Analyst: Intel to endorse SOI at 22-nm

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Mar 21, 2004
If your talking about integration of more features into the silcone die space. this will definately increase performance. But then everything will start looking like a MCU. hmmmm I think I siad this a few months ago. At some point soon I expect ram, gpu and most if not all outboard chips combined into one large die and stuck to a board. that will leave only perpheral interconect like outboard acessories etc to connect or maybe more copresseing sollutions like GPU.

certainly more and more things will be integrated, this has been going on forever, the first computers were room sized made out of vacuum tubes, the first microchip based computers had what we today called CPU in several seperate chips.
for example:

yes, back in the day the CPU was integer only, and you had a separate chip to perform floating point math.

did you not read what I siad ? even with light interconnects it won't massively change latencys or transmission speeds. The wall of compute power given our current computing methodologys is reaching its limits. Serial processing has hit the wall or is very very close to it. Even clockspeed increases aren't going to help.

I read what you said, I wasn't trying to contradict you, I was merely clarifying something.


Jun 30, 2010
certainly more and more things will be integrated, this has been going on forever, the first computers were room sized made out of vacuum tubes, the first microchip based computers had what we today called CPU in several seperate chips.
for example:

yes, back in the day the CPU was integer only, and you had a separate chip to perform floating point math.

No doubt and as node shrinks occur and they can get more on the die its going to continue. The past performance increase in relative terms of throughput for a CPU are pretty much about to go flat however.

Tubes are very interesting though. did you know that norad and most TV stations still use Tubes to generate high power signal outputs and tubes are one of the few devices that are good at ultra high frequency amplification. although transistors have been catching up.

I read what you said, I wasn't trying to contradict you, I was merely clarifying something.

I was trying to make sure I clarified what I said as well.


Mar 21, 2004
Tubes are very interesting though. did you know that norad and most TV stations still use Tubes to generate high power signal outputs and tubes are one of the few devices that are good at ultra high frequency amplification. although transistors have been catching up.
Sure, also CRT TV's Cathode Ray Tube is basically a vacuum tube with a hole, and vacuum tubes themselves are funny shaped incandescent light bulbs without the filament. There are certainly still uses for them, but those uses are in electrical engineering, not in creating logic gates for computation.


Elite Member
Oct 14, 2003
Same with SiGe. Not saying it is likely Intel is doing III-V on SOI, just saying at this time there isn't anything overtly contradictory about the rumor, it ranks high on the plausible meter.

Both Mark Bohr and Kelin Kuhn said they'll stick to conventional transistors didn't they? That was also this year. Unless they have made some breakthrough during that time... is it even possible to have a change such late in the game?


Elite Member
Oct 10, 1999
Both Mark Bohr and Kelin Kuhn said they'll stick to conventional transistors didn't they? That was also this year. Unless they have made some breakthrough during that time... is it even possible to have a change such late in the game?

And equally positioned guys at Intel had no problem saying HK/MG was not needed...I remember the Sematech technology project proposals and the teleconference comments in 2005...and then guess what happened in 2007.

My point is just that Intel is savvy, they have no issue leveraging the media as well as peer-reviewed print to affect subterfuge when it comes to fading to the right only to dash to the left.

Its not like we aimed to be any different at TI. Its just how the game is played.


Elite Member
Oct 14, 2003
And equally positioned guys at Intel had no problem saying HK/MG was not needed...

You were downplaying them using FD-SOI and other more exotic tech for a while. Does it mean you are playing the same "fading and dashing the other way" too?



Elite Member
Oct 10, 1999
I wonder what benefit we shall get with transistor size as interconnect latency becomes a overiding factor regardless of node size. IE the limit of the speed of electrons will become a bottle neck regardles of how small they make the transistor.

In process development that "wall" was hit back around the time of the 90nm node.

Electron and hole mobility is a metric that is engineered into the devices, it matters to first-order. As does the wire-speed and associated capacitance.

You will see the push for 3D IC's become more and more common as a means to reduce the RMS distance between latency-bound circuits as node shrinks continue.

In regards to serial performance improvements and clockspeed increases, we need look no further than your typical extreme overclocking get together to see ample examples of clockspeed capability and serial-threaded performance improvement.

Those clockspeeds only achievable today on extreme cooling are enabled at room-temperature on tomorrow's node shrink...if the manufacturer believes that people will pay a premium for the performance.

I would be hesitant to look at the specs of commercially available processors as rendering some indication of inherent process technology or device physics limitations afoot.

When engineering collides with marketing and sales you get some intriguing results, albeit not the sort limited by physics unless you are running the LHC.


Elite Member
Oct 10, 1999
You were downplaying them using FD-SOI and other more exotic tech for a while. Does it mean you are playing the same "fading and dashing the other way" too?

Nah, that's just prudent ass coverage mate

Seriously though what I was trying to say regarding their position earlier is that there is no fundamental physics limits in their current materials integration scaling that would imply they need to make such drastic transitions in their integration flow.

But that is assuming they intend to do nothing more with their future process technology than to address the markets their IC's currently address.

However, if they are intending to further pursue the medical field as well as the consumer mobile field then such a process technology transition may well be necessary if only to enable the performance of their products to be such that they can command the sort of price that enriches their gross-margin mix in the direction they know their shareholders are expecting them to.

I see plausibility in both directions and nothing about the existing boundary conditions or initial conditions rule out the possibility of either solution to this PDE.


Mar 21, 2004
However, if they are intending to further pursue the medical field as well as the consumer mobile field then such a process technology transition may well be necessary if only to enable the performance of their products to be such that they can command the sort of price that enriches their gross-margin mix in the direction they know their shareholders are expecting them to.

what do you mean the medical field? as in, implant chips into human bodies? wouldn't they have to be sealed inside something somehow anyways?


Elite Member
Oct 10, 1999
his point is, I think, that intel lies to the press to mislead AMD, nvidia, etc; something that it HAS done before.

It's deeper, and more capitalistic than that, and to some extent we all do it in this business.

The real heart of the matter is IP.

The longer you can keep people (universities, suppliers, competitors) from investigating the same area of technology that you are interested in the more likely you are to plow that fertile IP field all to yourself.

Then when folks like IBM and GloFo come along years later they find themselves doing stuff like gate-first integration and so on not because of its technological superiority but because they can't get around Intel's patents and they are unwilling to pay the royalty fees associated with them.

And it prevents upstart IP companies from coming in after the fact and gouging you in court with injunctions just because they filed a patent before you did, them knowing or suspecting in advance that someday soon you'd be trying to put that technology to work inside your billion dollar fabs.
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Elite Member
Oct 10, 1999
what do you mean the medical field? as in, implant chips into human bodies? wouldn't they have to be sealed inside something somehow anyways?

Yes, and tiny, and powered by something that is also as tiny as possible for the same reasons. And tiny batteries means tiny power output.


Mar 21, 2004
It's deeper, and more capitalistic than that, and to some extent we all do it in this business.

The real heart of the matter is IP.

The longer you can keep people (universities, suppliers, competitors, from investigating the same area of technology that you are interested in the more likely you are to plow that fertile IP field all to yourself.

Then when folks like IBM and GloFo come along years later they find themselves doing stuff like gate-first integration and so on not because of its technological superiority but because they can't get around your patents and you are unwilling to pay the royalty fees associated with them.

And it prevents upstart IP companies from coming in after the fact and gouging you in court with injunctions just because they filed a patent before you did, them knowing or suspecting in advance that someday soon you'd be trying to put that technology to work inside your billion dollar fabs.

thank you for clarifying, that makes a lot of sense. With IP rules being what they are it stands to reason that you would want any development you make to be kept as secret as possible... Although I wouldn't call it capitalism, IP is pretty damn antithetical to capitalism. it is literally a government mandated monopoly granted to "encourage research".

Yes, and tiny, and powered by something that is also as tiny as possible for the same reasons. And tiny batteries means tiny power output.

ah, I was thinking toxicity rather then power consumption
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Elite Member
Oct 10, 1999
thank you for clarifying, that makes a lot of sense. With IP rules being what they are it stands to reason that you would want any development you make to be kept as secret as possible... Although I wouldn't call it capitalism, IP is pretty damn antithetical to capitalism. it is literally a government mandated monopoly granted to "encourage research".

Being on the side of the fence where I have patents, as well as having been tasked with developing technology that circumvents them in claims, I don't see it that way.

Sure we could argue it is anti capitalist in the same sense that any regulation that would inhibit a business' decision makers from making decisions is anti-capitalistic...including murder in the name of keeping a corporate secret a secret.

Patents serve a purpose, its easy to have the impression that the purpose they serve is something that it isn't if your experience with them comes to you by way of media and other methods of persuasion, but firsthand experience can leave you with a different appreciation for their purpose and intent.

Just my opinion, I don't expect you to embrace it or adopt it as your own, but wanted to provide a food for thought counter-point.

ah, I was thinking toxicity rather then power consumption

Toxicity is an issue, but its actually us that are the toxic part of the equation. We want these implants to last, and they don't last too long when exposed to the types of chemicals and environments that are found naturally in our bodies.

An implanted device would actually have to be pretty large in volume to contain enough nasty stuff as to pose a first-order health risk to its host.

Even batteries that people ingest are not corrosive enough to really cause problems, the real problems with batteries is the metal casing becoming corroded and then representing an abrasion opportunity for lancing your colon or stomach wall...then internal bleeding becomes the issues, not the exposure to lithium or cadmium.


Mar 21, 2004
yes, obviously an unshielded device will short / corrode / etc. but I don't think there is anything you could change in an electronic device to make it not happen... other then sealing it (same quality sealing regardless of microchip components are needed to prevent shorts and corrosion). As far as toxicity, it might be in very small amounts, but there are materials which are dangerous even in minute amounts. I have no idea if CPUs contain any though... and even if it is too little to harm, that wouldn't deter lawyers from suing over it if the containment breaks.

I agree patents can be useful, I think current patent law is totally out of hand, but that it should be nerfed a bit rather then eliminated. While I am in favor of capitalism and free market economy, I still recognize we need to have limitations and regulations.
Basically, I was saying it is antithetical to capitalism, not that it is wrong / evil / etc.

Although, I hold that certain forms of corruption are in themselves anti capitalistic... capitalism doesn't necessarily mean "do anything you want" or "corporations"... free and fair competition is fundamental, abusing monopoly status is anti-capitalistic behavior done by a corporation rather then a government. Corporations are a tool of capitalism, but many reach the top and then ironically try to hamper capitalism as much as possible by acquiring government mandated monopolies (via IP, bribing politicians to make regulations that harm upstarts, get exclusivity contracts such as the ones telcos have, etc), putting the squeeze on other companies not to work with their competitors, and even criminal behavior (price fixing, industrial espionage, or your murder example). It is anti capitalistic behavior done for capitalistic reasons if it makes sense. kinda like chaos within order within chaos thing.
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Diamond Member
Apr 24, 2007
Toxicity is an issue, but its actually us that are the toxic part of the equation. We want these implants to last, and they don't last too long when exposed to the types of chemicals and environments that are found naturally in our bodies.

An implanted device would actually have to be pretty large in volume to contain enough nasty stuff as to pose a first-order health risk to its host.

Even batteries that people ingest are not corrosive enough to really cause problems, the real problems with batteries is the metal casing becoming corroded and then representing an abrasion opportunity for lancing your colon or stomach wall...then internal bleeding becomes the issues, not the exposure to lithium or cadmium.

Quantity is definitely an issue, but even small quantities of non-native chemicals in long durations will cause cancer. It is just the nature of the beast. Anything that can cause a molecule from an RNA strand to unbond from the strand, or any molecule that will bond to that strand has a chance to cause cancer. Just due to evolution, the chemicals that are most likely to do that are not naturally occuring within our body. Any that does not naturally occur has a much higher chance of causing cancer since the body has not evolved to be resistant to bonding/unbonding caused by that chemical.


Jun 30, 2010
In process development that "wall" was hit back around the time of the 90nm node.

Electron and hole mobility is a metric that is engineered into the devices, it matters to first-order. As does the wire-speed and associated capacitance.

You will see the push for 3D IC's become more and more common as a means to reduce the RMS distance between latency-bound circuits as node shrinks continue.

In regards to serial performance improvements and clockspeed increases, we need look no further than your typical extreme overclocking get together to see ample examples of clockspeed capability and serial-threaded performance improvement.

Those clockspeeds only achievable today on extreme cooling are enabled at room-temperature on tomorrow's node shrink...if the manufacturer believes that people will pay a premium for the performance.

I would be hesitant to look at the specs of commercially available processors as rendering some indication of inherent process technology or device physics limitations afoot.

When engineering collides with marketing and sales you get some intriguing results, albeit not the sort limited by physics unless you are running the LHC.

My point is that serial increases relative to clock speed are at the limit and you will see a inverse relationship going forward.

IE a 2.6 ghz cpu running at 5.2 ghz does not scale 200% it hardly if ever scales 150%. those are dimishing returns. I expect them to actually get worse at 22nm vrs now at the current 32,40 and 45nm ranges.

if we had a 2.9 ghz cpu disapating 125w today at 40nm at 22nm its not going to be massively better. its not going to be like the jump from 90 to 45nm.

Not to mention the cooling issues.

pretty much, node shrinks have hit a limit and the technology we are using has come to the end of the road.

Even considering 3d IC designs. Thats a bridge to nowhere with massive thermal issues. Thats why no one is doing it now.

the real answer is looking at ways to fundementally change the computing market. silicon is dead. It just doesn't know it yet.


Mar 27, 2009
Medical field was mentioned a few times in this thread. What kind of devices are you guys thinking about?


Platinum Member
May 23, 2008
Medical field was mentioned a few times in this thread. What kind of devices are you guys thinking about?
theres a whole multitude of applications for integrating computing into the medical field. say for example you have a patient that needs a precisely administered dose of a medication over a long period of time. the right chip could analyze your body chemistry, decide on a dose, and depending on the medicine, even administer it. there's also the entire field of neural analysis. there will come a time one day when we will find a way to integrate our own brains with our computing technology. imagine getting a math coprocessor implant and a solid state memory backup that you can reference with 100% accuracy on demand. it could have serious implications yes, but there ARE also diseases which affect peoples ability to convert short term memory to long term memory as well, and these people, with a memory implant of this type, could actually begin remembering things (again) and start to lead a somewhat normal life again. the even greater benefit is that if everyone were to receive these kind of implants, we would NEVER loose a single bit of a person when they die. there are so many ideas and thoughts people have that never get truly utilized because of where that person was within society in relation to what their idea meant, and upon death that persons memory could become part of the greater cognitive whole of the human race going forward. of course its also hard to say how much capacity the human brain really has for memory, as it doesnt store data in a binary manner. its possible that it will still be a long time before storage technology even catches up, but on the flipside its possible that it would lead to a massive expansion of what we can actually remember as well. and thats just the tip of the iceberg, of integrating chips into us. these things work in reverse as well dont forget. im sure there's many a computational scientist who wonder how much processing power the human brain really has, and what its capable of if you can find a way to utilize it fully.


Elite Member
Oct 10, 1999
My point is that serial increases relative to clock speed are at the limit and you will see a inverse relationship going forward.

IE a 2.6 ghz cpu running at 5.2 ghz does not scale 200% it hardly if ever scales 150%. those are dimishing returns. I expect them to actually get worse at 22nm vrs now at the current 32,40 and 45nm ranges.

if we had a 2.9 ghz cpu disapating 125w today at 40nm at 22nm its not going to be massively better. its not going to be like the jump from 90 to 45nm.

Not to mention the cooling issues.

pretty much, node shrinks have hit a limit and the technology we are using has come to the end of the road.

Even considering 3d IC designs. Thats a bridge to nowhere with massive thermal issues. Thats why no one is doing it now.

the real answer is looking at ways to fundementally change the computing market. silicon is dead. It just doesn't know it yet.

ModestGamer you probably don't know my background, I was a process technology development engineer at Texas Instruments...worked on nodes spanning from 0.5um down to 32nm with continuing government grants and university affiliations (dual employment as adjunct professor at a local university as well as process development engineer at TI) working on sub-16nm technology extensions and it is my professional opinion that silicon is most certainly not dead nor is 22nm "nearing the end".

That's not just mantra in the form of "they always say Moore's law is dead and they are always wrong"...I'm speaking from having played a role in the development of the really cool stuff that hasn't even come to the forefront of the media's attention. And that really cool stuff has legs to run another 20yrs.

Without a doubt the limits of scaling are 100% economical. The materials science and basic physics is already at our disposal for continuing to shrink circuits for decades to come. And by "shrink" I mean increasing xtor density and electrical performance, but not the kind of 1-dimensional usage of the term as used by laymen where they think of the channel narrowing, etc.

When I see "scaling is dead" arguments, and they are popular so I see them often, I just think it is such a needlessly self-defeating perspective. But there is the big question mark regarding cost and whether enough consumers can be pooled together to buy products which will justify developing the shrink in the first place.

But that is true of virtually any product on the drawing board right now in any industry. Does the TAM justify the development expense? At TI we decided it no longer did at 32nm so we shut down R&D and went fabless for CMOS logic at 45nm and smaller. (kept the fabs for the still lucrative analog stuff)

One last thing, 5nm in the traditional node-scaling label schema is where currently known/identified scaling solutions are expected to lose steam. That's if we do nothing to expand the edge of the envelope between now and when 5nm is released to production.

What is being done between now and when 5nm is released to production is improving the integration and process technology so as to reduce manufacturing costs and increase the robustness of in-field product lifetime.

edit: This thread has all kinds of good stuff in it if you are interested in more reading.

And this post from that thread definitely hits on stuff related to the OP of the current thread.

(and when you read the stuff in that thread keep in mind we only make the tip of the iceberg public information, the bulk of what is going on is never publicized for all the obvious competitive reasons...having seen and done some of the stuff that isn't public yet you'll just have to take my word for it when I say that shrinking is nowhere close to dead)
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Jun 30, 2010
ModestGamer you probably don't know my background, I was a process technology development engineer at Texas Instruments...worked on nodes spanning from 0.5um down to 32nm with continuing government grants and university affiliations (dual employment as adjunct professor at a local university as well as process development engineer at TI) working on sub-16nm technology extensions and it is my professional opinion that silicon is most certainly not dead nor is 22nm "nearing the end".

That's not just mantra in the form of "they always say Moore's law is dead and they are always wrong"...I'm speaking from having played a role in the development of the really cool stuff that hasn't even come to the forefront of the media's attention. And that really cool stuff has legs to run another 20yrs.

Without a doubt the limits of scaling are 100% economical. The materials science and basic physics is already at our disposal for continuing to shrink circuits for decades to come. And by "shrink" I mean increasing xtor density and electrical performance, but not the kind of 1-dimensional usage of the term as used by laymen where they think of the channel narrowing, etc.

When I see "scaling is dead" arguments, and they are popular so I see them often, I just think it is such a needlessly self-defeating perspective. But there is the big question mark regarding cost and whether enough consumers can be pooled together to buy products which will justify developing the shrink in the first place.

But that is true of virtually any product on the drawing board right now in any industry. Does the TAM justify the development expense? At TI we decided it no longer did at 32nm so we shut down R&D and went fabless for CMOS logic at 45nm and smaller. (kept the fabs for the still lucrative analog stuff)

One last thing, 5nm in the traditional node-scaling label schema is where currently known/identified scaling solutions are expected to lose steam. That's if we do nothing to expand the edge of the envelope between now and when 5nm is released to production.

What is being done between now and when 5nm is released to production is improving the integration and process technology so as to reduce manufacturing costs and increase the robustness of in-field product lifetime.

edit: This thread has all kinds of good stuff in it if you are interested in more reading.

And this post from that thread definitely hits on stuff related to the OP of the current thread.

(and when you read the stuff in that thread keep in mind we only make the tip of the iceberg public information, the bulk of what is going on is never publicized for all the obvious competitive reasons...having seen and done some of the stuff that isn't public yet you'll just have to take my word for it when I say that shrinking is nowhere close to dead)

I figured it was smaller then 22nm my point "thanx for the links" was that the type of return on continued scalling will get smaller and smaller as the wall approachs, we are approaching the wall. The other side of my stance has less to do with the silicon itself and more to do with the overall design principal in use intoday computers.

Lets say that shrinking does help, to what extent ? at what extent is the serial binary model simply not going to continue to feed our ever growing need for compute power.

I think you know where that plank leads.

at some point regardless of how good the silicon is, when the wall is reached what will be left ?? thats where the deadend occurs.

do you follow what I am saying here ? we are using 1d solutions to 4d problems.

its the same problem face with the slider crank internal combustion engine, every year the get a bit more efficiency out of the design but they fial to adress the problem on its face. The crankshaft is horriably inefficient at doings its job.

the same thing is now occuring with cpus and silicon. the solutions to these problems are largely unknown. It would be curios to see what types of technologys are being looked into for the problems we face tommorow.

for instance IA simply isn't going to work with such narrowly designed circuts and approachs. the human brain in many ways is vastly more powerful then even the worlds most powerful computer.

just a FYI, my family recently took ownership of over 300 classified patents " I don't know what most of them are they are classified" when my grandfather recently deceased.they are for a variety of things relating to guidance systems and radar stuff.

I have known many men of your caliber.

Kudos for having such a good resume, its not easy.
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Elite Member
Oct 10, 1999
I figured it was smaller then 22nm my point "thanx for the links" was that the type of return on continued scalling will get smaller and smaller as the wall approachs, we are approaching the wall. The other side of my stance has less to do with the silicon itself and more to do with the overall design principal in use intoday computers.

Lets say that shrinking does help, to what extent ? at what extent is the serial binary model simply not going to continue to feed our ever growing need for compute power.

I think you know where that plank leads.

at some point regardless of how good the silicon is, when the wall is reached what will be left ?? thats where the deadend occurs.

do you follow what I am saying here ? we are using 1d solutions to 4d problems.

500 yrs ago mankind was doing its best to figure out how to apply all of its accumulated maritime knowledge to just get across the Atlantic ocean.

50yrs ago mankind did its best just to figure out how to apply all of its accumulated spacetravel knowledge just to get from here to the moon.

I'm not worried about the what if's when it comes to technology scaling. I participated in ITRS roadmap recommendations and formulation over time, if the experience has taught me anything its that mankind has no shortage of self-doubt and at the same time no shortage of people willing to prove the doubters wrong.

Do I know how to get from where we are today to where we will be in 20yrs? Yes.

Do I know what we will actually be doing 20yrs from now? No. Economics dictates that and today's uneconomical solutions for tomorrow will be replaced with more economical solutions before tomorrow gets here.

Do I know how to get from where we are today to where we will be in 50yrs? No. No more so than to point at the period table of elements and say mankind has yet to produce the children of tomorrow that in 50yrs time will be coming up with the crafty stuff they will need for their generation to go wherever they aim to go.

But I am confident they will do something that from our perspective is simply impossible, we are merely crossing the atlantic ocean of computing.


Jun 30, 2010
500 yrs ago mankind was doing its best to figure out how to apply all of its accumulated maritime knowledge to just get across the Atlantic ocean.

50yrs ago mankind did its best just to figure out how to apply all of its accumulated spacetravel knowledge just to get from here to the moon.

I'm not worried about the what if's when it comes to technology scaling. I participated in ITRS roadmap recommendations and formulation over time, if the experience has taught me anything its that mankind has no shortage of self-doubt and at the same time no shortage of people willing to prove the doubters wrong.

Do I know how to get from where we are today to where we will be in 20yrs? Yes.

Do I know what we will actually be doing 20yrs from now? No. Economics dictates that and today's uneconomical solutions for tomorrow will be replaced with more economical solutions before tomorrow gets here.

Do I know how to get from where we are today to where we will be in 50yrs? No. No more so than to point at the period table of elements and say mankind has yet to produce the children of tomorrow that in 50yrs time will be coming up with the crafty stuff they will need for their generation to go wherever they aim to go.

But I am confident they will do something that from our perspective is simply impossible, we are merely crossing the atlantic ocean of computing.

I can respect that. The question is as returns dminish and they are definately starting to.

What are the technologys that will pave the way forward.

Smaller process tech from a perspective of power use is a very worthwhile goal with energy supplys tightening and demand increasing. those are things worth chasing. I just don;t see or envision a world of immersive 3d interactive computing with the current road we are on.

I don't have any answers either.


Elite Member
Oct 14, 2003
The human brain is amazing. Sure, there are flaws, but from all the struggles and despair we extract brilliance from it.

Probably one reason the prediction of brain-like computers coming true were pushed out to 2050's to 2000's. They realize there's still far more going on than what they know.
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