Annisman's 2nd ever Anandtech giveaway: Winners announced!


Golden Member
Aug 20, 2010

Because of an unfortunate situation at work, the end date has been advanced by two days. The end date will now be Thursday March 21st @ 2PM EST. Winners will be announced shortly after at the bottom of this first post. I am sorry for the brief delay, please plan accordingly !

Annisman Hardware Giveaway

I'm incredibly excited to announce my second ever giveaway here at anandtech forums !

In this giveaway, I will be shipping out two EVGA SC GTX 670 4GB Graphics cards !

What is unique about these cards ? They come with a factory overclock, 4GB of video memory, high flow exhaust brackets and EVGA backplates.

And of course, they've had the TLC of being in my own computer. So these are, in fact, Annisman approved.

The cards:

I will also be giving away two 50$ games on STEAM (or a number of games equaling 50$ or less).

I have worked with the moderators closely to start this up, so let's keep things professional and fun to allow more giveaways to be offered in the future.

What are the Annisman Giveaways ?

The answer is simple, I, Annisman, often upgrade my PC to the latest and greatest, often times leaving me with unused hardware sitting around. Often this hardware is barely used and in excellent condition. Sometimes a new item will be given away that I have purchased specifically for the purpose of giving it away to the community.

When do I do giveaways ?

Usually after I do a major upgrade on my PC, or a friend's. Leaving spare parts that need a home. This is usually a period of a few months, but can be shorter or longer than that. There is no set schedule. However, I have been known to target Christmas time as a main giveaway. So keep an eye out around the holidays.

Why do I give it away ?

Partly because I hate trying to sell on Ebay/CL, partly because I have the money and I feel like it, and mostly because it's fun to do, for me, and I hope everybody else too.

How many items may I enter to win ?

The way this giveaway will be run is that there are two items you can bid for, obviously, you can only bid on one of them.

If you meet the requirements (see requirements section) you may enter to win one of the video cards, you now essentially have two chances to win a card.

If you do NOT meet the requirements to enter for a card, you may, and are encouraged, to enter for the STEAM game. You will then have two chances to win a game.

How do I 'win' an item ?

Usually there are minor restrictions to who can enter for certain items. (These restrictions are clearly stated below) There are also small requests that I may make, like telling me what you plan on using the hardware for if you win, and/or other trivial requests.

Once a user has entered properly they automatically have a chance at winning that item, as my giveaways are always random drawings.

How do I know if I entered properly ?

Simply check post #2 in this thread to see if your name is listed under the item that you are hoping to get. I will update the qualifying entries once a day, or as often as I can. But certainly before the giveaway ends.

How long will this giveaway run ?

Tenatively, from Monday March 6th to Tuesday March 19th @ 8PM EST
I do however hold the right to either lengthen or shorten this giveaway as needed. If that happens, it will of course be made known.

Update: The date has been changed to Thursday March 21st @ 2PM EST

When will the items be shipped ?

Within two days of the announcement of winners. I will pay the shipping costs.

Can I enter if I don't live in the USA ?

Kind of, only continental USA and Canadian members may enter ! This is my first giveaway allowing Canadian members to join.

DISCLAIMER: Anandtech is in no way responsible or liable for the giveaway of these items. I, Annisman, am personally responsible to adhere to the given rules and proper distribution of said items.

Guidelines and restrictions for entering to win a GTX 670

1. Your current graphics card must be LOWER than GTX 580/660ti for Nvidia, and HD 7870 for AMD/ATI. Don't know where yours falls ? Check the heirarchy chart:,3107-7.html. Or ask !

Also, CF/SLI setups must be taken into account when determining your eligibility.

Edit: If you yourself personally own a video card this disqualifies you from entering, you may not enter for the GTX 670s, even though you may have other PCs that are eligible, you yourself are not eligible to enter. So if your gaming PC has a GTX 680 in it, but your family PC has a HD 4850, you still cannot enter. I hope that is clear.

2. You must have the proper power requirements, aka power supply. A high quality 600W is my suggestion. Again, if you're not sure if yours meets the requirements, ask.

3. You must have a relatively current system. These cards would be totally wasted on an older 775, 939 etc. system. You should have at least a newer i3, or an i5 system (or AMD equivalent). If you don't have PCI-E 2.0 or higher on your motherboard, chances are it's too old !

Not sure if your system could make use of this powerful card ? Ask, and we will be glad to tell you.

4. You must have at least 100 posts at the time of entering.

If you meet these requirements, here is the procedure to enter. All of these must be done in full or you will not be qualified.

1. Post a picture of your current computer rig.
2. List your complete computer specs
3. Tell me briefly why you want the card, and what you will do with it.
4. Create a demotivational picture/lolcats/failblog type of picture and post it.

- This has to be YOUR creation, you may use a picture from wherever you can find one (even ones from other lolcat/demotivational images), but make sure it has YOUR own caption on it.

Here is an example, it took me less than 5 minutes to find a picture, use paint to enter a subtitle, and upload it:

Here is one a member in my last giveaway created:

As the main goal here is to make me, Annisman, die in laughter here are some topics that might be good to touch on:

I love cats ! I love small critters and furry animals ! I love graphics cards and MOAR volts ! I enjoy the latest and greatest hardware, watching Nvidiots and AMD fanboys rip eachothers heads off and I love Anandtech !

My favorite team is the Buffalo Bills, I used to work at a Pizzaria and I still live at home with my parents, older brother and sister ! I enjoy giving away hardware, doing benchmarks and cutting people's limbs off in Chivalry Medival Warfare ! I drive a crappy 94 Buick Regal, the radio doesnt work, the windows won't go up or down and 2 of my doors don't open from the outside !

There is a small list to get you started, pick a topic, find a pic, and make me laugh ! I'm totally ok with people roasting me btw, if that's the angle you want to take.

Think you can do better making me laugh with something else? Pick your own subject and make an image to share. But keep it CLEAN please. Swearing/sex/drugs/disgusting things is totally not my thing, and probably not the moderators things too. So keep it PG rated folks.

No matter how dumb/unfunny/un-professional the image you come up with is, you will be qualified so long as you tried.

If you have done all the requirements, you are now entered for an GTX 670 4GB card !

If you are entering for the game:

Is your video card too good or your system too outdated to enter ? Don't live in the USA ? Then enter to win 50$ worth of swag from STEAM !

1. Post a pic of your PC/Laptop, whatever you are gaming on.
2. List out your complete specs
3. Tell me what game(s) you want if you win !
4. Sit back, relax, you are entered !

(there are no post count restrictions for winning a game)

Lastly, I'd like to point out that I do my giveaways honestly, and I expect the same from each one of you. These parts are paid for with my own hard work, and it is a privilege to be able to give them away for free. Let's not lose that privelege ! Be honest about your specs, if your graphics card is too powerful to qualify you to enter honestly, enter for the Steam game, that's why it's there, to give everyone a chance to win something regardless of what they do or do not have. Lastly, the MAIN purpose of my hardware giveaways is to give somebody a chance at a more expensive piece of hardware than they have, or could usually afford on their own. The games I give away are for those of you who already have great hardware, look at it as a perk for being honest, and giving those with less a chance at something cool.

With that being said, good luck to everyone ! Let the giveaway begin.

- Annisman*


Here I'm going to tackle some questions and/or issues that arise as they pop up.

1. Can moderators enter ? It is my decision that moderators, so long as they meet the proper requirements ARE eligible to enter, however it is my suggestion that they only enter for the Steam games.

2. Does SLI/CF disqualify me from entering for the graphics cards ? It depends on the cards, if it is a GTX 260 SLI setup for example, you are still qualified because GTX 260 SLI is < GTX 660ti /7870.

However, if it is a GTX 560ti SLI or 7850CF, you are not qualified as those setups are >= GTX 660ti.

Try to use common sense, if you are not sure where your multiple card setup falls, just ask.

3. My main computer is too powerful to enter, but I have computer 'x' over here that meets the requirements, can I enter ?

No you cannot, the point of this giveaway is to give someone a chance to win a powerful piece of hardware that they do not already have, or couldn't ususally afford. So if you (personally) own a graphics card that disqualifies you, you may not enter, no matter how many other PCs you may have that are eligible.

*exception* It is my decision that user Lavaheadache will still be entered in the draw, as I had not made this rule 100% clear from the get go. If he feels like pulling himself out, my hat is off to him. Otherwise no hard feelings from me.

Winners will be announced below in this first post.


Winners will have ONLY 24 hours to contact me via P.M, I have a busy schedule and will want to finalize things quickly once the giveaway is over. If you win, and do not contact me in 24 hours, a NEW WINNER will be chosen. So please just pay attention to when the giveaway ends and act accordingly!

Winner(s) of the graphics cards:

Pohemi420 and Gillbot (both have contacted me)

Winner(s) of the games:

cmdrdredd and Joshhedge ( please contact me !)

Please contact me VIA PM ASAP !
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Golden Member
Aug 20, 2010
Reserved for posting of qualifying entries.

Will be updated as often as I can manage. Don't see your name here and think it should be ? P.M. me as I may have missed it, or you may need to tweak your entry further to meet all qualifications of entering this contest.

GTX 670 4GB qualifying entries (so far)




















Lazlo Panaflex







Entries for the Steam swag (so far)






Crap Daddy



The Alias









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Diamond Member
Nov 15, 2010
Aww man, card dies, order new card, contest starts.... Tragic events, wonder what will happen next.


Diamond Member
Oct 2, 2004
1. Post a picture of your current computer rig:

2. List your complete computer specs:

AMD FX-6300 CPU 4.0GHz, Zalman CNP9500 HSF
AsRock AMD 970 Extreme3 motherboard
GSkill Ripjaws 8GB (2x 4GB) DDR3 1600 9-9-9-24 2T 1.5v
Currently using an HD 5450 temp GPU til I can get something better
Seasonic X-650 gold, 650W modular PSU
Mushkin Chronos MX Deluxe 120GB SSD
Seagate Barracuda 500GB 7200.11 HDD
Corsair Carbide 300R w/ 5 fans
crappy $20 DVD burner

3. Tell me briefly why you want the card, and what you will do with it:

I've been slowly and incrementally upgrading my PC one part at a time because it's all I can afford to do.
At the moment, I'm using a $20 HD 5450 that I picked up as a temp card, to be able to still use my PC. I took the 6670 and later a 6870 that I had out to sell it, and haven't come up with the money yet to replace it with an upgrade, heh.
Been looking at getting a 6950 since it's some of the lower priced (relatively) but still more powerful cards (and more VRAM love).

I mostly game with my system, some FPS games, MMORPGs, RPGs, and RTS as well. World of Warcraft, the Portal and Crysis series are my favorites.
I would also like to eventually start participating in some distributed computing, when I have a powerful enough system (just about there!). FaH, SETI, maybe some bitcoin mining if it's still practical by the time I'm capable of it.
I also do some graphic design, not on a professional level but as a hobby. It'd be REALLY nice if I could run AutoCAD and SolidWorks on my system for mechanical engineering projects, but I haven't gotten that far yet.

4. Create a demotivational picture/lolcats/failblog type of picture and post it.

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Golden Member
Aug 20, 2010
Just to clarify, all entries must be posted in this actual thread, PMing me your entry wont work !


Diamond Member
Jan 28, 2005
I'm entering because I could use the card in my htpc. I bought a Titan for my gamer and I'm broke =(

I want a high power blower card because the rig is an ITX build. I managed to stuff an h50 in the case which is a cooler master elite 120 extreme. The case is very cramped I'm looking for a card that runs cool like the 670.

I was going to stick my former 7970 Lightning in it but the card didn't fit well and dumped too much hot air in the case to be comfortable. Ended up giving it to my Dad to compliment his new 120 hz monitor and it will let us play BF3 together. He's been playing World at War for the longest time and it's about time to move on. =)

This box is my main output to my living room tv. Got rid of cable months ago because it was getting outrageously expensive. I tried sticking my 480 in there but the card was way too hot for the spot. I have numerous "old" cards I could stick in there but non are heavy hitters or are way too hot to stick in my cupboard in this case. The tv is a 46" Bravia with 3d movie playback and 1080p

notice the Dreamcast!!!!! yeah baby ! Oh and all the little kiddy toys too. This box plays a lot of Mickey mouse and hoping to get in on lots of racing games =)

The rig is as follows

i5 3570k overclocked to 4.0 on stock voltage cooled by a h50
2x4 gig corsair vengeance 1600mhz
Vertex 3 90 gb
asrock z77e itx
OCZ 600 watt
LG Blu Ray
Cooler master elite 120
Windows 8 pro

Awesome of you to do this contest.

Working on the last pic .................

Here we go.. my little punkin pie

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Memory & Storage, Graphics Cards Mod Elite Member
Super Moderator
Sep 13, 2008
This is mighty kind of you. Are mods eligible?

Actually, I will likely be getting a 7950 soon, so I am good

I will still think of something and play the game for fun.


Platinum Member
Apr 6, 2008
Tifa, my main gaming pc

AMD Phenom II thuban x6 @ 3.6GHz default voltage
4x 4GB DDR3-1600 9-9-9-24 kingston hyperX running at full rated speed and timings, 1.5v
Gigabyte GA-990FXA-UD3 motherboard
OCZ Agility 3 60GB sata III SSD
Seagate 7200.11 500GB HD
2x offbrand DL DVD+-RW
iomega zip-100 ATA with internal ATA to USB adapter
intel pro/1000GT PCIE gigabit network card
Gigabyte HD6850 1GB factory OC video
PC Power & Cooling silencer 430 power supply (I have larger, just this is all I need in my main system with current parts so I use it here, see my sig)
sunbeamtech clear UV blue acrylic case
win-gauge USB system meter, removed from case and glued to the inside under zip drive
evga heatpipe tower heatsink-fan

(do I need to list the peripherals, too?)

What would I use the card for? Gaming, doing folding@home in the winter (double duty, would serve as a room heater too!) and most definitely gaming! The game firefall and a few others is making my HD6850 start to show it's age...


Platinum Member
Apr 6, 2008
The i3 laptop that's usually used just for business, is now my interim machine for surfing until I get a new card for the desktop
ah cool! I was curious, that's all... Ive seen a lot of people think that integrated video means their system has no video, and that really irks me... I'm glad you aren't one of those people. I guess I'm pedantic.


Diamond Member
Oct 2, 2004
Haha, my old board was an AMD 785(?) chipset and had integrated 6xxx series, even had onboard HDMI! If only I hadn't upgraded to a newer board with better OCing features, heh.


Diamond Member
Jan 1, 2010
I also thank the OP, was at TH forum when he did similar giveaways. Remember them, but forgot how they can add levity to a forum, which is a very good thing.
Will throw my hat in, thanks. Here is a picture of a past pet, for many years. Will update post with rig pics soon.


Belgian Waffler
Jan 2, 2001
I would feel like a douche entering since I have a GTX660... it's not a GTX660Ti like the rules say, but that's kinda douchey, isn't it?
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