Anandtech member murders 2, commits suicide in Aliso Viejo

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Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Originally posted by: Proletariat
Originally posted by: Vic
Is it really relevant that he was a member? It's not like AT, with its 127,798 members, is some kind of exclusive club...
Aw come on Vic.
The population of the city of Aliso Viejo, CA is only 40,166.

This is knee-jerking. "OMG he was one of us?" :Q :roll:

Yes, no sh!t, he was one of us. He was another human being. In this case, a fscked-up one who chose not to kill himself alone. He's beyond our help now. Hopefully his victims will rest in peace.


Diamond Member
Dec 9, 2004
Originally posted by: Vic
Originally posted by: Proletariat
Originally posted by: Vic
Is it really relevant that he was a member? It's not like AT, with its 127,798 members, is some kind of exclusive club...
Aw come on Vic.
The population of the city of Aliso Viejo, CA is only 40,166.

This is knee-jerking. "OMG he was one of us?" :Q :roll:

Yes, no sh!t, he was one of us. He was another human being. In this case, a fscked-up one who chose not to kill himself alone. He's beyond our help now. Hopefully his victims will rest in peace.
Very well... if thats the path you want to take...


Platinum Member
Dec 7, 1999
Originally posted by: Ready
Notice the 2 replies he got on the thread

Colt45 " You're a ******' idiot. "

paulney " STFU noob."

big deal, you just listed the replies on half the threads here on ATOT. Nothing in those threads relate to anything regarding his condition or his mental state/ cry for help. I feel sorry for his victims.


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2001
deepest condolences to all the families involved in this ordeal...

remember this as a tragedy, and please, don't threadcrap, this isn't the time to act all badass =\


Platinum Member
May 21, 2003
Originally posted by: GTaudiophile
"Will" is a conjugation of the German word "wollen" which means "to want". Freund is the German word for "friend".

So, "WillFreund" = "Want to be a friend" sort of.


That is really friggin sad, wow.

As a disturbed individual I'd like to point out that when people contemplate suicide they actually fantasize about having all of thier aquaintences say "That is so sad, it must somehow be my fault." Or something to that effect. By responding this way you may actually encourage this type of crime.

Its also very possible that those people deserved what they got.

My question is, how do they know the shotgun jammed?


Oct 21, 2000
Originally posted by: MrColin
My question is, how do they know the shotgun jammed?

Maybe, just maybe the guy that almost got shot told the police "He turned the shotgun towards me and tried to kill me but instead nothing happened and the suspect exclaimed 'Oh ******, it jammed!'"


Apr 18, 2001
Originally posted by: Ready
Notice the 2 replies he got on the thread

Colt45 " You're a ******' idiot. "

paulney " STFU noob."

Did you read his post? He wanted to be paid for being fat. You make a thread about that and you're an idiot plain and simple. If I made a post about being paid for doing nothing, people would call me an idiot too

anyhow, tragic this had to happen, especially for his victims...


Jun 4, 2005
that's pretty terrible .... not that the guy committed suicide (i've got no sympathy for that and couldn't care less if someone killed themselves on purpose), but that he killed a father and daughter (with a frigging shotgun, no less!) and that his name meant "want to be a friend" and he was a "quiet kid" who didn't have many friends..... even the thread he made about being paid for being fat or something was, obviously, his way of trying to be funny and get some friendly vibes his way.

it was pretty uncalled for when the two douche nozzles told him he was a "fvcking idiot" and should "stfu." i don't understand why it's so hard for people to NOT POST if they don't have something worth saying.... mean stuff like that is definitely not worth saying.


Senior member
Apr 24, 2000
Have you noticed that on his older threads, his views are increasing very fast... some 5 and 2 post threads have like 250 or more views....

God be with the victims...


Mar 25, 2001
Geeze the replies in this thread are making me somewhat depressed.

I do not condone the guys actions by any means, but I just can't get over the macho man attitude and complete lack of empathy or even an attempt at understanding by the majority of you. "He should burn in hell and be sodomized by a white hot metal rod." :roll: The kid seems to know hell all too well, and this was his attempt to escape it. Why kill 2 others? We could guess but I doubt any of us could ever really know what was happening inside of his head. Just keep in mind that this person was not completely sane. You can't have sympathy because you can't relate to what this person went through. The absolute hell he was in is absolutely alien to the majority of us, and to just dismiss him as a cold blooded murder who should spend an eternity in the fires of hell seems very simplistic and, well, ignorant.

Apparently Will had some pretty serious mental problems, and has even called out for help and not receive it. I'm sure all of you know exactly what he was going through, enough for you to pass judgment on him. :roll: And the comments about suicide really make me wonder. How can you people be so heartless? To not even care what this person was going through, why he did what he did. This is the sick fvcking society that turns a very mentally unstable person into a killer. I'm not saying that the world should be a hippy utopia where everyone sits around, holds hands, and talks about our feelings in a feminine voice with a lisp while someone sings kumbaya, but try to have just a little compassion and understanding. Not for his actions the other night, but for Will Freund as a human being and the tragedy of the whole situation.

As much as it sucks, the world is not black and white.


Senior member
May 12, 2004
Originally posted by: UglyCasanova
Apparently Will had some pretty serious mental problems, and has even called out for help and not receive it. I'm sure all of you know exactly what he was going through, enough for you to pass judgment on him. :roll: And the comments about suicide really make me wonder. How can you people be so heartless? To not even care what this person was going through, why he did what he did. This is the sick fvcking society that turns a very mentally unstable person into a killer.

Another deluded crusader. First of all, YES, we pass the judgment of murderer on him, for commiting murder. All else is secondary. Second of all, he has as much a responsibility to society as society has to him, which does not include murdering it's citizens in cold blood.

If this guy needed some sort of special treatment to be told NOT to go on a cold-blooded killing spree, then perhaps he didn't belong in society in the first place. End of story.



Senior member
Oct 31, 2005
Originally posted by: Boztech

he has as much a responsibility to society as society has to him, which does not include murdering it's citizens in cold blood.

...did this guy have parents?,..did he live on his own?,..he was 19? er somthin? im sure wherever they are they surely did NOT give him the help he needed or pay attention to anything at all,..and if they knew and set him out on the world?

im not sayin the actions are right at all,....people that arent right, things that arent right and are capable of things that again,..arent right,..the problem im sure goes back much farther than this forum or any other,...these things im sure just added to a problem already there,..if im gettin what he had right it was kinda like retardation only on a social level?



Jun 4, 2005
Originally posted by: UglyCasanova
Geeze the replies in this thread are making me somewhat depressed.

I do not condone the guys actions by any means, but I just can't get over the macho man attitude and complete lack of empathy or even an attempt at understanding by the majority of you. "He should burn in hell and be sodomized by a white hot metal rod." :roll: The kid seems to know hell all too well, and this was his attempt to escape it. Why kill 2 others? We could guess but I doubt any of us could ever really know what was happening inside of his head. Just keep in mind that this person was not completely sane. You can't have sympathy because you can't relate to what this person went through. The absolute hell he was in is absolutely alien to the majority of us, and to just dismiss him as a cold blooded murder who should spend an eternity in the fires of hell seems very simplistic and, well, ignorant.

Apparently Will had some pretty serious mental problems, and has even called out for help and not receive it. I'm sure all of you know exactly what he was going through, enough for you to pass judgment on him. :roll: And the comments about suicide really make me wonder. How can you people be so heartless? To not even care what this person was going through, why he did what he did. This is the sick fvcking society that turns a very mentally unstable person into a killer. I'm not saying that the world should be a hippy utopia where everyone sits around, holds hands, and talks about our feelings in a feminine voice with a lisp while someone sings kumbaya, but try to have just a little compassion and understanding. Not for his actions the other night, but for Will Freund as a human being and the tragedy of the whole situation.

As much as it sucks, the world is not black and white.

i totally see what you're saying and i don't feel it's heartless to say that i don't have sympathy for those who commit suicide. there are various avenues people have whenever they are depressed or have suicidal thoughts/tendencies. pulling off some self-rightous "pity me" crap by killing themselves is ridiculous.

not only that, but it's killing someone that many other people loved. i feel sad for his family and friends, but i'm not about to be like "aww... the poor kid offed himself.... that's so tragic" because it's not. the kid offed himself because he was a self-pitying pussy.

i don't feel bad saying that because i was just like him, once. i got the help i needed and saved a LOT of people potential pain and suffering.

so, why glamorize self-righteous acts of suicide and take it away from what it REALLY is... murder.

EDIT: it's not machoism... it's been-there-ism.

also, i'm one of the most vocal people when it comes to talking about things not being black or white or cut and dry. i see what you're saying... but whenever that doesn't take away from the fact that he murdered three people (the guy, his daughter, and himself). the only sadness i feel is that it could have been prevented and it wasn't... and now the families and friends of three people are changed forever. i also feel sadness in the fact, by reading some of his posts, that he was just trying to make some friends and make people have a chuckle, only to be verbally punched in the face by a couple ass-guzzlers like colt45 and whomever else that turd was who told him to "stfu."


Diamond Member
May 13, 2001
that's sad, i have never seen him post but man still a aprt of the group. can never tell with people i guess especially on such a large community anything can happen


Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2003
Reason #739,267,822 why having so many guns about in the population is a bad thing. Would the guy and his daughter have died if this nutcase only had a knife or a bat? Far less likely.

But yeah, they're good for sport and everyone is safer with them in the population, and only stable people can buy guns...

I'm so glad I don't live over there...



Jan 23, 2001
Originally posted by: Vic
There is no excuse for cold-blooded murder. Nor, in any civilized society, can there ever be any excuse if it wishes to continue calling itself civilized. There are only 2 victims from this incident, and neither was the person who refused to exhaust his last resource in getting the proper help he needed (which was certainly available).

You take that stance and you learn NOTHING.


Jan 23, 2001
Originally posted by: Boztech
Another deluded crusader. First of all, YES, we pass the judgment of murderer on him, for commiting murder. All else is secondary. Second of all, he has as much a responsibility to society as society has to him, which does not include murdering it's citizens in cold blood.

I wish his disease onto you. Let me know when you're done walking a mile in his shoes so you can continue talking sh!t.


Elite Member
Aug 26, 2000
Originally posted by: tami
Originally posted by: jotosuds
Originally posted by: tami
Originally posted by: jotosuds
that kid sucks at murderous rampage suicide. if i went on one i'd take at least 20 people down with me.

what a loser.

good cover up, kid..

nice try. your original comments have been quoted.
omgz youse GOTS ME!!! :Q

lol.. you guys seriously have no sense of humour. :roll:
it's not a laughable matter.

there is a time and a place for humor. this thread and related threads of your creation simply don't make the cut.
There is always room for humor. He's just not that good at it (edit: "I hope my jokes didn't drive him too it..." <- decent light-hearted humor at the situation).


Elite Member
Aug 26, 2000
Teenager + psych meds = bad. I didn't get too bad, but enough to stop taking antidepressants (too bad for my grades, though ).

I would imagine the meds, RL teasing, and RL counseling had much more to do with this than ATOT.


Grand Nagus
Feb 24, 2000
Originally posted by: Cerb
Originally posted by: tami
Originally posted by: jotosuds
Originally posted by: tami
Originally posted by: jotosuds
that kid sucks at murderous rampage suicide. if i went on one i'd take at least 20 people down with me.

what a loser.

good cover up, kid..

nice try. your original comments have been quoted.
omgz youse GOTS ME!!! :Q

lol.. you guys seriously have no sense of humour. :roll:
it's not a laughable matter.

there is a time and a place for humor. this thread and related threads of your creation simply don't make the cut.
There is always room for humor. He's just not that good at it (edit: "I hope my jokes didn't drive him too it..." <- decent light-hearted humor at the situation).

I would disagree especially when it involves a suicide and double homicide.


Aug 9, 2004
I used to chat with a guy a few years ago, who had Asperger's & who was going to have a baby with his girl friend. The gf's family persuaded the girl to get an abortion and leave him. Which she did, without telling him. Their reasoning was that he was 'disordered' and therefore it wouldn't be a good idea to have his kid. He was devastated, to the point of considering, planning suicide. (he was most devasted about the abortion, which I couldn't necessarily relate to.) Not sure if he ever went through with it***. Maybe people think that because Apserger's can appear unemotional or stiff, therefore they are lacking in emotion. Which is an absurd assuption as obviously they are as capable of deep feelings as any of us.

***not because I am a callous bastard and didn't care to find out, but because I didn't know him IRL, only interacted with him on the internet, and lost contact with him because he stopped visiting a particular web site where I chatted with him.

Philippine Mango

Diamond Member
Oct 29, 2004
Originally posted by: Ranger X
Originally posted by: Philippine Mango
Originally posted by: Xylitol
Sad that he died
Sad that he was teased
Sad that he killed his daughter and a man

Wrong, he killed a man's daughter, who has a daughter at the age of 19...?
The article says he killed the daughter and her father.

" where he killed Vernon Smith, 45, and daughter Christina Smith, 22, with a shotgun,"


Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2003
Originally posted by: aidanjm
I used to chat with a guy a few years ago, who had Asperger's & who was going to have a baby with his girl friend. Then the gf's family persuaded the girl to get an abortion and leave him. Which she did, without telling him. Their reasoning was that he was 'disordered' and therefore it wouldn't be a good idea to have his kid. He was devastated, to the point of considering, planning suicide. (he was most devasted about the abortion, which I couldn't necessarily relate to.) Not sure if he ever went through with it. Maybe people think that because Apserger's can appear unemoional or stiff, therefore they are lacking in emotion. Which is an absurd assuption as obviously they are as capable of deep feelings as any of us.
Good to hear you stuck with him through that rough patch in his life.
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