Andrzej Bania from ATI about the Hardware Analysis Review

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Golden Member
May 15, 2005
Originally posted by: Duvie
1) ATI can file some legal action. I would tend to give them some credibiliuty there. Figt for what is right. i am sure they have tons of lawyers on retainer. They can have more of an "official" press response...NOt that crap...
They might sue him they might not. However you basing your argument on ATI's actions or in this case (not taking any action) isnt concrete. Moreover like the ATI official admitted all this press is eventually good for them, still want them to sue him ?

Originally posted by: Duvie
2) So...Again where is your proof they falsified anything...You can be skeptical but doesn't mean this is the first time skeptical data could be true....
The dutch website posted exactly identical scores with the exact wording, go figure.

Originally posted by: Duvie
3) I dont need to...he laid down the gauntlet first. I dont have to prove what he stated. Otherwsie what is the point of reading anything if I have to indepently prove it myself...You need to prove he is wrong before you can make the wild claims you make.
He liad the gauntlet first ?

Sander basically disowned all the numbers by claiming all the testing was done by some one else and in the process he asked people to take these numbers with a grain of salt. From this situation, I dont think Sander has much to lose like you seem to suggest. Come day when the NDA expires, Sander will point all the blame to his "partner".

In short Sander's numbers are as good as 5150joker's numbers in the thread. They basically do nothing for the moment.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2003
Originally posted by: crazydingo
Originally posted by: Duvie
Originally posted by: apoppin
Originally posted by: Duvie
Originally posted by: crazydingo
Originally posted by: Duvie
Originally posted by: crazydingo
Originally posted by: Duvie
Heh. I like ATI. I would have gotten an ATI for my current machine if I didn't want to do the quadro mod. I think ATI video looks better. My opnion ofcourse but I think ATI fans in here were hurt from the get go about what appears to be disappointing numbers...nevermid the numbers can improve with more mature drivers....nevermind ATI neds to be a lot better to justify the cost out of the gate....That is not Nvidia's fault or Sander's fault...get over it and wait for AT, techReport, Xbitlabs, and other sites to review it. Dont take it so personally...
Its not a matter of your likes or anybody elses'. Sander accused all those who were invited (including Anandtech) as being biased or were sold out to ATI. There in lies the reason to be upset with Sander.

The numbers are a different matter altogether. Until Anandtech comes out with their own article, nobody knows. But we know that we cant believe those numbers from Sander.

So he was hurt for not being involved. I still dont think he would justify himself falsifying numbers to get back. If the reviewes come out and makes his look like night versus day he will have some explaining to do. Why waste your name for this? why take the chance of being sued and trust me you cannot always shield yourslef by saying someone else told me this....Doesn't always work and the gamble could have been financially costly.

I say we wait. I have always said that....I however dont think ATI fans should be called "stupid", "foolish" or whatever cause they see numbers from someone who has done credible reviews in the past and choose to belive them. Many of them have still said they will wait to see other reviews....
I dont see how ATI fans come into this. Sander accused everybody who was invited as being biased, being a staunch supporter of Anandtech I find that as "talking out of his ass". When he has made such foolish comments, I have no reason to believe anything else he has to offer. Simple as that. I'll wait for my anandtech review when it is published.

I dont agree with that but it wouldn;t be the first time one sited didn;t say that aboiut another......

<<well he did just send scripts to some of his AIB mates, and they did the benchmarkin. he has no way to prove how real they are. so he maynot think hes false, (he cant even say) those guys that did the benching could of set him up for a big fall......who knows!>>

I know this, but it deosn't make him any less culpable....He would be risking his neck. i think he must trust the ppl doing the reviews for him. Must be some sort of a relationship here...

Still nothing has been introduced to directly contradict what he has posted....Until then the numbers are real and anyone has the right to believe them without being called "stupid" or "foolish"...

so WHY are YOU taking Sander's side?

I am not... I just dont think ppl have said anything to disprove anything he has done to this point. I have seen personal attacks, a bunch of assumptions, and no data to refute it...Maybe these things wont be able to be proved for awhile, but I dont like the tone of the ATI fans at attacking those who care to even consider these....

So in that case I will stand up for him only so far as to say to ATI me the proof...otherwise be quiet and we will wait until the big review sites chime in.
You do realise that you are asking ATI to break their own NDA just to prove a "hurt" psycho's article ? Doing that would set a precedent that if yo uwant ATI or Nvidia to break their own NDA, stir up a controversy.

I still find all the people who stand up for Sander as 'funny', ask Anandtech or ANY other website's editors or staff and which side they would support and you'll get only one answer. (Ofcourse not including those dutch websites who were hand in hand with Sander in this controversy)

Ummm, hurt psycho? Do you know this guy? Mebbe someone should explain in cliff notes for you what transpired before all this crap happened.

Sander had done some previous articles on ATI's crossfire and also on ATI's financial situation and didn't have good things to say about either. ATI did not appreciate this and it would seem that they told Sander to F-off in a very PC way when he wanted in on the R520 tech day. So, Sander is not a hurt psycho in my eyes. He is a reviewer that suffered some snubbing from ATI because of his xfire review. ATI is dirty here. You can't snub somebody for telling their story and experiences, well, you can, but expect repercussions. Sander also wrote about the 7800GTX being f'ing fast. No doubt ATI now hates him. For dissing xfire and praising the 7800GTX. So there was malice against Sander from ATI even before any of this stuff happened. Then Sander probably took matters into his own hands and found a way to get benchmarks anyway he could. I'm not saying these benchmarks are real, or fake, just that they could be either which was supposed to be the basis of our discussions in here. Sander got the benches from some OEM and published them. Obviously intending to lash back at ATI for their "professionalism". Yes, you can lash out with a lie, but you can lash out far worse pain with the truth. That's why I'm leaning towards Sander here.

P.S. I just had a laugh at the "Staunch supporter" thing. Did you donate some money to AT since your arrival here in May? Hope you have a sense of humor.



Elite Member
Jan 16, 2003
Originally posted by: crazydingo
Come on now its obvious some people want to believe Sander's numbers no matter what; Sander has an obvious rift with ATI, wasnt invited, threatened, wrote the article as per his threat, didnt conduct the tests himself, accused everybody on the invitee list as being biased

Yeah ! sure we can still believe Sander's numbers.

*EDIT* As the ATI official said, they invited Nvidia fansites too. So it'll be interesting to see the outcome of their set of benchmarks. :thumbsup:

Again, you have to understand "why" he wasn't invited. see post above.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2003
Originally posted by: crazydingo
Originally posted by: Duvie
1) ATI can file some legal action. I would tend to give them some credibiliuty there. Figt for what is right. i am sure they have tons of lawyers on retainer. They can have more of an "official" press response...NOt that crap...
They might sue him they might not. However you basing your argument on ATI's actions or in this case (not taking any action) isnt concrete. Moreover like the ATI official admitted all this press is eventually good for them, still want them to sue him ?

Originally posted by: Duvie
2) So...Again where is your proof they falsified anything...You can be skeptical but doesn't mean this is the first time skeptical data could be true....
The dutch website posted exactly identical scores with the exact wording, go figure.

Originally posted by: Duvie
3) I dont need to...he laid down the gauntlet first. I dont have to prove what he stated. Otherwsie what is the point of reading anything if I have to indepently prove it myself...You need to prove he is wrong before you can make the wild claims you make.
He liad the gauntlet first ?

Sander basically disowned all the numbers by claiming all the testing was done by some one else and in the process he asked people to take these numbers with a grain of salt. From this situation, I dont think Sander has much to lose like you seem to suggest. Come day when the NDA expires, Sander will point all the blame to his "partner".

In short Sander's numbers are as good as 5150joker's numbers in the thread. They basically do nothing for the moment.

You passed the "assumes to much" rank many posts ago. You act like you know every move this guy has made, is making, and will make. That in itself is BS.



Golden Member
May 15, 2005
Originally posted by: keysplayr2003
Ummm, hurt psycho? Do you know this guy? Mebbe someone should explain in cliff notes for you what transpired before all this crap happened.

Sander had done some previous articles on ATI's crossfire and also on ATI's financial situation and didn't have good things to say about either. ATI did not appreciate this and it would seem that they told Sander to F-off in a very PC way when he wanted in on the R520 tech day. So, Sander is not a hurt psycho in my eyes. He is a reviewer that suffered some snubbing from ATI because of his xfire review. ATI is dirty here. You can't snub somebody for telling their story and experiences, well, you can, but expect repercussions. Sander also wrote about the 7800GTX being f'ing fast. No doubt ATI now hates him. For dissing xfire and praising the 7800GTX. So there was malice against Sander from ATI even before any of this stuff happened. Then Sander probably took matters into his own hands and found a way to get benchmarks anyway he could. I'm not saying these benchmarks are real, or fake, just that they could be either which was supposed to be the basis of our discussions in here. Sander got the benches from some OEM and published them. Obviously intending to lash back at ATI for their "professionalism". Yes, you can lash out with a lie, but you can lash out far worse pain with the truth. That's why I'm leaning towards Sander here.

P.S. I just had a laugh at the "Staunch supporter" thing. Did you donate some money to AT since your arrival here in May? Hope you have a sense of humor.
You are clearly "out of the loop" in this controversy. ATI did not invite him because of his articles, he passed on ATI's invitation (in some strong way) that ATI didnt return the favor this time. You'd have known this if you bothered to read the first post. Please get yourself up-to-date before you start assuming things.

As for the staunch supporter part, does a financial contribution prove my staunch support ? If yes, then that is a very "narrow" pov.

Originally posted by: keysplayr2003
You passed the "assumes to much" rank many posts ago. You act like you know every move this guy has made, is making, and will make. That in itself is BS.
The irony in that post is apalling, like I said earlier read everything on this issue before YOU start your assumption engine.


Elite Member
Feb 5, 2001
Hard to explain to someone who thinks we assume to much by taking his word for the review, yet he assumes all the rest of the ATI/Sander story as being a nailed down conclusion he is lieing to spite ATI....

All I have to say is show some real proof he has lied..If not be quiet!!!! Wait for some professional reviews by the big sites and maybe uyou will accpet those if they come out the same or close to.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2003
Originally posted by: crazydingo
Originally posted by: keysplayr2003
Ummm, hurt psycho? Do you know this guy? Mebbe someone should explain in cliff notes for you what transpired before all this crap happened.

Sander had done some previous articles on ATI's crossfire and also on ATI's financial situation and didn't have good things to say about either. ATI did not appreciate this and it would seem that they told Sander to F-off in a very PC way when he wanted in on the R520 tech day. So, Sander is not a hurt psycho in my eyes. He is a reviewer that suffered some snubbing from ATI because of his xfire review. ATI is dirty here. You can't snub somebody for telling their story and experiences, well, you can, but expect repercussions. Sander also wrote about the 7800GTX being f'ing fast. No doubt ATI now hates him. For dissing xfire and praising the 7800GTX. So there was malice against Sander from ATI even before any of this stuff happened. Then Sander probably took matters into his own hands and found a way to get benchmarks anyway he could. I'm not saying these benchmarks are real, or fake, just that they could be either which was supposed to be the basis of our discussions in here. Sander got the benches from some OEM and published them. Obviously intending to lash back at ATI for their "professionalism". Yes, you can lash out with a lie, but you can lash out far worse pain with the truth. That's why I'm leaning towards Sander here.

P.S. I just had a laugh at the "Staunch supporter" thing. Did you donate some money to AT since your arrival here in May? Hope you have a sense of humor.
You are clearly "out of the loop" in this controversy. ATI did not invite him because of his articles, he passed on ATI's invitation (in some strong way) that ATI didnt return the favor this time. You'd have known this if you bothered to read the first post. Please get yourself up-to-date before you start assuming things.

As for the staunch supporter part, does a financial contribution prove my staunch support ? If yes, then that is a very "narrow" pov.

Originally posted by: keysplayr2003
You passed the "assumes to much" rank many posts ago. You act like you know every move this guy has made, is making, and will make. That in itself is BS.
The irony in that post is apalling, like I said earlier read everything on this issue before YOU start your assumption engine.

Oh I see. You're under the impression that I believe all the crap in your first post. Well, I don't. Doesn't make sense. Out of the ordinary. All I saw is ATI spinning there. They get paid very very well to do just that. Never trust a corporation. I don't even trust the corporation I work for (will remain unnamed for obvious reasons).
I do not trust Nvidia corporation either. But I do like their products. Which incidentally is what this is all really about now isn't it? Video cards. And it got blown so waaaaaay out of proportion it crossed over the absurdity line.



Elite Member
Feb 5, 2001
Originally posted by: crazydingo
Originally posted by: keysplayr2003
Ummm, hurt psycho? Do you know this guy? Mebbe someone should explain in cliff notes for you what transpired before all this crap happened.

Sander had done some previous articles on ATI's crossfire and also on ATI's financial situation and didn't have good things to say about either. ATI did not appreciate this and it would seem that they told Sander to F-off in a very PC way when he wanted in on the R520 tech day. So, Sander is not a hurt psycho in my eyes. He is a reviewer that suffered some snubbing from ATI because of his xfire review. ATI is dirty here. You can't snub somebody for telling their story and experiences, well, you can, but expect repercussions. Sander also wrote about the 7800GTX being f'ing fast. No doubt ATI now hates him. For dissing xfire and praising the 7800GTX. So there was malice against Sander from ATI even before any of this stuff happened. Then Sander probably took matters into his own hands and found a way to get benchmarks anyway he could. I'm not saying these benchmarks are real, or fake, just that they could be either which was supposed to be the basis of our discussions in here. Sander got the benches from some OEM and published them. Obviously intending to lash back at ATI for their "professionalism". Yes, you can lash out with a lie, but you can lash out far worse pain with the truth. That's why I'm leaning towards Sander here.

P.S. I just had a laugh at the "Staunch supporter" thing. Did you donate some money to AT since your arrival here in May? Hope you have a sense of humor.
You are clearly "out of the loop" in this controversy. ATI did not invite him because of his articles, he passed on ATI's invitation (in some strong way) that ATI didnt return the favor this time. You'd have known this if you bothered to read the first post. Please get yourself up-to-date before you start assuming things.

As for the staunch supporter part, does a financial contribution prove my staunch support ? If yes, then that is a very "narrow" pov.

Originally posted by: keysplayr2003
You passed the "assumes to much" rank many posts ago. You act like you know every move this guy has made, is making, and will make. That in itself is BS.
The irony in that post is apalling, like I said earlier read everything on this issue before YOU start your assumption engine.

The only ASSumming is YOU...Why is it that their response you cited is true? He could be a liar trying to spin a smear campaign. Funny how all of your proof is air tight and the true story, yet everyone else is liars and part of a grand conspiracy...

NO as keys said you hit great ASSummer awhile ago....

I agree with Apoppin and say we wait until the other reviews come in after the NDA, and leave the slander against other ppl you KNOW NOTHING about and things you are not privy to.....Until he starts giving us email proof that gentlemens response is as skeptical as the benches...


Golden Member
May 15, 2005
Originally posted by: Duvie
The only ASSumming is YOU...Why is it that their response you cited is true? He could be a liar trying to spin a smear campaign. Funny how all of your proof is air tight and the true story, yet everyone else is liars and part of a grand conspiracy...

NO as keys said you hit great ASSummer awhile ago....
Didnt take long for you to stoop down again, did it ? You will really make a "unique" mod. :laugh:

I'm taking into account the posts of both Sander & the ATI rep. Sanders' posts dont add up as noted by other sites as well. On top of that he admits that this controversy is getting him a good amount of money and you get the idea from there.

Originally posted by: Duvie
I agree with Apoppin and say we wait until the other reviews come in after the NDA
Wow finally you agree with something I said a while back. :Q


Elite Member
Feb 5, 2001
Originally posted by: crazydingo
Originally posted by: Duvie
The only ASSumming is YOU...Why is it that their response you cited is true? He could be a liar trying to spin a smear campaign. Funny how all of your proof is air tight and the true story, yet everyone else is liars and part of a grand conspiracy...

NO as keys said you hit great ASSummer awhile ago....
Didnt take long for you to stoop down again, did it ? You will really make a "unique" mod. :laugh:

I'm taking into account the posts of both Sander & the ATI rep. Sanders' posts dont add up as noted by other sites as well. On top of that he admits that this controversy is getting him a good amount of money and you get the idea from there.

Originally posted by: Duvie
I agree with Apoppin and say we wait until the other reviews come in after the NDA
Wow finally you agree with something I said a while back. :Q

I have said that in many threads...

As for taking each into account...BS...what have you gave any credence to that sanders has stated, and how could you with basically what you have acussed him of.

Anybody who assumes that much takes the risk of making an A55 of should know that....

That is why I:

1) dont assume he is a liar
2) dont assume that the dutch sites are in a conspiracy with him to publish false benches and hurt ATI.
3) assume evrything the gentlemen states in the link you provided without showing us those emails to prove it is defacto truth.
4) dont assume all benches from other sites will be different

I am not sure if talking to you is any better then talking to the toilet. I guess if I plunge it enough the sh^t that is clogging it will finally go down...


Mar 9, 2000
Originally posted by: Duvie
Hard to explain to someone who thinks we assume to much by taking his word for the review, yet he assumes all the rest of the ATI/Sander story as being a nailed down conclusion he is lieing to spite ATI....

All I have to say is show some real proof he has lied..If not be quiet!!!! Wait for some professional reviews by the big sites and maybe uyou will accpet those if they come out the same or close to.

We don't need 'proof' that he lied [the 'burden of proof' lies with Sanders]. . . there is sufficient reasonable doubt that the benchs are not to be trusted [period]


Golden Member
May 15, 2005
Originally posted by: apoppin
Originally posted by: Duvie
Hard to explain to someone who thinks we assume to much by taking his word for the review, yet he assumes all the rest of the ATI/Sander story as being a nailed down conclusion he is lieing to spite ATI....

All I have to say is show some real proof he has lied..If not be quiet!!!! Wait for some professional reviews by the big sites and maybe uyou will accpet those if they come out the same or close to.

We don't need 'proof' that he lied [the 'burden of proof' lies with Sanders]. . . there is sufficient reasonable doubt that the benchs are not to be trusted [period]



Jun 8, 2005
DOn't assume that the benchmarks are real, and wait until the official reviews come in for the new ATI cards. People (Nvidia fanboys) jump to the conclusions and say that ATI is in trouble because of these benchmarks, but we don't even have proof that the benchmarks are real. Did the guy reveal his source? No. It could have been made up.

I would never trust benchmarks that are shaky, especially when the reviewer stated himself that he did not do these benchmarks and an outside source did. Again I stress, wait until the card comes out and the benchmarks are official to judge the ATI card. Don't rely on this single benchmark that may or may not be real.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2003
Originally posted by: Duvie
Originally posted by: crazydingo
Originally posted by: Duvie
The only ASSumming is YOU...Why is it that their response you cited is true? He could be a liar trying to spin a smear campaign. Funny how all of your proof is air tight and the true story, yet everyone else is liars and part of a grand conspiracy...

NO as keys said you hit great ASSummer awhile ago....
Didnt take long for you to stoop down again, did it ? You will really make a "unique" mod. :laugh:

I'm taking into account the posts of both Sander & the ATI rep. Sanders' posts dont add up as noted by other sites as well. On top of that he admits that this controversy is getting him a good amount of money and you get the idea from there.

Originally posted by: Duvie
I agree with Apoppin and say we wait until the other reviews come in after the NDA
Wow finally you agree with something I said a while back. :Q

I have said that in many threads...

As for taking each into account...BS...what have you gave any credence to that sanders has stated, and how could you with basically what you have acussed him of.

Anybody who assumes that much takes the risk of making an A55 of should know that....

That is why I:

1) dont assume he is a liar
2) dont assume that the dutch sites are in a conspiracy with him to publish false benches and hurt ATI.
3) assume evrything the gentlemen states in the link you provided without showing us those emails to prove it is defacto truth.
4) dont assume all benches from other sites will be different

I am not sure if talking to you is any better then talking to the toilet. I guess if I plunge it enough the sh^t that is clogging it will finally go down...

Agreed. After all dingo, you're the one with the word "crazy" in their name. We have to "assume" that a persons screen name reflects something about the person who chose it. So therefore, we must "assume" that you are crazy, or a dingo, yes? Then it all snowballs from there I suppose.

Keep on plungin Duvie! If that doesn't work, call Roto-Rooter.



Mar 31, 2003
Originally posted by: Ackmed
You are really not helping your cause to be a mod, Duvie.

I dont see any reason why not. He has provided a well thought logical argument thus far. He hasn't flamed anyone. So far, without the occasional noob posting in there, this is actually a REAL argument not just useless flames and numbers being spewn about.

I personally think DUvie makes a great point.

If ATI we so upset about this, why would they send someone to post on a forum. Even in spite of that lawsuit they are in, im very sure ATI has plenty of power to bring up charges on false information. Not to discredit the guy in the forums, and i know he cant provide proof of his claims (which is what makes the situation so controversial), but until ATI provides evidence against this, or until Sander provides evidence for his side this argument has reached a moot point.

We simply do not know enough yet.

Apr 17, 2003
Originally posted by: apoppin
Originally posted by: Duvie
Hard to explain to someone who thinks we assume to much by taking his word for the review, yet he assumes all the rest of the ATI/Sander story as being a nailed down conclusion he is lieing to spite ATI....

All I have to say is show some real proof he has lied..If not be quiet!!!! Wait for some professional reviews by the big sites and maybe uyou will accpet those if they come out the same or close to.

We don't need 'proof' that he lied [the 'burden of proof' lies with Sanders]. . . there is sufficient reasonable doubt that the benchs are not to be trusted [period]

must agree with apoppin here


Golden Member
May 15, 2005
Originally posted by: keysplayr2003
Agreed. After all dingo, you're the one with the word "crazy" in their name. We have to "assume" that a persons screen name reflects something about the person who chose it. So therefore, we must "assume" that you are crazy, or a dingo, yes? Then it all snowballs from there I suppose.

Keep on plungin Duvie! If that doesn't work, call Roto-Rooter.
So when you run out of arguments, you jump on my screen name. How ingenious !

Originally posted by: Hacp
DOn't assume that the benchmarks are real, and wait until the official reviews come in for the new ATI cards. People (Nvidia fanboys) jump to the conclusions and say that ATI is in trouble because of these benchmarks, but we don't even have proof that the benchmarks are real. Did the guy reveal his source? No. It could have been made up.

I would never trust benchmarks that are shaky, especially when the reviewer stated himself that he did not do these benchmarks and an outside source did. Again I stress, wait until the card comes out and the benchmarks are official to judge the ATI card. Don't rely on this single benchmark that may or may not be real.
Agreed. :thumbsup:


Diamond Member
Feb 6, 2002
Originally posted by: apoppin
Originally posted by: Duvie
Hard to explain to someone who thinks we assume to much by taking his word for the review, yet he assumes all the rest of the ATI/Sander story as being a nailed down conclusion he is lieing to spite ATI....

All I have to say is show some real proof he has lied..If not be quiet!!!! Wait for some professional reviews by the big sites and maybe uyou will accpet those if they come out the same or close to.

We don't need 'proof' that he lied [the 'burden of proof' lies with Sanders]. . . there is sufficient reasonable doubt that the benchs are not to be trusted [period]

If the glove don't fit, you MUST acquit! You guys should vote for me as mod, I'm fair and balanced like Fox News. Fo sho!


Senior member
Mar 3, 2004
Originally posted by: Powermoloch
Originally posted by: M0RPH
I love how people continue to compare the STREET price of the Nvidia cards to the MSRP of the ATI cards. *sigh*
ppl need a business class
No kidding. You fanboys can talk all the mess you want about Sander's benchmarks, but when you try and pretend that supply and demand doesn't apply to your favorite company, you weaken your arguments. ATi has specifically stated that the high end will not be available in mass quantities this time either, so don't expect the cards to drop below MSRP, or frankly to even be at it.

Back on subject, I think the fact that it's just a couple of ATi employees making posts on websites that actually makes it seem like Sander might be right. That's nothing more than the most basic of damage control. If they really thought he just made the numbers up, it's libel and they could easily sue to have the numbers taken down. Just thinking something this controversial would deserve something more than a few offhand comments from employees; a decent press release would be in order. My 2 cents...


Diamond Member
Feb 6, 2002
Originally posted by: ZobarStyl
Originally posted by: Powermoloch
Originally posted by: M0RPH
I love how people continue to compare the STREET price of the Nvidia cards to the MSRP of the ATI cards. *sigh*
ppl need a business class
No kidding. You fanboys can talk all the mess you want about Sander's benchmarks, but when you try and pretend that supply and demand doesn't apply to your favorite company, you weaken your arguments. ATi has specifically stated that the high end will not be available in mass quantities this time either, so don't expect the cards to drop below MSRP, or frankly to even be at it.

Back on subject, I think the fact that it's just a couple of ATi employees making posts on websites that actually makes it seem like Sander might be right. That's nothing more than the most basic of damage control. If they really thought he just made the numbers up, it's libel and they could easily sue to have the numbers taken down. Just thinking something this controversial would deserve something more than a few offhand comments from employees; a decent press release would be in order. My 2 cents...

Why bother with a press release when actual numbers will be out in a few weeks from reputable web sites? Would be a waste of time.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2003
Originally posted by: crazydingo
Originally posted by: keysplayr2003
Agreed. After all dingo, you're the one with the word "crazy" in their name. We have to "assume" that a persons screen name reflects something about the person who chose it. So therefore, we must "assume" that you are crazy, or a dingo, yes? Then it all snowballs from there I suppose.

Keep on plungin Duvie! If that doesn't work, call Roto-Rooter.
So when you run out of arguments, you jump on my screen name. How ingenious !

Originally posted by: Hacp
DOn't assume that the benchmarks are real, and wait until the official reviews come in for the new ATI cards. People (Nvidia fanboys) jump to the conclusions and say that ATI is in trouble because of these benchmarks, but we don't even have proof that the benchmarks are real. Did the guy reveal his source? No. It could have been made up.

I would never trust benchmarks that are shaky, especially when the reviewer stated himself that he did not do these benchmarks and an outside source did. Again I stress, wait until the card comes out and the benchmarks are official to judge the ATI card. Don't rely on this single benchmark that may or may not be real.
Agreed. :thumbsup:

Didn't run out of arguments. There is just nothing left to argue about. And the jump on your screen name was humorous. C'mon, admit it. Lighten up a bit.



Jan 11, 2002
How could he "prove" his benches anyway?

If we knew where they came from (let's say Asus) would that prove anything? No.

If he posted some pictures of the hardware or screenshots of the scores would that "prove" anything? No.

We basically take all posted benchmarks on the web on blind faith anyway, unless we buy the hardware and replicate the test.


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2005
I hope ATI comes out with something competitive and continues to exist and succeed as a company (No brand loyalty here), but I haven't heard any statement by ATI in all that they've said of this that the X1800XT will beat a 7800GTX...not once...


Golden Member
May 15, 2005
Originally posted by: 5150Joker
Why bother with a press release when actual numbers will be out in a few weeks from reputable web sites? Would be a waste of time.
It is a laughable suggestion. Imagine in the future an obscure website claims they have the benchmarks (imaginary) for G80/R600 just before their release. Does that mean ATI/Nvidia would break their own NDA and walk right into their trap ?

Originally posted by: keysplayr2003
Didn't run out of arguments. There is just nothing left to argue about. And the jump on your screen name was humorous. C'mon, admit it. Lighten up a bit.
Nothing to argue about ? So you are admitting that you wont bother reading everything about the controversy.

I dont mind any jokes on me as long as its done with good intentions.
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