Another ATPNer gets nailed by Obamacare

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Apr 13, 2012
No, none of those were reasons. They were things that you think are not good. Not a single one had a cause or a listed attribute that was the reason for them being in a state you didn't like. This really would call into question what your native language is.

One final time:

Why is the US uniquely inept, and why would this prevent us from accomplishing what so many other developed countries have?

Let's be honest, we both know that the reason you aren't answering is that you can't.

Because healthcare is more expensive in the US.

So creating single-payer will either

(1) Do nothing to reduce costs

(2) Create a massive depression as the GDP goes down 7%


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
they are not able to accomplish anything without massive waste, fraud, abuse or neglect.


they are unable to put the needs of the people above their partisan bullshit. They aren't capable of running a playground let alone a health care system.

how is the us different from other countries in this regard and why.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Because healthcare is more expensive in the US.

So creating single-payer will either

(1) Do nothing to reduce costs

(2) Create a massive depression as the GDP goes down 7%

This is contradicted by empirical evidence from across the developed world.

Reality is so mean to you sometimes, isn't it.


Dec 27, 2001
When people who don't believe the government should do anything get elected, they work to make sure it can't do anything.

or when their core belief is that the other guy is wrong. It goes both ways but this latest crop of repubs are the worst I can remember. Which is why I completely gave up on that party.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006

This does get down to your real argument, which is "the US can't implement a national health care system because I say so".

This is usually where conservative arguments against single payer end up because they were never based on a rational evaluation of the evidence that leads to a conclusion they start with the conclusion of "no single payer" and then work to find evidence for it. Even if they can't find evidence for it the conclusion remains.


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2004
(1) Perhaps if health "reform" wasn't just code for spend massive amounts of government money they would participate

(2) You seem to have forgotten Medicare part D.

Nope, medicare is already for seniors. Another giveaway to them has nothing to do with the rest of the country that actually needs healthcare.


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2004
Obama had almost 4 years to make a working eCommerce site and failed embarrassingly at it.

If you can build a simple website in 4 years how can you be trusted to run health care for the entire country?

Right! Which is why we need to IMMEDIATELY dismantle the military! They can't even handle a website man! How will they handle the military!? And we need to IMMEDIATELY get rid of Medicare too! How can they run healthcare for all seniors!? Quick republicans!


Apr 13, 2012
This is contradicted by empirical evidence from across the developed world.

Reality is so mean to you sometimes, isn't it.

Reality dictates what I am saying has to be true.

If spending on health care goes down GDP will go down. The people whose jobs are supported by that 7% of GDP will lose their jobs. Or do you think that the extra 7% of GDP just goes into a fire?


Senior member
Aug 20, 2001
This is contradicted by empirical evidence from across the developed world.

Reality is so mean to you sometimes, isn't it.

Well I don't know why I'm going to bother because you'll come up with another fun argument but how about the fact that there is not empirical evidence. Govts have been able to make it work for small populations and small land masses but there is not a country out there that has made it work for a population anywhere close the USA nor in terms of the size of our country. Those two combinations are really going to make it expensive and hurt in the long run.

Second you seem to be ignoring the fact that many of the economies the world over are buckling right now under the costs of everything as well and this includes socialized medicine.

Finally, you have to come to the realization that if we do the system the rest of the world is doing that means taxes are going up - somebody like me would probably see a 10% hit. Thanks but not thanks. I pay more than enough in taxes and I have no interest in subsidizing others. You want to tax me to pay for kids healthcare... fine. Adults? No thank you they are on their own.

The tax piece is probably the biggest push back you will see from Americans as well.


Feb 5, 2006
or when their core belief is that the other guy is wrong. It goes both ways but this latest crop of repubs are the worst I can remember. Which is why I completely gave up on that party.

Democrats don't believe Republicans are wrong as a core belief. If they did, they wouldn't have based Obamacare on a 20 year old Republican idea and Romneycare. They would have based it on Democrat ideas like Medicare for all. Even Bill Frist, last GOP senate majority leader said Obamacare gets it 70% right.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Reality dictates what I am saying has to be true.

If spending on health care goes down GDP will go down. The people whose jobs are supported by that 7% of GDP will lose their jobs. Or do you think that the extra 7% of GDP just goes into a fire?

You have a very poor understanding of reality and of basic economics. Increases in efficiency do not require decreases in GDP.

Less government spending to achieve the same result means that either the government would have that 7% of GDP to spend on other things or they could cut taxes in which case people would individually have that money to spend on other things that generate GDP. Literally the only way we would see a contraction like that is if we took the saved money and threw it into a fire.

Seriously, these are community college level failures of understanding. No wonder your opinions are so bad.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Well I don't know why I'm going to bother because you'll come up with another fun argument but how about the fact that there is not empirical evidence. Govts have been able to make it work for small populations and small land masses but there is not a country out there that has made it work for a population anywhere close the USA nor in terms of the size of our country. Those two combinations are really going to make it expensive and hurt in the long run.

Ah yes, another one of the final fallback arguments. "The US is just different so ignore the vast reams of empirical evidence".

Second you seem to be ignoring the fact that many of the economies the world over are buckling right now under the costs of everything as well and this includes socialized medicine.

This is an irrational argument. You are saying that other countries are buckling under the weight of socialized medicine costs... but they spend LESS than we do. ie: if they got rid of their socialized systems that would make their fiscal situation WORSE not better.

Finally, you have to come to the realization that if we do the system the rest of the world is doing that means taxes are going up - somebody like me would probably see a 10% hit. Thanks but not thanks. I pay more than enough in taxes and I have no interest in subsidizing others. You want to tax me to pay for kids healthcare... fine. Adults? No thank you they are on their own.

The tax piece is probably the biggest push back you will see from Americans as well.

A similarly irrational argument. If total US health spending goes down it is irrelevant if your taxes go up. US health spending is somewhere around 16% of GDP. (extremely) broadly put, that means 16% of what each of us individually produces is consumed by health spending. It makes EVERYTHING cost more and makes you get paid less. If you got a tax increase but got a raise that more than made up for it you still come out ahead. Who cares about tax rates if by doing it we all have more money in our pocket?


Senior member
Aug 20, 2001
Ah yes, another one of the final fallback arguments. "The US is just different so ignore the vast reams of empirical evidence".

This is an irrational argument. You are saying that other countries are buckling under the weight of socialized medicine costs... but they spend LESS than we do. ie: if they got rid of their socialized systems that would make their fiscal situation WORSE not better.

A similarly irrational argument. If total US health spending goes down it is irrelevant if your taxes go up. US health spending is somewhere around 16% of GDP. (extremely) broadly put, that means 16% of what each of us individually produces is consumed by health spending. It makes EVERYTHING cost more and makes you get paid less. If you got a tax increase but got a raise that more than made up for it you still come out ahead. Who cares about tax rates if by doing it we all have more money in our pocket?

Actually false. US Health spending contains a lot private spending it's not govt spending - so yes taxes would go up for all. In my tax group I'd likely pay 7-10% more. Second the reason why other countries get spend so much less amount to things like rationing for non emergent care, no real experimental treatments, and the fact that the US spends quite a bit in research in development compared to other countries.

Secondly I laid out a very factural argument about land size. You can call that irrational but it's not. There is a reason why high speed internet companies have ignored the central US. The population density is incredibly low and it's incredibly expensive to implement. Healthcare is no different.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Actually false. US Health spending contains a lot private spending it's not govt spending - so yes taxes would go up for all. In my tax group I'd likely pay 7-10% more.

Irrelevant. 16% of GDP is 16% of GDP. It doesn't matter if it comes out of your pocket and goes to the government first or comes out of your pocket and goes straight to the hospital. It's still money out of your pocket.

Second the reason why other countries get spend so much less amount to things like rationing for non emergent care, no real experimental treatments, and the fact that the US spends quite a bit in research in development compared to other countries.

If they are 'rationing' that care it is certainly working well for them. They get similar or in some cases better health outcomes for a fraction of the cost. Secondly, if you think the US should fund more research into medical treatments then we should simply fund more research. The idea that we should just toss money into a system and hope some research comes out of it is nuts.

Secondly I laid out a very factural argument about land size. You can call that irrational but it's not. There is a reason why high speed internet companies have ignored the central US. The population density is incredibly low and it's incredibly expensive to implement. Healthcare is no different.

No, it's still irrational. Even comparing systems within the US socialized systems are more cost efficient than private ones.


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
Buy a few less tanks, shoot a handful less patriot missiles, buy a couple less jets and America could afford to take care of its citizens. I mean health care with no premiums, where you go the the doctor and all they ask is that you are a citizen. If you want to pay more to get faster service, the private sector can take care of that need.
Hey, you racist bastard! Doctors can't be asking if you're a citizen - that's racist!

Sorry dude, but if I don't respond like that my NSA file will double and I'll be labeled a racist enemy of the state.

See now this is the type of fact-free nonsense that I have no patience for. You have incontrovertible evidence that government run health care in other countries accomplishes the same objectives as well for much less money. Your response is "everything government touches is bad". That's not a response.

As for effective government programs: the interstate highway system, the vast improvement in public health through regulation, FDIC ending bank runs, etc, etc, etc. I could go on for literally pages, but it's totally off topic.

Please explain why the US is uniquely inept to the extent that we can't have a government run health system. Real answers please, not platitudes.
The US government is uniquely inept to the extent that we can't have a government run health system because it is divided into Democrats who see every issue as an opportunity for social engineering to increase their own power and Republicans who see every issue as an opportunity to protect their big contributors' interests. Whatever the issue, Democrats will use it to create winners and losers for political benefit (as well as to benefit their big contributors.) Republicans will do much the same to protect their constituency, but with even more emphasis on protecting their big contributors. The actual issue (as amply witnessed by Obamacare) will be at best ignored and at worst made worse for most people. As an example, see Medicare, the only insurance policy that requires another insurance policy to protect you from it.

And I post that knowing full well you'll accept no slight against your god of Government - but you did ask.

I love that second section. Let's repeat it again, shall we?

"Um, my wife IS a woman, so we're already paying for "women's health". Maternity coverage and "free" birth control - we're beyond that age. Viagra - wasn't using it before, don't need it now. Mental health - nope, not a proggie, I have no emotional scars or daddy issues or raging jealousy to work through. There is absolutely nothing I'm receiving for my extra $1,000 OR the inflated premiums I'll now have to pay."

Can you name some other things you don't need? Maybe you don't want treatment for certain things in the future? Health insurance doesn't work that way. It never has. You never cared before.

Where is the rage about having to pay for birth control or viagra? Surely, you can show me all of your posts over the last 10 years raging about them, right? RIGHT!?

The rest of your post had no content... only rage, so there wasn't much for me to respond to. Maybe mental health services can be put to use after all.
That is actually the THIRD section of my post, but since I recognize that the ability to count to three may well be above you I'll let that go. Health insurance has ALWAYS worked like that. A single man does not pay for maternity insurance; knock up your girlfriend and you're on your own. A single woman is not covered for a prostate exam. And not all health insurance policies cover the same things - until now. One was previously free to buy a policy that covers what one wished at a price mutually agreed upon between seller and buyer. Now everyone must have everything, even though having everything means for a significant number of Americans having nothing at all. If you could afford major medical but not Obamacare, you've just been intentionally screwed out of health insurance.

In fact, all insurance works like that. Get a renter's insurance policy and it will not rebuild your apartment building. Get a car insurance policy and you can choose your own coverage and limits of liability to what you think you need and what you can afford.

I have no specific rage about having to pay for birth control or Viagra, assuming Viagra is even covered. I do have a little rage at Obama and the Democrats who so loaded up "free" shit and mandatory coverage that health insurance is now unaffordable for many more Americans. They did not do us any favors; they built up their own power base by giving away yet more free shit, especially to their voters, at others' expense and by social engineering.

I don't for a minute believe that Obamacare is destroying health insurance for millions of Americans who were previously happy with their health insurance out of some error. This is intentional. They have to make a strong majority of Americans unhappy with their health care so that they can assume complete control of our lives. And we all know that when (not if) the federal government assumes total control of health care, they'll do so with the same dedication, impartial non-partisan judgment, efficiency and competency as they have exhibited in crafting and implementing Obamacare - and the usual suspects will be excusing every failure.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
The US government is uniquely inept to the extent that we can't have a government run health system because it is divided into Democrats who see every issue as an opportunity for social engineering to increase their own power and Republicans who see every issue as an opportunity to protect their big contributors' interests. Whatever the issue, Democrats will use it to create winners and losers for political benefit (as well as to benefit their big contributors.) Republicans will do much the same to protect their constituency, but with even more emphasis on protecting their big contributors. The actual issue (as amply witnessed by Obamacare) will be at best ignored and at worst made worse for most people. As an example, see Medicare, the only insurance policy that requires another insurance policy to protect you from it.

And I post that knowing full well you'll accept no slight against your god of Government - but you did ask.

lol. Another impressively insane post. By the way I did appreciate the guy who constantly accuses me of being a mindless partisan declaring that he won't ever vote for Democrats. That was pretty amusing.

As for your description of our government, you apparently have literally zero knowledge of governments in basically the entire rest of the world. Most, maybe all political parties operate in similar ways yet they are perfectly capable of implementing a national insurance policy.

As for the idea that Medicare is the only insurance plan that 'requires' supplemental insurance, I encourage you to actually go look at most other countries in the developed world. Most of them have options for private supplemental insurance on top of the public benefits. Did by 'only' you meant 'one of many'? Because that's actually its antonym.

Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
As for your description of our government, you apparently have literally zero knowledge of governments in basically the entire rest of the world.

The onus is on you to show that a relatively unaccountable system of government which has people who cannot get through shutdown after shutdown is capable of doing something far far more complex than obamacare which it still hasn't gotten right, unless as you say the unpublicised purpose is to make health care less affordable for many. "France has this" "Sweden has that". Well this isn't there. This is crazy town in charge, and it can afford to be since there is no way to hold those in charge responsible for the most egregious screw ups. You post irrelevancies and claim they apply here.

So ok. If we hand everything over to the people who can't keep the government running, what mechanism exists to directly remedy in process screw ups? No "well you can write your Congressman" or "there's always the next election".

What assurances do you offer with what WE have, not bloody Japan.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
The onus is on you to show that a relatively unaccountable system of government which has people who cannot get through shutdown after shutdown is capable of doing something far far more complex than obamacare which it still hasn't gotten right, unless as you say the unpublicised purpose is to make health care less affordable for many. "France has this" "Sweden has that". Well this isn't there. This is crazy town in charge, and it can afford to be since there is no way to hold those in charge responsible for the most egregious screw ups. You post irrelevancies and claim they apply here.

The US government already manages a health plan that covers every American 65 and over, constituting approximately half of US health spending and does it in a more efficient manner than our private sector. That would just be a starting point too, as there are a lot more savings to be had.

So my example of the US government running a health system would be... the US government running a health system. Next problem?

So ok. If we hand everything over to the people who can't keep the government running, what mechanism exists to directly remedy in process screw ups? No "well you can write your Congressman" or "there's always the next election".

What assurances do you offer with what WE have, not bloody Japan.

Are you asking what remedies exist to policies enacted through democratic governance? What remedies exist to you under the old system? This is a nonsensical question.

Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
So my example of the US government running a health system would be... the US government running a health system. Next problem?

So you don't know the difference between socialized medicine and Medicare. Not surprising. You also choose to ignore the current state of politics as they exist and appeal to nations which have no resemblance in any relevant way, but use them as a model anyway. You haven't explained how something infinitely more complex than the simple tasks Congress hasn't gotten right, being the radically dysfunctional body it is, is going to be just fine. Faith based health care reform. No thanks.
Are you asking what remedies exist to policies enacted through democratic governance? What remedies exist to you under the old system? This is a nonsensical question

The answer is there is no mechanism which exists to provide the accountability which other nations have and it's a perfectly reasonable thing when some want to give them control of our health. YMMV.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
So you don't know the difference between socialized medicine and Medicare. Not surprising. You also choose to ignore the current state of politics as they exist and appeal to nations which have no resemblance in any relevant way, but use them as a model anyway. You haven't explained how something infinitely more complex than the simple tasks Congress hasn't gotten right, being the radically dysfunctional body it is, is going to be just fine. Faith based health care reform. No thanks.

Except of course the post you quoted said 'national insurance policy', which is what Medicare is for those 65 and older. Not surprising that you would be so confused. lol.

You think other nations have no resemblance in any relevant way? Please tell me what aspects of a state you consider 'relevant'. My guess? You have put zero thought into that.

The answer is there is no mechanism which exists to provide the accountability which other nations have and it's a perfectly reasonable thing when some want to give them control of our health. YMMV.

There is no mechanism to provide accountability over government action other than the mechanism that we have used for two centuries or so while building the greatest state the world has ever seen. Whether or not you think that's good enough is your business, but let's not pretend that you're not just desperately searching for ways to justify a conclusion you already made a long time ago.


Senior member
Aug 20, 2001
The US government already manages a health plan that covers every American 65 and over, constituting approximately half of US health spending and does it in a more efficient manner than our private sector. That would just be a starting point too, as there are a lot more savings to be had.

So my example of the US government running a health system would be... the US government running a health system. Next problem?

Are you asking what remedies exist to policies enacted through democratic governance? What remedies exist to you under the old system? This is a nonsensical question.

You know we are taxed on medicare right? So I'll get a tax similar to medicare that I'll have to pay for to add socialized healthcare. The funny thing is it will be larger because it has to cover more people instead of the pyramid like setup of medicare.

So again I'll skip my 10% tax increase. Thanks.

Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
Except of course the post you quoted said 'national insurance policy', which is what Medicare is for those 65 and older. Not surprising that you would be so confused. lol.

I'm sorry, you didn't mention socialized medicine? My mistake. I'm glad you aren't for that.

You think other nations have no resemblance in any relevant way? Please tell me what aspects of a state you consider 'relevant'. My guess? You have put zero thought into that.

Well let's see. Completely different Constitutional approaches, lack of accountability in office. A system which encourages dominance instead of cooperation. No coalition but dominance. You take what you are told. No vote of confidence. That might threaten your and others agendas. Winning is your only thing. I get that.

There is no mechanism to provide accountability over government action other than the mechanism that we have used for two centuries or so while building the greatest state the world has ever seen. Whether or not you think that's good enough is your business, but let's not pretend that you're not just desperately searching for ways to justify a conclusion you already made a long time ago.

So now an appeal to patriotism, the last refuge. You can't counter my points about the bald incompetence of government in dealing with relatively simple things, something you yourself complain about, but now we're to salute and step in line. Don't worry about the inability of government to be able to work out funding. Trust and obey.

It's on you to demonstrate that government won't screw this up if they are tossed the keys. Maybe you don't want socialized medicine or government control. If not then this is moot. The flying spaghetti monster of health care? I don't believe in it.
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