Another day another beating by cops

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Diamond Member
Jan 9, 2010
How do you stop a segment of our country from being ultra-violent? Hmm...violence in USA? You mean, that thing we can't get enough of? Good luck with that.

We live in a country that glorifies violence and being ready for a fight. Don't be so sick to your stomach when you see exactly what you want unfold on TV.

If you want to see a change, you need to change the mindset. If you only get rid of these thug cops who just want to beat some ass because they are angry, you are probably going to replace them with more thug cops who want to beat some ass. Can you train them to not beat ass? Maybe, but even in a Zoo, trained animals will revert to their core at some point and maul their trainer.

It's not that "Cops" are "Animals"...we in the usa, are all trained to act like animals from birth.

This country could do with a peace movement to be honest. Less songs about S&W.40's, less songs about being ready to fight and killing people....more songs about peace and love to your neighbor and brother.

It's a good point. As a society we do glorify violence, or at least tolerate the glorification of violence. How different is America vs other nations in the exposure of our young to violence in sports (Football, UFC, other), Movies, Television, Reality TV? I don't know, my intuittion tells me it's a signficant factor of more exposure in America vs other nations.

Tying this to our police force interaction with citizens would be casual?, I don't know much about this... but I'd agree with what I think the larger point is, that getting to the foundation of the issue is critical.

Foundation either being police training and perspective of their job role, or a larger societal issue.

Wherever the issue begins, the result is clear. Many more police related killings in America than other nations, and an implied perverse tolerance of this by the people.
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Pipeline 1010

Golden Member
Dec 2, 2005
I've been saying all along that this isn't a black thing. The media twisted it that way to get more hype but it's not true. It's a cop vs us thing instead of a white vs black thing.

Oh absolutely. It is definitely a blue vs non-blue thing. They have done their best to paint it as an us vs them "warzone" mentality. And they all just eat it up without a second thought. Fucking retards.

I'm not arguing otherwise; I'm simply stating that blacks have been complaining about this for a very long time (and being ignored, disbelieved, and scoffed at by people like me, to my shame). It turns out that since cell phone cameras + YouTube were invented, we are seeing the EXACT things they were claiming all along. The EXACT SAME THINGS. Over and over and over again. Blatant planting of drugs on suspects, shooting fleeing people in the back, flipping their shit on people who don't show enough proper groveling respect, punching and kicking handcuffed and subdued suspects, and intimidating and threatening people for trying to file complaints.

I do think the whole equal opportunity thuggish brutality is a more recent phenomenon. I'd love to explore why, but I have a feeling it has to do with the maturation of the institutions that have been designed to shield them from consequences of their actions. Perhaps they mostly used to get a free ride when the oath-breaking was directed at "less desirable" minorities. Now they are protected no matter what, so everyone has become an equal opportunity target for roid-rage-narcisistic-sociopath-thug-fest 2015.

Pipeline 1010

Golden Member
Dec 2, 2005
I've been saying all along that this isn't a black thing. The media twisted it that way to get more hype but it's not true. It's a cop vs us thing instead of a white vs black thing.

On second thought, I think there is still a fair bit of white vs black thing going on. When looking at the statistics of illegal drug use amongst races, we find that whites actually use at slightly higher percentages than blacks. But when we look at statistics of who's in jail for drugs, it's overwhelmingly blacks. As in not even close. As in so statistically significant that it is impossible for even a retard to argue that race isn't a factor without feeling dirty.

But yeah, overall it's blue vs non-blue. I'm just saying that some non-blue have been getting the shit even worse.

Pipeline 1010

Golden Member
Dec 2, 2005
How do you stop a segment of our country from being ultra-violent? Hmm...violence in USA? You mean, that thing we can't get enough of? Good luck with that.

We live in a country that glorifies violence and being ready for a fight. Don't be so sick to your stomach when you see exactly what you want unfold on TV.

If you want to see a change, you need to change the mindset. If you only get rid of these thug cops who just want to beat some ass because they are angry, you are probably going to replace them with more thug cops who want to beat some ass. Can you train them to not beat ass? Maybe, but even in a Zoo, trained animals will revert to their core at some point and maul their trainer.

Actually, if you want to change the mindset, you attach consequences to wrongdoing. The cops have worked tirelessly to ensure there AREN'T consequences for themselves. They have worked tirelessly to ensure they can be violent thugs without consequence. If you REALLY REALLY want to change the mindset, you allow them to be charged with crimes they commit. You allow them to be personally sued in civil court with zero taxpayer dollars paying for judgements against them. The shit will stop immediately. Until you are willing to consider this and advocate for it, you are simply spouting words to confuse, misdirect attention, shift blame, and otherwise BS. The day a cop loses his house due to kicking a handcuffed, subdued suspect in the head is the day the shit ends nationwide.

Mizzou, are you willing to advocate the same personal responsibility and consequences for cops that the rest of us face?


Dec 11, 2006
Cops go straight to kicking the man in the head, and another kicks him square in his nuts. all while on the ground spread-eagled, obviously no threat and not resisting. Just another cop beat-down because they wanted to.

So any bets that any of the cops actually get convicted of anything?

So that is what? 6 more bad apples? You think the good cops at some point might want to speak up and crack down on this.

I caught that nut kick, holy shit that looked like a rough blow to the balls and it appears the guy still kept his hands behind his back. I think any normal person would reasonably try to block the blows to the nuts/head which guess what, now you're resisting more and we get to beat you more!

Yes the guy ran but he obviously gave himself up. They didn't even attempt to cuff him while he was face down with his hands behind his back. Disgusting but in no way surprising.


Dec 11, 2006
When a police officer can be personally sued and lose his house or his pension, this shit will stop immediately. Like the exact week the rule gets changed.

Throw in actual criminal charges and punishment that are at least as severe as anyone of us would get had we done the exact same thing and I'll dress up like Barney and dance in the street.

We don't need new laws either, it's already illegal to beat the fuck out of someone for no reason. With the amount of people beating him and kicking him in the head that is most definitely attempted murder.


Dec 11, 2006
Even if you were justified, you think his buddies are going to let you live?

Even if they let you live, which is highly unlikely as you suggest, do you think you aren't going to get railroaded in court and sent to max security jail for the rest of your life?

You'd need hundreds of witnesses, all with cameras at multiple different angles, a half a dozen news crews and a news helicopter filming the event and even then you better have a million bucks to spend on your defense.


Dec 11, 2006
One downside to this is that prosecutors will eventually do nothing without video evidence. This is good and bad.

Bad situation. You were mugged in the street and somehow a cop was nearby and arrested the guy who mugged you....the guy may come up with some crazy defense and say he arrested the wrong person. Oops, no cameras or camera wasn't pointed right direction. No prosecution. Since eyewitness/verbal testimony is now worthless, video evidence is all that matters.

Good situation. You and the cop actually point out the wrong guy who mugged you.

I'm not trying to say video evidence isn't powerful, it's extremely powerful, but we have to be careful about trying to get rid of the fact that overall we should trust a truthful and honest person.

Actually we put way to much faith in eyewitness testimony and not nearly enough into physical evidence. Eyewitness testimony is absurdly unreliable and has been repeatedly demonstrated and proven. Professors demonstrate it all the time by having someone run into a classroom and "steal" something and then having everyone right down the details of what they saw. You get dozens of different accounts of even the basic height, weight, hair color, clothing, etc..

Not that we should completely disregard it in a court of law but we should understand how the brain "fills in the blanks" at times when considering it.


Dec 27, 2001
Actually we put way to much faith in eyewitness testimony and not nearly enough into physical evidence. Eyewitness testimony is absurdly unreliable and has been repeatedly demonstrated and proven. Professors demonstrate it all the time by having someone run into a classroom and "steal" something and then having everyone right down the details of what they saw. You get dozens of different accounts of even the basic height, weight, hair color, clothing, etc..

Not that we should completely disregard it in a court of law but we should understand how the brain "fills in the blanks" at times when considering it.

My buddy is a college professor who focuses on psychology. He takes it a step further. On the first day of class he has a male coworker pretend to be him. The coworker introduces himself, talks for a while, then my buddy comes in dressed like a flamer. Sheer scarf, shirt knotted above his belly button, tight pants...all that. He then starts hitting on his coworker who promptly leaves. He talks for a bit then introduces himself as the real professor and challenges the students to describe the impostor. Most can't even get the hair color right, hardly any can get hair color, eye color or features.

Anyone who looks for an eye witness is just ignorant.


Senior member
Feb 25, 2015
Throw in actual criminal charges and punishment that are at least as severe as anyone of us would get had we done the exact same thing and I'll dress up like Barney and dance in the street.

We don't need new laws either, it's already illegal to beat the fuck out of someone for no reason. With the amount of people beating him and kicking him in the head that is most definitely attempted murder.

Being a cop needs to be exactly like being a pilot. You F-up, you are immediately charged with a crime and fired. No questions asked, no quarter given. If you are given the power to kill people (with a gun, or a plane) you need to be held to a higher standard of conduct than the public, not a lower standard, or no standard at all... like today.

The money issue is spot on too, if they were held personally responsible for their actions like every other employee on earth this would stop immediately.


Apr 9, 2000
take all of those cops, find a group of willing volunteers, taze and beat the shit out of each and everyone of those cops for 2 minutes and see how they like it.


Diamond Member
Mar 12, 2013
The victim in this case had a conviction for animal cruelty. I know what the cops did was completely wrong and they should be punished but sick fucks who torture helpless animals really really upset me. Karma's a bitch brah, not so much fun when you are on the receiving end huh?


Dec 27, 2001
The victim in this case had a conviction for animal cruelty. I know what the cops did was completely wrong and they should be punished but sick fucks who torture helpless animals really really upset me. Karma's a bitch brah, not so much fun when you are on the receiving end huh?

You do know that people get charged with that for leaving their dog in their car for 5 minutes on 60 degree days, right?

Please show me where this guy tortured helpless animals.


Dec 11, 2006
My buddy is a college professor who focuses on psychology. He takes it a step further. On the first day of class he has a male coworker pretend to be him. The coworker introduces himself, talks for a while, then my buddy comes in dressed like a flamer. Sheer scarf, shirt knotted above his belly button, tight pants...all that. He then starts hitting on his coworker who promptly leaves. He talks for a bit then introduces himself as the real professor and challenges the students to describe the impostor. Most can't even get the hair color right, hardly any can get hair color, eye color or features.

Anyone who looks for an eye witness is just ignorant.

Exactly, even during "extreme events" or things completely out of the ordinary that makes us stop what we are doing and pay extra attention to there are so many details in the world around us that we can't possibly remember them all. Our brain just fills in the small bullshit details that normally don't matter (like hair color). Even worse is that when our brain doesn't remember the details "suggestion" (I think that's what it's called) is very powerful. We will "know", with absolute certainty, it was someone with brown hair if someone says "and the guy had brown hair right".

I'd love to have a buddy who was a professor of psychology you lucky bastard. It's a very interesting and intriguing subject.


Dec 11, 2006
You do know that people get charged with that for leaving their dog in their car for 5 minutes on 60 degree days, right?

Please show me where this guy tortured helpless animals.

People have been charged for that??? I can see if they left em in the car in August in south Louisiana for an extended period of time but on a 60 degree day for 5 minutes? That is absurd.

Regardless, whatever previous crime this guy may or may not have committed is completely irrelevant to this case. The guy could have raped a dozen chickens the day before, cops are not the bringers of justice.


Dec 27, 2001
lol if you think rudeguy knows someone with a phd.

More than a couple.

Its what happens when you aren't afraid to talk to people who don't agree with you. I've been blessed enough to meet people from pretty much every income level, education level, race, creed, color, sexual orientation. The ones I get along best with are the ones I argue the most with.

PS: my professor buddy may have even gotten his PHD at Harvard. Does that make your butthole hurt?


Sep 5, 2000
More than a couple.

Its what happens when you aren't afraid to talk to people who don't agree with you. I've been blessed enough to meet people from pretty much every income level, education level, race, creed, color, sexual orientation. The ones I get along best with are the ones I argue the most with.

PS: my professor buddy may have even gotten his PHD at Harvard. Does that make your butthole hurt?

yup. My butthole hurts because your buddy who you argue with may have gotten his phd at harvard.


Dec 11, 2006
Being a cop needs to be exactly like being a pilot. You F-up, you are immediately charged with a crime and fired. No questions asked, no quarter given. If you are given the power to kill people (with a gun, or a plane) you need to be held to a higher standard of conduct than the public, not a lower standard, or no standard at all... like today.

The money issue is spot on too, if they were held personally responsible for their actions like every other employee on earth this would stop immediately.

Exactly, yet the situation is exactly opposite. The police have virtually zero accountability for their fuckups which is why so many of them have the attitude that they are above the law. In almost all cases they ARE in fact above the law with the biggest normal punishment for seriously violating the law and peoples rights is the loss of their job. Hell some of the worst offenders even get to keep their taxpayer funded pensions and benefits.

If anyone else was caught on tape doing the shit these guys did they would already be in jail, as they should be. Even worse, if it was never caught on film they wouldn't be facing any kind of disciplinary action.


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2015
Exactly, yet the situation is exactly opposite. The police have virtually zero accountability for their fuckups which is why so many of them have the attitude that they are above the law. In almost all cases they ARE in fact above the law with the biggest normal punishment for seriously violating the law and peoples rights is the loss of their job. Hell some of the worst offenders even get to keep their taxpayer funded pensions and benefits.

If anyone else was caught on tape doing the shit these guys did they would already be in jail, as they should be. Even worse, if it was never caught on film they wouldn't be facing any kind of disciplinary action.
As long as the police are on the same team as the prosecutor, then they are above the law. The police, as "peace officers" should be held accountable by special prosecutors convened by citizen panels. Those citizen panels should also be very visible and should report their findings on a regular basis, not just for high profile cases, but all cases.

As long as complaints of police brutality disappear inside the system, everything else is just window dressing, even though some of that window dressing (like cameras on cops) is probably pretty useful.
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