Anandtech Enzotech Ultra-X Review


Diamond Member
Apr 11, 2006


In the end the Ultra-X still suffers from the same shortfalls as other down-facing coolers, and its cooling efficiency is not even as good as a few of the better down-facers.

End of story now?!?!?!?!


Jun 1, 2007
Honestly, since I don't how the real technical break down of it, I am confused on how the Ultra-X could ever compete with the Ultra-120 in some reviews. Perhaps the pictures just don't do justice, but from what it looks like, the Ultra-X isn't huge, I just don't see what would make it so great of a cooler... It doesn't have tons of heatpipes, and it's heatpipes aren't that wide in diameter.. what would even make it cool as good as what some reviews said it did?


Mar 11, 2007
Originally posted by: Deathawk
Honestly, since I don't how the real technical break down of it, I am confused on how the Ultra-X could ever compete with the Ultra-120 in some reviews. Perhaps the pictures just don't do justice, but from what it looks like, the Ultra-X isn't huge, I just don't see what would make it so great of a cooler... It doesn't have tons of heatpipes, and it's heatpipes aren't that wide in diameter.. what would even make it cool as good as what some reviews said it did?

Potential reasons it might have good performance:

1. 8mm heatpipes - ~30% more surface area (around the pipe) per pipe going through the base and touching the fins than 6mm pipes. So, all other things being equal (and I'm not sure they are), 3 x 8mm pipes is roughly equivelent to 4 x 6mm pipes, at least in surface area. There may be other factors involved that work for (or against) 8mm vs 6mm (like more/less dead air space, some difference in functionality/efficiency of the action happening inside the pipes, etc).

2. Excellent pre-lapped (mirror-finish) base.

3. Excellent mounting system that provides even distribution of weight and (perhaps more importantly to the subject at hand) even mounting pressure/contact with IHS to cool all cores (see the lower half of this page).

...there may be other differences that are not as apparent as well (thickness of base, various build tolerances and quality, differences in soldering methods, efficiency of heatpipe functionality in some configuration vs some other configuration, etc.). I'm not a thermodynamic engineer (and I'm guessing you aren't either), so I don't know and try not to assume too much, but you asked "how could", so some of the above is how it could/might.


End of story now?!?!?!?!

Nope, interesting (and appreciated) data point, though - just like all the other reviews. I don't consider any site's results to be the end of story or final word or "sole gospel truth" on heatsink testing. I do believe they got the results they got on thier setup, but I also have no reason to doubt that other sites got different results on thier setups.

I've already expressed my views on this in multiple other threads, so I'll leave it at that, just to "take the bait" offered here .

Have fun!


Diamond Member
Apr 11, 2006
Originally posted by: Spanki
I don't consider any site's results to be the end of story or final word or "sole gospel truth" on heatsink testing. I do believe they got the results they got on thier setup, but I also have no reason to doubt that other sites got...

Have fun!
Will do!

Okay, guys, bring on the next 'Tuniq Tower killer'...


Mar 9, 2005
Well unlike most who post I actually have the ultra-x mounted in my system with 2 250mm fans blowing down on it. It does what it's supposed to do and I'm very pleased with the performance. The mounting system is solid without any mounting drama or retarded assembly required to install it. The ultra-x is huge and I've posted links several times to the pics of it installed in my case. The construction quality of it is first rate and I can honestly say it's the highest quality cooler I've ever mounted on any system I've ever built and I've been building them since the internet was text only. I used to swear by scythe but the enzo blows them away and doesn't sound like a vacuum cleaner doing it.


Feb 4, 2006
Well AGAIN...Anad's and my reviews vary...the Enzo is much better than the TR 120 Extreme....oh well. I'm going to lap the 120 Ext and see what happens.


Diamond Member
Apr 11, 2006
Don't *feel* bad!

I just bought a XFX 7600 GT card - not because it works great - but because it *looks* so great... black PCB and all that stuff...

Same thing applies to the Enzo, I guess!

"If looks could chill", like the title says...


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2005
Originally posted by: VinDSL
Don't *feel* bad!

I just bought a XFX 7600 GT card - not because it works great - but because it *looks* so great... black PCB and all that stuff...

Same thing applies to the Enzo, I guess!

"If looks could chill", like the title says...

I used to have respect for you vinny..

However, ever since you got your tuniq tower(s) you've become worse than the viral marketers in the video section of the forums. You rant and you rave all day about the godliness of the Tuniq that your anus must be getting sore from all that squirting.

Has it even occurred to you that you are the only person here bringing up "Tuniq Tower killer"? You have become so obsessed with defending your mass of metal that it's all you can say now.

Seriously man, you used to be someone I could look at when I needed an opinion, now you're so viral for a single company that it is impossible to do so now. To be honest, you've simply become another one of the many useless posters here..


Jul 13, 2005
Originally posted by: thecoolnessrune
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Originally posted by: VinDSL
Don't *feel* bad!

I just bought a XFX 7600 GT card - not because it works great - but because it *looks* so great... black PCB and all that stuff...

Same thing applies to the Enzo, I guess!

"If looks could chill", like the title says... </end quote></div>

I used to have respect for you vinny..

However, ever since you got your tuniq tower(s) you've become worse than the viral marketers in the video section of the forums. You rant and you rave all day about the godliness of the Tuniq that your anus must be getting sore from all that squirting.

Has it even occurred to you that you are the only person here bringing up "Tuniq Tower killer"? You have become so obsessed with defending your mass of metal that it's all you can say now.

Seriously man, you used to be someone I could look at when I needed an opinion, now you're so viral for a single company that it is impossible to do so now. To be honest, you've simply become another one of the many useless posters here..

I am going to have to say that your observation is not exactly correct!!
Vin has every right to Love and defend the Tuniq!! The tuniq has made a name for itself in many what I will call cooler wars!!

Sure it may not be the best or it may be the best!
yet you can`t knock the heatsink-- In every comparison of multiple coolers it has never came oit any less that 2nd and even then the temp difference was maybe 1c difference!!



Diamond Member
Apr 11, 2006
Originally posted by: thecoolnessrune
I used to have respect for you vinny... yada, yada, yada...
First of all, maybe you don't get the whole drift of this thread... It's sort of an inside joke!

Spanki the Spanker showed up here a while back claiming that the Enzotech Ultra-X was the best cooler known to man!

He linked to numerous reviews from Canada, Poland, Mudistan, Dirtistan, et cetera, claiming that the Enzo beats the Tuniq Tower 120 in every review -=- and declaring that the only reason Anandtech wouldn't review it is because they hadn't been sufficiently bribed by Enzotech vendors, like all the rest of their cooler reviews. Hello?!?!

Basically, he was trying to shame AT into reviewing this dream cooler - even though he doesn't own one himself!

I told him, even if Anandtech did review it, he wouldn't like the results because AT doesn't like face-downers...

So, whatta ya know? I'll be a SOB if AT didn't review the Enzo -=- and it was reviewed exactly like I said it would be!

Anyway, don't judge me too harshly! Sometimes I have to be careful what I say and how I say it, or the mods get upset with me, you know?

In this case, Spanki got my drift, and that's all that mattered! Kinda put a sock in his yapper, didn't it?


As far as the Tuniq Tower 120 is concerned, despite the nay-sayers comments, I've never heard of it not fitting into any computer case, they work great, you get bragging rights, and they only cost like 45 bones (and are widely available) these days.

What's NOT to recommend about them?


Platinum Member
Oct 6, 2004
i like the fact that its so flat. the thermalright U120E had a .22 rise in the center of it. while on my single core cedarmill it made no difference to lap it it may be a different story on a dual or quad core. i am going to try and get one to test it myself. hopefully i get my test bed built soon also. im trying to make one that will take a cooler to its limits, like testing from 0 to 2000 watts. not that any cpu could put out that much but i think it would be interesting to see where certain coolers ceiling is.


Mar 11, 2007
Ahh.. nice bit of revisionist history there, Vin? But here I am taking the bait again - sigh. Anyway, just in case you actually believe that bit of drama and to clarify it for anyone who didn't follow the earlier thread...

Originally posted by: VinDSL
Spanki the Spanker showed up here a while back claiming that the Enzotech Ultra-X was the best cooler known to man!

My 'claim' was that multiple reviews were saying good things about the cooler. In fact, I stated multiple times that I did not think and was not claiming that it was the best cooler in the world - only that I wanted to see it reviewed.

Originally posted by: VinDSL
He linked to numerous reviews from Canada, Poland, Mudistan, Dirtistan, et cetera, claiming that the Enzo beats the Tuniq Tower 120 in every review -=-

As mentioned, several reviews were claiming big things from the cooler, so I provided the links so people could go read them thier selves.

Originally posted by: VinDSL
...and declaring that the only reason Anandtech wouldn't review it is because they hadn't been sufficiently bribed by Enzotech vendors, like all the rest of their cooler reviews. Hello?!?!

...and, while asking/wondering why it hadn't been reviewed here yet, suggested one possible conclusion that some people might draw, based on a recent article on AT's sister site (and to be clear, I stated that I did not believe that was the reason myself).

Originally posted by: VinDSL
Basically, he was trying to shame AT into reviewing this dream cooler - even though he doesn't own one himself!

I'm not sure how to even respond to this... if I did own one, I wouldn't need anyone to review it - this must say something about our difference in thinking.

Heatsink reviews (or roundups) provide data-points. Nothing else. They give you an idea of how some cooler performs - on some reviewer's test configuration - relative to other coolers being tested - on that configuration - and a chance to hear that reviewer's opinions and impressions about the cooler. The more of these data-points you can find, the better informed you are as a comsumer, trying to make a purchasing decision. I wanted to see it reviewed on AT's test configuration and read the opinions and impressions of the reviewer here (Wesley Fink).

Originally posted by: VinDSL
I told him, even if Anandtech did review it, he wouldn't like the results because AT doesn't like face-downers...

...and I stated myself multiple times in that thread that I didn't expect it to be at the top of the performance chart, based on AT's particular test configuration - I expected to see the same problems other top-blower coolers were having, but that it looked to be the top-of-the-class for this type of cooler and guess what? That proved to be true.

Originally posted by: VinDSL
So, whatta ya know? I'll be a SOB if AT didn't review the Enzo -=- and it was reviewed exactly like I said it would be! it was reviewed exactly how I said it would be!

Originally posted by: VinDSL
In this case, Spanki got my drift, and that's all that mattered! Kinda put a sock in his yapper, didn't it?

Just to clarify for you Vin... what "put a sock in my yapper" was:

I was asking for AnandTech to review the EnzoTech Ultra-X cooler.
AnandTech reviewed it.
I got what I wanted - I'm happy. stated in my response to you above, I've already stated my opinions on any number of other issues related to the Enzo Ultra-X, top-down-blower coolers in general, whether or not the Tuniq is the best cooler in the world, whether or not the Ultra 120 Ex is the best cooler in the world and many other subjects. And guess what? ...

- The AT review of the EnzoTech Ultra-X cooler didn't change my opinions about any of that.

- AT's review didn't prove me wrong - it proved me right. *I* wasn't making claims about the cooler, other sites and reviews were.

- AT's review didn't prove other reviews/sites wrong - it showed how the cooler performs on AT's configuration, as opposed to other sites/reviewer's configurations.

- I didn't see other sites suddenly revising thier reviews because AT got different results - there's no need to, they got the results they got and AT got the results it got.

...I didn't (and still don't) see any reason to rehash my thoughts again in your "nany-nany-boo-boo" thread. Others, including yourself, may have different opinions or draw different conclusions, but those are mine.


Mar 11, 2007
...the "earlier thread" mentioned above can be found here (I would have just edited the thread above, but AT's forum software screws up quotes when you edit these days).


Diamond Member
Sep 27, 2000
Originally posted by: thecoolnessrune
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Originally posted by: VinDSL
Don't *feel* bad!

I just bought a XFX 7600 GT card - not because it works great - but because it *looks* so great... black PCB and all that stuff...

Same thing applies to the Enzo, I guess!

"If looks could chill", like the title says... </end quote></div>

I used to have respect for you vinny..

However, ever since you got your tuniq tower(s) you've become worse than the viral marketers in the video section of the forums. You rant and you rave all day about the godliness of the Tuniq that your anus must be getting sore from all that squirting.

Has it even occurred to you that you are the only person here bringing up "Tuniq Tower killer"? You have become so obsessed with defending your mass of metal that it's all you can say now.

Seriously man, you used to be someone I could look at when I needed an opinion, now you're so viral for a single company that it is impossible to do so now. To be honest, you've simply become another one of the many useless posters here..

it's just his lack of personality. he does the same thing for his case.


May 16, 2002

My watercooling blows your tuniqs and enzotechs and thermalrights away!

/runs away



Jun 30, 2004
At this point, SparkyJJo, I'll have to agree.

I've attempted to push air-cooling to the limits of science and art on my systems. My Ultra-120-Extreme is lapped flat, installed with diamond-paste, ORTHOS' CORETEMP values at somewhere between 41C and 43C at 70F room based on my recollections of a few days ago -- my real numbers (not taking time to consult them from the Coretemp sample logs) -- may be better.

I've encountered a problem with my Striker mobo's sound-riser in installing a TR HR-03-Plus cooler on my BFG 8800 GTS card. I had planned to install the HR-03 with the fins butting up near the Ultra-120, and through fan-arrangement and ducting, get the biggest bang for the least use of power and case-space.

But there's a 2mm "conflict" with fins on the HR-03 and the sound riser, so I have to flip the cooler around using "Installation #1" option as explained in TR installation. Now, the thing hangs over my PCI-E x8 slot -- where I'd planned to install my 3Ware RAID controller. So I'll have to move the RAID controller to PCI-E x16 #2, which means "no SLI."

These coolers, as good as they are, take up too much real-estate. The illusion to which I also had succumbed -- that the plethora of hoses and other paraphernalia with water-cooling does the same -- IS and illusion. Water-blocks don't rob you of PCI/-E slots.


Diamond Member
Apr 11, 2006
Originally posted by: SparkyJJO
My watercooling blows...
I'm getting there - been pimping my case for over a year. Looks are paramount to me!

I know which rad I want - that's a no-brainer! I think I'll buy/install it and the push-pull fans.

Baby Steps... baby steps...

Just gotta be careful who I tell, I guess!
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