Anandtech Users win Cash from CyberWings


May 27, 2002
News story of the day. Anandtech users gathered on the Cyberwings server in a chatroom and watched in the Cyberwings main chat/support channel as CEO Shawn White gave out prizes. He gave out prizes in $10 and $20 denominations. Users that won from anandtech were Nebby and bphantom and mike7. These were their irc nicks.

Again Anandtech Users bring in cold hard ca$h.


May 27, 2002
so giving out money is not a hot deal huh? He's still giving out cash all night.


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2001
Originally posted by: bonk102
thanks for the update, but wher'es the hot deal?

Guess if I ever come across one of those surveys that pay cash for them I should never post it here since giving money out is not a hot deal.

Heck this is easier than doing surveys, you just idle in the channel. And its STILL going on


May 27, 2002
These require no input as well So don't worry we won't tell you about these future deals bonk192. Its not like you get 20 bucks everyday for doin squat.


Feb 4, 2001
I dunno. I think devistator is a cyberwings insider. from reading his? posts, he justsounds like that to me. could be wrong. but I'll quote an old saying:

a fool and his money are soon parted.

I'd rather bet on a rebate from cyberrrebates (yeah I know they're gone) than cyberwings


May 27, 2002
After a comment from a Cyberwings visitor,

<Harrie-> is it possible to cut the chit-chat and give away some more prizes? its more fun that way

Shawn got frustrated and handed out MORE personal accounts - around 5 more accounts. NICEEEEEE

He didn't give out the 500-1000$ he promised but he gave out around $100 USD. He said there will be more giveaways tommorow.


Diamond Member
Dec 15, 2001

CEO-Shawn has no friggin clue what he's doing. It's like handing over a datacenter to a three year old and saying here, now here's a couple thousand bucks... go play.


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2001
Originally posted by: nolamerz
I dunno. I think devistator is a cyberwings insider. from reading his? posts, he justsounds like that to me. could be wrong. but I'll quote an old saying:

a fool and his money are soon parted.

I'd rather bet on a rebate from cyberrrebates (yeah I know they're gone) than cyberwings

Well I must be a fool then because I spent some money on it. You think I'm a cyberwings insider? That's a laugh, obviously you have no clue and have not researched this wild accusasation or even bothered to ask me.

If I was an insider, I would have posted about cyberwings FAR more often on AT, on every cyberwings thread, on FW and everywhere else. I dont. Search posts from me and find out.

Here's my history with cyberwings, which you can confirm with searches, and if you bothered to show up at the IRC channel, logs.

A month or so ago someone posted the $3.90 hotdeal about cyberwings hosting. $3.90 for a year. Before this I was thinking about going dixiesys since the commetns about them were all positive, but since I wasn't ready to pay $3.90 a month, I was waiting until I had more solid ideas of what I was going to do with my websites.
I saw the $3.90 deals and thought, hey what do I have to lose. Most of the comments in that thread said that it was fine, except it took a couple weeks to setup. Fine, I can live with a couple weeks. The negative comments were mostly by people who said it can't possibly be true, its too good. I figured, hey if it dies I lose $3.90 per account, big deal, and they are personal websites, so no big loss.

So I ordered 1 and then 2 more individual accounts for that price. May 17th I sent in the first setup letter once I had my domain's all bought and setup. I got the reply for that one 2 days ago. That was about two weeks, I updated DNS and yesterday it was working. Yesterday I also sent in the setup letters from the other two, they emailed me about that TODAY. The backlog must be caught up.

Two days ago I went to #cyberwings chat to ask some questions about setting up my first individual account. I hung around for a little while and someone mentioned that the CEO had some crazy sales the night before.

NOTICE THIS, I was NOT posting about it or even in the channel for the sales before last night! If I was an insider, surely I would have been in the channel for previous sales.

So, I left the computer logged in to IRC for last night and it got crazy. Crazy sales, and giveaways. I woke at around 4am or so this morning (I dunno the exact time, check the post time that I did if you want to know) checked hot deals and someone mentioned I'd won something. I was like cool. So I went to IRC checked the logs and sure enough, I won a FREAKING reseller 8 account! I'm stoked about that. I decided to hang around for tonight. Anyone who has logs or who has been to IRC two nights ago can confirm that I wasn't there until yesterday. You can search my old posts on anandtech, the $3.90 deal was the first one I took advantage of.

Instead of throwing around wild accusations, how about you learn to find out what the facts are? Perhaps post some honest questions in the thread? Ask the CEO some things in the IRC channel.


Aug 10, 2001
we tried.. he had important stuff to do and left... or something

oh for all you that have questions for him, why not give him a call

White, Shawn (SW1127-ARIN)


May 27, 2002
lol thats funny cause a few people were trying to call him. They got his message machine at 1 am


ValuJet comes to confirm order for the round trip tickets he promises ;x

<ValuJet> Shawn: This is your comfirmation regarding your 2 round trip airline tickets to anywhere in the continental USA. Reminder we are able to offer you such low prices Shawn cause our pilots are inexperienced. We cannot be held responsible if your pilot does not know how to operate a plane, this is how we keep costs down. Thank you for flying ValuJet. Remember to sign a release agreement making us not responsible if you're killed while onboard


Feb 4, 2001
if you aren't an insider, congrats on wiinning the reseller account. then I apologize.

But from reading the most recent thread you started, you sound like a cyberwings employee or friend to me. I won't deny that. I just doesn't feel right. You are bumping and promoting that thread a LOT!!! That instantly makes me skeptical. I don't have time to read hundreds of posts on a $2 deal, but from this last thread, I have to say I've raised the red flag.

I have nothing invested in this, and hope all our AT'ers friends are not being scammed.

If it's legit, long live CW!!

See you in the morning!



Diamond Member
Dec 15, 2001

I DID call him...about 10 minutes ago...have ANYONE HERE bump/answer this...

he was "not there" hmmmmmmmmmmmm


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2001
Originally posted by: nolamerz
if you aren't an insider, congrats on wiinning the reseller account. then I apologize.

But from reading the most recent thread you started, you sound like a cyberwings employee or friend to me. I won't deny that. I just doesn't feel right. You are bumping and promoting that thread a LOT!!! That instantly makes me skeptical. I don't have time to read hundreds of posts on a $2 deal, but from this last thread, I have to say I've raised the red flag.

I have nothing invested in this, and hope all our AT'ers friends are not being scammed.

If it's legit, long live CW!!

See you in the morning!

Thanks, in that case I apologize also. Let me put it this way, I'm at home right now starting back to college this summer and at the moment I dont have a job. I have a LOT of free time. I've been hanging around in IRC with cyberwings and other places on other chat networks, but that's not enough stuff do to What do I do on the computer when I need something else to do? Visit bluesnews, hardocp, and anadtech hot deal forums
If you search on other threads I have replied to in the past, you'll see I often keep up with them for a few days and activly participate in the ones I choose to keep an eye on. Especially when I find a hot deal I can post in AT that's not already taken, I usually track it pretty carefully. If you can search back a couple months you might spot the deal that I posted about a free utility to test your monitor for dead pixels and convergence etc. It was pretty nice and it got up to 2 or 3 pages. I also kept up on that thread and posted quite a lot. Did I have anything to gain there? No, the free utility did not come with ads or anything and it was totally free, and no registration required.


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2001
Originally posted by: JeffCutter
devistator sure sounds defensive, whether or not he is an insider.

It might be because I've stayed up too much these past couple days in IRC Lack of sleep tends to do that to you


Junior Member
Jun 7, 2002

...It seems.... that as hard as the ceo of cyberwings tries, he seems to have lost track of his main goal. The best webhosting community around. Sure - hes on top now - great prices - customers begging for accounts - money coming in from chat parties. But I ask you. What happens when you need service? How can you become the *best* at what you do, when you disregard the customers needs. Support does come at a cost - but they are hiring suposivly. Why not offer support for a few extra dollers? Is there something not right with this picture? Thing for yourself. When a ceo does not wish to talk to willing customers about a product, and ignores them for days. Is he a good ceo? Does a good ceo make false promises? Does a *good* ceo let so many people be unsatisfied, and not make changes to his/her service. I am trying not to doubt this company - but they are FLAWED - majorly. I think with a little reconstruction they will do ok, but at this rate of growth in both customers and unsure doubters - they will not last very long at all. Is your money safe with someone so carless with money? Do you care? Maybe notforthesmall packages. but lifetime dedicated servers/lifetime resellers have something to worry about now. Don't think too hard - if you have to think - maybe its a good time to go see a movie and get off your computer

Did i mention Cyberwings growth is based on customers wanting free stuff for the most part? They have them gluuuueeeee to their channel. great stuff. just bad managment



Dec 12, 2000
well at 390 cents divided by 365 days is just over a penny a day, i dont see how they can make money, but hey u cant lose more than $3.90. still, i'd feel more confident if they charged $3.90 a month which is much more reasonable


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2001
Originally posted by: XFreebie
well at 390 cents divided by 365 days is just over a penny a day, i dont see how they can make money, but hey u cant lose more than $3.90. still, i'd feel more confident if they charged $3.90 a month which is much more reasonable

Yeah I know, I was originally considering dixiesys myself, he has a lot more people vouching for him, and he does charge $3.90 a month. I dunno, if this falls through that's probably where I go. But I'm hoping this will work.


May 27, 2002
Well having over 13,500 members that he hosts growing every day and only having 7 staff members with plans in the future only to hire 1 more is kinda pushing it.

When he starts offering dedicated servers i suggest u don't order from him cause security will suck and go with more reputable companies such as RackShack.


May 27, 2002
Looks like he's terminating all sales due to channel flooding. Knowing how he is he'll continue sales tonight and have these crazy sales everyday.

Kwad Guy

Diamond Member
Dec 1, 1999
What scares me are things like the comments he (Shawn, CEO) made last night. He
basically said he wasn't running the company to make money, only so that he could
provide very cheap service to the masses.

I have never seen a for profit business that was not run to make money (kind of
a contradition) that didn't go bust very quickly. I do not get a lot of warm and fuzzies
about the whole thing.

That said, they've been around a year. If you they can manage to stick around another
year, there is basically no plan they're offering that won't pay off. At their rates, a year's
service, even on the "lifetime" plans, makes it a good deal.

But that IF in the previous paragraph is, IMHO, a big one right now.



Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
well at 390 cents divided by 365 days is just over a penny a day, i dont see how they can make money, but hey u cant lose more than $3.90. still, i'd feel more confident if they charged $3.90 a month which is much more reasonable

hey ill take the $3.90 month...i'll make sure it goes into the right hands... ha


Junior Member
Jun 6, 2002
This is Shawn, CEO of Cyberwings. I have been watching these threads now for days about all of the rumors about Cyberwings. The rumors that we're another company. The rumors that we are going under. The rumors that are totally baseless. Here are the facts, I'm just going to lay them right out on the table for everyone:

1. Cyberwings is not going anywhere. Despite how much some of you other hosts want us to.

2. I personally fund everything Cyberwings needs to be successful. Why is that a problem? If I've got the money in my pocket, why can't I build a community and provide an awesome service at a reasonable price? MUST I be a typical capitalist and want profit profit profit? I don't think so.

3. I have a right to privacy and my right to privacy WILL be defend legally in all ways.

4. My finances and my personal life are no one's business. Those rights will be defended as well.

5. If other people would put HALF as much energy into their OWN hosting businesses as they do into TRYING to figure out HOW we run ours, they might be more of a competitor to us right now. Why not go back to your own drawing board and try to compete with us instead of trying to knock us down which only makes you look bad?

6. Our sales will continue. Cyberwings is not going anywhere. IN fact, I need 3 more staff in July and we need about 40 more servers to fill coming this month - so hey, I think we're doing just fine.

7. I would like to THANK our loyal customer base who have defended us right from day one. Since last year we have had a group of people following our progress and we hope those loyal people, as well as our BAND of CW Volunteers will CONTINUE to support us!

Basically, that's about it. I would really like to STRESS #5 above - it's so true. We'd love some friendly hosting competition out there, why can no one do the same thing we're doing? You can, just stop worrying so much about GOUGING your customers and maybe take a bit of profit out of your business - why not run a business for the goal of building a community, providing a good service, instead of getting rich?

Just my thoughts. But please know that my rights to privacy and Cyberwings rights will be defend to every full extent.
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