Analysis: Obama foes contrived back-to-school fuss


Jul 13, 2005

Analysis: Obama foes contrived back-to-school fuss

By WALTER R. MEARS, AP Special Correspondent Walter R. Mears, Ap Special Correspondent ? 1 hr 28 mins ago
CHAPEL HILL, N.C. ? There may be a lesson plan for grown-ups in the contrived controversy about Barack Obama's back-to-school pep talk to students. It would be to do your homework, just as the president told the pupils.

That way, the people who protested the Obama speech before they knew what was in it would have realized there is nothing unusual about a president appearing at a public school as the classroom year begins. The previous three Republicans have and there wasn't any stir, aside from some Democratic nitpicking about White House expenses, proving that neither party has a monopoly on pettiness. It was routine. As, in the end, Obama's Tuesday talk was.

Then again, many people doing the complaining, and certainly the broadcast talkers and anti-Obama bloggers who fomented the whole business, were not looking for information or for reasons not to make a fuss. They wanted one, and got it.


We all knew this was much tadoo about nothing!!
But what do you expect from a bunch of people who have nothing better to do....



Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
This would be funny if it wasn't true. The right wing noise machine is going full steam ahead. I can't imagine how bad it's going to get when the campaigns begin.


Oct 9, 1999
I agree, all of the hulabaloo over this was just plain laughable. The Republican party is doing its best to make themselves look like a bunch of clowns. God forbid the President talk to our children! These clowns act like a pedophilic registered sex offender wanted to speak to their school childen.

It's crap like this that is the reason I no longer consider myself a Republican. I don't want to align myself with a party of idiots.


Oct 25, 2002
But it's amazing how organized it is. I have to hand it to them. Republicans are far better prepared than Democrats. It's good and bad in a way.


Platinum Member
Dec 21, 2003
Originally posted by: Dari
But it's amazing how organized it is. I have to hand it to them. Republicans are far better prepared than Democrats. It's good and bad in a way.

The sad thing is they are being led by Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh.


Diamond Member
Mar 11, 2001
Originally posted by: Uhtrinity
Originally posted by: Dari
But it's amazing how organized it is. I have to hand it to them. Republicans are far better prepared than Democrats. It's good and bad in a way.

The sad thing is they are being led by Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh.

And aided and abetted by the media, who choose to focus only on the crazies (speechers, birthers, and other assorted idiots) and not on the conservatives with legitimate gripes (like out of control spending, etc.). It's akin to saying Louis Farrahkan and his anti-semitic silliness is representative of the Democratic Party.


Jan 6, 2005
How is it any different than the left fringe during the Bush Administration, who similarly attempted to politicize every Bush decision? Cindy Sheehan, Code Pink, 9/11 conspiracy theorists and other vocal activists are certainly not representative of all Democrats. Please take the morality of the Iraq war out of the equation and focus on the behaviors.

Of course the Republicans are going to challenge every Obama maneuver...he is losing traction on health care, and forcing him to engage on multiple fronts will distract his ability to regain control of that agenda item. The Republicans have nothing to lose, so they can throw as many wads of toilet paper at Obama to see what sticks. Voters aren't going to remember the school speech incident in 4 years...they will remember if he faltered on health care.

Shame on the media for legitimizing these attacks, and Obama should heed Clinton's advice and ignore the Republicans...he keeps falling into their traps. One good thing you can say about Bush...he effectively brushed off the far left.


Diamond Member
Jun 16, 2005
Originally posted by: Starbuck1975
How is it any different than the left fringe during the Bush Administration, who similarly attempted to politicize every Bush decision? Cindy Sheehan, Code Pink, 9/11 conspiracy theorists and other vocal activists are certainly not representative of all Democrats. Please take the morality of the Iraq war out of the equation and focus on the behaviors.

Of course the Republicans are going to challenge every Obama maneuver...he is losing traction on health care, and forcing him to engage on multiple fronts will distract his ability to regain control of that agenda item. The Republicans have nothing to lose, so they can throw as many wads of toilet paper at Obama to see what sticks. Voters aren't going to remember the school speech incident in 4 years...they will remember if he faltered on health care.

Shame on the media for legitimizing these attacks, and Obama should heed Clinton's advice and ignore the Republicans...he keeps falling into their traps. One good thing you can say about Bush...he effectively brushed off the far left.



Jul 2, 2005
The issue was not with the president talking to the children, it's with the content of the speech / materials distributed with the speech: it was a creepy political "lets get the kids on board with the socialist agenda" kind of activity. After it got outed, it was changed into what it was supposed to be: just a talk with a generally positive message for the kids.


Diamond Member
Mar 11, 2001
Originally posted by: PokerGuy
The issue was not with the president talking to the children, it's with the content of the speech / materials distributed with the speech: it was a creepy political "lets get the kids on board with the socialist agenda" kind of activity. After it got outed, it was changed into what it was supposed to be: just a talk with a generally positive message for the kids.

I've yet to see any evidence that the speech was changed or that it was originally political in nature.


Jul 5, 2000
Originally posted by: jbourne77
Originally posted by: Starbuck1975
How is it any different than the left fringe during the Bush Administration, who similarly attempted to politicize every Bush decision? Cindy Sheehan, Code Pink, 9/11 conspiracy theorists and other vocal activists are certainly not representative of all Democrats. Please take the morality of the Iraq war out of the equation and focus on the behaviors.

Of course the Republicans are going to challenge every Obama maneuver...he is losing traction on health care, and forcing him to engage on multiple fronts will distract his ability to regain control of that agenda item. The Republicans have nothing to lose, so they can throw as many wads of toilet paper at Obama to see what sticks. Voters aren't going to remember the school speech incident in 4 years...they will remember if he faltered on health care.

Shame on the media for legitimizing these attacks, and Obama should heed Clinton's advice and ignore the Republicans...he keeps falling into their traps. One good thing you can say about Bush...he effectively brushed off the far left.


Let see a lot of things Obama has done are the same as what Bush did. yet I don;t remember a 9/11 thread like this last year from the "left"?

Nut jobs on the right look for ANYTHING. See sig as proof from a local troll that post here.


Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: Mursilis
Originally posted by: PokerGuy
The issue was not with the president talking to the children, it's with the content of the speech / materials distributed with the speech: it was a creepy political "lets get the kids on board with the socialist agenda" kind of activity. After it got outed, it was changed into what it was supposed to be: just a talk with a generally positive message for the kids.

I've yet to see any evidence that the speech was changed or that it was originally political in nature.

IT was not about the speech, but the lesson plan that went along with it.


Jan 28, 2002
Originally posted by: PokerGuy
The issue was not with the president talking to the children, it's with the content of the speech / materials distributed with the speech: it was a creepy political "lets get the kids on board with the socialist agenda" kind of activity. After it got outed, it was changed into what it was supposed to be: just a talk with a generally positive message for the kids.


Grade B bullonium fortified with Mularkey.

Don't buy it.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Originally posted by: PokerGuy
The issue was not with the president talking to the children, it's with the content of the speech / materials distributed with the speech: it was a creepy political "lets get the kids on board with the socialist agenda" kind of activity. After it got outed, it was changed into what it was supposed to be: just a talk with a generally positive message for the kids.

I keep asking people to provide the text of the speech before and after it was changed, but nobody seems to be able to do it. Amazingly enough, not having any evidence for the speech being changed has not affected the right wing's belief that it was.


Nov 25, 2001
Originally posted by: charrison
Originally posted by: Mursilis
Originally posted by: PokerGuy
The issue was not with the president talking to the children, it's with the content of the speech / materials distributed with the speech: it was a creepy political "lets get the kids on board with the socialist agenda" kind of activity. After it got outed, it was changed into what it was supposed to be: just a talk with a generally positive message for the kids.

I've yet to see any evidence that the speech was changed or that it was originally political in nature.

IT was not about the speech, but the lesson plan that went along with it.

More horsecrap and lame excuses, as usual.

The lesson plan, like most lesson plans, was designed to assess whether the students absorbed the important information and themes of the speech and to reinforce what they had just learned by having them take part in an exercise.

You don't know anything about teaching and/or education, do you?


Nov 17, 2002
Originally posted by: charrison
Originally posted by: Mursilis
Originally posted by: PokerGuy
The issue was not with the president talking to the children, it's with the content of the speech / materials distributed with the speech: it was a creepy political "lets get the kids on board with the socialist agenda" kind of activity. After it got outed, it was changed into what it was supposed to be: just a talk with a generally positive message for the kids.
I've yet to see any evidence that the speech was changed or that it was originally political in nature.
IT was not about the speech, but the lesson plan that went along with it.
It was totally about the speech, but they retreated from that crazy position in the face of universal mocking. "It was the lesson plan" became the save-face talking point because it's so easy to distort out of context, very few people saw the alleged original, and as far as I know, the original is no longer available for comparison. This lets the crazies continue to insist how right they were without the risk of being refuted again.


Nov 25, 2001
Let me put this into perspective. The perspective of a paranoid wingnut assmonkey:

Phase 1: "It's about the speech! It's brain-washing! Hurp dee durp!"

Phase 2: "It's not about the speech, it's about the lesson plan! Obama wants our kids to grow up socialist!"

Phase 3: "It's not about the lesson plans, it's about Obama opening his mouth and speaking!"



Diamond Member
Mar 11, 2001
Originally posted by: charrison
Originally posted by: Mursilis
Originally posted by: PokerGuy
The issue was not with the president talking to the children, it's with the content of the speech / materials distributed with the speech: it was a creepy political "lets get the kids on board with the socialist agenda" kind of activity. After it got outed, it was changed into what it was supposed to be: just a talk with a generally positive message for the kids.

I've yet to see any evidence that the speech was changed or that it was originally political in nature.

IT was not about the speech, but the lesson plan that went along with it.

Two things about that:
I haven't seen this allegedly biased lesson plan, so I'm not going to assume it was slanted until I know that for sure, and;
Weren't teachers free to ignore it anyway?



Jul 2, 2005
Originally posted by: eskimospy
Originally posted by: PokerGuy
The issue was not with the president talking to the children, it's with the content of the speech / materials distributed with the speech: it was a creepy political "lets get the kids on board with the socialist agenda" kind of activity. After it got outed, it was changed into what it was supposed to be: just a talk with a generally positive message for the kids.

I keep asking people to provide the text of the speech before and after it was changed, but nobody seems to be able to do it. Amazingly enough, not having any evidence for the speech being changed has not affected the right wing's belief that it was.

Rove: "I would suspect, a dime to a dollar bet you, that they altered that speech." Fox News contributor Karl Rove stated: "I would suspect, a dime to a dollar bet you, that they altered that speech. And they certainly altered the study guides. But the purpose was partly good, partly political. It's now been turned a lot more good, less political." [Fox News' Happening Now, 9/8/09]

The lesson plan getting changed is a FACT, and you'd have to be very naive to think the speech didn't get cleaned up after the hubbub as well. I guess the attempt to get the socialist message to the little ones without the parents being able to act as a filter got thwarted.


Nov 17, 2002
Originally posted by: eskimospy
Originally posted by: PokerGuy
The issue was not with the president talking to the children, it's with the content of the speech / materials distributed with the speech: it was a creepy political "lets get the kids on board with the socialist agenda" kind of activity. After it got outed, it was changed into what it was supposed to be: just a talk with a generally positive message for the kids.
I keep asking people to provide the text of the speech before and after it was changed, but nobody seems to be able to do it. Amazingly enough, not having any evidence for the speech being changed has not affected the right wing's belief that it was.
Exactly. Propaganda is so much easier when it isn't burdened by reality.

I still think the real fuel for the outcry was the crazies were afraid their kids would see Obama without Dad's wing-nut filters, find an intelligent and articulate person who made sense, and realize Dad is a dipshit. Ironically, it's the one time they were right. More than any of the other non-issues they've been flogging for the last eight months. this one really laid bare the right-wing lunatic fringe.


Nov 17, 2002
Originally posted by: PokerGuy
Originally posted by: eskimospy
Originally posted by: PokerGuy
The issue was not with the president talking to the children, it's with the content of the speech / materials distributed with the speech: it was a creepy political "lets get the kids on board with the socialist agenda" kind of activity. After it got outed, it was changed into what it was supposed to be: just a talk with a generally positive message for the kids.

I keep asking people to provide the text of the speech before and after it was changed, but nobody seems to be able to do it. Amazingly enough, not having any evidence for the speech being changed has not affected the right wing's belief that it was.

Rove: "I would suspect, a dime to a dollar bet you, that they altered that speech." Fox News contributor Karl Rove stated: "I would suspect, a dime to a dollar bet you, that they altered that speech. And they certainly altered the study guides. But the purpose was partly good, partly political. It's now been turned a lot more good, less political." [Fox News' Happening Now, 9/8/09]

The lesson plan getting changed is a FACT, and you'd have to be very naive to think the speech didn't get cleaned up after the hubbub as well. I guess the attempt to get the socialist message to the little ones without the parents being able to act as a filter got thwarted.
I rest my case.


Jul 5, 2000
Originally posted by: PokerGuy
Originally posted by: eskimospy
Originally posted by: PokerGuy
The issue was not with the president talking to the children, it's with the content of the speech / materials distributed with the speech: it was a creepy political "lets get the kids on board with the socialist agenda" kind of activity. After it got outed, it was changed into what it was supposed to be: just a talk with a generally positive message for the kids.

I keep asking people to provide the text of the speech before and after it was changed, but nobody seems to be able to do it. Amazingly enough, not having any evidence for the speech being changed has not affected the right wing's belief that it was.

Rove: "I would suspect, a dime to a dollar bet you, that they altered that speech." Fox News contributor Karl Rove stated: "I would suspect, a dime to a dollar bet you, that they altered that speech. And they certainly altered the study guides. But the purpose was partly good, partly political. It's now been turned a lot more good, less political." [Fox News' Happening Now, 9/8/09]

The lesson plan getting changed is a FACT, and you'd have to be very naive to think the speech didn't get cleaned up after the hubbub as well. I guess the attempt to get the socialist message to the little ones without the parents being able to act as a filter got thwarted.

So you know it got changed as Fox news told you. :laugh:

Yep you fit exactly what Fox is looking for in a viewer. We don;t need those stinky facts here at Fox and its reg. viewers.
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