future terrorist correct? Well.. killing innocent Jewish children just makes less of an army in the future, correct? From your post I get the feeling you think the same way most people might think in that area and that is the other side are pigs and nothing more.
Put yourself in the Palestinian position and see how you would react. I know if someone came into my town with tanks and destroyed homes I wouldn't give them any respect and would hate them. Especially if I was a young kid watching my family get destroyed right before my very eyes. Your say on the night clubs and stuff is the Israeli way of life .. Palestinians cannot do anything at night because if they leave their house they are killed. Palestinians have been suffered and will support anyone who can end their suffering (Hamas, etc).
You have suicide bombers, but the Palestinains have an army that kills children throwing rocks (im sorry throwing rocks at tanks doesn't justify being killed). I know if it was the U.S army I dont think anyone in the army here would kill a child because they still see that individual as human. I think both sides over there see the other as animals like I stated earlier and their death regardless of age or sex doesn't matter. They have an army that destroys homes and stores and people's LIFE. They control everything in a foreign land, but do nothing good for it just bad. Whatever you say all Israel has to do is give back the land and build a wall and isolate itself from Palestine but it won't do that. Israel is small and wants more land and is taking over Palestinians land. Israel can easily end this problem right now by giving back the land and building a wall. Why won't it do that? The answer .. why give in to "animals".

I have to admit I did not read your post throughly. I think that you also did not read my entire post since I satted the media is not presenting things as they are. IDF DOES NOT KILL PALESTINIAS - ONLY THE ONES WHO ARE COMMITING TERROR ACTS AGAINST SOLDIERS.

Let me tell you something: an old Palestinian begged an Israeli soldier to open her door. when he did so he exposed himself to a sniper shooting and got killed!!! did you hear about that? did you media bothered to mention this? did they?!

Another one: on 2001 in Jenin, Israeli soldiers had to braed walls to open up a way for them to get to their destination. Get this: the soldiers later raised money and paid that Palestinian familiy for the trouble they gave them. our soldiers slept on the floor and not on the chairs. OUR SOLDIERS DO NOT KILL PEOPLE. I SERVED IN THE IDF AND I CAN TELL YOU FROM FIRST HAND, NO CNN/NBS/ABC BS!!!

Oh and - look who is taking: we have seen all the pictures from Iraq... also: the same day of the attack in Gaza, American gun-ships fired at an Iraqi wedding killing innocent children and women. Did any of you expressed your view about this? I guess that even if you do, you will still stick with the US army and not go agaist it.

Are you kidding me? IDF tanks are thrown rocks at by children and they do NOT open fire!!! Never thay have and never will. But imagine the opposite situation in which jewish children throw rocks on Palestinians tanks - I already know what will happen. they will be completely whiped out!

I feel so helpless... I know I am not going to change your solid view of things but at least I attempted to!

The thing is there are videos of IDF doing just what I stated and they are all over the Internet. it's 5A.M here but I promise you I will find you some later today and post them on this site. I am sure most people have seen some pictures or videos of the IDF doing wrong. By the way you served in the IDF but you do not represent all of IDF. I am sure there are people in the IDF that hate the palestinians and would kill one any chance they get. Are you saying the IDF has never done anything wrong? If so someone send the generals of the IDF to Iraq to teach the Americans how to play it right. I never said the Palestinians were right, but we have masked gunmen here all the time who commit crimes but we never just blow the house up do we? You need to be smart and just because one man was killed doesn't make it right for them to destroy every house. There are things that Arab t.v and Reuters reports that the Israel media does not report as well. There are videos of children getting shot by tanks and like I said I will find it for you. If the world acted like Israel does then from now on when a neighborhood filled with gang violence acts up just demolish the entire block! If a gunman is inside a house and refuses to come out we should just blow up the building. Round up all the Arabs in the United States and put them in cages because 13 of them on sept 11th... There is a difference with the way the world acts and the way Israel acts. Israel only recognizes Jews and nobody else. The ones that are recognized who are not Jewish are second class citizens. Palestine will always be regarded as a low-class territory. The rest of the Arab states are rich and advanced while Palestine is left on its own. Just because they are the same skin color doesn't mean the rest of their "kind" is obligated to help. What is your point about Palestine having an army or not? Is it to say that Arabs would kill Jews any chance they got with an army? All around Israel there are Arab countries with armies and in striking distance of Israel. If the U.S wasn't so in love with Israel and kissed their ass I am sure they (Israel) would kill all of the Palestinians or kick them off to saudi arabia but the U.S will never let their girlfriend do that cause then their image will be ruined as well.

I know in my area there are asian gangs and spanish gangs from what I know. They number in the hundreds maybe even 1,000. Do we go and base the entire spanish asian population of my area because of these thugs? No, because I hardly seem them. Why? because there are probably around 100,000 asian/spanish people in my area and they represent a small minority. Same reason why some people lock their doors when a black person is walking near their car .. it's called being stupid but you can call it racism as well.

As for the American army and the Iraqi prison ordeal this is another situation. Psychology will tell you when you are in a position of power you will do exactly what the soldiers did. There are videos done where students were put in this very situation and acted out the roles of prison guards and they did some pretty cruel stuff to the prisioners who were also students. In an army there is always bad people. The army is usally consisted of people who only have a high school education, not that it means any less or anything.


Jan 10, 2002
If Jesus came back he would try to counsel your people and you would probably kill him again

Maybe Jewish people didn't like Jesus because he was telling them that the Old Testament was TOO BLOODY and that there should be a new way of life.


Golden Member
Apr 19, 2003
Originally posted by: rchiu
I can't believe an Israeli is mixing up the right of Palestinian returning to West Bank and Gaza, with the actual Jewish state of Israel. West Bank and Gaze, unlike the Jewish state of Israel, have Arab Muslim majority, and is accupied by force. Many of Israeli themselves do not agree with the settlers who force themselves into West Bank and Gaza, taking away Arab Muslim's land and create bitter conflicts with people already living there.

If Israel returns West Bank and Gaza to the Palestinian and if Palestinian still uses terrorism against Israel after that, I am sure the world opinion will be on Israel's side.

You are wrong. there is a difference between going back to the pre six-day-war borders and the right of return. the latter means Palestinians can enter Israeli land that is used by Israelis who have lived there!

Palestinian leaders have expressed time after time that they want Palestinians who ran away in 48' to get back to their places in Haifa, Beer-Sheva, Jerusalem, Nazeret, "Yaffo" and all the other cities in which jews are now living; They are major Israeli cities just like NYC, LA, W.D.C in the USA. these places were handed to Israel by the power of a UN decision dating 11/29/1947. Some of them were taken after winning the 48' war for liberation. This is a very delicate situation - if Palestinians are now declaring they want the entire state of Israel, what will heppen if they form a state and an army with the intention to invade us?

By giving land away, Israel will have to give up areas that are used to secure itself, as a buffer zone.
Near the Gaza strip and the West Bank a bottle-neck will be formed forcing the entire country to use that place for land and air transportation between north and south. it means that if a palestinian state uses its army, it could cut-off Israel into two area of north and west!

I guess this is a worst-case scenario but it could take place since the threats are valid even today...

You guys are far away, fetched with the info reporters are stating. I believe that IDF is not targeting innocent people. you have to understand that urban fighting can take its toll. No one among you attempted to, for a second - to stop, think, and understand things better. I assure you that if your nation would be in the same situation you would support it and would not mind if some people are "accidently" killed in the process of securing your vey existing. It is hard to speculate what you would say if you were in the middle of all this intead of being a spectator. I feel bad for my people that you think of us that way.


Jan 5, 2003
O get it over it man. Palestinians will never have an army. They are poor people and the rest of the Arab world looks down at them. How can they have an army if nobody is going to sell to them. They cannot even afford a tank. I doubt they will try to go against the IDF if they could. Just give them their land back, security from what? People? build a wall.


No Lifer
Sep 21, 2002
gotta love the double standards of these people. arab states put down uprisings by razing entire towns and slaughtering thousands... not a squeek israels problem is they have restraint, which is why we still have this problem

o get over it? the palestinians have had the stated goal of total destruction of israel for long as we can remember. what was the plo doing in lebanon again? they weren't armed with just guns then. don't be niave. just give their land back? even your concept of "their land" isn't enough to stop anything. the plo charter still hasn't been changed to accept the state of israel. stated goal, total destruction.

Since the al-Aqsa intifada started 2001, 3152 palestines have died and 976 Israeli have died.

and during ww2, how many more nazi's died to americans? moral authority is not derived from number of dead. palestinian casualties don't reflect the general population. mostly young men. i wonder why.

not to mention israeli casualties are kept lower by advanced medical care. artificially lowering the number. not to mention the fact that the majority of terror attacks are prevented. the palestinian intent to murder far outnumbers what they do succeed in carrying out


Oct 17, 1999
Too bad about the non-jewish people who lived in that area before the creation of the Jewish State of Israel. I guess it is okay for them to take it in the neck.



No Lifer
Sep 21, 2002
Originally posted by: Siddhartha
Too bad about the non-jewish people who lived in that area before the creation of the Jewish State of Israel. I guess it is okay for them to take it in the neck.


well it depends how far you go back. who lived there first? not to mention that its ignored that up to a third of palestinian population increase before the partition was due to arab immigration it doesn't matter because the original partitions which were mostly based on where the people were already living were rejected. the current lines are based on the wars that came from the palestinians total rejection of any state at all.

should germany get back western france and eastern poland now?


Dec 12, 2003
Damn, people, have a little shred of civility with the guy. Some of the responses to his reasoned presentation are totally overboard. I don't agree with him, but damn, ease up.

Feisal Hussein, King of Iraq and Syria agreed to Jewish National Home according to British Mandate (Israel and Jordan) in 1918. King of Iraq from 1921; eldest son of Hussein, sherif of Mecca. He led the Arab intifada against Turkey (1916-1918) and was designated king of Syria. Feisal was at first sympathetic to a Jewish Homeland from which he hoped to receive aid in building his future kingdom. He met Dr. Weizmann in Jordan (1918) and Paris (1919) where they reached an agreement on mutual aid, conditional on the implementation of British promises to the Arabs. Later, owing to his expulsion from Syira by the French (1920) and the influence of other Arab leaders, his attitude later became hostile.


So, is it true that many Jews lived in Palestine for thousands of years? I guess it gets tossed around a lot that the UN just out of the blue set up the state of Israel, as though the Jews appeared from no where. There is a deeper history here that many people are not aware of or ignore.

John Adams supported a Jewish state.

My point is, this stuff goes back before 1948. It's not aa simple as "the Jews stole the Palestinian land and are occupiers!"


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Since the Jews and Arabs in Israel will likely continue to kill each other for the next thousand years, and since the ultimate death toll will probably vastly exceed the numbers alive there today, it strikes me that the only humane thing for the world to do is to completely exterminate both sides and reopen the land for settlement by people who know how to get along. No?
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