Another ATPNer gets nailed by Obamacare

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Nov 11, 1999
Do you think the ACA is part of Obama's plan to "bridge the income gap"?

If it is, so what? Is that not a desirable goal, for middle & working class Americans to do better so that the vast majority of us can all do better through increased commerce?


Dec 27, 2001
If it is, so what? Is that not a desirable goal, for middle & working class Americans to do better so that the vast majority of us can all do better through increased commerce?

Are you capable of answering a yes or no question with yes or no?


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
It is amazing how far up your authoritarian government overlords ass you have stuck your head, so far in fact if you don't pull back a little you're likely to trigger Obama's gag reflex.
LOL Quite true.

With the exception of the increased copay, which he likely won't spend anyway, he did, for an extra $5/mo. In his own words. His plan was apparently ACA compliant in other particulars.

I seriously doubt that the extra $1000 he has riding on that copay will inhibit him from buying a boat or going back to school, other than being a convenient sob story excuse for not doing so.
There are people literally dependent on others to feed and clean them who have reading comprehension and logic skills orders of magnitude above yours. I suspect you may literally be the most stupid person on the Internet.

My lifestyle will be taking a major hit.

I won't be able to buy a boat so I can go back to school.

Major lifestyle hit = not being able to get a boat so I can afford school.

Go fuck yourself and consider how lucky you truly are compared to many others. You just sound like one of the entitled assholes you all complain about, but worse because you're actually able to think about getting yourself a boat.
Don't have to go fuck myself, I have Obama to do that for me.

For the record, I don't feel entitled to anything I haven't earned. At some point the useless in our society have warped the thinking feeling of the left in our country so severely that a large portion of our nation now feels that wanting to spend the wages one earns is entitlement and greed, but a burning desire to spend the wages others earn is just their due. No country can long survive with that mentality, much less prosper.


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2003
So you've already forgotten that your costs were supposed to be reduced by $2500. Was that due to denial or just forgetfulness?

Hmmm. I am married, have 3 kids, a dog, 2 cars, and a house worth around $140,000 last time I checked. I work full time. I suspect I'm one of those 'normal' families. My health care costs went up $1800 in premium payments, and every one of the deductibles doubled. In the end, I suspect my total costs went up around $4,000 a year.

Quickly, someone tell me how much money the ACA saved me. Oh, wait! I own a sailing dinghy. Does that mean I don't count, because I'm a selfish dick that owns a boat?

Why is it every time I see someone point out how the ACA is affecting them negatively, people try to jump in to justify it? It leaves me wondering just who, exactly, the ACA actually helps? Only people with a pre-condition?


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006

This year Obamacare helped me out by raising my out-of-pocket by $1,000 for the exact same coverage. Next year Obamacare is helping me out by having my insurance cancelled. Thanks, Obama!

Our little company already struggled to provide the health insurance we do provide; I seriously doubt we'll provide health insurance at all next year. But whether we do or not, my lifestyle will be taking a major hit. I certainly won't be buying a boat this spring; Lord knows what else we'll have to cut out for me to go back to school.

At this point I do not believe I could ever again vote for a Democrat at the national level even if someone like Rick Santorum is running. I'm not at all sure I could ever again vote for a Democrat even at the state or local level.

You serious? Think of the incalculable money you are saving by not owning a boat, and putting more into health insurance.



Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
Hmmm. I am married, have 3 kids, a dog, 2 cars, and a house worth around $140,000 last time I checked. I work full time. I suspect I'm one of those 'normal' families. My health care costs went up $1800 in premium payments, and every one of the deductibles doubled. In the end, I suspect my total costs went up around $4,000 a year.

Quickly, someone tell me how much money the ACA saved me. Oh, wait! I own a sailing dinghy. Does that mean I don't count, because I'm a selfish dick that owns a boat?

Why is it every time I see someone point out how the ACA is affecting them negatively, people try to jump in to justify it? It leaves me wondering just who, exactly, the ACA actually helps? Only people with a pre-condition?
It helps three groups - people who don't have insurance through an employer and now qualify for Medicaid, people who don't have insurance through an employer and were previously uninsurable because of pre-existing conditions but have plenty of money to afford the new sky-high premiums, and people who wish the current system destroyed so that they can assume complete control of the American people with a single-payer Government health care system.


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
You serious? Think of the incalculable money you are saving by not owning a boat, and putting more into health insurance.

Oh, we already own a boat, a 14' 1980 Stottcraft with a 1975 Mercury. We were going to buy a new boat - or at least one manufactured in the last thirty years. One with tilt/trim, that can be driven onto the trailer rather than me having to wade around, lift the outboard, and then winch it up. One that starts every time you want it to start.

However, Obama decided we needed maternity insurance more, and apparently in our budget he has 100 votes to our two. If a new boat is the only thing we have to give up, we'll count ourselves among the fortunate. Maybe we'll get "I survived Obamacare" tee shirts.

Probably not, since "Obamacare" is now a racial slur.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Imagine if you had family members who couldn't get insurance in 2013 but will have it in 2014 because they can't be rejected. The insurance workarounds for the rest of the family who wouldn't chance the health of their loved ones was pretty enormous and will be lifted. Many may pay more for their own but still come out way ahead.


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2005
Under the old system employer sponsored health plans were tax deductible.

Someone somewhere has to pay for that lost revenue. Probably a large group of people who don't know you.

Amen brother. My health plan has changed every year since the 90's and costs have gone up as well.

Surely I can blame the ACA in some way for this...

And of course that someone is the middle class and small business owner because they aren't big enough or influential enough to park their money overseas like the major corps. can, but then again it is the way of today's bought and paid for progressive, point at the evil rich while socking it to the middle class and small business.


Nov 11, 1999
There are people literally dependent on others to feed and clean them who have reading comprehension and logic skills orders of magnitude above yours. I suspect you may literally be the most stupid person on the Internet.

I recognize propaganda when I see it, and you're slinging it all over the place. You admitted that the $1000 in question isn't really out of pocket, as you claimed, but rather potential expense based on increased deductible. Those are not the same thing, but you asserted that they are in your first sentence in the OP. Fundamentally dishonest.

The whole business about the boat & going back to school is just a crass plea for sympathy, because you're oh so oppressed & depressed about the idea that you might have to shell out an extra $1000 for healthcare. Might. Maybe. You'll find out, right? But not before going on w/ some great tale of woe about the Evil Obama! complete with predictions of doom for us all.

I get it. You're just throwing out chunks of red meat to keep the usual ravers emotionally engaged, intellectually crippled. It works, but only on the gullible, the faithful, the people who are just dying to have their own misperceptions validated.


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2003
I recognize propaganda when I see it, and you're slinging it all over the place. You admitted that the $1000 in question isn't really out of pocket, as you claimed, but rather potential expense based on increased deductible. Those are not the same thing, but you asserted that they are in your first sentence in the OP. Fundamentally dishonest.

The whole business about the boat & going back to school is just a crass plea for sympathy, because you're oh so oppressed & depressed about the idea that you might have to shell out an extra $1000 for healthcare. Might. Maybe. You'll find out, right? But not before going on w/ some great tale of woe about the Evil Obama! complete with predictions of doom for us all.

I get it. You're just throwing out chunks of red meat to keep the usual ravers emotionally engaged, intellectually crippled. It works, but only on the gullible, the faithful, the people who are just dying to have their own misperceptions validated.

So if your recognize propaganda, do you realize how much of it your spreading?

Obamacare benefits old, sick, and poor.

Anyone working in the middle class will end up being raped by it.


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2004
Oh, we already own a boat, a 14' 1980 Stottcraft with a 1975 Mercury. We were going to buy a new boat - or at least one manufactured in the last thirty years. One with tilt/trim, that can be driven onto the trailer rather than me having to wade around, lift the outboard, and then winch it up. One that starts every time you want it to start.

However, Obama decided we needed maternity insurance more, and apparently in our budget he has 100 votes to our two. If a new boat is the only thing we have to give up, we'll count ourselves among the fortunate. Maybe we'll get "I survived Obamacare" tee shirts.

Probably not, since "Obamacare" is now a racial slur.

I LOVE the maternity talking point! Paying for viagra and men's health= good. Women's health? I'm NOT A WOMAN!


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2003
I get it. You're just throwing out chunks of red meat to keep the usual ravers emotionally engaged, intellectually crippled. It works, but only on the gullible, the faithful, the people who are just dying to have their own misperceptions validated.

I.e., anyone who agrees with him is an idiot.

Nice. Pot, meet kettle.


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2004
So if your recognize propaganda, do you realize how much of it your spreading?

Obamacare benefits old, sick, and poor.

Anyone working in the middle class will end up being raped by it.

It also benefits healthy people who can get sick and then dropped from insurance because they went back and found that you had undeclared acne 10 years prior. It also benefits people that once got sick and insurance companies have decided they simply won't cover you anymore, and so if you've ever had something, they just deny you for it in the future. This is the for profit insurance in action!

They also have to spend a certain amount on actual insurance rather than profit.

The middle class has already been destroyed by healthcare over the last 10-20 years. At least now they will get covered and won't be randomly denied for profit!
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Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2004
At the rate Obama is fucking me, that might actually happen.

Given the cluster fuck that was the roll-out of Obamacare, he'll really have to screw up our existing health care system to have people consider a single payer system administered by the same people. I do however have faith in Obama; man could fuck up an anvil with a feather.

You are right! Government is incompetent! Please create a few threads about dismantling our military! We can't handle such an enterprise such as having 1000s of bases all over the world and we CLEARLY cannot invade 3rd world countries. Make that thread please!

Oh wait, only helping your fellow Americans infuriates you. GRR!!!


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2004
So he's an asshole for being able to afford a boat? But he shouldn't be able to buy the boat, he should have to pay for other people's health insurance. Even if those people don't want health insurance?

People that don't "want" health insurance are still going to go to the ER, the most expensive care on the planet, when they need it. YOU will be paying for it, just like you always had. Do you prefer that?

You HAVE to pay for trillions upon trillions upon trillions in foreign occupations and bases in every country of the world... HEAVEN FORBID HEALTHCARE for your own people!


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2004
Its not his money, it's the dem's money. He needs to stop pretending that it's his

Well, to be fair, this is straight from the Republicans' plan. The public option and medicare buy in, which were the only things new to it, were stripped.

Military spending, which is 10x the healthcare bill, is the Republicans' money. Why complain about something 1/10 of the cost that goes to help fellow americans, when you could complain about the one that is 10x more, while accomplishing absolutely nothing?


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2004
So are you saying the ACA isn't making rates go up?

There is no reason to believe so, considering rates have gone up for 15 years now... This time, however, the for profit insurance companies simply have an easy scapegoat. For the record, I live in a regulated and halfway intelligent state, and I get more benefits than before, and my costs have gone up the exact same amount is has the past 5 years. I also have always bought off the private market.


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2004
WOW! That sucks donkey ass. Obama and the Democrats have crafted a surefire way to have a lot more Americans without health insurance as well as having a lot more people and companies paying penalty taxes.

Note to self: When politician says "comprehensive", he means "truly horrible".

You do realize that the Republicans have never once, in 100 years, tried to reform healthcare(giving extra benefits to their base, through expanding medicare does not count), right? They had 12 straight years of dual house control and CRICKETS!

They have only EVER opposed it. They opposed it under Clinton, so 15 years later the Democrats went ahead and used the Republicans' OWN plan, which the Republicans wouldn't even sit down to discuss. They literally have zero interest in healthcare. War? Sure! Military expansion and occupations, oil company/big business welfare, deregulation of environmental protections that let to the BP oil spill? Absolutely! Healthcare? Never.

So, the Democrats STARTED with the Republican plan, and had to water it down further. Yet, you want to blame Democrats? Half of Congress was too busy throwing a fit and yelling about death panels rather than contributing... yet, you blame the ones that TRIED and used the OPPOSITION'S own plan, just so SOMETHING could get through!?

Wow. That is twisted.


Nov 11, 1999
I.e., anyone who agrees with him is an idiot.

Nice. Pot, meet kettle.

His first sentence in the OP is false, something he unknowingly admitted upon questioning. The rest of the spiel hinges on the veracity of that sentence. You're being played. Deal with it.


Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2012
Obamacare might actually lower health costs because it destroys insurance. You can expect a lot of doctors to move to a cash-only model with competitive prices, similar to how the cost of eye surgery dropped dramatically. When an MRI scan is 100% out of pocket, the price will drop from $2,000 to maybe a couple hundred bucks. The first few years of Obamacare will probably suck because doctors and the insurance companies need to adjust to the new model.
*fingers crossed


Nov 11, 1999
This is completely backward. Low demand for debt causes interest rates to rise.

Absurd. What you're saying is that the less people want something, in this case "money", the more they'll pay to get it. Graph that for me, OK?
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