Another Dem candidate wants to increase taxes


Diamond Member
Feb 20, 2002
oh boo hoo..

you mean they cant get that 3rd house after all.

i ask you this who is going to pay for the military, roads, schools, etc...

the lower / middle class ? they have no money.

do honestly think that just about anyother country in the world the upper class could have achieved so well.

if you put the upper class in russia / south america / etc.. they could have lived the life that they have now ? probably not.

what is wrong with giving back a LITTLE to the country that enabled you to achieve soo much?



Oct 19, 2001
Originally posted by: outriding
oh boo hoo..

you mean they cant get that 3rd house after all.

i ask you this who is going to pay for the military, roads, schools, etc...

the lower / middle class ? they have no money.

do honestly think that just about anyother country in the world the upper class could have achieved so well.

if you put the upper class in russia / south america / etc.. they could have lived the life that they have now ? probably not.

what is wrong with giving back a LITTLE to the country that enabled you to achieve soo much?

Booo Hooo? - who already pays 96% of all income taxes. Hmmmm couldn't be the "top" 50% of wage earners could it?
How about the top 5% who pay over 53% of all income taxes?
Yeah - lets talk about "fair share".

You "tax the hell out of the rich" people make me sick - and I'm not even a "rich" person



Oct 29, 1999
Maybe you haven't heard outriding, but the rich are already paying the greatest share of taxes to our treasury (by far).

Do you honestly think that just about any other country in the world the poor could have achieved so well? Heck our poor people are fat, take that world!


Sep 10, 2003
If you pay these crazy-defecit-creating-low-taxes now, your kids pay higher taxes when you retire, @$$hole. It pisses me off that when the baby boomers retire my generation will be stuck with the tab.


Diamond Member
Nov 12, 1999
It's high time the poor paid their "fair share" of the tit they suckle on. Raise their taxes and give 'em a taste of some waste.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
I'm tired of class warfare too. The wealthy have stuck it to the middle class more and more. We need to get back to a progressive tax and one that goes up to 99%. If the rich don't like it they can move to Russia.


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2001
Originally posted by: CADkindaGUY
Originally posted by: outriding
oh boo hoo..

you mean they cant get that 3rd house after all.

i ask you this who is going to pay for the military, roads, schools, etc...

the lower / middle class ? they have no money.

do honestly think that just about anyother country in the world the upper class could have achieved so well.

if you put the upper class in russia / south america / etc.. they could have lived the life that they have now ? probably not.

what is wrong with giving back a LITTLE to the country that enabled you to achieve soo much?

Booo Hooo? - who already pays 96% of all income taxes. Hmmmm couldn't be the "top" 50% of wage earners could it?
How about the top 5% who pay over 53% of all income taxes?
Yeah - lets talk about "fair share".

You "tax the hell out of the rich" people make me sick - and I'm not even a "rich" person


You seem to forget the obscene amounts of money the top 10% make and who they're exploiting to get that income. If they think they're being taxed to much, they can follow their employee jobs to India and live like kings if they wanted.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: tallest1
Originally posted by: CADkindaGUY
Originally posted by: outriding
oh boo hoo..

you mean they cant get that 3rd house after all.

i ask you this who is going to pay for the military, roads, schools, etc...

the lower / middle class ? they have no money.

do honestly think that just about anyother country in the world the upper class could have achieved so well.

if you put the upper class in russia / south america / etc.. they could have lived the life that they have now ? probably not.

what is wrong with giving back a LITTLE to the country that enabled you to achieve soo much?

Booo Hooo? - who already pays 96% of all income taxes. Hmmmm couldn't be the "top" 50% of wage earners could it?
How about the top 5% who pay over 53% of all income taxes?
Yeah - lets talk about "fair share".

You "tax the hell out of the rich" people make me sick - and I'm not even a "rich" person


You seem to forget the obscene amounts of money the top 10% make and who they're exploiting to get that income. If they think they're being taxed to much, they can follow their employee jobs to India and live like kings if they wanted.

Now you're talking.

The News is still flooding with more & more Stock exchange execs all raking in over $100 million dollar salaries.
They can all leave and form their own Country over there.



Dec 26, 2001
There is always a balance to be struck. Excessive taxation of the rich is never a good idea; after all, they provide the majority of venture capital and other investment dollars. Additionally, to act as though the poor deserve to pay less is an idea that is insulting; do they value their country less?

My ancestors were immigrants, among the poorest of the poor; they worked hard, always paid their taxes, never accepted welfare money. They used the same roads as much, if not more, than other people in their county, the same school system, the same police system, why should they pay less?


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: Orsorum
There is always a balance to be struck. Excessive taxation of the rich is never a good idea; after all, they provide the majority of venture capital and other investment dollars. Additionally, to act as though the poor deserve to pay less is an idea that is insulting; do they value their country less?

My ancestors were immigrants, among the poorest of the poor; they worked hard, always paid their taxes, never accepted welfare money. They used the same roads as much, if not more, than other people in their county, the same school system, the same police system, why should they pay less?

Sounds like you are a fan of the Flat Tax.



May 21, 2002
Originally posted by: Corn
It's high time the poor paid their "fair share" of the tit they suckle on. Raise their taxes and give 'em a taste of some waste.

And you people have the nerve to complain about class warfare.

Funny, you only complain when wealthy people are asked to pay their fair share.

Do you really believe that poor working people who are struggling to provide themselves and their children with basic necessities aren't paying their fair share? Income tax, Social Security tax (a regressive tax most wealthy wage earners you refer to pay in full with their first pay check), sales tax, state taxes (where applicable), property taxes (included in rent for those who can't afford their own home). Working poor are saddled with a tax burden which is taken from the little they have. They are not suckling from anyone's "tit." If you haven't noticed welfare reform initiated under President Clinton took the battle cry of the extreme right out of the picture.

For people who are earning millions to complain about paying their fair share is repugnant and loathsome. It highlights the greed in our society. The greed which is promulgated from the top.

After paying their 53% of the nation's tax burden these people still have millions in disposable income. After paying their share of the nation's tax burden the poor have barely enough to house, clothe and feed themselves and their children.

It is a disgrace people in our nation continually attack the weakest in our society. Shame. Your hatred of people less fortunate than you shows your true nature. Greedy, avoricious, hateful monger of class warfare.


Diamond Member
Feb 20, 2002
Typical right wingers dodging the questions like always.

i ask again how many countries give the upper class the environment like the US does to live the type of life they

have in the US?


Diamond Member
Nov 12, 1999
If the rich don't like it they can move to Russia.

Why should they bother, you want to bring Soviet Russia here to them. In a way, however, it is ironic that if your "plan" were realized, they would be better off in Russia.


Diamond Member
Nov 12, 1999
And you people have the nerve to complain about class warfare.

Funny, you only complain when wealthy people are asked to pay their fair share.

Do you really believe that poor working people who are struggling to provide themselves and their children with basic necessities aren't paying their fair share? Income tax, Social Security tax (a regressive tax most wealthy wage earners you refer to pay in full with their first pay check), sales tax, state taxes (where applicable), property taxes (included in rent for those who can't afford their own home). Working poor are saddled with a tax burden which is taken from the little they have. They are not suckling from anyone's "tit." If you haven't noticed welfare reform initiated under President Clinton took the battle cry of the extreme right out of the picture.

For people who are earning millions to complain about paying their fair share is repugnant and loathsome. It highlights the greed in our society. The greed which is promulgated from the top.

After paying their 53% of the nation's tax burden these people still have millions in disposable income. After paying their share of the nation's tax burden the poor have barely enough to house, clothe and feed themselves and their children.

It is a disgrace people in our nation continually attack the weakest in our society. Shame. Your hatred of people less fortunate than you shows your true nature. Greedy, avoricious, hateful monger of class warfare.

For 4 years of my life while I attended college, on my own dime I might add, I earned "poverty" level wages, much like you are probably dealing with right now. The difference between me and the "poor"? I used that paltry income I had earned to pay for an education and made something of myself--something that every living person in the USA has the opportunity to do.

It's all about choices. You're right, I feel no pity for the "poor", for they choose to stay poor.


May 21, 2002
Originally posted by: Corn
And you people have the nerve to complain about class warfare.

Funny, you only complain when wealthy people are asked to pay their fair share.

Do you really believe that poor working people who are struggling to provide themselves and their children with basic necessities aren't paying their fair share? Income tax, Social Security tax (a regressive tax most wealthy wage earners you refer to pay in full with their first pay check), sales tax, state taxes (where applicable), property taxes (included in rent for those who can't afford their own home). Working poor are saddled with a tax burden which is taken from the little they have. They are not suckling from anyone's "tit." If you haven't noticed welfare reform initiated under President Clinton took the battle cry of the extreme right out of the picture.

For people who are earning millions to complain about paying their fair share is repugnant and loathsome. It highlights the greed in our society. The greed which is promulgated from the top.

After paying their 53% of the nation's tax burden these people still have millions in disposable income. After paying their share of the nation's tax burden the poor have barely enough to house, clothe and feed themselves and their children.

It is a disgrace people in our nation continually attack the weakest in our society. Shame. Your hatred of people less fortunate than you shows your true nature. Greedy, avoricious, hateful monger of class warfare.

For 4 years of my life while I attended college, on my own dime I might add, I earned "poverty" level wages, much like you are probably dealing with right now. The difference between me and the "poor"? I used that paltry income I had earned to pay for an education and made something of myself--something that every living person in the USA has the opportunity to do.

It's all about choices. You're right, I feel no pity for the "poor", for they choose to stay poor.

"The self-made man is truly shallow" - Stephen Stills.

You have no idea what I earn. I'm far from poverty level, believe me. But if it makes you feel better, if it fitw your world view to believe anyone who disagrees with you or is charitable must be poverty level then by all means keep deluding yourself.

When I was young I earned "poverty level" wages. Minimum wage. And I started working at 16. I would have started earlier but labor laws prevented employers from hiring me. Not a big deal. Just so you know. I chose to work. Always have. I never took a dime from anyone. I always provided for myself and my family.

But your characterization of the poor choosing to remain poor is what bothers me. Just one more fallacy you and the rest of your right wing friends like to spread in your unending attempt to foment class warfare in the USA.

No one chooses to be poor. I do get an occassional laugh from the wealthy people who complain about the problems they face being rich though. If it's that bad just give the money to charity and move out onto the street.

I wonder where you get your ideas from. Do you feel you're someone special just because you paid your way through college? You're not. Most people pay their own way. Good accomplishment but not a cure for cancer by any means. Get over it.

As for every person in America having the opportunity to do what you did in theory I suppose it's true. But in practice there are myriad barriers for millions of Americans. It's not always about choice.

Your hatred of those less well off than you are is what really bothers me most. The idea that people like to live in poverty. Sick. That's why I don't believe a word from the mouth of people like Bush when they come up with these fairy tales about "Faith Based Initiatives." You people have no compassion in your hearts but you expect everyone to believe you have the best interests of Americans in mind when you distribute trillions to people who have more than they'll ever need in a hundred lifetimes while you tell the working poor to go begging for help.

I wonder how people are to keep faith when people like you and Bush are doing exactly the opposite of what people of faith are commanded to do?

I mean, if we're all going to meet our maker someday and be judged by our deeds how do you justify your hatred of the poor and your greed? I've read that religion is the opiate of the masses. I don't believe it. But your attitude and the attitude of the "compassionate conservatives" you support goes a long way to prove it.


Diamond Member
May 28, 2002
There should be a balance..... I do think the rich should pay more, not because they'd miss the money (that'd be unfair), but due to the fact that they probably enjoy a lot of "amenities" that taxes pay for. ie. rich people get more from the government.

For example, the tax money used to pay for the Airport, so that the rich can travel in style freqently.

They get the the best medical treatments that money can buy....etc

I'm in favor of getting rid of marriage tax....


Diamond Member
Feb 20, 2002
Originally posted by: Corn
And you people have the nerve to complain about class warfare.

Funny, you only complain when wealthy people are asked to pay their fair share.

Do you really believe that poor working people who are struggling to provide themselves and their children with basic necessities aren't paying their fair share? Income tax, Social Security tax (a regressive tax most wealthy wage earners you refer to pay in full with their first pay check), sales tax, state taxes (where applicable), property taxes (included in rent for those who can't afford their own home). Working poor are saddled with a tax burden which is taken from the little they have. They are not suckling from anyone's "tit." If you haven't noticed welfare reform initiated under President Clinton took the battle cry of the extreme right out of the picture.

For people who are earning millions to complain about paying their fair share is repugnant and loathsome. It highlights the greed in our society. The greed which is promulgated from the top.

After paying their 53% of the nation's tax burden these people still have millions in disposable income. After paying their share of the nation's tax burden the poor have barely enough to house, clothe and feed themselves and their children.

It is a disgrace people in our nation continually attack the weakest in our society. Shame. Your hatred of people less fortunate than you shows your true nature. Greedy, avoricious, hateful monger of class warfare.

For 4 years of my life while I attended college, on my own dime I might add, I earned "poverty" level wages, much like you are probably dealing with right now. The difference between me and the "poor"? I used that paltry income I had earned to pay for an education and made something of myself--something that every living person in the USA has the opportunity to do.

It's all about choices. You're right, I feel no pity for the "poor", for they choose to stay poor.

Ok i ask if you shift the tax burdon on the lower class then how could you have afforded to goto school ?



May 21, 2002
Originally posted by: Shelly21
There should be a balance..... I do think the rich should pay more, not because they'd miss the money (that'd be unfair), but due to the fact that they probably enjoy a lot of "amenities" that taxes pay for. ie. rich people get more from the government.

For example, the tax money used to pay for the Airport, so that the rich can travel in style freqently.

They get the the best medical treatments that money can buy....etc

I'm in favor of getting rid of marriage tax....

Yep, they can't have it much better than they have it.

In truth the largest welfare system in America is the welfare system for the wealthy and wealthy corporations.

Here's some info on the top corporations. You can extrapolate this data to the people in the corporate boardrooms of these companies. After all they are receiving the lions share of the benefits. And they deserve to, right? I mean, they have all the right connections in business and government to maintain their positions.

US corportations don't even pay taxes. Talk about welfare.

Here's a piece on the "Offshore Shell Game."

More. Google it. You'll find a million of them.

Here is more of the same.

And please don't anyone give me the "Economics 101" bullsh!t about consumers ending up paying for corporate taxes in the bottom line. We're paying for them already. I'd like to see them at least pay their share before charging us for it. And we always have the choice not to buy after they've paid their share, now don't we?


Diamond Member
Nov 12, 1999
But your characterization of the poor choosing to remain poor is what bothers me. Just one more fallacy you and the rest of your right wing friends like to spread in your unending attempt to foment class warfare in the USA.

No one chooses to be poor.

Of course no one chooses to "be" poor, they just make choices that keep them poor. Of course not "all" the poor are such because of bad choices, some are infirm and unable to work because of a mental or physical handicap.

I'm talking about choices to have multiple children one can't afford--especially someone not married, or spending their paychecks on frivilous wants and not planning for their future thinking they'll be taken care of.

It only takes 4 years of determination, sacrifice, and hard work to change one's fate. That's the choice to make, and not making that choice is still a choice in itself.

Your hatred of those less well off than you are is what really bothers me most.

What would make you think that I "hate" anyone less off than myself, simply because I believe they don't pay their fair share? That's not hatred, that's pragmatism. Our government is wasteful in it's spending--in all areas. This is a burden that should be shared by all, for that is the only way it could possibly ever change. By forcing the minority "rich" to shoulder 96% of the burden, the "poor" see no benefit for the government to change it's wasteful habits.

I mean, if we're all going to meet our maker someday and be judged by our deeds how do you justify your hatred of the poor and your greed?

More rhetoric from a clueless moron who has probably never donated a single hour of his googling time or labor to help out the "poor". You're a rookie bullshit artist who can't seem to get anything right.


Diamond Member
Nov 12, 1999
Ok i ask if you shift the tax burdon on the lower class then how could you have afforded to goto school ?

The same way I did back then.
No one is sayint to "shift the tax burden to the poor", just that they pay their "fair share".


May 21, 2002
Originally posted by: Corn
But your characterization of the poor choosing to remain poor is what bothers me. Just one more fallacy you and the rest of your right wing friends like to spread in your unending attempt to foment class warfare in the USA.

No one chooses to be poor.

Of course no one chooses to "be" poor, they just make choices that keep them poor. Of course not "all" the poor are such because of bad choices, some are infirm and unable to work because of a mental or physical handicap.

I'm talking about choices to have multiple children one can't afford--especially someone not married, or spending their paychecks on frivilous wants and not planning for their future thinking they'll be taken care of.

It only takes 4 years of determination, sacrifice, and hard work to change one's fate. That's the choice to make, and not making that choice is still a choice in itself.

Your hatred of those less well off than you are is what really bothers me most.

What would make you think that I "hate" anyone less off than myself, simply because I believe they don't pay their fair share? That's not hatred, that's pragmatism. Our government is wasteful in it's spending--in all areas. This is a burden that should be shared by all, for that is the only way it could possibly ever change. By forcing the minority "rich" to shoulder 96% of the burden, the "poor" see no benefit for the government to change it's wasteful habits.

I mean, if we're all going to meet our maker someday and be judged by our deeds how do you justify your hatred of the poor and your greed?

More rhetoric from a clueless moron who has probably never donated a single hour of his googling time or labor to help out the "poor". You're a rookie bullshit artist who can't seem to get anything right.

Corn, you're just a nasty, greedy, evil person whose only care in life is the amount of money you can accumulate before you die.

Your constant insinuations about people you have no idea about is just another iteration of your vile character.

You are at your heart an mean spirited person who holds the vast majority of the world's population in contempt.

You resort to insults because you can't justify your own beliefs.


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 1999
Originally posted by: BOBDN

And you people have the nerve to complain about class warfare.
Latest idiotic rhetoric directly from Communist Manifesto snipped for the sake of humanity.
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